
  • Ep 2131. The Funnel Down Defense: A Masterclass in Defensive Strategy
    Jul 25 2024
    https://coachcollins.podia.com/funnel-down-defense Funnel Down Defense From the 5th Quarter Studios in Madison, Wisconsin, Steve Collins welcomes listeners to another episode of "Coach Unplugged." He starts by acknowledging the podcast's sponsors, Doctor Dish and TeachHoops.com, emphasizing their value to the basketball coaching community. Steve encourages listeners to explore these resources to enhance their coaching practices. Overview of the Funnel Down Defense: The main topic of this episode is the Funnel Down Defense, a unique defensive strategy designed to limit opponents' offensive capabilities by controlling their movements and confining them to specific areas of the court. Steve explains the development, implementation, and advantages of this system, offering practical insights for coaches looking to improve their teams' defensive performance. Concept and Origins: Inspiration: Steve shares that the idea for the Funnel Down Defense originated during a reflective moment after a close game loss. Inspired by a need to simplify defensive strategies while maintaining effectiveness, he sketched the initial concepts on a Chick-fil-A napkin. This moment marked the beginning of a strategy that has since been refined and tested over several years. Volleyball Court Analogy: A volleyball court, being narrower than a basketball court, provides a visual framework for the Funnel Down Defense. By using the volleyball court's boundaries, the defense aims to push offensive players into the "gutters"—the outer 10 feet on each side of the basketball court—thereby limiting their offensive options. Core Principles: Pinning, Funneling, and Trapping: Pinning: Keep offensive players on the sides of the court, preventing them from moving freely across the middle. Funneling: Direct players towards the short corner, where they are less effective and more likely to take lower-percentage shots. Trapping: Apply pressure in specific areas, particularly the strike zone (near the baseline and sideline), to force turnovers and disrupt the offense. Benefits of the Funnel Down Defense: Disruption of Offensive Flow: By preventing ball reversals and controlling movement, the defense disrupts the opponent's game plan, making it difficult for them to execute their strategies. Versatility: The defense can be adapted to various defensive setups, including man-to-man and zone defenses. It works effectively in both full-court and half-court scenarios. Simplicity and Teachability: The principles of the Funnel Down Defense are straightforward, making it easy to teach and implement. Players can quickly grasp the concepts and apply them in games, leading to faster improvements in defensive performance. Implementation Techniques: Small-Sided Drills: Coaches are encouraged to use drills that emphasize the core principles of pinning, funneling, and trapping. These drills help players develop the necessary skills and instincts to execute the defense effectively. Adapting to Opponents: Adjustments are made based on the opponent’s strengths and weaknesses. For example, extra help defense is applied when facing strong shooters, while more aggressive trapping is used against weaker ball handlers. Advanced Strategies: Game Situations: Steve explains how the defense adapts to different game situations, such as managing clock scenarios or facing specific offensive sets like the high 1-4. The defense is designed to be flexible and responsive to the flow of the game. Continuous Improvement: The Funnel Down Defense is constantly evolving. Steve plans to share further insights, game footage, and detailed breakdowns in future sessions, helping coaches refine their implementation of the system. ChatGPT can make mistakes. Check important info. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    1 h y 7 m
  • Ep 2130 Funnel Down Defense Basics
    Jul 24 2024
    Funnel Down Defense https://coachcollins.podia.com/funnel-down-defense Main Topic: The Funnel Down Defense: The episode focuses on the Funnel Down Defense, a strategic defensive system designed to limit opponents' offensive capabilities by confining their movements to specific areas of the court. Steve explains the fundamental concepts, benefits, and implementation techniques of this defense, providing coaches with practical insights to improve their teams' defensive performance. Overview of the Funnel Down Defense: Concept: The Funnel Down Defense aims to keep the ball on the sides of the court, referred to as the "gutters," and prevent teams from reversing the ball. This strategy disrupts offensive flow and limits scoring opportunities. Volleyball Court Analogy: Steve uses the dimensions of a volleyball court to illustrate the concept. A basketball court is 50 feet wide, while a volleyball court is roughly 30 feet wide, leaving 10 feet on either side as the gutters. The goal is to keep the ball in these gutter areas and away from the middle. Key Components: Pinning: Pinning involves keeping the ball