
  • Rewind : Mastering the 'State of Being': Michelle Quinonez's Approach to Business and Success
    Jun 29 2024
    Join us as we revisit this conversation from 2023! Join us for another enlightening episode of "Building the Premier Accounting Firm" as your host, Roger Knecht, sits down with Accountapreneur, Michelle Quinonez for a captivating conversation. Michelle takes us on a journey through her incredible path in accounting and the establishment of her own successful business. Discover the driving force behind Michelle's unique approach to business—the 'State of Being' and explore how this profound mindset influences her decision-making and fuels her ambition to continuously push boundaries and redefine success. Michelle talks about what financial transparency means to her and its significance in both her professional and personal life. Delve into the depths of Michelle's experiences with financial transparency as she distinguishes its impact in various aspects of her life. Uncover the areas where it benefits her the most, opening doors to trust, authenticity, and stronger client relationships. Michelle and Roger also talk about money—a subject that fascinates us all. Michelle shares her unique perspective on money and its role in her life. She explores the concept of an abundance mindset and how embracing it can transform our relationship with money and pave the way for financial success. Roger and Michelle share their secrets to effectively communicating the value of CFO & Advisory services to their clients and strategies for helping clients understand and appreciate the worth of these services, in enabling them to make informed decisions that drive their businesses forward. Get ready to be inspired, empowered, and equipped with a fresh perspective on accounting, entrepreneurship, and building your own premier accounting firm. Tune in to "Building the Premier Accounting Firm" and join Roger Knecht and Michelle Quinonez on this exhilarating podcast episode. Your Host: Roger Knecht, president of Universal Accounting Center Guest Name: Michelle Quinonez Owner and founder of MR Books Advisory & Pocket Your Profit where Michelle offers Virtual CFO and Custom Accounting firm. MR Books Advisory exists to Empower business owners to own their financial success! Replacing confusion, stress, and uncertainty with Clarity, Freedom, and Control. It's your business. Your profit should come first. This is not your typical CFO or Bookkeeping firm. I serve entrepreneurs and small business owners to grow their businesses, profitably. Learn how to end the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Limiting Mindset. Solve the dead-end income problem by empowering your small business towards freedom and profitability. Pocket Your Profit provides a level of insight, education, and implementation that is focused on inspiring mutual financial success and growth. Her philosophy and expertise maximize Money & Time through profit-focused cash management and scalable systems. This approach provides both businesses and business leaders with the keys to unlocking financial success and freedom. Sponsors: Universal Accounting Center Helping accounting professionals confidently and competently offer quality accounting services to get paid what they are worth. Offers: Ikigai - the secret to a long and happy life Get a FREE copy of these books all accounting professionals should use to work on their business and become profitable. These are a must-have addition to every accountant’s library to provide quality CFO & Advisory services as a Profit & Growth Expert today: “in the BLACK, nine principles to make your business profitable” – e-book “Red to BLACK in 30 days – A small business accountant’s guide to QUICK turnarounds” – the how-to-guide e-book for accounting professionals For Additional FREE Resources for accounting professionals check out this collection HERE! Be sure to join us for GrowCon, the LIVE event for accounting professionals to work ON their business. This is a conference you don’t want to miss. Remember this, Accounting Success IS Universal. Listen to our next episode and be sure to subscribe. Also, let us know what you think of the podcast and please share any suggestions you may have. We look forward to your input: Podcast Feedback For more information on how you can apply these principles to start and build your accounting, bookkeeping & tax business please visit us at www.universalaccountingschool.com or call us at 8012653777
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    46 m
  • From Plates to Profits: Kasey Anton’s Entrepreneurship Journey from Restauranteur to Accounting Visionary
    Jun 26 2024
    In this enlightening episode of Building the Premier Accounting Firm, host Roger Knecht interviews Kasey Anton, founder of Spark Business Consulting and author of “Profit First For Restaurants.” Kasey shares her transformative journey from the restaurant industry to establishing a thriving accounting firm. This episode is a treasure trove of insights for anyone looking to understand the vital role of accessible financial data in achieving business profitability. Main Themes: From Restaurants to Accounting: Kasey details her career transition from owning a restaurant to founding an accounting firm. She emphasizes the importance of collaboration between chefs and business owners for operational success. Accountants as Advisors: Roger advocates for accountants to move beyond traditional roles and take on advisory positions. Roger and Kasey discuss the importance of providing solutions rather than just identifying financial issues. The Evolving Role of Accountants: The discussion highlights the shift towards interpretive and advisory services in the accounting field. Kasey