
  • Would you ever ask for help?
    May 11 2023

    Is asking for help a sign of weakness? As mums, we don’t like to ask for help, and I know definitely I didn’t like to ask. We worried that others might judge us that we are not managing and failing as mothers. I have been there when I was putting so much pressure on myself that asking for help was the last resource before I would explode. How has my perception changed? Listen to this episode.  

    Here are the highlights:

    {01:03} I never used to like to ask for help.

    {03:16} Being a brand-new mum is like starting a new job without guidance and mentoring. 

    {05:35} We don’t want anyone to tell us how to bring our children.  

    {07:16} Why did I push myself to these limits?


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    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Don’t be expected to do it all.
    Apr 26 2023

    Kirsty who is a Business Online Coach, Mindset and NLP Master well as speaker and podcaster told me a story of a young girl who just found out that she was expecting and she had to decide what to do with her life.

    The significant shift in her life happened when she decided to create her own business that could give her the flexibility of being a mum and entrepreneur.

    Fast for a few years, she loves helping women in business in a holistic way, and being a mum gave her the reason to do it.

    Here are the highlights:

    {01:50} I have quite an interesting story about going into motherhood.

    {04:10} It wasn’t easy and then was always a reason why not.

    {07:26} You can treat anything as an excuse not to or an excuse to do it. 

    {10:28} It's important what we are modeling to our children.

    {13:09} I think one thing that I got but not everyone has but we all should make sure that we have a supportive partner.

    {17:55} You are just stuck in the cycle.


    If you want to know more, connect with me, and even work with me, visit my website:


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    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Responsibility of Income
    Apr 12 2023

    How many of you mums feel responsible for contributing to your household? Is maternity pay good enough that you can stay longer at home? What happens when maternity is finished, and you feel like your lifestyle might suffer because you only have one income?

    In many cases, mothers have to return to work because with the new way of living, inflation, and the percentage of rates going higher we feel that we have to return to work even if we don’t really want to. It happened to me too when we invested all our savings and because I was a salon owner, I had a lot of overheads to pay I had to return when my daughter was only 10 days old. 

    However fast forward a few years now I chose to work from home around my children. 

    Here are the highlights:

    {01:19} One income it’s not enough for the lifestyle we want.

    {03:25} My husband’s paternity was better paid than my self-employed statuary maternity pay.

    {06:18} It's still such an old fashion way of being a mum. 

    {08:40} You should decide for yourself and you should have a right to make that decision.


    If you want to know more, connect with me, and even work with me, visit my website:


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    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Turn your passion into a business
    Mar 31 2023

    Tracy who was a nurse for 23 years, decided to leave nursing when her son was two and a half. She understood then that she had the flexibility to work the way she wanted around her baby and family needs. She knows that if she stayed in nursing she would have more mum guilt, but now she can be available for her child when he needs her. 

    Tracy is the creator of a Personally Organised company, as well she helps her husband with his recording studio and they are the owners of proprieties. She is genuinely passionate about her business and about helping her clients. Tracy also wants to get a qualification in NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) to ensure that she can help her clients not only organise houses but also help them deeper into the psychological level to allow them to live their fulfilling life free from clutter.

    Here are the highlights:

    {02:00} Entrepreneur was never my intention.

    {04:20} Soon I will be doing NLP qualifications to help my clients even more.

    {08:13} A lot of my brand values of my business is to recycle and repurpose.

    {11:10} I remember when I was little, my grandma told me that she will never come to my house because it will be very messy.

    {13:08} It takes a bit organisation and our house is really well organised.

    {17:00} There is no security of you having a job because you can be redounded at any time.


    If you want to know more, connect with me, and even work with me, visit my website:


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    Más Menos
    20 m
  • When last time did you eat mum?
    Mar 21 2023

    We are teaching our children to eat well, but we are forgetting about our bodies and health. There were times when I didn’t have time to eat, and I transform my stomach into a bin. I don’t like to waste food and of course, I teach my children to not waste either. Instead to sit and eat I was hovering over leftovers. I was tired, I was low, I was gaining unwanted weight and I felt depressed. I forgot how important is to eat properly. The big changes in my life happened when my friend introduced me to a detox plan. 

    Here are the highlights:

    {01:21} I remember the times when I was eating leftovers.

    {03:51} I was introduced to the detox plan and that changed my life.

    {05:40} Do you actually eat enough?

    {07:26} I didn’t have to think!

    {09:30} Why does the detox work?


    If you want to know more, connect with me, and even work with me, visit my website:


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    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Everything you do in your life is your choice
    Mar 14 2023

    Loretta who is the Director and Lead Trainer at Loretta Douglas Training and Coaching. As well she is a Trainer of NLP, Time Line Therapy, and Hypnosis. After her third child was born, she found herself having a lot of health challenges, which follow with the decision to give up her teaching carrier at the head department after 12 years. The decision wasn’t easy but she had to look after herself first.  She was lucky and so grateful that she got another business related to skin care called Templespa, which allowed her to still created income and work around her family life. However, something wasn’t right and she felt lonely, and get to the stage where she crashed.

    Now Loretta is most passionate about transforming people's lives, find out why.


    Here are the highlights:

    {01:40} When we become a mum, and in the general parent, we tend to put others first.

    {04:09} I was literally like a busy bee.

    {07:01} You have a choice in everything you do!

    {12:28} I found myself after having my third child, in a place where I was experiencing a lot of health challenges.

    {16:11} I decided to give up my teaching carrier after 12 years.

    {19:25} I went quiet for a wee bit and then rolled into a short period of depression.

    {22:05} I chose to invest in me!


    If you want to know more, connect with me, and even work with me, visit my website:


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    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Mother’s Guilt
    Mar 8 2023

    How much guilt as mothers can we carry?

    As an Entrepreneur and mum of three experienced guilt on many levels. However, one day I decided to find out where that emotion came from, so I looked into my childhood and I realised that guilt is sown a long time before we become mothers. Then expand to the level that we can’t cope with. 

    Here are the highlights:

    {00:50} As a mum who is an entrepreneur, I have a lot of guilt.

    {02:57} I couldn’t fulfill my work.

    {04:29} How is your guilt mum, when your second baby it’s on its way?

    {06:45} Another guilt regards breastfeeding.

    {08:48} The guilt will always be there till…


    If you want to know more, connect with me, and even work with me, visit my website:


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    Más Menos
    11 m
  • I want something for myself, I don’t want to be stay at home mum and lose my identity
    Mar 1 2023

    10 years ago, Jill who is a mum of three, was happy to work part-time as a chiropractor assistant. Her life changed when the recession hit and her part-time job stop existing. 

    Then she was introduced to new business opportunities by working from home. She jumped to try something completely different because she didn’t have anything to lose. Since then, she never looked back, because she achieved the perfect work-life balance, experiences, and income that she never dreamed about it. 

    Here are the highlights:

    {01:16} For me as young mum part-time work was the best of both worlds.  

    {02:38} Forever Found me!

    {04:05} 10 years on…

    {06:57} when there was a lot of fear around many industries and people's homes, I didn’t have that. 

    {12:56} Is it a pyramid? Is it a scam?

    {18:20} Can you imagine?

    If you want to know more, connect with me, and even work with me, visit my website:


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    Más Menos
    20 m