on the side of the court, outside the volleyball lines. This limits the opponent's ability to execute their offense effectively. Funneling: Funneling directs the ball handler towards the short corner or specific areas where the defense can trap or apply pressure. The aim is to force mid-range shots or difficult attempts behind the backboard. Trapping: Trapping occurs in designated areas, such as the short corner, to create turnovers and disrupt the opponent’s rhythm. The defense seeks to funnel the ball into these traps to capitalize on defensive opportunities. Benefits of the Funnel Down Defense: Disruption: By confining the ball to the gutters and preventing ball reversals, the Funnel Down Defense disrupts the opponent's offensive strategies and reduces their scoring options. Turnover Generation: The system is designed to create turnovers through strategic traps and pressure in confined areas of the court. Adaptability: The defense can be adjusted based on the opponent's strengths, such as tweaking the approach when facing right-handed players or specific offensive threats. Implementation Techniques: Terminology: Steve introduces specific terms used in the Funnel Down Defense, such as "pin," "funnel," and "trap," which are essential for understanding and executing the system. Practice Drills: Coaches are encouraged to incorporate drills that emphasize these defensive concepts, teaching players to consistently apply pressure and force the ball into desired areas. Realistic Adjustments: While the goal is to keep the ball on the left side, Steve acknowledges that opponents will occasionally succeed in moving the ball to the right. The defense adjusts accordingly, applying the same principles to maintain control. Advanced Strategies: Continuous Improvement: Steve plans to delve deeper into the Funnel Down Defense over the next few months, sharing coaching calls and detailed strategies to help coaches refine their implementation of the system. Community Engagement: Listeners are invited to engage with Steve through email (steve@teachhoops.com) for further questions and personalized advice on implementing the Funnel Down Defense. Conclusion: The episode concludes with a recap of the Funnel Down Defense’s core principles and its effectiveness in disrupting opponents' offenses. Steve emphasizes the importance of strategic pinning, funneling, and trapping to create a robust defensive system. He encourages coaches to explore additional resources on TeachHoops.com for continuous development and invites them to stay tuned for more in-depth discussions on this defensive strategy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    9 m
  • Ep 2129 Rule of 3 Offense Basics
    Jul 23 2024
    Welcome to the Rule of 3 Offense Podcast! Rule of 3 Offense https://coachcollins.podia.com/rule-of-3-offense Basketball Coaching Newsletter Teachhoops.com Main Topic: Basics of the Rule of 3 Offense: The episode focuses on the Rule of 3 Offense, a flexible and straightforward offensive strategy in basketball. Steve explains the foundational concepts, benefits, and implementation techniques of this offense, aiming to provide coaches with practical insights to enhance their teams' performance. Overview and Resources: Rule of 3 Offense Website: Steve introduces the Rule of 3 Offense website, where coaches can find comprehensive resources, including drills, PDFs, game and practice films. This platform is designed to help coaches effectively implement the offense. TeachHoops.com: He also promotes TeachHoops.com, a one-stop shop for basketball coaches, offering various resources, one-on-one calls, and a community of like-minded coaches. A 14-day free trial is available for those who want to explore the platform's offerings. Basic Concepts of the Rule of 3 Offense: 5-Out Offense: The Rule of 3 Offense begins with a 5-out setup, positioning players on the perimeter with five specific spots: both corners, both wings, and the top of the key. This spacing ensures continuous movement and effective use of space. Continuous Movement: Players are always moving with every pass, creating dynamic offensive opportunities. Both the strong side and weak side movements are crucial for maintaining offensive flow. Backdoor and Slip Plays: Every overplay by the defense should trigger a backdoor cut, which is one of the hardest but most essential skills to teach. Similarly, every pick has the potential for a slip to the basket, adding another layer of offensive threat. Implementation Techniques: Three Dribbles Max: The offense limits players to a maximum of three dribbles. This rule prevents over-dribbling and encourages quick, decisive actions, promoting ball movement and player movement. Reader-Based Cuts: Players are taught to read the defense and make decisions based on their observations. For instance, the player coming off a screen must be able to react to the defense's positioning and decide whether to curl, slip, or cut. Keeping the Lane Open: The offense emphasizes keeping the lane (or highway) open to facilitate driving and attacking