recommends utilizing tools like Loom videos to explain financial statements, enhancing client understanding and trust. Niche Specialization: The hosts stress the benefits of specializing in niches like the restaurant industry to provide targeted financial guidance. Kasey shares how niche focus can improve client relationships and business growth. Profit First Methodology: Kasey explains her enthusiasm for the Profit First methodology and its positive impact on businesses. She discusses her book, which merges Profit First principles with her restaurant industry insights. Financial Management and Growth: Roger stresses the importance of understanding financial data objectively for fostering business growth. Roger and Kasy share strategies for implementing Profit First principles for better financial management and profitability. Listener Engagement: Subscribe: Don’t miss out on future episodes filled with strategies for business improvement. Attend GrowCon: Join the annual conference for networking opportunities and industry insights. Thank you for tuning in to another insightful episode of Building the Premier Accounting Firm. To learn more about how you can start your own successful accounting business, call 435-344-2060, or schedule a time to discuss your future with Universal Accounting Center’s team of expert coaches online at this link. Sponsors: Universal Accounting Center Helping accounting professionals confidently and competently offer quality accounting services to get paid what they are worth. Offers: Get a gorgeous "swag" box that will include the book and workbook and all things money-related www.profitfirst4restaurants.com Get a FREE copy of these books all accounting professionals should use to work on their business and become profitable. These are a must-have addition to every accountant’s library to provide quality CFO & Advisory services as a Profit & Growth Expert today: “Red to BLACK in 30 days – A small business accountant’s guide to QUICK turnarounds” – This is a how-to guide on how to turn around a struggling business into a more sustainable model. Each chapter focuses on a crucial aspect of the turnaround process - from cash flow management to strategies for improving revenue. This book will teach you everything you need to become a turnaround expert for small businesses. “in the BLACK, nine principles to make your business profitable” – Nine Principles to Make Your Business Profitable – Discover what you need to know to run the premier accounting firm and get paid what you are worth in this book, by the same author as Red to Black – CPA Allen B. Bostrom. Bostrom teaches the three major functions of business (marketing, production and accounting) as well as strategies for maximizing profitability for your clients by creating actionable plans to implement the nine principles. “Your Strategic Accountant” - Understand the 3 Core Accounting Services you should offer as you run your business. Help your clients understand which numbers they need to know to make more informed business decisions. “Your Profit & Growth Expert” - Your business is an asset. You should know its value and understand how to maximize it. Beginning with the end in mind helps you work ON your business to build a company you can leave so that it can continue to exist in your absence or build wealth as you retire and enjoy the time, freedom, and life you want and deserve. Learn what it is you can do to become an author, leveraging your expertise to market your services effectively and get the clients you deserve. This is a webinar you don’t want to miss. Learn from Mike Capuzzi what a Shook is and how you can use it to position yourself as the Premier Accounting Firm in your area. This is a must-see presentation so get ready to take some great notes....
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    44 m
  • This Week on BPAF : Kasey Anton
    Jun 24 2024

    Join us this Wednesday for a new episode where Roger discusses Profit First for Resturants with Kasey Anton.

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  • Rewind : The CFO's Playbook: Mastering High Ticket Client Acquisition w/ Alyssa J Dillon
    Jun 22 2024
    Join us as we revisit this conversation from 2023! Welcome to "Building the Premier Accounting Firm" with your host, Roger Knecht. In this episode, we have the privilege of sitting down with Alyssa Dillon, a highly experienced financial professional with nearly 15 years of expertise. Get ready for an enlightening conversation as Alyssa shares her remarkable journey from team leader to CFO in the corporate world, and ultimately, her decision to become an entrepreneur. Alyssa takes us through the pivotal moments that led her to start her own business, revealing the valuable lessons she learned about herself along the way. She passionately discusses her commitment to working with women and eradicating generational poverty, highlighting how she empowers the women she encounters with the tools for success. We delve into Alyssa's perspective on generational wealth, exploring what it truly means to her and the legacy she desires to pass down to her children. Discover the unique aspects of her accounting firm, where she seamlessly blends her roles as a CFO and CEO. Alyssa reveals her strategies for effective delegation, which she has successfully transferred to her coaching business and her Mastermind. Speaking of Masterminds, Alyssa shares her invaluable insights on their transformative power. She unveils the profound impact that Masterminds have had on her own growth, relationships, and professional development. Gain a deeper understanding of what Masterminds mean to her and the differences between free and paid programs. Intrigued by high ticket clients? Alyssa