
  • 6 Things I'd Do Differently if I was to Start my Fitness Journey Again!
    Sep 25 2024

    If I was to start my fitness journey again from the perspective of a personal trainer and body image coach, I share with you 6 things that I would do differently.

    This episode is packed with my top tips for how to develop a healthy mindset and integrate healthy habits and practices in your fitness journey. Allow my lessons and learnings inform your health & fitness journey.

    I'd also love to know, what would you do differently if you were to start your fitness journey again? Do you agree with the things I have shared, if so or no, why?

    Check out my NEW Three Wise Words Inner Child Affirmation Cards - currently available for presale!

    Download my FREE Body Image Daily Wins Tracker HERE.

    If you have any questions about the coaching, please feel free to contact me at hello@beyondthemirrorpodcast.com.au and we can have a chat!

    Send through your questions to be answered on the poddy via this link - link to podcast enquiry form: https://forms.gle/XrzdaoysZRhLMZmz6

    Sign up HERE for my 1-on-1 body image coaching: https://payhip.com/JordyLeeCoaching

    Join my online Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/447476150785178

    Browse all my free resources: https://www.thebodyimagecoach.net/collections/freebies

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Why I am not chasing a "Summer Body" this Spring?
    Sep 18 2024

    Spring has sprung, but I'm not doing spring the usual way or the way that Diet Culture wants us to do it! No, this Spring I'm shaking things up and actually ENJOYING this beautiful season and the current season that my body is in! I am no longer wasting this glorious season of the year pushing for my "Summer Body" only to feel disappointed when I get to summer because I still don't look how I want to.

    I have acquired a new mindset which I am applying to my life going forward and it's all about loving my body in the season that it's in and working WITH my body, rather than against it!

    My advice for enjoying the season your body is in are:
    1. "Ideal bodies" are nothing more than that - ideal! They are not necessarily achievable or healthy for you to attain.

    2. Health and fitness are relative concepts - everyone has their own version and idea of what constitutes "health" or "fitness".

    3. You have NOTHING to prove to anyone - including YOURSELF! You do not have to prove your worth - you, and your body, are enough as you are right now!

    Links from the episode:
    Rise & Conquer Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/4PHimj3VmpOhTYbZf9SGE8?si=a5990c7fd3c24384

    Georgie Stevenson:

    Bec Stewart's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/becstewart__/

    In Her Power Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/35ZkrXNODa2RwclMPNfyh7?si=574ea6c7ba874252

    Book "10x is Easier than 2x" by Dan Sullivan: https://10xeasierbook.com/

    The Habit Tracker: https://www.becstewart.net/products/the-habit-tracker

    Book "The 5am Club" by Robin Sharma: https://www.amazon.com.au/AM-Club-Your-Morning-Elevate/dp/1443456624

    Check out my NEW Three Wise Words Inner Child Affirmation Cards - currently available for presale!

    Download my FREE Body Image Daily Wins Tracker HERE.

    If you have any questions about the coaching, please feel free to contact me at hello@beyondthemirrorpodcast.com.au and we can have a chat!

    Send through your questions to be answered on the poddy via this link - link to podcast enquiry form: https://forms.gle/XrzdaoysZRhLMZmz6

    Sign up HERE for my 1-on-1 body image coaching: https://payhip.com/JordyLeeCoaching

    Join my online Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/447476150785178

    Browse all my free resources: https://www.thebodyimagecoach.net/collections/freebies

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Your fear of being "too much" is keeping you playing small & impacting your body image!
    Jul 15 2024
    In today's episode, we chat about how your fear of being "too much" can be the very thing keeping you stuck playing small in your bod image journey and stopping you from healing your relationship with your body. We navigate a difficult conversation which has some tough love in it - always said with love, and most genuine care. However it's an important topic to unpack and understand better. We chat about what this might look like in your life and why YOU are the KEY ingredient in healing your body image and taking the leap to begin your body image healing journey.

    PLUS, I share with you my body image hack you can start straight away to help motivate you on your journey to developing a healthy body image!

    Download my FREE Body Image Daily Wins Tracker HERE.

    If you have any questions about the coaching, please feel free to contact me at hello@beyondthemirrorpodcast.com.au and we can have a chat!

