
  • Bishop Fultons Sheen's 58th Good Friday address
    Mar 29 2024

    This podcast episode features a sermon by Fulton Sheen, focusing on the theme "Spectators on and About the Cross" in his 58th Good Friday address. Sheen categorizes the spectators of Christ's crucifixion into three types: the indifferent or fallen away, those in pain, and those who love.

    Sheen begins with the indifferent spectators, likening them to those who have lost faith yet cannot completely detach themselves from it. He emphasizes that despite their apparent disinterest, there’s a subconscious engagement with faith, an underlying hope for redemption, and an invitation to return to it.

    Next, he talks about the spectators of pain, represented by the two thieves crucified alongside Christ. He describes their different responses to their suffering - one seeks escape from pain while the other seeks redemption. Sheen uses this to discuss the broader theme of pain in human life, suggesting that pain can be a medium through which we understand our flaws and draw closer to God.

    Finally, Sheen addresses the spectators of love, focusing on Mary Magdalene and the Virgin Mary at the foot of the cross. He contrasts "need love," which arises from our deficiencies, with "gift love," which is selfless and sacrificial. The Virgin Mary, for Sheen, exemplifies this selfless love, having wholly identified with Jesus’s mission.

    Sheen concludes by reflecting on the scars of Christ as symbols of love and sacrifice, urging listeners to find strength and meaning in their own suffering and to use it as a bridge to connect with the divine. He emphasizes the transformative power of love and suffering in bringing humans closer to God.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • "The Stages of Love: A Journey from Playful Togetherness to Divine Courtship" by Bishop Fulton Sheen
    Feb 13 2024

    In his enlightening sermon, Bishop Fulton Sheen takes his audience through the captivating journey of love, likening it to the unfolding drama of a theatrical play. He introduces the concept of love and courtship with a light-hearted approach, using the analogy of theater music before the curtain rise to describe the anticipation and excitement that precedes a romantic relationship.

    Bishop Sheen expertly outlines the four distinct stages of romantic development. The first stage, "Togetherness," is marked by the innocent and carefree interaction between young boys and girls. Here, Sheen highlights the natural, uncomplicated relationships that exist before the awareness of sexual differences comes into play.

    The second stage, "Separation," is characterized by a period of divergence, where boys and girls consciously distance themselves from each other. Sheen humorously notes the reluctance of boys and girls to be associated with each other during this phase, emphasizing its importance in allowing both genders to develop their unique characteristics and strengths.

    In the third stage, "Crystallization," teenagers begin to view each other with a sense of idealization, often attributing extraordinary qualities to one another. Sheen delves into the psychology behind this, explaining how this stage reflects a deeper yearning for infinite happiness and love. He cautions, however, against mistaking this glorification for true love.

    Finally, Bishop Sheen discusses "Courtship," the stage where true love and compatibility are tested. He proposes several criteria for a successful courtship, including affinity beyond physical attraction, sacrifice and selflessness in men, femininity and nurturing in women, and the ability to pray together. These elements, according to Sheen, are essential for a relationship that transcends physical attraction and aligns with divine love.

    Throughout the sermon, Bishop Sheen uses humor, poignant anecdotes, and insightful observations to engage his audience. His message is clear: true love is a journey that goes beyond mere physical attraction, reaching into the realms of spiritual and emotional compatibility, ultimately reflecting the divine love of God. This sermon, with its blend of wisdom and wit, is a compelling exploration of the complexities and joys of human relationships, making it an ideal topic for podcast listeners interested in understanding the deeper aspects of love and courtship.

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • "The Cross in the battle versus Satan" by Bishop Fulton Sheen
    Feb 10 2024

    In his enlightening sermon, Fulton Sheen addresses a youthful audience, blending humor and profound insights to explore the concepts of good, evil, and the diabolic in modern life. He starts with light anecdotes to engage his listeners, illustrating how easily we can be swayed by superficial pleasures and how different our perceptions can be as tourists versus residents in life's moral landscapes.

    Sheen recounts the story of a missionary in Vietnam encountering a possibly possessed child, segueing into a deeper discussion on the nature of the devil from both psychiatric and theological perspectives. He observes that as religious practices diminish, secular disciplines often adopt and distort these concepts, citing the example of psychiatrists discussing the demonic as theologians shy away from it.

    From a psychiatric viewpoint, Sheen discusses Rolo May's analysis of the diabolic, focusing on its nature to disrupt unity and create discord. This is exemplified in various societal divisions, including those within the Church. Biblically, Sheen interprets the essence of the satanic as a hatred of the cross of Christ, a theme he traces through the temptations of Jesus and Peter's reaction to Christ's prediction of his suffering and death.

    Sheen emphasizes that the satanic tempts with shortcuts to avoid the cross, promoting permissiveness, the allure of wonders, and the reduction of theology to mere politics. He warns of the rise of the demonic and the importance of recognizing how Christ and Satan appear to us before and after sin – Christ as an obstacle before sin but a defender after, and Satan as a seeming ally before sin but an accuser after.

    Concluding, Sheen underscores the power of the Holy Name of Jesus, the blood of Christ, and devotion to the Blessed Mother as weapons against Satan. He encourages embracing the cross and sharing the message of Christ's sacrifice, reminding his audience that at the end of life, we face either the merciful face of Christ or the terrifying face of Satan, with each claiming 'Mine'. The sermon is a compelling call to understand and resist the satanic, emphasizing the timeless relevance of the cross in Christian life.

