
  • "How Do I Feel Successful When Money is Tight?" Brutally Honest Mindset and Business Advice For Every Rehab Chiro Entrepreneur
    Sep 11 2024

    There's still time to register for a guest pass!

    The live event is Sept 14-15th in New Jersey. You don't want to miss it!


    This is a rare episode where I bring you behind the scenes into a live mastermind call where I personally coach my members.

    The question was about feeling successful and how to know what feeling successful means even you aren't making the financial progress you'd like.

    Most people falsely believe that business is all about new patients and tactics, yet at a deeper level it is actually about the mindset of a business owner. Because of that, we spend a lot of time talking about this topic.


    Don't forget, there is still time to register for the live event!

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • [Re-Post] I Just Thought Being a Good Person Would Get People In the Door with Dr. Jeremy Dinkin
    Sep 4 2024

    There's Still Time To Get a Guest Pass Here!

    This episode is a Re-Post of our MOST popular episode ever with Dr. Jeremy Dinkin.

    Jeremy has gone from $10K/month to $70K/month in just a few years. He has hired an associate, admin, and will be upgrading to a big time space soon.

    This episode was recorded two years ago and is a great opportunity to listen and understand the mindset required to have success.

    If you like what Jeremy has to say, you should apply for a guest pass to the live event on Sept 14-15th as he will be one of our expert panelists.

    Click Here to Apply

    Más Menos
    50 m
  • Raw and Uncut- My Thoughts on Commitment, Arrogance, and Going Through The Sh**
    Aug 28 2024

    There's still time to apply for a guest pass!

    The live event is Sept 14-15, click THIS link to see if you qualify


    This episode is raw and real. I have been a part of my own CEO group for 5 years now and watched healthcare businesses go from low six figures all the way to multiple millions.

    I've watched people hire, fire, get married, have kids, get divorced, etc.

    And I'm so fortunate to have this perspective to share with you what has made each and every one of them successful in their own right.

    Your job? Listen to their stories so that you can see what it's like a few steps ahead and avoid the same mistakes they made.


    Click Here For A Guest Pass

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • "Growth And Control Work Inversely" A Deep Dive Into Business, Mindset, and Getting Referrals From Gyms with September Live Event Guest Speaker, Vince Gabriele
    Aug 21 2024

    Guest Pass Giveaway is LIVE!


    We have officially launched our guest pass giveaway!

    This is your chance to come to our live event for FREE!

    At this event you will learn:

    -How my practice made $60K in 10 days without spending a dime on marketing

    -Why you keep getting stuck in your business (which has nothing to do with marketing or sales advice)

    -Where you should turn the next time you feel helpless in your business

    If you have not been to our live events, I guarantee you will not be disappointed!

    Guest Pass Giveaway Here!

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • "I'm Making $20,000 Per Month And Feel Like A Failure." Why This Is GOOD and How To Overcome This In Your Rehab Chiropractic Practice
    Aug 14 2024

    Live Event Guest Pass Application!

    Over the course of almost 3 years, I've worked with hundred of rehab chiros and have tons of lessons to share.

    In this episode I break down the three most prevalent lessons I've learned. Here they are:

    -If you feel stuck making $20K, audit your calendar. The cheapest activity you should be doing is treating a patient. Anything else, including admin work is a waste of time

    -The universe will not give you what you fear. So if you fear money, then you are going to be broke

    -The evidence informed crowd are the worst offenders of not evidence based care. They end up becoming order takers, not doctors. They are just a human version of Advil and wonder why they get price shopped

    If you haven't signed up yet, click below for a Guest Pass:

    Live Event Guest Pass Application!

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • How My Practice Made $50,000 in 10 Days Without Spending $1 On Marketing...And The 3 Most Profound Questions Every Rehab Chiro Needs to Ask Themselves
    Aug 7 2024

    >>Apply For A Guest Pass Here<<

    On September 14-15th here in New Jersey, we are hosting a live event that will be world class.

    Not only will we teach the exact system I used to generate $50K in 10 days, but more importantly we will help every rehab chiro answer these 3 questions:

    -How do I never pay for anything in my business?

    -How do I continue to deliver value so that customers want to continually pay me more?

    -How do I avoid the pitfalls and rollercoaster that seem inevitable in every other business?

    I believe every rehab chiro needs to learn how to think about business differently. The stuff you read online or your friends talk about...well it's keeping you small minded, broken, and frustrated.

    It's my mission to change that.

    Give yourself, your business, and family a chance...

    >>Apply For A Guest Pass Here<<

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • $10M Worth of Rehab Chiro Business Advice In 20 Minutes
    Jul 31 2024

    We kicked off our inaugural Rehab Chiro 'CEO' meetings this month.

    This exclusive program is only for my Top 10% of students and via application only. It is intense and expensive and only for serious business owners looking to grow and scale beyond the typical chiropractic practice.

    We see so many gurus out there that never get beyond treating every patient and think 'scaling' is having an admin. The fact is that in order to grow a real business, you must learn to lead and grow beyond whatever you currently think is possible.

    The strategy at this level is so far beyond just the marketing and sales or god help you- 'being ethical'. If you can't do that, you aren't ready to grow.

    In this episode, I share with you my 5 biggest lessons learned from the CEO sessions.

    The format of this program is 'Boardroom style' where we 12 business owners get together and listen, analyze, and offer advice to each other. By the end of each individual session, the business owner is left with 1-2 Major tasks they must go and accomplish over the next quarter.

    This all comes after being able to sit down with a prep document for 6-8 hours in which each business owner must really dive deep into their individual business.


    We will be releasing guest passes soon for the next Live Event on Sept 14-15th. This event is nicknamed 'Empower' as we want to empower each one of you to have the clarity and freedom to build the business and make the money you want to make. Too many rehab chiros feel helpless in their pursuit, simply not knowing what to do and how to do it and we are going to end that!


    Más Menos
    29 m
  • 'I Don't Want To Be Told No And My Fear of Rejection Held Me Back." Paul Caron's Journey from 0 to $20K Per Month BY CHOICE... And His Growth Plans for the Future
    Jul 24 2024

    Paul Caron started in our program as he got his business off the ground.

    And like so many, he got it off the ground and then got stuck.

    What happened next is the most important thing: He recognized the issue, looked inward and TOOK ACTION.

    Since that point, his practice has grown tremendously and really thrived.

    Most importantly, he has been intentional with growth in that he has been ok not pushing the limits right now because he has other things that are important to him.

    I think this is such a great lesson for all of us to recognize and understand.


    If you haven't picked up a copy of my latest book, click here!

    Más Menos
    28 m