
  • War Zone—War in the Wilderness
    May 22 2024

    The devil never plays fair. He likes to serve up his temptations when we are the weakest.

    In this episode, Dr. Bruce Becker takes us to a desert war zone where the devil tempted Jesus who was fasting for a period of 40 days and 40 nights. Although the devil tempted Jesus throughout the 40 days, both gospel authors, Matthew and Luke, focus on three specific temptations. With each temptation, Jesus relied on the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, to counter the devil's assaults. When the devil tempts us, remember that the same sword of the Spirit is in our hands too.

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  • War Zone—Joshua's Justice
    May 8 2024

    Satan is a prosecuting attorney. He likes to bring charges against God's people.

    In this episode, Dr. Bruce Becker takes us to a war zone where, in a vision, the prophet Zechariah witnesses a courtroom scene. Joshua the High Priest, dressed in filthy clothes, is accused by Satan of being unworthy to stand in the presence of a holy God. The angel of the Lord comes to Joshua's defense, declares him not guilty of sin, and gives Joshua new clothes to wear. Satan's case against Joshua fell apart. It's a picture of God's amazing grace!

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    26 m
  • War Zone—David's Downfall
    Apr 24 2024

    Can Satan put thoughts into our minds? Yes. He can and he does.

    In this episode, Dr. Bruce Becker takes us to a war zone where the man, whom the Bible calls "a man after God's own heart," experienced a deadly downfall. King David was seduced by Satan into taking a forbidden census. As a result, David and the people of Israel experienced the consequences of David's foolish actions. Yet, as the story unfolds, we see the love and mercy of the Lord God.

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    25 m
  • War Zone—Job in the Crosshairs
    Apr 10 2024

    Satan comes into the presence of the Lord God? Really?

    In this episode, Dr. Bruce Becker takes us to a war zone where the greatest man living at that time found himself in Satan's crosshairs. Satan wanted to inflict misery on Job to make Job curse God. There are two big takeaways in this episode, one about Satan and one about the Lord God.

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  • War Zone—A World Full of Evil
    Mar 27 2024

    Who are the "sons of God" and the "Nephilim" in Genesis chapter 6?

    In this episode, Dr. Bruce Becker explores this challenging question. The world was full of evil during the days of Noah, 120 years prior to when the Lord God destroyed the world through a worldwide flood. And who was behind this evil? The devil and other rebel angels. Fortunately, the devil has been defeated by Jesus, and we are equipped to take our stand against him.

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  • War Zone—Snake Bit
    Mar 13 2024

    How much do like snakes?

    In this episode, Dr. Bruce Becker explores the snakes in the Bible as a prelude for the war zone in the Garden of Eden that involved a snake, the devil, and our first parents, Adam and Eve. The devil used the snake to deceive Eve into doubting God's Truth and God's Love. The result of being snake bit by the devil was deadly for Adam and Eve and for us too. But, although the devil won the battle that day, he would never win the war. Jesus crushed him with his death and resurrection.

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  • War Zone—Good Gone Bad
    Feb 28 2024

    At various times and places in the Bible, the devil shows up to wage war against God's people. God's people can find themselves in a War Zone doing battle with the devil. Thankfully, we wear the full armor of God.

    In this episode, Dr. Bruce Becker explores the origin of the devil which was good, but what followed was bad. The devil is an example of a good supernatural entity gone bad. Although there are many questions the Bible doesn't answer for us, there are clues as to what happened with the devil and why God kicked him out of heaven.

    If you enjoy this podcast and make it a regular part of your week, would you consider helping us with your support? Thank you!

    Reference to the Gallup poll (https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/diversity-inclusion/4107968-belief-in-god-the-devil-falls-to-new-low-gallup/) Reference to the NORC poll (https://apnorc.org/projects/belief-in-angels-and-heaven-is-more-common-than-belief-in-the-devil-or-hell/).

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    26 m
  • True Crimes—Bible Edition 2: The Devil
    Feb 7 2024

    What was the most tragic crime ever committed and by whom?

    In this episode, Dr. Bruce Becker investigates the murder of our first parents, Adam and Eve by the Devil himself. The Devil lied to the first couple about what God had said. They believed the lie and disobeyed God. Their disobedience destroyed the perfect life and relationship God had intended for them when he created them in his own image. But that's not the end of the story. God decided to restore that life and relationship through the life, death, and resurrection of God's own Son.

    If you enjoy this podcast and make it a regular part of your week, would you consider helping us with your support? Thank you!

    Reference to the "Epicurean Paradox" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epicurus)

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    —Time of Grace With Pastor Mike Novotny
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    —The Basics With Pastor Mike Novotny: God. You. Jesus. Faith.

    Más Menos
    24 m