unravels the secrets behind attracting these discerning clients and the services they find most valuable. Discover the true worth of high ticket clients and the investment they are willing to make in their financial success. As the conversation draws to a close, Alyssa reveals her aspirations for her children and the profound lessons she hopes they will learn from her journey. Join us as we explore these captivating topics and gain valuable insights from an exceptional financial leader. Tune in to "Building the Premier Accounting Firm" with Roger Knecht and special guest Alyssa Dillon. Prepare to be inspired, informed, and empowered as we unravel the secrets to success in the world of finance and entrepreneurship. Your Host: Roger Knecht, president of Universal Accounting Center Guest Name: Alyssa Dillon Alyssa has worked in the financial space for nearly 15 years. During this time she has MASTERED the way Business Owners feel about their money, why they HIRE financial professionals, and what motivates them to pay. Even better - she has developed and deployed strategies to help not only herself reach multi 6 figures in my small virtual accounting firm, but she is helping other financial pros do it too. She has been so lucky to help coaches, consultants, and service providers in the finance industry build multi 6 figure and 7-figure companies. She deeply cares about women making more money, ending generational poverty, and building generational wealth. Sponsors: Universal Accounting Center Helping accounting professionals confidently and competently offer quality accounting services to get paid what they are worth. Offers: Become a Profit & Growth Expert. In addition to your accounting services learn what you can do to market, sell, price, and provide quality CFO & Advisory services with confidence. Follow the Turnkey process as a Profit & Growth Expert using the Universal Business Builder system. For Additional FREE Resources for accounting professionals check out this collection HERE! Be sure to join us for GrowCon, the LIVE event for accounting professionals to work ON their business. This is a conference you don’t want to miss. Remember this, Accounting Success IS Universal. Listen to our next episode and be sure to subscribe. Also, let us know what you think of the podcast and please share any suggestions you may have. We look forward to your input: Podcast Feedback For more information on how you can apply these principles to start and build your accounting, bookkeeping & tax business please visit us at www.universalaccountingschool.com or call us at 8012653777
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    45 m
  • Balance Beyond Business: Dr. Sabrina Starling’s Blueprint for True Work/Life Balance
    Jun 19 2024
    Welcome to another enlightening episode of Building the Premier Accounting Firm with Roger Knecht. Today, Roger welcomes Dr. Sabrina Starling, a renowned business psychologist and author. Dr. Starling and Roger delve into critical topics affecting accounting businesses, such as marketing, pricing, and staffing. Plus, Dr. Starling discusses her advocacy for finding a balanced work-life dynamic. Key Discussion Points: Marketing, Pricing, and Staffing in Accounting: Dr. Starling shares insights on crucial aspects such as marketing strategies, appropriate pricing models, and effective staffing techniques tailored for accounting businesses. Advocacy for Work-Life Balance: Roger and Dr. Starling emphasize the importance of taking vacations and prioritizing life over work. Dr. Starling lays out her ambitious goal to help 10,000 entrepreneurs take 4-week vacations within the next decade. Effective Hiring Practices: Insights from Dr. Starling’s research and interviews with successful small business owners. Overview of her book series focused on attracting and retaining top talent. Networking and Positive Work Environments: Roger highlights the significance of building strong professional relationships and fostering a supportive work culture. Dr. Starling and Roger discuss the benefits and limitations of policies such as unlimited vacation and sick time, and offering salaried positions to enhance employee satisfaction and balance. Sustaining Well-Being: The hosts present strategies for planning time off to prevent post-vacation blues. Dr. Starling recommendations to schedule future plans within an 8 to 12-week timeframe to maintain a positive outlook. Challenges of Disconnecting from Work: Acknowledgement of the difficulties business owners face in detaching from work responsibilities. Techniques to focus on high-value tasks and delegate effectively to achieve a balanced lifestyle. Building Self-Sufficient Businesses: Discussion on creating systems and processes that allow businesses to operate independently. Importance of self-care and utilizing available resources for business growth and personal well-being. Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Self-Care: Practical advice on establishing boundaries to protect personal time. Encouragement to seek support and maintain a healthy balance between business and personal life. Join us as Dr. Sabrina Starling provides valuable insights and actionable strategies to help accounting professionals and business owners achieve a sustainable work-life balance, ensuring long-term success and personal fulfillment. Sponsors: Universal Accounting Center Helping accounting professionals confidently and competently offer quality accounting services to get paid what they are worth. Offers: As the host of Profit by Design Podcast and our guest on the show today Dr. Sabrina is offering our listeners two important resources, the first is the $10k assessment sheet and the opportunity to pledge to work towards and take Your 