    Send through your questions to be answered on the poddy via this link - link to podcast enquiry form: https://forms.gle/XrzdaoysZRhLMZmz6

    Register HERE for my FREE body-image mini-training: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc1djn3jKWZow-usIzuv31lGWDRM7i6thtt1_rOb7xWfkUqdQ/viewform

    Sign up HERE for my 1-on-1 body image coaching: https://payhip.com/JordyLeeCoaching

    Join my online Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/447476150785178

    Browse all my free resources: https://www.thebodyimagecoach.net/collections/freebies

    Check out my NEW Three Wise Words Inner Child Affirmation Cards - currently available for presale!

    Download my FREE Body Image Daily Wins Tracker HERE.

    If you have any questions about the coaching, please feel free to contact me at hello@beyondthemirrorpodcast.com.au and we can have a chat!

    Send through your questions to be answered on the poddy via this link - link to podcast enquiry form: https://forms.gle/XrzdaoysZRhLMZmz6

    Sign up HERE for my 1-on-1 body image coaching: https://payhip.com/JordyLeeCoaching

    Join my online Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/447476150785178

    Browse all my free resources: https://www.thebodyimagecoach.net/collections/freebies

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • 5 telltale signs you might be self-sabotaging your body image healing journey | BONUS: What is body image coaching?
    Jul 11 2024
    In today's episode we chat all about the 5 telltale signs that suggest you might be self-sabotaging your own body image healing journey. Self-sabotage can beg super difficult to spot when you're in the thick of it and also when you may not understand how it can show up. So I wanted to ensure I provided you with some examples of how it might be present in your life and what to do it if is.

    PLUS, I also give you some BONUS content on my Body Image Coaching 8-week coaching container!

    If you've ever been curious about what Body Image Coaching is, what's involved, how it works and who it's for, give this episode a listen to find out more.

    If you have any questions about the coaching, please feel free to contact me at hello@beyondthemirrorpodcast.com.au and we can have a chat!

    Podcast Episode #1: How breaking up with diet culture healed my body image: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1iO0yjfTIFM0WOJafIkwhn?si=4f6a44a614d24362

    Body Image (Unrestricted) eBook (Social media audit contained inside): https://www.thebodyimagecoach.net/products/body-image-unrestricted-ebook

    Send through your questions to be answered on the poddy via this link - link to podcast enquiry form: https://forms.gle/XrzdaoysZRhLMZmz6

    Register HERE for my FREE body-image mini-training: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc1djn3jKWZow-usIzuv31lGWDRM7i6thtt1_rOb7xWfkUqdQ/viewform

    Sign up HERE for my 1-on-1 body image coaching: https://payhip.com/JordyLeeCoaching

    Join my online Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/447476150785178

    Browse all my free resources: https://www.thebodyimagecoach.net/collections/freebies

    Check out my NEW Three Wise Words Inner Child Affirmation Cards - currently available for presale!

    Download my FREE Body Image Daily Wins Tracker HERE.

    If you have any questions about the coaching, please feel free to contact me at hello@beyondthemirrorpodcast.com.au and we can have a chat!

    Send through your questions to be answered on the poddy via this link - link to podcast enquiry form: https://forms.gle/XrzdaoysZRhLMZmz6

    Sign up HERE for my 1-on-1 body image coaching: https://payhip.com/JordyLeeCoaching

    Join my online Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/447476150785178

    Browse all my free resources: https://www.thebodyimagecoach.net/collections/freebies

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Summer bodies are made in winter!
    Jul 10 2024

    In today’s episode we chat about the phrase “summer bodies are made in winter” and do a little check-in with your winter body. We chat about the importance of a healthy mindset when it comes to that “summer body” and we unpack the dangers that might be associated with such mindsets. This conversation is for those who are sick of hating on their bodies (especially in the colder months) and are ready to FEEL good, not just LOOK good!

    It’s time to empower yourself to FEEL good ALL year round, not just in summer!