opportunities. This spacing creates more scoring chances and keeps the defense on its toes. Benefits of the Rule of 3 Offense: Simplicity and Learning: Players don't need to memorize numerous plays, making it easier for them to learn and execute the offense. The Rule of 3 teaches players how to play and react rather than follow a rigid script. Scouting Challenges: The offense is challenging to scout because it relies on player reads and reactions, making it unpredictable and adaptable to various defensive strategies. Versatility: The Rule of 3 Offense is effective against both man and zone defenses. Coaches can add layers and concepts as needed, tailoring the offense to their team's strengths and needs. Conclusion: Steve concludes the episode by emphasizing the importance of the Rule of 3 Offense for any coach's arsenal. He invites listeners to visit the Rule of 3 Offense website for detailed resources and to explore TeachHoops.com for further coaching development. Steve previews upcoming episodes that will delve deeper into specific aspects of the offense, such as definitions, passing strategies, cutting techniques, and handling zone defenses. He encourages coaches to integrate these concepts into their practices to foster a more dynamic and effective offensive strategy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    9 m
  • Ep 2128 The Vitamins of a Championship Basketball Team
    Jul 22 2024
    Teachhoops.com WintheSeason.com GameChanger Website Dr Dish Website CoachingYouthHoops.com https://forms.gle/kQ8zyxgfqwUA3ChU7 Coach Collins Coaching Store From the 5th Quarter Studios in Madison, Wisconsin, Steve Collins welcomes listeners to another episode of "Coach Unplugged." He begins by promoting the podcast’s sponsors, Doctor Dish and TeachHoops.com, highlighting their importance to the basketball community and the value they offer to coaches. Steve shares his personal experiences with these resources and encourages listeners to explore them. Main Topic: The 8 Vitamins of a Championship Team: The episode delves into the concept of the "8 Vitamins" that are essential for building a championship basketball team. Steve and his co-host discuss each vitamin in detail, explaining its significance and how it contributes to team success. Vitamin A: Attitude Positive Approach: The discussion starts with attitude, emphasizing its foundational role in both life and sports. A positive attitude sets the tone for success and influences every aspect of a team's performance. Vitamin B: Belief Confidence in Winning: Belief is crucial for a championship team. The co-host explains that without a strong belief in their ability to win, teams are unlikely to achieve their goals. Coaches play a vital role in instilling this belief in their players. Vitamin C: Confidence Building Confidence: Confidence goes hand-in-hand with belief. It is the coach's job to build players' confidence by putting them in positions where they can succeed. This includes fostering an environment where players feel supported and capable. Vitamin D: Discipline Importance of Discipline: Discipline is highlighted as a critical component of successful teams. Disciplined teams are consistent and reliable, while undisciplined teams struggle to achieve their potential. Instilling discipline requires consistent effort and reinforcement from coaches. Vitamin E: Energy Positive Energy: Energy is described as contagious and essential for maintaining team morale. Teams that exude positive energy, especially from the bench, can create a supportive and enthusiastic environment that propels them to greater heights. Vitamin F: Focus Staying Dialed In: Focus is crucial for achieving success. Teams need to remain dialed in during practices and games, paying attention to details and executing strategies effectively. Maintaining focus can be a differentiator in critical moments. Vitamin G: Grit Toughness and Resilience: Grit involves toughness, resilience, and the ability to overcome challenges. It is described as an x-factor that can push teams through difficult times and help them achieve their goals. Challenges in Coaching These Vitamins: Steve and his co-host discuss the challenges of instilling these qualities in players. They highlight that some vitamins, like discipline and grit, can be particularly difficult to develop. Discipline requires habitual behavior, while grit involves an intrinsic toughness that is hard to teach. Energy and Bench Management: Coaching the Bench: Steve notes that maintaining high energy levels, especially from bench players, can be challenging. He shares his strategy of coaching the bench explicitly, teaching players their roles and expectations to ensure they contribute positively even when not on the court. Role of the Bench: The co-host adds that players not actively participating in the game should still impact it by being engaged and supportive. This includes understanding and anticipating plays, calling out strategies, and maintaining high energy. Impact Beyond the Court: The discussion extends to the broader impact of these vitamins beyond just the game. Examples are provided of former players and community members who continue to contribute to the program, demonstrating that the values instilled in a championship team have lasting effects. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    11 m
