
  • Weekend Edition 333
    Nov 27 2021

    Why is it so important to understand our identity in Jesus Christ? Andrew talks about this vitally important topic. * Why did Jesus speak in parables? * UNITED October 15-17, 2021 https://basicgospel.net/united/ * Why is it that I still have lusts such as looking at girls, marijuana or beer. If Christ is in me, why do i have a heart to do these things? * I believe that the judgment he describes is not for those of us who are in Jesus, but for those who remain on the earth later. Can you please clarify the way judgement works?

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  • Weekend Edition 332
    Nov 20 2021

    I've often asked the question, if you could have anything in life, what would it be? Quite often the answer comes back, "just a little peace". And the only source of peace is God. Paul put it this way in Romans: "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ..." Romans 5:1 * Jack asks, "Why is the Christian God male? Shouldn't there be harmony in God and therefore God would be expressed in both the masculine and feminine?" * Harold wonders how God's provision of food and clothing for us works in light of so much need around the world. * Charlene writes: "I feel like the whole purpose for my life is to worship Him. I feel complete now - like I now know why I am here on Earth. Is there anything I am missing?" * How do we maintain and communicate an attitude of appreciation toward one another?

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  • Weekend Edition 331
    Nov 13 2021

    "But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life." Titus 3:4-7 * In response to what she heard at Sunday school, Nadine asks about water baptism. Is it works? She goes on to ask about walking away from Christ. Is it possible? * Matthew asks if there are still prophets today? * Can you explain the difference between "Lordship Salvation" and "Free Grace Theology"? Which one is Biblical?

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  • Weekend Edition 330
    Nov 6 2021

    How do we please God? What are His expectations? So often we question our relationship with God by questioning who we are in Christ. However the truth is that our identity in Christ is secured by Jesus himself and we are pleasing to God through our faith in Christ. * Do you think people don't come to God because they fear God? * How did Jesus become sin for us without becoming a sinner? * What about those who wait until they are dying to ask God to save them? Will God forgive a them?

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  • Weekend Edition 329
    Oct 30 2021

    This passage has always encouraged me in my walk with the Lord. "His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness" (2 Peter 1:3). Before coming to Christ, we had an emptiness inside of us. The reason is that we didn't have life itself. But now through faith in Jesus Christ we have everything we need to live the abundant life to the full. All this is the result of God's grace through Jesus Christ. * Clay in Texas asks about Malachi 3:10. Why do pastors use that passage instead of teaching the grace of giving. * Duane in Ft Worth heard a message where the teacher said if a person doesn't reach out to others with the news of Jesus, they would lose their salvation. Is that correct? * Gregory asks what is the third purpose of the law?

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  • Weekend Edition 328
    Oct 23 2021

    Pleasing God is a beautiful adventure of trusting God and walking with Him. When I put my confidence in the finished work of Christ I am pleasing to God. We take all His promises by faith. * "Is anyone in this room as righteous in the sight of God as Jesus Christ? Raise your hand." Is this an accurate way to show our redemption and the righteousness we have in Christ * How can children and babies go to Heaven if we were all born sinners? * Who was the Lord's prayer directed to? * Did Sarah have any knowledge of God telling Abraham to sacrifice Isaac before the event took place?

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  • Weekend Edition 327
    Oct 16 2021

    We've been talking about all the things religion can't do for us. We can't find rest in religion. We only find it in Christ. We can't find forgiveness in religion. We only find forgiveness in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Religion can't cleanse our consciousness. Only the sacrifice offered by Jesus can do that. "The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death,so that we may serve the living God!" Hebrews 9:13-14 * UNITED October 15-17, 2021 https://basicgospel.net/united/ * Clay comments about pastors who claim believers will be judged by their tithe. * Was Jesus put to death on a cross or a tree? * Regarding Jesus' baptism, what does it mean that he did it to "fulfill all righteousness"? * What is your opinion on seminary school? Is it worth it? Is it necessary? * Who are the true disciples? Matthew 7

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  • Weekend Edition 326
    Oct 9 2021

    Why is it so important to understand our identity in Jesus Christ? Andrew talks about this vitally important topic. * Why did Jesus speak in parables? * UNITED October 15-17, 2021 https://basicgospel.net/united/ * Why is it that I still have lusts such as looking at girls, marijuana or beer. If Christ is in me, why do i have a heart to do these things? * I believe that the judgment he describes is not for those of us who are in Jesus, but for those who remain on the earth later. Can you please clarify the way judgement works?

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    25 m