
  • Messaging: A Lifeline for Those Impacted by Emergencies
    Feb 21 2023
    Messaging is an essential communication tool in emergencies, and its importance cannot be overstated. During times of crisis, timely and accurate communication is critical for providing information and instructions, coordinating response efforts, and ensuring the safety of individuals and communities. Messaging allows for rapidly disseminating information to many people, making it an effective means of reaching those in need and coordinating a response.

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  • Facing Challenges When Communication Infrastructure Fails
    Feb 14 2023
    Interoperability in emergency communications is a critical component in ensuring the well-being and safety of the public. When emergencies occur, time is of the essence and it is essential that first responders are able to communicate effectively with each other, regardless of their telecommunication carriers, in order to respond quickly and efficiently.

    The ability to communicate and coordinate effectively is crucial for first responders in their efforts to contain and resolve emergencies. With interoperability, they can share critical information and work together to assess the situation and determine the best course of action. They can communicate about the location of the emergency, the number of people affected, the type of incident, and other vital information that is necessary to make informed decisions and respond appropriately!

    Web: https://titanhst.com/
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  • 7.8 Earthquake Strikes Turkey
    Feb 7 2023
    A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Turkey in the early morning of January 7th (local time) causing widespread damage and possibly leading to casualties. The earthquake's powerful seismic activity was felt across the region, leading to severe damage and thousands of deaths and injuries. This event will impact the region for years to come. Are you ready?

    Web: https://titanhst.com/
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    13 m
  • The Future of Technology in Emergency Response and Management
    Jan 31 2023
    Emergency Management needs improvement to meet modern needs. With advancing technology, it can be harnessed and created specifically for emergency management and disaster response. Emergency Management technology has improved greatly and continues to progress for quicker and more effective responses from emergency services like police, fire, medical, etc. While some emergency tech is easily noticeable, there are also many unseen advancements that play a role.

    Web: https://titanhst.com/
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    14 m
  • The key to building resilience
    Jan 24 2023
    It's no secret that the US economy has been experiencing steady growth for the past decade, but as with any economic cycle, it will eventually end. We should ask ourselves not if but when the next downturn will occur and how we can be prepared.

    Today, I want to talk to you about strategies that US companies can implement to build resilience, survive a downturn, and thrive in the next cycle.

    First and foremost, let's talk about building resilience. The key to building resilience is to diversify revenue streams. Companies that rely heavily on one market or product are more vulnerable to economic shocks. By diversifying revenue streams, companies can spread risk and ensure that they have multiple sources of income in case one market or product experiences a downturn.

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    12 m
  • Is It Business Continuity of Risk Management
    Jan 17 2023
    Risk management and business continuity are two critical concepts in business management. While closely related, they have distinct differences in scope, focus, and overall goals. Risk management is identifying, assessing, and prioritizing potential risks to an organization's operations and assets and implementing strategies to mitigate or manage those risks. It is a proactive approach that aims to minimize the impact of potential hazards on the organization's operations, reputation, and bottom line. Risk management is typically focused on identifying and mitigating specific risks, such as natural disasters, cyber-attacks, or supply chain disruptions.

    On the other hand, business continuity ensures that an organization can continue operating in the event of an unexpected disruption. This includes planning, testing, and maintaining systems and processes that allow the organization to respond quickly and effectively to an emergency and to recover operations as quickly as possible. Business continuity is focused on ensuring that the organization can continue to operate in the face of an emergency rather than trying to prevent the emergency from occurring in the first place.

    Web: https://titanhst.com/
    Titan HST Webinars: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/6916733073118/WN_tvsEnxraTuGTg9-F3smE6g
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  • Six Steps to Conducting a THIRA
    Jan 10 2023
    Threat and hazard identification and risk assessment (THIRA) is a systematic process for identifying and evaluating potential threats and hazards to an organization. It involves identifying potential risks, assessing their likelihood and potential impact, and developing strategies to mitigate or eliminate those risks. THIRA is an important part of risk management, as it helps organizations to proactively identify and address potential risks before they occur.

    Web: https://titanhst.com/
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  • What are the challenges for Business Continuity for 2023
    Jan 3 2023
    As we enter 2023, businesses are facing a range of challenges that could impact their ability to remain operational and competitive. From the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters, companies must be prepared to navigate a variety of challenges in order to ensure the continuity of their operations.

    Web: https://titanhst.com/
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    10 m