  • Ep 2127. Enhancing Defensive Strategies in High School Basketball
    Jul 19 2024
    From the 5th Quarter Studios in Madison, Wisconsin, Steve Collins welcomes listeners to another episode of "Coach Unplugged." He starts by encouraging listeners to check out other podcasts in their network, such as "High School Hoops" and "Coaching Youth Hoops." Steve also emphasizes the importance of leaving reviews and acknowledges their sponsors, Doctor Dish and TeachHoops.com. These sponsors provide valuable resources and support for basketball coaches at all levels. Main Topic: Defensive Strategies and Teaching Techniques: The primary discussion focuses on the challenges and methods of teaching effective defensive strategies in high school basketball. Steve and his co-host delve into various aspects of defense, including communication, help defense, and creating defensive illusions to disrupt opponents. The Importance of Communication: Team Cohesion: The co-host emphasizes that effective defense requires the team to function as a cohesive unit. Players must constantly communicate, using both verbal and nonverbal signals to stay connected and anticipate each other’s movements. Building Communication Skills: Steve acknowledges the difficulty of teaching players to communicate effectively on the court. He suggests starting with simple directives, encouraging players to make any noise to get comfortable with vocalizing during play. Over time, they can learn to use specific defensive terminologies and signals. Help Defense and Stunting: Help Defense Concepts: The co-host introduces the concept of "stunting," a defensive move where players momentarily leave their man to pressure the ball handler or disrupt a pass. This technique is particularly useful for smaller teams that need to compensate for size disadvantages. Practical Implementation: They discuss the importance of practicing help defense in small-sided games, where players can learn to anticipate and react to offensive movements. Emphasizing positioning and angles helps players understand how to cover more ground effectively and support their teammates. Teaching Defensive Principles: Breakdown Drills: Steve stresses the need for breaking down defensive principles into manageable drills. This approach helps players understand specific responsibilities, such as positioning on the help line or closing out on shooters. Adaptability and Intelligence: Drawing from personal experience, Steve highlights the importance of teaching players to compensate for physical limitations with intelligence and positioning. He believes that smart defensive play can offset a lack of speed or agility. Creating Defensive Illusions: Deceptive Formations: The co-host shares a strategy of creating the illusion of a zone defense to confuse opponents. For example, starting in a 1-2-2 formation and then transitioning to man-to-man defense can disrupt the offensive flow. Hybrid Defenses: They discuss implementing hybrid defenses that switch between zone and man-to-man based on the ball's location. This tactic can keep the offense guessing and make it harder for them to execute their plays effectively. Conclusion: The episode concludes with key takeaways for coaches: Emphasize Communication: Build a foundation of constant communication among players, both on and off the court, to ensure cohesive defensive play. Practice Help Defense: Use drills and small-sided games to teach players the principles of help defense and how to stunt effectively. Innovate with Illusions: Incorporate deceptive defensive formations to keep opponents off balance and disrupt their offensive strategies. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    10 m
  • Ep 2126 Mastering the Art of Maintaining Offensive Advantage
    Jul 18 2024
    Teachhoops.com WintheSeason.com GameChanger Website Dr Dish Website CoachingYouthHoops.com https://forms.gle/kQ8zyxgfqwUA3ChU7 Coach Collins Coaching Store From the 5th Quarter Studios in Madison, Wisconsin, Steve Collins welcomes listeners to another episode of "Coach Unplugged." Steve encourages listeners to leave reviews and suggests topics for future episodes. He acknowledges the podcast's sponsors, Doctor Dish and TeachHoops.com, highlighting their contributions to the basketball community and the value they provide to coaches. Main Topic: Dominoes - Maintaining the Advantage: The primary discussion focuses on the concept of "dominoes" in basketball, which refers to maintaining an advantage once it has been created during a game. Steve and his co-host dive into the strategies and techniques for ensuring that teams keep the advantage and make effective decisions on the court. Defining Dominoes: Initial Advantage: The term "dominoes" is used to describe any situation where an