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • "The Great Mortal Combat of Good and Evil" by Bishop Fulton Sheen
    Feb 9 2024

    In his profound speech, Bishop Fulton Sheen emphasizes the ongoing and often overlooked battle between the forces of good and evil. He laments the modern trend of either trivializing or denying the existence of the devil, warning that such ignorance empowers evil. Sheen explores the stark contrast between God's self-definition as "I am who am" and the devil's as "I am who am not," highlighting the devil's strength in being denied or ignored.

    Sheen uses a poetic narrative to question the absence of spiritual leadership in society, and he critiques the silence of theologians on the topic of Satan and his relevance in the contemporary world. He references renowned poets and thinkers like William Butler Yeats and Friedrich Nietzsche to illustrate society's fear of impending doom and the rise of the antichrist.

    Delving into the diabolic from both psychiatric and biblical perspectives, Sheen describes it as a force of division, aggression, and confusion. He stresses the importance of recognizing and resisting these forces in the church and within ourselves. Sheen admonishes the decline of discipline and the love of the cross in modern times, seeing these as indicators of diabolic influence.

    Furthermore, Sheen explores the contrasting roles of Christ and Satan before and after sin. Christ appears as an obstacle during temptation but becomes a defender after sin, offering forgiveness and peace. In contrast, Satan acts as an ally during temptation but turns into an accuser post-sin, leading to despair and guilt.

    Sheen concludes by warning of a rise in open Satanism and the urgent need for true faith and dedication to Christ-like values. He underscores the inevitability of confronting either the benevolent face of Christ or the malevolent face of Satan at life's end, urging a decision on where one's allegiance lies.

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Cultural Crisis: The Glorification of Sexual Perversities & The Return to the Sacredness of Human Relationships
    Jan 26 2024

    Bishop Fulton Sheen's sermon from 1966 addresses the deep-rooted cultural crisis masked as a sexual revolution, focusing particularly on the glorification of homosexuality and other sexual deviations. He argues that these phenomena are not isolated sexual issues but reflections of a broader cultural decay, where moral relativism blurs the lines between right and wrong. Sheen suggests that such glorifications are symptomatic of a society estranged from eternal truths and grappling with anxiety, loneliness, and fear. He urges a reevaluation of cultural values and a return to a moral framework that respects the dignity and sacredness of human relationships, beyond mere physical gratification.

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Dublin Retreat 16/16 - The Sacred Heart: A Priest's Refuge and Strength
    Jan 26 2024

    In the final talk of the Dublin retreat, Archbishop Fulton Sheen shares a poignant reflection on the Sacred Heart of Jesus, connecting it deeply to the priesthood. He begins with an Old Testament perspective, illustrating the singular significance of Christ's sacrifice and the unique role it plays in salvation history. Sheen explores the relationship between the shedding of Christ's blood and the rending of the temple veil, symbolizing the opening of the Holy of Holies to all. This pivotal moment, he asserts, reveals the profound mystery and accessibility of God's grace through Christ's pierced heart. Emphasizing the importance of the daily Holy Hour, Sheen invites priests to find solace and strength in the Sacred Heart, which he describes as the ultimate manifestation of Christ's love. The talk culminates in a call to priests to embrace this devotion, seeing it as a means to combat evil and grow closer to Christ. Sheen's message underscores the significance of the Sacred Heart in a priest's spiritual life, positioning it as a beacon of hope, a source of renewal, and a testament to the boundless love of Christ for humanity.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Dublin Retreat 15/16 - Integrating Spirituality and Social Action: A Priest's Dual Role
    Jan 26 2024

    In his 15th address at the Dublin retreat, Archbishop Fulton Sheen explores the evolving landscape of moral theology and the apparent dichotomy within the Church. He observes a shift from individual virtue to social justice, leading to a perceived split between churches focused on evangelization and those emphasizing development. Sheen draws from the Transfiguration narrative to illustrate the need for balance between spiritual ecstasy and social involvement. He argues against the compartmentalization of the Church into one solely concerned with contemplation and another with political action, advocating for a unified approach that begins with spiritual grounding and extends to worldly engagement. Sheen emphasizes the importance of the Holy Hour in fortifying priests for social challenges, underscoring the necessity of internal strength to face external struggles effectively. His message to the clergy is clear: the dual role of a priest involves nurturing a deep connection with Christ through contemplation, which in turn empowers effective action in addressing social issues. This holistic approach, Sheen suggests, is the key to being true representatives of Christ in a world that needs both spiritual guidance and social reform.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Dublin Retreat 14/16 - Embracing the Gift of Celibacy: A Call to Priestly Sanctity
    Jan 26 2024

    In his 14th talk at the Dublin retreat, Archbishop Fulton Sheen delves into the profound nature of the priesthood, emphasizing the gift of celibacy. He reflects on the humbleness of priests, akin to 'pots of earth and ware,' chosen not for what they are but for what they might become through God's power. Sheen draws inspiration from St. Paul and biblical figures, illustrating how ordinary men were transformed into apostles. The talk pivots to celibacy, described as a divine gift rather than a mere obligation, highlighting the importance of this commitment in the priestly life. Sheen elucidates the theological basis for celibacy, connecting it to the biblical theme of nuptials, from the union of man and woman in Eden to the spiritual marriage of Christ and the Church. He argues that the focus on celibacy is not about monopoly or gender, but about symbolizing Christ's relationship with the Church. Sheen acknowledges the tensions celibacy can create, both in maintaining it and in the consequences of failing to do so. He underscores the transformative power of sacrificial love (agape) over erotic love (Eros), advocating for a life centered around the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This message to the clergy is a call to embrace the gift of celibacy wholeheartedly, recognizing it as an integral part of their spiritual journey and a testament to their devotion to God's will.

    Más Menos
    28 m