
  • A Key Lesson From My Experience Coaching Bankers | Ep 21
    Apr 26 2024

    In this episode, I dive deep into a crucial lesson from my experience coaching bankers who are striving to increase their Advisor appointments.

    Discover the transformative power of genuine conversations and learn how they can not only increase your appointment rates but also elevate your entire client relationship approach.

    If you're a banker looking to fill your calendar and truly connect with your clients, this discussion will provide you with the strategies and insights needed to make a significant impact.

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    10 m
  • Scheduling More High-Balance Clients For Advisor | Ep 20
    Mar 5 2024

    Welcome to Episode 20 of "Banking on Sales Success."

    Are you tired of watching big accounts do nothing but collect dust? We get it. It's tough when you know you can help, but getting those large balance clients to sit down with a financial advisor feels like pulling teeth.

    This episode is all about changing that game.

    We're diving into real talk on why those big clients might be holding back and what you can do to not just get their attention, but get them moving.

    Forget about salesy pitches that go nowhere. We're going to show you how to really listen and connect with what your clients want and need.

    By the end of this episode, you'll have a clear game plan for making those key meetings happen more often.

    If you're ready to turn those frustrating misses into solid hits, this is the episode for you.

    Let's get those big accounts off the sidelines and into action.

    Tune in now for tips and stories that'll change the way you approach your clients for the better.

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    9 m
  • Uncovering Assets & Scheduling Advisor Meeting Process | Ep 19
    Jan 8 2024

    Welcome to Episode 19 of Banking on Sales Success. In today's discussion, we focus on the essential skill of uncovering assets beyond the bank.

    We share insights from a recent coaching session, breaking down a step-by-step process to consistently reveal assets and secure a spot on the financial advisor's calendar.

    The episode emphasizes the importance of building trust with clients through genuine gratitude, curious questioning, and active listening.

    The goal is to transform existing relationships into long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships.

    Success in the financial realm, as emphasized in this episode, requires dedicated practice, memorization, and adeptly handling objections.

    If you've encountered challenges in uncovering assets or aim to refine your approach to banking relationships, this episode offers valuable insights.


    Email: Brian@elitebankeracademy.com

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    12 m
  • Securing Advisor Referrals That Close | Ep 18
    Dec 18 2023

    In episode 18 of the Banking on Sales Success podcast, your host Brian Drake dives into a common challenge faced by bankers—getting referrals to financial advisors that close.

    If you've struggled with this issue, Brian has the insights you need.

    Discover how to shift your approach in scheduling appointments to set the stage for your advisor's success.

    Uncover a strategic conversation framework that aligns clients with their financial goals, ensuring appointments lead to closed deals.

    Don't miss this episode if you're ready to boost the quality, not just the quantity, of your appointments.

    Tune in now and level up your referrals to your financial advisor

    Email: Brian@elitebankeracademy.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thebriandrake/

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    8 m
  • "Follow Up With Me After The Holiday Season" Objection Overcome | Ep 17
    Nov 25 2023

    In episode 17 of Banking on Sales Success, your host Brian Drake tackles a common objection faced by bankers during the holiday season. Many clients claim they're too busy and prefer to delay meetings until after the festivities. Brian not only explores the psychology behind this objection but equips you with two powerful strategies to overcome it.

    Strategy one involves a straightforward approach—penciling in the appointment for the first weeks of January while emphasizing flexibility. This ensures clients with genuine intentions secure a spot on the calendar, even if rescheduling becomes necessary.

    Strategy two dives deeper, encouraging an honest conversation to unveil the real objection. Brian guides you through asking strategic questions to determine whether the delay is due to genuine busyness or a lower priority. This approach separates clients genuinely interested in financial discussions from those offering excuses.

    Join Brian as he shares valuable insights and strategies to increase your success in getting clients onto the calendar during this busy season. Learn to navigate objections and prioritize clients who genuinely value your financial expertise.

    Email: Brian@elitebankeracademy.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thebriandrake/

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    6 m
  • Getting More Clients To Show For Advisor Meetings | Ep 16
    Nov 17 2023

    In episode 16 of the Banking on Sales Success podcast, host Brian Drake dives into a frustration many bankers face: clients not showing up for appointments.

    Discover the psychology behind these no-shows and unlock a game-changing strategy that not only increases client attendance but also supercharges your advisor's ability to close deals.

    Brian shares a simple yet powerful approach to collecting financial statements, framing it as a direct benefit for clients.

    Learn the conversation pivot that makes clients willingly share their statements, setting the stage for a fully prepared meeting.

    The real magic happens when confirming appointments. Brian introduces a language shift that reignites clients' emotions and curiosity, increasing the likelihood they'll honor their commitment.

    If you're tired of dealing with no-shows and want to enhance your client interactions, this episode is a must-listen.

    For further guidance or questions, connect with Brian on LinkedIn or Email.

    Email: Brian@elitebankeracademy.com
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/thebriandrake

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    6 m
  • The 2 Key Behaviors for Conflict-Free Money Conversations | Ep 15
    Nov 11 2023

    In episode 15 of "Banking on Sales Success," Brian Drake shares invaluable insights for bankers in the financial industry, focusing on high-balance clients.

    The episode emphasizes the importance of demonstrating genuine care for clients, particularly when discussing their assets and financial plans.

    By adopting a caring tone, active engagement, and authenticity, bankers can build trust, foster meaningful relationships, and ultimately increase the likelihood of converting clients into financial advisory appointments.

    If you're a banker looking to enhance client interactions and boost your success in the industry, this episode offers a concise and impactful guide to building trust and achieving your professional goals.

    Email: Brian@elitebankeracademy.com
    Call us: 805-434-7421

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    6 m
  • Diagnosing Your Investment Pipeline Bottleneck | Ep 14
    Oct 9 2023

    In Episode 14 of "Banking on Sales Success," Brian Drake unravels the intricate tapestry of successful banking sales.

    Navigate the maze of establishing consistent investment pipelines, overcoming objections, and securing vital client appointments. Brian doesn't just skim the surface; he dives deep, addressing the five critical questions that reveal potential sales opportunities. From effective phone call strategies to mastering the art of the advisor recommendation, this episode is a goldmine of actionable insights.

    If you’ve ever felt stuck or overwhelmed in your banking sales journey, let Brian's decade-long expertise guide you to clarity and results. Ready to transform those challenges into opportunities? Tune in and equip yourself with strategies that have stood the test of time. Your journey to banking sales success starts here.

    Email: brian@elitebankeracademy.com
    Ph: 805-434-7421

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    9 m