offensive advantage appears, such as beating an initial defender or making a successful pass ahead. The goal is to keep the "dominoes" falling by maintaining and building on that advantage. Quick Decisions: Emphasis on the importance of making quick decisions within one second of catching the ball. Players should already know their next move, whether it’s shooting, dribbling, or passing. Teaching the Concept: Attacking Closeouts: Players should be trained to attack closeouts aggressively. This approach forces the defense into vulnerable positions, creating further opportunities. Passing and Movement: Players are encouraged to move the ball quickly and pass to where the help defense originated from. This strategy exploits the defensive rotations and creates open shots or driving lanes. Practical Implementation: Small-Sided Games: To practice maintaining the advantage, coaches use small-sided games like 3v3 or 2v2. These drills start with the offensive player already in an advantageous position, such as having the ball on the defender’s back or being hip-to-hip. Decision-Making Drills: Players are put in scenarios where they must make rapid decisions based on the defensive reactions. This practice helps them develop the ability to react instinctively rather than thinking too much during the game. Philosophy and Origin: The concept of "dominoes" is not new but has been adapted and refined by various coaches. The co-host credits the YouTube channel "By Any Means Basketball" for introducing him to the idea, which he then incorporated into his coaching philosophy. Read and React: Emphasis on teaching players to read the game and react accordingly. Drills focus on various situations, such as coming off screens, backdoor cuts, and flare or curl options, to ensure players are prepared for any scenario. Conclusion: The episode concludes with key takeaways for coaches: Quick Decision-Making: Train players to make decisions within one second of catching the ball to maintain offensive flow. Exploit Defensive Rotations: Encourage players to pass to where the help defense comes from, creating open opportunities. Continuous Learning: Incorporate small-sided games and decision-making drills to reinforce these concepts in practice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    10 m
  • Ep 2125. Balancing Family and Coaching
    Jul 17 2024
    Teachhoops.com WintheSeason.com GameChanger Website Dr Dish Website CoachingYouthHoops.com https://forms.gle/kQ8zyxgfqwUA3ChU7 Coach Collins Coaching Store From the 5th Quarter Studios in Madison, Wisconsin, Steve Collins welcomes listeners to another episode of "Coach Unplugged." He begins by encouraging listeners to explore other podcasts in their network, such as the "5 Minute Basketball Coaching Podcast" and "Coaching Youth Hoops." Steve highlights the importance of leaving positive reviews and gives a special shout-out to their sponsors, Doctor Dish and TeachHoops.com. He emphasizes the value these resources bring to coaches and how they have supported his own coaching journey. Topic Introduction: Family Time: Steve introduces the main topic: the importance of balancing family time with coaching responsibilities. He shares personal anecdotes and insights on how coaches can integrate family life into their demanding schedules to ensure longevity and satisfaction in their careers. Key Points Discussed: Building Family Time into the Schedule: Planned Vacations: Steve and his co-host discuss the importance of planning vacations and family time into the coaching schedule. For example, the co-host shares his tradition of spending Thanksgiving at Wisconsin Dells, ensuring a break from coaching to focus on family. Holiday Breaks: Emphasis on taking breaks during significant holidays, like Christmas, to spend quality time with family. Steve highlights that taking these breaks helps maintain a healthy work-life balance and ensures coaches do not miss out on important family moments. Integrating Family into the Coaching Routine: Youth Sports Participation: The co-host mentions his involvement in his children's sports activities, explaining how he adjusts his coaching schedule to attend their events. He believes it is crucial for coaches to participate in their children's lives outside of their own coaching duties. Honesty with the Team: Both speakers agree that being honest with the team about family commitments fosters respect and understanding. They suggest that coaches should communicate openly about their need to attend family events, which helps build a supportive team environment. Practical Strategies for Balancing Responsibilities: Adjusting Practice Schedules: The co-host shares how he sometimes adjusts practice schedules to ensure he can spend time with his family, such as leaving practice early or starting later. He stresses the importance of setting boundaries to prioritize family time. Family Involvement in the Program: Steve and his co-host advocate for involving family members in the basketball program. Allowing children to attend practices and games helps