
  • Unwinding from your day: guided meditation
    Feb 7 2024

    If you've finished your day of work -- or just want to take a relaxing break -- this guided meditation is here for you!

    This meditation was recorded live as part of the Mind Body Spirit Institute’s Power of Community meditation series. To learn more and register (for free!), click here: https://geni.us/mbsipoc

    May you and all beings be well.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Andrew Holecek on reverse meditations for difficult situations
    Sep 7 2023

    This week internationally renowned spiritual teacher and author Andrew Holececk about his new book, Reverse Meditation, in which he shares a powerful form of spiritual practice that can transform our relationship to unwanted experiences. In the process, we open more and more fully to the luminous, spacious true nature of the mind. Toward the end of the episode, he offers a guided contemplation you can use next time you feel the urge to complain.

    Andrew’s website: andrewholecek.com

    Check out his new book, Reverse Meditation, that offers instruction in both foundational practices like calm abiding meditations and open awareness practice, as well as the reverse practices you’ll hear about in this conversation.

    On Sound True: https://geni.us/revmedst

    On Amazon: https://geni.us/revmedam

    If you enjoy our conversation, please share this episode and subscribe!

    To learn more about Buddhism through my free courses, click here: https://geni.us/freecourses

    Or get my book for beginners, The Buddhist Path to Joy, here: https://geni.us/buddhistpathtojoy

    May you and all beings be well.

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Guided meditation: two types of focus
    Aug 22 2023
    In this guided meditation, we'll start with cultivating focus with an object by imagining light flowing down through the body. But then we switch to "object-less" meditation, which is less well known. As you practice, see if you can notice what it feels like to cultivate each type of focus. May you and all beings be well.
    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Buddha... and Barbie?
    Jul 27 2023

    Barbie might be the last character you'd expect to be similar to the Buddha... but consider this:

    The beginning of Barbie's journey into the "real world" comes when she begins to reflect on death and impermanence. Sounds a lot like the story of Buddha's life to me!

    This episode offers a few thoughts for anyone about to see the hottest movie of the summer or who's just seen it and wants to reflect on its hidden spiritual meaning.

    Want to learn more about Buddha's life story and basic teachings? Check out my free email course on the Four Noble Truths: https://geni.us/4NobleTruths

    Más Menos
    5 m
  • Tonglen meditation: Tibetan compassion practice with imagery
    Jun 8 2023

    This Tibetan-style tonglen meditation on compassion was recorded live as part of the Mind Body Spirit Institute’s Power of Community meditation series. To learn more and register (for free!), click here: https://geni.us/mbsipoc

    May you and all beings be well.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Manifesting your desires & Buddhism: Do they go together? 🤔
    Jun 2 2023

    I used to think that Buddhism and trying to "manifest" what you want don't go together. But then I realized that actually Buddhist teachings on karma tell us how to put in place the causes for getting what we want. Mind blown!

    Want to learn more about the basic teachings of Buddhism? You can check out my book, The Buddhist Path to Joy, here: https://geni.us/buddhistpathtojoy

    And my free courses on Buddhist basics for beginners here: https://geni.us/freecourses

    May you and all beings be well.

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Dharma for dark times: Why Buddhism isn't just about feeling better and how Avalokiteshvara got all those arms
    May 23 2023

    Today’s episode is a little different. I’m sharing some “inspirational” writing I did for my own sangha, Dawn Mountain’s, newsletter a couple of weeks ago. This is my appreciation for the dharma’s ability to help us not just feel better but also navigate the difficult times in life without giving up. I’ll share the story of how bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara got 11 heads and 1,000 arms.

    Want to reply? You can post on Facebook or Instagram and tag this podcast, @BuddhistWisdomModernLife.

    To sign up for Dawn Mountain’s mailing list and learn more about my teachers, click here: https://www.dawnmountain.org/

    To learn more about Buddhism through my free courses, click here: https://geni.us/freecourses

    Or get my book for beginners, The Buddhist Path to Joy, here: https://geni.us/buddhistpathtojoy

    May you and all beings be well.

    Más Menos
    5 m
  • Guided meditation: Resting in buddha nature
    May 16 2023

    To celebrate the Buddhist holiday of Vesak, which commemorates the birth and awakening of the Buddha, here’s a guided meditation on trusting and resting in our own buddha nature. You (yes, you!) are a buddha masquerading as a human, and the tragedy of human life is that we’ve forgotten we’re already everything we’re looking for.

    This meditation was recorded live as part of the Mind Body Spirit Institute’s Power of Community meditation series. To learn more and register (for free!), click here: https://geni.us/mbsipoc

    Más Menos
    24 m