    Send through your questions to be answered on the poddy via this link - link to podcast enquiry form: https://forms.gle/XrzdaoysZRhLMZmz6

    Register HERE for my FREE body-image mini-training: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc1djn3jKWZow-usIzuv31lGWDRM7i6thtt1_rOb7xWfkUqdQ/viewform

    Sign up HERE for my 1-on-1 body image coaching: https://payhip.com/JordyLeeCoaching

    Join my online Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/447476150785178

    Browse all my free resources: https://www.thebodyimagecoach.net/collections/freebies

    Check out my NEW Three Wise Words Inner Child Affirmation Cards - currently available for presale!

    Download my FREE Body Image Daily Wins Tracker HERE.

    If you have any questions about the coaching, please feel free to contact me at hello@beyondthemirrorpodcast.com.au and we can have a chat!

    Send through your questions to be answered on the poddy via this link - link to podcast enquiry form: https://forms.gle/XrzdaoysZRhLMZmz6

    Sign up HERE for my 1-on-1 body image coaching: https://payhip.com/JordyLeeCoaching

    Join my online Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/447476150785178

    Browse all my free resources: https://www.thebodyimagecoach.net/collections/freebies

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • The most toxic relationship I've ever been in was NOT with a MAN!
    Jun 24 2024

    In this episode I share with you the MOST toxic I've ever been in!

    And no, it's not what you're thinking... it's the MOST important, and longest relationship I've ever be in ... that is the one with MYSELF!

    Signs of a toxic self-relationship:
    - Gaslighting
    - Victim-blaming
    - Triangulation
    - Conditional love
    - Exploitation
    ... and HEAPS more!

    I share with you my insights and perspectives on how a toxic self-relationship can damage so many aspects of your self-worth and how it is just as important to be in a healthy relationship with another person as it is to be in a healthy relationship with yourself!

    PLUS a BONUS Listener Question about WHY I chose the name "Beyond the Mirror" for this podcast!

    Send through your questions to be answered on the poddy via this link

    Register HERE for my FREE body-image mini-training:

    Sign up HERE for my 1-on-1 body image coaching:

    Join my online Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/447476150785178

    Browse all my free resources: https://www.thebodyimagecoach.net/collections/freebies

    Check out my NEW Three Wise Words Inner Child Affirmation Cards - currently available for presale!

    Download my FREE Body Image Daily Wins Tracker HERE.

    If you have any questions about the coaching, please feel free to contact me at hello@beyondthemirrorpodcast.com.au and we can have a chat!

    Send through your questions to be answered on the poddy via this link - link to podcast enquiry form: https://forms.gle/XrzdaoysZRhLMZmz6

    Sign up HERE for my 1-on-1 body image coaching: https://payhip.com/JordyLeeCoaching

    Join my online Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/447476150785178

    Browse all my free resources: https://www.thebodyimagecoach.net/collections/freebies

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Welcome to the Beyond the Mirror Podcast | How breaking up with diet culture healed my body image
    Jun 17 2024

    Welcome to the first episode of the Beyond the Mirror Podcast! Today we are chatting about how healing my relationship with my body completely TRANSFORMED my life, and how it can for you too! It’s so simple to think that “other girls have it easier” because their bodies are more “stereotypically pretty” or they’re more in line with what society and diet culture tells us we “should” look like to be worthy. Get ready to say bye bye to diet culture and fall back in love with your body and your self!

    Send through your questions to be answered on the poddy via this link

    Register HERE for my FREE body-image mini-training:

    Sign up HERE for my 1-on-1 body image coaching:

    Join my online Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/447476150785178

    Browse all my free resources: https://www.thebodyimagecoach.net/collections/freebies

    Check out my NEW Three Wise Words Inner Child Affirmation Cards - currently available for presale!

    Download my FREE Body Image Daily Wins Tracker HERE.

    If you have any questions about the coaching, please feel free to contact me at hello@beyondthemirrorpodcast.com.au and we can have a chat!

    Send through your questions to be answered on the poddy via this link - link to podcast enquiry form: https://forms.gle/XrzdaoysZRhLMZmz6

    Sign up HERE for my 1-on-1 body image coaching: https://payhip.com/JordyLeeCoaching

    Join my online Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/447476150785178

    Browse all my free resources: https://www.thebodyimagecoach.net/collections/freebies

    Más Menos
    24 m