
  • Myth: Being LGBTQ+ doesn't matter at work
    Aug 12 2024

    What does being LGBTQ+ have to do with your job? Actually, a whole lot. LGBTQ+ people face many barriers at work, and to being employed in the first place – like hiring discrimination, microaggressions, and lower earnings. And, if people feel like they have to hide who they are at work, it can take a huge toll. Sexual and gender identity are a part of who we are, and like other aspects of our identities, they affect how people perceive us and the opportunities we have. This episode busts the myth that being LGBTQ+ doesn’t matter at work.

    GATE’s Busted podcast is made possible by generous support from BMO.

    Featured Guests:

    Dr. Lee Airton, Associate Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies in Education, Queen’s University

    Dr. Erin Cech, Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Associate Professor by courtesy in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan

    Dr. Bianca D.M. Wilson, Associate Professor of Social Welfare, University of California Los Angeles

    Produced by: Carmina Ravanera and Dr. Sonia Kang

    Edited by: Ian Gormely

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Myth: Women don't make good political leaders
    Jul 5 2024

    In Canada, only 30% of Members of Parliament are women, and only 16% belong to a racial minority group, well below their 26% representation in the overall Canadian population. On the other hand, white men are over-represented in political leadership, and that’s not only the case in Canada, but in many other countries as well. People may – consciously or subconsciously – think that that’s because women, racialized folks, and members of other underrepresented groups just don’t make good political leaders. But the reality is that there are a lot of factors contributing to the political underrepresentation we see today. In this episode, we’re going to be busting the myth that women and members of other underrepresented groups just aren’t suited to political leadership.

    GATE’s Busted podcast is made possible by generous support by BMO.

    Featured Guests:

    Dr. Kristen Duke, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

    Dr. Mirya Holman, Associate Professor, Hobby School for Public Affairs, University of Houston

    Dr. Erin Tolley, Canada Research Chair in Gender, Race, and Inclusive Politics and Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Carleton University

    Produced by: Carmina Ravanera and Dr. Sonia Kang

    Edited by: Ian Gormely

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Myth: Accessibility is optional
    May 13 2024

    Accessibility is about making information, resources, activities, and environments, well, accessible. That means that everyone should be able to engage with these things with minimal effort and as meaningfully as possible. Countries around the world including Canada and the US have adopted accessibility laws, but there’s still a huge disconnect between how important this issue is and how much attention it receives. Many people don’t think about accessibility at all. Or if they do, they think of it as a nice-to-have that’s kind of optional or that’s it’s just about accommodations and modification to physical space. This episode busts the myth that accessibility is optional.

    GATE’s Busted podcast is made possible by generous support by BMO.

    Featured Guests:

    Dr. Mahadeo Sukhai, Head of Research and Chief Accessibility Officer, Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB)

    Dr. Jutta Treviranus, Professor and Director, Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD University

    Produced by: Carmina Ravanera and Dr. Sonia Kang

    Edited by: Ian Gormely

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Myth: Care work is women’s work
    Apr 8 2024

    Care work is foundational to societies and to humanity. But even though everyone needs care, care work and those who provide it are often ignored, trivialized, or devalued. Why? Part of the reason is that care work is gendered: there’s a myth that care work is women’s work and that women just have the natural skill to be carers. In this episode, experts share research that shows that caring for others is a skill that anyone can and should learn – and if everyone participated in care, we could have more empathetic, healthier societies and relationships.

    Featured Guests:

    Dr. Taveeshi Gupta, Director of Research, Evaluation and Learning at Equimundo

    Dr. Darby Saxbe, Professor of Psychology at University of Southern California

    Produced by: Carmina Ravanera and Dr. Sonia Kang

    Edited by: Ian Gormely

    GATE’s Busted podcast is made possible by generous support by BMO.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Special Episode – Dr. Sarah Kaplan on the gender pay gap
    Sep 7 2023

    Overview: What causes the gender pay gap? Is it just because women are choosing lower-paying jobs? Are they just not qualified enough to make higher salaries? Think again. There are structural and historical dynamics that lead to unequal outcomes we observe in pay today. This episode with GATE founder, Dr. Sarah Kaplan, delves into how labour market biases influences the gender pay gap.

