
    Jul 15 2019

    Are you feeling a desire to do something different with your life?

    It's not that you're unhappy. Instead, you feel like there's something else (something BIGGER) that's meant for you.

    Your life is good though so you tell yourself not to rock the boat. You SHOULD be happy and content with what you have.

    Yet, you can't shake the feeling there's something else you could be doing that would make life even BETTER.

    You may even keep yourself up at night thinking through what a different version of your life could be like if only you had the opportunity to jump on it.

    Let's face it though...these thoughts and dreams scare you. You've invested FAR TOO MUCH to change things in your life now.

    Life is settled for you. Settled feels good. Why rock the boat?

    For some women, where life is right now IS the best it can get. But, for others, you may be selling yourself too short. You may be caught in the pattern of a “SHOULD LIFE.”

    Living a “SHOULD LIFE” is going to leave you dying with regrets.

    Living a "SHOULD LIFE” is going to cause you to do things that harm you more than help you (without you knowing it).

    Living a “SHOULD LIFE” is costing you your happiness and limiting your growth more than you may realize.

    On today's podcast episode, life coach Ellyn Schinke, MS is going to reveal to you if you're living a "should life."

    Ellyn's energy is electric and her story will amaze you with what she gave up in her "should life" to go after her dreams instead.

    In this interview, Ellyn and I specifically cover...

    -Ellyn's "should life" story (including how and why she left her PhD program)

    -How to know if you’re living a “should life"

    -The cost of living a life that’s just “checking off the boxes"

    -What happens when we listen to others about who we are vs. building the self-awareness for ourselves

    -How to learn when you're on the right track with your life(especially with your career)

    -What happens when we avoid our feelings

    -How to find courage when it's time to make a big change

    -How the death of a loved one can be a wake-up call

    -How a sh*t storm in your life could be a spiritual awakening

    -What "getting the call" for more feels like and what it means

    -How to know if you're too far into your life for a change

    -How to get unsupportive people to support you(and how to handle it when they still won’t)

    -3 big things that keep us from living the life we want

    ....And so much more. Listen via the link on the top of this page!

    To connect with today’s interview guest, Ellyn Schinke, you can visit her website here or you can connect with her on Instagram here

    Más Menos
    41 m
    Aug 1 2019

    I learned recently that despite my previous thinking that EVERY introvert must be managing their energy all day long like I am (because people drain introverts), for me, energy management is a much bigger issue.

    You see, I learned recently that I'm an Enneagram 5 and because of this, I start my days with a battery life that’s half as full as everyone else’s.

    I completely agree with this assessment and yet, I still manage to get a lot done per day despite this now apparent setback in my life.

    It got me thinking that if I can manage my energy to make alllll the things happen in my life despite it not being natural for me, then I can help YOU too.

    (In case you're new here, when I say I do "allllthe things", I mean that I’m currently a SAHM of a 1-year-old and very active 8-year-old who runs a coaching business during nap times, on evenings and on weekends. I was also once a single mom who had a full-time job, built my coaching business at night and was dating my now-husband 45 minutes away. I also don't drink ANY caffeine!)

    What I share on today’s podcast as my energy-boosting tips aren’t your traditional ones of getting more sleep, eating better, exercising or looking at potentially bigger health problems.

    Instead, today’s tips are non-conventional in that they’re ones you may have NEVER thought could help you in order to create more energy in your day-to-day life.

    Be sure to listen to the “BOOST YOUR ENERGY” episode above to get my top tips!

    Más Menos
    42 m
    Aug 14 2019

    According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Survey of Family Growth, 1 in 8 couples reported having trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy between 2004 and 2010. 

    Worldwide it’s estimated that 48.5 million couples are impacted by infertility.

    That’s a lot.  

    Yet so many women are suffering alone in silence because if/when someone happens to bravely share they’re struggling with infertility, many find others aren’t as supportive or understanding as they hoped.

    The truth is...many of us don’t know what to say or do because the infertility struggle is one that’s not yet commonly understood. 

    I want to change that pattern.

    I don’t want women who are going through infertility to feel alone and misunderstood anymore. 

    I also don’t want anyone to feel at a loss of words when someone shares with them they’re going through fertility treatments in order to conceive.

