
  • Love Is …. - Becoming Love Podcast
    Jan 25 2023
    Ask folks about love and most often you will get a description of what love does. As awesome as this is, taking a few minutes to think about what love IS will go a long way to help us live lives of love in our day to day lives.
    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Psalm 109 - Becoming Love Podcast
    Jan 16 2023
    Today Michael shares a fresh take on Palm 109 as rendered by Nan C. Merrill in her book: Praying the Psalms. Merrills take is especially intimate and speaks with tenderness through a lens of love.
    Más Menos
    7 m
  • The Ears of the Heart -Mary&Martha
    May 9 2022
    Micheal introduces Lectio Divina and the practice of listening with the ears of our hearts.
    Today's text tells the story of an encounter that Jesus had with two sisters. Settle in and see what bubbles to the top of your heart, and what invitations of the Spirit are presented to you.
    Más Menos
    20 m
  • The SLAP heard around the World - Can we see our Problem?
    Mar 30 2022
    What a Show! - Last Sundays Oscars were one for the history books. Cruel Jokes and Slaps stole the show and electrified Social Media as everyone chimed in with their opinion with plenty of finger-wagging to go around.

    In this episode, Michael shares a perspective that seems to be missing - and it might make you squirm!
    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Friendly Fire - They mean well but Wow!
    Mar 10 2022
    Do you have well-meaning folks in your life that just HAVE to tell you 'what they think your problem is? Or "if you just did __________" You'd do well. How many times are these folks so off the mark and you are left feeling bruised, misunderstood and a little pissed? This is friendly fire.
    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Triggers- The Gift Nobody Wants
    Jan 12 2022
    Pain (and our Triggers) get our attention to areas in our life that need some loving attention. Michael shares his experience with emotional triggers and the transforming gifts that can often be discovered when we lovingly and thoughtfully accept their invitation to look deeper.
    Más Menos
    17 m
  • I'd become one of them
    Dec 13 2021
    Winter has settled in - in the CornCob City. And I was reminded of a little story, and it stirs me everytime I reflect on it. So I thought I would share it on the podcast in my own words.
    Más Menos
    7 m
  • I think we need New Stories
    Oct 26 2021
    In the first episode of Season 2, Michael set some of the ground work for the upcoming season. He dreams a little bit about the importance of story, how they help us, how they can hurt us and how our most significant stories need to be refreshed in light of new information - all while being faith to the constitutive story of Jesus.
    Más Menos
    8 m