4-week Vacation. For more information regarding each and Dr. Sabrina, check out her website: www.tapthepotential.com Roger also shares receiving your PreScore. This is a must-have when considering stepping back or away from the daily operations of the business. Take a moment and see how ready you are for this next change in your career as you empower your team to work more autonomously Get a FREE copy of these books all accounting professionals should use to work on their business and become profitable. These are a must-have addition to every accountant’s library to provide quality CFO & Advisory services as a Profit & Growth Expert today: “Red to BLACK in 30 days – A small business accountant’s guide to QUICK turnarounds” – This is a how-to guide on how to turn around a struggling business into a more sustainable model. Each chapter focuses on a crucial aspect of the turnaround process - from cash flow management to strategies for improving revenue. This book will teach you everything you need to become a turnaround expert for small businesses. “in the BLACK, nine principles to make your business profitable” – Nine Principles to Make Your Business Profitable – Discover what you need to know to run the premier accounting firm and get paid what you are worth in this book, by the same author as Red to Black – CPA Allen B. Bostrom. Bostrom teaches the three major functions of business (marketing, production and accounting) as well as strategies for maximizing profitability for your clients by creating actionable plans to implement the nine principles. “Your Strategic Accountant” - Understand the 3 Core Accounting Services you should offer as you run your business. help your clients understand which numbers they need to know to make more informed business decisions. “Your Profit & Growth Expert” - Your business is an asset. You should know its value and understand how to maximize it. ...
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    40 m
  • This Week on BPAF : Dr. Sabrina Starling
    Jun 17 2024

    Join us this Wednesday for a new episode where Roger discusses 25 hour work weeks and 4 week vacations with Dr. Sabrina Starling

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  • Rewind : Navigating the Heart-Led Path: Troy Ballard's Expertise in Serving Purpose-Driven Businesses
    Jun 15 2024
    Join us as we revisit this conversation from 2023! Welcome to "Building the Premier Accounting Firm" with your host Roger Knecht. In this episode, Roger sits down with Troy Ballard, a highly experienced and certified professional bookkeeper and Accountapreneur with over three decades of experience in the field of bookkeeping. Tune in as they delve into a wide range of topics, uncovering Troy's journey from starting out as an accountant to eventually launching her own company. Discover the fascinating concept of heart-led businesses, why Troy chooses to specialize in these unique ventures, and how she helps her clients overcome the shame of charging for their invaluable services. As an expert in targeting heart-led businesses, Troy shares her effective strategies for marketing her services and building genuine relationships with clients in this niche. Gain insights into the industries she collaborates with and learn why cultivating deep connections is vital in her line of work. But it doesn't stop there. Join the conversation as Troy opens up about her personal methods for decompressing from stress and work, drawing inspiration from her experience as a dog trainer and pet owner. Discover the unexpected ways she integrates her passion for animals into her client interactions. Looking ahead, Troy provides valuable insights into the future of the accounting industry and how it is evolving to accommodate the rise of Millennials and Gen-Z-ers as future business owners. Uncover what accountants need to know about these generations to stay ahead of the curve. With so many intriguing topics covered in this episode, you won't want to miss out. Join Roger Knecht and his guest, Troy Ballard, as they explore the fascinating world of accounting, heart-led businesses, relationship building, and the future of the industry. Get ready for an insightful and engaging conversation that will leave you inspired to build your own premier accounting firm. Tune in to "Building the Premier Accounting Firm" with Roger Knecht, available now on your favorite podcast platform. Your Host: Roger Knecht, president of Universal Accounting Center Guest Name: Troy Ballard Troy Ballard is a highly experienced and certified professional bookkeeper with over three decades of experience in the field of bookkeeping. She started her own business in 2015 providing top-notch bookkeeping services to help businesses achieve profit and growth. In addition to her expertise in finance, Troy is also a talented musician who plays the guitar and writes songs and poems in her free time. She is also an avid dog lover and trains her pet for competition events. With her diverse interests and extensive experience, Troy is a well-rounded and valuable asset for any organization. Sponsors: Universal Accounting Center Helping accounting professionals confidently and competently offer quality accounting services to get paid what they are worth. Offers: Become a certified Profit & Growth Expert. As you transition into advisory services it’s important you understand how best to market your services, sell, price and fulfill you client engagements with confidence and competence. Learn how best to work with your clients as their strategic accounting, or as we like to say, “their Profit & Growth Expert”. Learn more HERE and see what you can do to add these valuable services to your offerings to become the premier accounting firm in your area. For Additional FREE Resources for accounting professionals check out this collection HERE! Be sure to join us for GrowCon, the LIVE event for accounting professionals to work ON their business. This is a conference you don’t want to miss. Remember this, Accounting Success IS Universal. Listen to our next episode and be sure to subscribe. Also, let us know what you think of the podcast and please share any suggestions you may have. We look forward to your input: Podcast Feedback For more information on how you can apply these principles to start and build your accounting, bookkeeping & tax business please visit us at www.universalaccountingschool.com or call us at 8012653777