    I want us all to feel like we’re conquering infertility together.

    So, when I noticed a friend of mine, Kristin Dillensnyder started sharing her infertility journey on social media and then became an infertility coach, I took notice.

    She was teaching me a lot about what the infertility journey looked like and I was in awe. 

    Although, I only heard bits and pieces of her story and how she was helping her clients through the infertility process, I knew I had to have her on the podcast.

    I wanted to shine a light on what the infertility journey looks like so we ALL can become better humans together regardless if we’re going through infertility or not. 

    Of course, if you happen to be someone who is actively trying to conceive and experiencing infertility, this episode is for you too as this interview will allow you to understand things about your journey you may have never realized is going on.

    Specifically, in this interview Kristin and I cover...

    -Kristin’s infertility journey including what support she didn’t receive and how that lack of support inspired her to become an infertility coach 

    -An overview of what the infertility process looks like for many people 

    -The biggest struggles of those going through infertility 

    -How relationships can change due to someone experiencing infertility 

    -The best things to say (and not say) to someone who’s going through infertility 

    -How to support those going through infertility

    This interview opened my heart in so many ways.  I hope it does for you too.

    Be sure to listen to this interview in the player at the top of this page.

    And if you’d like to learn more about today’s interview guest, Kristin Dillensnyder you can find her on Instagram here or Facebook here. You can also sign up for her free monthly support group here and join her free Facebook community here.

    Más Menos
    38 m
    Sep 1 2019

    Do you ever have those moments when something great happens, but then something else starts to fall apart?

    Like you get a fantastic job opportunity, but then your anxiety creeps in out of no where. Or, your personal life is taking off, but suddenly your career is at a standstill. Or, your kids are thriving, but your marriage starts to feel tough.

    Some people say the wave of good followed by bad happens because "it's the yin and yang of life." It's just the way life works. When something goes great, the shoe will drop, and something will go wrong to balance it all out.

    I disagree with this belief.

    The reason why we start to thrive in one area of life, but something else falls apart is because for many of usunless our brains are trained, we can only accept so much abundance.

    Our brain likes to stay safe within the confines of it's "normal" way of being. When we leave the walls of what's normal (even if it feels good), we can naturally self-sabotage to bring us back down to its typical state.

    I know all too well how this can happen, because, my friend…I've been the QUEEN of self-sabotage at times in my life.

    I did things like attract my crush in school only to then act like a witch toward him because I was in too much shock that he liked me.

    In college, I was the "golden girl" of my sorority slated to be President my Senior year, only to sabotage it all by gossiping about members behind their backs so much so that I was blackballed and felt forced to quit.

    Even now, things are GREAT in my life. I have the career I've always wanted, the family I've dreamed of, and financial abundance that's in the top 1% of my age range.

    I've done a lot of work to get to this place for sure, but I STILL find instances where I'm blocking abundance with self-sabotage. Luckily, now I'm aware of these self-sabotaging/abundance blocking patterns and know ways on how to overcome these blocks before it turns into problems.

    Learning how to spot these self-sabotaging patterns was what changed the game for me and I'm hoping it's a game-changer for you!

    So, I'm sharing my top tips on today's "Become An Unstoppable Woman" podcast episode.

    Specifically, in this episode, I'm talking about six ways you could be blocking yourself from accepting abundance and giving you tools on how you can start to fix it.