    This episode was written and produced by the team at Level the Paying Field, a podcast by Ontario’s Pay Equity Office. Visit https://payequity.gov.on.ca/ for more great resources, and listen to the rest of the podcast at https://levelthepayingfield.ca/.

    Featured Guest: Dr. Sarah Kaplan, Founder of Institute for Gender and the Economy

    Level the Paying Field Host: Kadie Ward, Commissioner and Chief Administrative Officer, Ontario Pay Equity Commission

    Busted Producers and Hosts: Carmina Ravanera and Dr. Sonia Kang

    Busted Editor: Ian Gormely

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Special Episode – Dr. Tina Opie on Shared Sisterhood
    Aug 3 2023

    Episode 11: Special Episode–Dr. Tina Opie on Shared Sisterhood

    Overview: How can we make meaningful progress on equity and inclusion? Now that we’ve busted many different myths about gender and the economy, you might be wondering about more concrete steps you can take to change inequality in your workplace and daily life. On this special episode, Dr. Tina Opie shares three practices for dismantling systemic inequities from her book Shared Sisterhood: How to Take Collective Action for Racial and Gender Equity at Work, co-authored with Dr. Beth A. Livingston. This special episode was written and produced by the team at our sister podcast, Rotman Visiting Experts.

    Featured Guest: Dr. Tina Opie, Associate Professor of Management at Babson College; Founder of Opie Consulting Group

    Visiting Experts Host: Brett Hendrie

    Visiting Experts Producer: Megan Haynes

    Visiting Experts Recording: Dan Mazzotta

    Visiting Experts Editor: Damian Kearns

    Busted Producers and Hosts: Carmina Ravanera and Dr. Sonia Kang

    Busted Editor: Ian Gormely

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Myth: Gender-based violence is a private issue
    Jul 10 2023

    Overview: There’s a perception that gender-based violence (GBV) only happens in the home, and that means it’s a private matter, just for families or partners to deal with. This is a misconception that can keep survivors from reporting violence and finding support. Gender-based violence is a human rights violation that encompasses many types of actions including harassment, assault, manipulation, and abuse. It can happen anywhere, including in workplaces, schools, and public spaces, and has significant consequences for all of society. In this episode, we hear from experts from different organizations working against gender-based violence to understand why it is not a private issue but something that everyone should be working to address.

    This episode is based on an event we held in December 2022 for the 16 Days of Action Against Gender- Based Violence. See a recap of the event here: https://www.gendereconomy.org/we-can-break-free-what- it-takes-to-challenge-gender-based-violence/

    If you liked this episode, you may be interested in other GATE events. Check out our upcoming listing here: https://www.gendereconomy.org/events/

    Featured Guests:

    Pam Hrick, Executive Director and General Counsel, Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund; Harmy Mendoza, Executive Director, Women Abuse Council of Toront; Paulette Senior, CEO and President, Canadian Women’s Foundation
    Producers and Hosts: Carmina Ravanera and Dr. Sonia Kang

    Editor: Ian Gormely

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Special Episode – Busting Myths on Remote Work and Inequality
    Jun 12 2023

    Since the pandemic, remote work has become much more commonplace, especially for knowledge workers. While it has many advantages for workers, remote work isn’t going to mitigate inequality unless organizations implement it purposefully and with the intention to prioritize well-being and equity for workers. This episode delves into the effects of remote work on workplace inequality and makes suggestions for better workplaces for all. This special episode was written and produced by Rotman Executive Summary and features GATE’s director, Sarah Kaplan, and Senior Research Associate Carmina Ravanera.

    Featured Guests:

    Dr. Sarah Kaplan, Director, Institute for Gender and the Economy, and Distinguished Professor of Gender & the Economy, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

    Carmina Ravanera, Senior Research Associate, Institute for Gender and the Economy, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

    Rotman Executive Summary Producers: Megan Haynes and Jessie Park

    Rotman Executive Summary Editor/Sound Designer: Avery Moore Kloss

    Rotman Executive Summary Recording: Dan Mazzotta

    Busted Producers and Hosts: Carmina Ravanera and Dr. Sonia Kang

    Busted Editor: Ian Gormely

    Más Menos
    21 m