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    48 m
  • Effective Networking for Introverts w/ Matthew Pollard
    Jun 12 2024
    In this episode, Universal Accounting Center President Roger Knecht dives deep into the world of accounting and bookkeeping with Matthew Pollard, a renowned expert in rapid business growth. Pollard shares his wisdom on how to transform an accounting firm into a premier establishment by leveraging motivation, goal-setting, and strategic differentiation. Main Themes: Motivation and Goal Achievement: Insights on maintaining motivation and setting effective, achievable goals. Strategies to stay focused and driven in the competitive accounting landscape. Differentiation and Niche Marketing: Importance of carving out a niche within the accounting and bookkeeping sectors. Tips on confidently articulating your unique value proposition to command higher prices. Strengths of Introverts: Utilizing introverted strengths such as planning, preparation, empathy, and active listening. Effective networking and client positioning strategies tailored for introverts. Unique Client Service Approaches: Case studies illustrating success through deeper cultural insights and personalized service. Emphasis on understanding cultural nuances and building rapport for long-term client relationships. Rebranding and Specialized Programs: How to rebrand services for targeted marketing and create specialized programs. Focus on clear messaging and highlighting client benefits to stand out in the market. Storytelling in Business: The power of storytelling to engage clients emotionally and understand their needs. Crafting authentic stories that showcase successful outcomes to drive business growth. Value Proposition and Advisory Roles: Communicating value through personalized packages and transitioning into advisory roles. Justifying higher service prices by emphasizing expertise and tailored client support. Key Takeaways: Building a premier accounting firm requires more than just technical skills; it demands strategic differentiation and deep client understanding. Introverted professionals have unique strengths that can be leveraged for effective client interactions and networking. Storytelling and cultural insights are powerful tools in creating lasting client relationships and ensuring business growth. Clear, targeted marketing and specialized programs can help firms stand out and command premium prices. Transitioning to advisory roles and emphasizing personalized value can justify higher service rates and improve client retention. Join us as Matthew Pollard shares actionable strategies and insights that can help elevate your accounting firm to new heights. Sponsors: Universal Accounting Center Helping accounting professionals confidently and competently offer quality accounting services to get paid what they are worth. Offers: Get the first chapter of the Introvert's Edge free: https://matthewpollard.com/theintrovertsedge/book Or get the first chapter of the Introvert's Edge to Networking free: http://theintrovertsedge.com/networkin But don’t forget to get your copy of The 3 Steps to Rapid Growth: https://matthewpollard.com/three-steps-rapid-growth/ You also need to read, “Your Strategic Accountant”: https://universalbusinessbuilders.com/your-strategic-accounting-landing-page-accountants Get a FREE copy of these books all accounting professionals should use to work on their business and become profitable. These are a must-have addition to every accountant’s library to provide quality CFO & Advisory services as a Profit & Growth Expert today: “Red to BLACK in 30 days – A small business accountant’s guide to QUICK turnarounds” – This is a how-to guide on how to turn around a struggling business into a more sustainable model. Each chapter focuses on a crucial aspect of the turnaround process - from cash flow management to strategies for improving revenue. This book will teach you everything you need to become a turnaround expert for small businesses. “in the BLACK, nine principles to make your business profitable” – Nine Principles to Make Your Business Profitable – Discover what you need to know to run the premier accounting firm and get paid what you are worth in this book, by the same author as Red to Black – CPA Allen B. Bostrom. Bostrom teaches the three major functions of business (marketing, production and accounting) as well as strategies for maximizing profitability for your clients by creating actionable plans to implement the nine principles. “Your Strategic Accountant” - Understand the 3 Core Accounting Services you should offer as you run your business. help your clients understand which numbers they need to know to make more informed business decisions. “Your Profit & Growth Expert” - Your business is an asset. You should know its value and understand how to maximize it. Beginning with the end in mind helps you work ON your business to build a company you can leave so that it can continue to exist in your absence or build wealth as ...
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    42 m