
  • COVID-19 and the effects on Diabetes and Liver Disease?
    Jun 11 2021

    In the fifth episode of the Bakersfield Health Channel, Dr. Kumar and special guest Dr Baer discuss the most talked about medical issue across the globe; COVID-19. They also go into depth on how the Coronavirus affects patients with both diabetes and kidney diseases.

    Having underlying health conditions increases the risk of developing severe covid symptoms or pneumonia significantly, so today our medical specialists tells you exactly what you need to do to protect yourselves and others as the pandemic begins to come to an end.

    They also talk about vaccines, and whether you need one.

    Would you like more information about diabetes or our guests Dr Vinod Kumar, MD or Dr Harrold Baer, MD? Visit the Heart, Vascular and Leg centre at www.heartandleg.com/

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Lower extremity Amputation and the Crisis amongst Hispanics
    Jun 11 2021

    In the fourth episode of the Bakersfield Health Channel, Dr. Alvarez and Dr. Kumar discuss Diabetes and Amputation, and why these issues affect the Hispanic communities in Bakersfield at an alarming rate.

    In the USA, people have a 50% chance of developing diabetes, but this number rises to 60% for latinos across the country. Dr. Alvarez and Dr. Kumar discuss why this is; they look at culture, cuisine and genetics to get you the answers you’re looking for.

    They also discuss the best ways for you to keep yourself and your loved ones safe from this potentially deadly disease, and what you should do to reduce the risks of Diabetes, Peripheral Artery Disease and Amputation.

    Would you like more information about diabetes or our guest? Carlos Alvarez, MD or Vinod Kumar, MD? Visit the Heart, Vascular and Leg center at www.heartandleg.com/

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Diabetes and the Associated risks of Amputation with Vascular Expert Dr. Kumar, MD
    Jun 11 2021

    In the third episode of the Bakersfield Health Channel, Dr Kumar discusses diabetes and one of the worst-case scenarios linked to the disease: Amputation.

    Many residents of Bakersfield are at a much higher risk of diabetes, and the consequences of the disease. He discusses the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the symptoms to look out for, how to treat both types, and how it can develop into peripheral arterial disease which causes small blockages in the veins and can often result in the amputation of a patient's lower limbs.

    Dr Vinod Kumar, MD is a well experienced medical doctor, who specialises in vascular health, so you can be sure his expert knowledge will help anyone who is interested in the medical field!

    Would you like more information about diabetes or our guest? Visit the Heart, Vascular and Leg centre at www.heartandleg.com/

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • The consequences of Diabetes with Dr. Alvarez
    May 1 2021

    In the second episode of the Bakersfield Health Channel, Dr. Alvarez discusses diabetes.

    Many residents of Bakersfield are at a much higher risk of diabetes, and the consequences of the disease. He discusses the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the symptoms to look out for, how to treat both types, as well as how it can develop into blindness and amputation.

    Dr. Alvarez explains to us what sort of lifestyle can increase these risks, and what you should do to avoid increasing them.

    Would you like more information about diabetes or our guest. Carlos Alvarez, MD? Visit the Heart, Vascular and Leg centre at www.heartandleg.com/

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • What is Peripheral Arterial Disease? with Vascular Expert Dr. Kumar, MD.
    Mar 15 2021

    In the first episode of the Bakersfield Health Channel, Dr. Vinod Kumar discusses peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Many residents of Bakersfield are at high risk for PAD because of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other health challenges. When peripheral arterial disease develops and progresses without appropriate medical care, patients may develop an array of symptoms. These include foot and leg pain, foot ulcers that won’t heal properly, and even amputation.


    Dr. Kumar explains to us exactly what PAD is and who is most at risk for the disorder. Further, he digs into how the disease progresses and the signs of PAD that suggest we need to seek medical care. Finally, he describes the different ways the medical team that cares for patients with PAD can treat the disorder to help stop its progression and prevent amputation.


    Would you like more information about PAD or our guest, Vinod Kumar, MD? Visit the Heart Vascular and Leg Center at www.heartandleg.com/.

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Trailer: Bakersfield Health Channel
    Mar 12 2021

    Bakersfield Health Channel podcast is about the small efforts you can make right now to live healthier that yield big benefits in the future.

    Each week we’ll bring you insights from leading medical professionals and vascular specialists about some of the most prevalent health conditions in modern society  - from the causes of peripheral arterial disease to the links between diabetes and amputation.  Through short and easy-to-follow interviews, this show cuts through the medical jargon to present the information that really matters in plain English.

    Más Menos
    1 m