    >> Be sure to listen to the episode via the link at the top of this page!<<

    Más Menos
    41 m
    Sep 14 2019
    Let’s face it…searching for a job feels just plain awful most times. Doesn’t it?   It can feel so awful in fact that we’ll stay at our current mediocre jobs just to avoid it.     It’s scary to step out of the familiar territory of our current job (or to search for a job while dealing with the emotions of being forced out of a previous job).     Our jobs mean so much to us. We spend so much time with our co-workers and invest so much in our employers. The income we gain from our work is something we rely on for our families to survive and thrive.   The stability our jobs seemingly provide along with the discomfort of the job search is what is keeping a lot of women stuck in mediocre positions.     But, what if searching for a job could feel easier?   What if when you hit submit button on a job application you knew that your resume represented you in a strong and authentic way so much so that if you didn’t get an interview you knew it was because the job wasn’t a good fit vs. questioning if you did enough on your resume to represent yourself in the best way?     Imagine what could open up for you if you "rocked your resume" by creating a compelling and persuasive document.     You’d likely be applying for more jobs because you felt confident in what you were presenting…and because of that confidence and number of applications you’d like be getting more interviews….which means you’ll probably get more job offers….and more job offers mean your opportunity for growth just expanded in a whole new, big way. 2   And to think….it all began with that one little document - your resume.   Having a strong resume is the key that can open the doors to what’s possible for you in the job market.     This is why I brought my friend, former client and POWERHOUSE recruitment manager Katharine Underwood on the “Become an Unstoppable Woman” podcast this week. I wanted her to teach you how to rock your resume so you can stand out from the crowd in a powerful and authentic way.     Katharine knows her stuff when it comes to resumes. She’s seen tens of thousands of resumes at this point in her career and hired over a THOUSAND people.     (Fun facts: Katharine used to work for Walt Disney where she hired people to work at Disney World! She’s now the Director of Recruitment & College Relations for a Fortune 50 company.)     Katharine’s straight-forward, action-oriented tips will give you the clarity you need to create (or update) your resume even if you aren’t currently looking for a job.    Specifically, in this interview Katharine and I cover... -Why it’s important to rock your resume -How a resume serves as your professional foundation   -Why it’s important to have an updated resume at all times and how often to update it   -What things you should put on your resume to “rock your resume"   -How to tailor your resume to tell a powerful story to a recruiter   -Why quantifiable data is important to include on your resume and how to maximize that data   -The impact of lying or over-embellishing on your resume  -How many pages your resume should be   -Things that should naturally fall off your resume as you grow   -What to put on your resume when you have little experience (including what recent college grads should do)   -What to do if you have a gap in your resume   -How to find out who could be recruiting for the job on LinkedIn and what to say to that recruiter     -The power of networking AND having a strong resume    -Why it’s important to apply for a job even if you aren’t completely qualified    -What you shouldn’t have on your resume   -Where to put your most important parts of your resume and how to draw extra attention to them     If you’d like to connect with today’s interview guest, Katharine Underwood you can find her on LinkedIn here.
    Más Menos
    42 m
    Oct 1 2019

    Without a doubt, one of the biggest reasons women choose to hire me as their life & mindset coach is to help them cultivate their confidence.

    When they describe to me what it feels like now NOT to have the confidence they want (either in all areas of life or within a few specific areas), they say they're experiencing things like…

    • Being unsure of their decision and abilities
    • Having a hard time making decisions
    • Not standing up for themselves
    • Avoiding conflict/putting up with crapthey KNOW they shouldn't be putting up with
    • Worrying/caring what other people think
    • Worrying in general, but especially about things from the past and future
    • Feeling stuck
    • Holding back
    • Not expressing thoughts and feelings
    • Feeling FEAR
    • Having anxiety and/or bouts of depression
    • People pleasing
    • Doubting & criticizing themselves
    • Not feeling comfortable in their skin
    • Procrastinating or avoiding things they know they need to handle

    As a former unconfident woman, it KILLS me that women are experiencing these feelings. I remember the days of not applying for the job, asking for the raise, going after the promotion, tackling the hard conversation with someone, worrying endlessly about such POINTLESS things out of fear or not get precisely what I wanted out of life because I didn't feel confident enough to make it happen.

    Now that I'm on the "other side" and living (most days) as a confident woman, I will tell you life is SO MUCH EASIER to be confident. My day-to-day life flows with ease, I get what I want more and more (and when I don't, I let it go easily), I TRUST MYSELF and my abilities, I LOVE myself despite my imperfections, and I feel like I'm always moving forward toward my next goal or dream.

    I want you to experience this kind of life too.

    I want you to feel what it's like to be glowing with confidence from the deepest inner part of your core all the way to the tips of your fingertips.

    It feels incredible.

    (And, I ESPECIALLY want to help you to cultivate your confidence if you're around kids. Children FEED off adults' confidence levels. When you become a more confident version of yourself, you're creating more confident children which means they'll create more confident children too!)

    So, be sure to tune into today's "Become An Unstoppable Woman" podcast episode. On this episode, I'm sharing my 3-step proven process on how to cultivate confidence in your lifeso you can finally become the women you were meant to be in ALL areas of your life.