integrate family life with coaching responsibilities, creating a more inclusive environment. Benefits of a Balanced Approach: Longevity in Coaching: Maintaining a balance between family and coaching responsibilities can lead to a longer, more fulfilling coaching career. Coaches who prioritize their family life tend to experience less burnout and greater overall satisfaction. Building Relationships: Involving family in the coaching process helps players see coaches as more relatable and human, strengthening team relationships. This approach fosters a positive team culture where players feel more connected and supported. Conclusion: The episode wraps up with key takeaways for coaches: Prioritize Family: Schedule regular family time and be honest with your team about your commitments. Involve Family: Integrate family members into your coaching routine to create a more balanced and inclusive environment. Adjust as Needed: Be flexible with practice schedules to accommodate important family events and activities. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Ep 2124 Mastering Practice and Game Prep
    Jul 16 2024
    Teachhoops.com WintheSeason.com GameChanger Website Dr Dish Website CoachingYouthHoops.com https://forms.gle/kQ8zyxgfqwUA3ChU7 Coach Collins Coaching Store From the 5th Quarter Studios in Madison, Wisconsin, Steve Collins welcomes listeners to another episode of "Coach Unplugged." The episode begins with a shout-out to sponsors Doctor Dish, renowned for their innovative shooting machines, and TeachHoops.com, a comprehensive resource for basketball coaches. Steve encourages listeners to leave reviews and check out other podcasts in their network. The Importance of Practice Planning: The main discussion focuses on the critical aspects of practice and game preparation, highlighting the significance of being well-prepared and adaptable. Steve and his co-host delve into the intricacies of planning effective practices and game strategies. Essentials of Practice Planning: Template and Structure: Steve emphasizes the need for a detailed practice plan, showcasing his template that includes the date, time, announcements, and attendance notes. Each practice session starts with an inspirational quote, which sets the tone for the day. Customization: The practice plan is tailored with specific drills, notes, and timings. Steve also highlights the importance of post-practice evaluations, noting positives and negatives with his assistants to track progress and address recurring issues. Adapting Practice Plans: Steve shares his experience with adjusting the motivational quote strategy, involving players in creating daily mottos to keep engagement high. This adaptability ensures the practice remains dynamic and engaging throughout the season. The discussion underlines that practice planning is an art, unique to each coach. It’s essential to find a method that works best for individual coaching styles and team needs. Effective Game Preparation: Scouting Reports: The co-host introduces their method of preparing detailed scouting reports using Fast Model Sports. These reports include general team notes, offensive and defensive keys, matchups, and player statistics from previous games. Sharing these reports electronically with players ensures everyone is informed. They emphasize the importance of simplifying key points, focusing on two or three crucial aspects that the team needs to excel in to win. This helps players retain critical information without feeling overwhelmed. Interactive Learning: The co-host discusses the practice of giving players blank scouting reports to fill out during film sessions, reinforcing their understanding of the opponent. This interactive approach caters to different learning styles, whether visual, written, or auditory. Engaging players in identifying key strategies and areas of focus fosters a deeper understanding and accountability within the team. Summary and Takeaways: The episode wraps up with key takeaways for coaches: Preparation and Adaptability: Having a detailed plan is crucial, but being able to adapt it to keep practices engaging is equally important. Effective Communication: Clearly communicate key points to players, using a variety of methods to ensure comprehension. Involvement and Ownership: Involve players in the preparation process to enhance their understanding and commitment. Steve and his co-host underscore the value of being overprepared rather than underprepared. They advocate for having comprehensive information available, even if not all of it is used immediately. This proactive approach ensures that coaches are ready to address any situation that arises during the season. Conclusion: Listeners are encouraged to subscribe, leave reviews, and explore resources on TeachHoops.com for further coaching development. The episode offers practical insights into mastering practice and game preparation, providing valuable strategies for youth basketball coaches aiming to elevate their teams' performance. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    15 m