    This "confidence cultivating" 3-step process is the one I take my clients through as they work with me. It helps them transform their confidence levels within just a few weeks!

    (It's pretty cool what you can change once you know HOW to change it.)

    Listen to the episode via the link at the top of this page!

    Más Menos
    37 m
    Oct 16 2019

    Running for a political office is something I’ve always considered. I’m passionate about helping people and making change. Although I do that now in my roles as a life coach and mom, I’ve always had a desire to potentially get in politics.

    If you’re someone with a similar desire to get involved in politics, today’s “Become An Unstoppable Woman” podcast episode is for you.

    On today’s episode, I’m interviewing Megan Bedera, founder of Women Campaign.

    Women Campaign is a non-partisan group with the goal of supporting women running for political office or women supporting women running for office.

    Women Campaign helps women with their campaign strategy, project management, advocacy and analytical reports when they run.

    Megan has always had a heart for helping women get out of their comfort zones and achieve their dreams, especially when those dreams are running for (and winning) a political office.

    Megan founded Women Campaign to be a training program for women to learn skills and gain confidence to take a more active role in their government.

    Megan is working to make Women Campaign a community of women leaders from coast to coast to connect, strategize and work together to make significant change in their communities.

    Megan Bedera co-founded and continues to operate her million dollar political advertising agency with offices in Nevada and Texas.

    For the last decade, Megan has consulted, managed and supported political campaigns from Capitol Hill to Main Street USA, but to be honest, her heart most often leads her to local campaigns because she truly believes the government that best represents the people is closest to the people.

    Megan has a unique mix of experience that helps her connect to her clients on a personal level. Her country roots run deep, and she often makes FFA or rodeo references, or cites examples from managing constituent services in the rural parts of Nevada.

    On the other end of the spectrum, Megan holds a master’s degree in Strategic Public Relations from The George Washington University and is an active member of the Junior League of Dallas.

    Specifically, in this interview Megan and I cover...

    -Why someone would want to run for office (especially a local office).

    -What could open up for a woman by running for office?

    -What time and money is typically involved running for office.

    -Who are great candidates to run for office.

    -Why you can create more change running for local office vs. in a national race.

    -What problems women typically encounter running for office.

    -Why Megan started “Women Campaign” and how she helps women with their campaigns.

    Be sure to listen to the “RUN FOR OFFICE" interview in the player at the top of this page.

    If you’d like to connect with today’s interview guest, Megan Bederayou canfind her “Women Campaign” website here.

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • UW: Ep 20 - Become Body Aware
    Oct 31 2019

    Do you have body awareness? Being body aware means that you are aware enough of how your body feels to help you make decisions from an authentic place.

    A lot of times, we struggle with the idea that our body is trying to help us make decisions. We need to learn how to listen to our bodies. This awareness can help us make decisions in ways to take action and move in a direction that feels right. In this episode we will discuss:

    • How to become body aware
    • How to make decisions from an authentic place and not out of fear
    • Moving forward in life in a way that feels good and authentic
    • Examples of not listening to your body and what that may feel like
    • Examples of listening to your body and what that may feel like
    • Examples of when it's not so clear what your body is trying to tell you
    • Chakra work
    • You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
    • Ways to use tools to learn to listen to your body more

    I know this may be a foreign concept to some of you. Just try to be more aware of how your body feels when making decisions. When working with my clients, they begin to understand body awareness. Most of them notice their inner mean girl, or ego, showing up in their stomach or chest. For me, it usually shows up in my throat. Where do you think it shows up for you?

    Learning about body awareness takes time.

    One way to be more aware is to track your patterns about what your body feels like when you make a decision.

    What does it feel like when you need to say no vs yes?

    Louise Hays' book, You Can Heal Your Life, is a fantastic resource to help you decipher what certain ailments might mean. For example, if you're suffering from stomach issues, that could be an indication you've fallen off track and feeling like you're not on the right pathway.

    So, be sure to tune into today's "Become An Unstoppable Woman" podcast episode. On this episode, I'm sharing the importance of body awareness and how it can help you make decisions from an authentic place.

    Más Menos
    31 m