
  • THE 2024 Primary Care Code
    Feb 20 2024
    Most group practices will add thousands in revenue monthly with the G2211 code. Listen for details. Here is a great link from the AAFP.
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  • The Formula
    Sep 1 2022
    RPM patients need to take measurements 16 days per month. Following The Formula can help your RPM coordinator keep patients on track throughout the month so you don’t end up with too few days. I have daily calls made to any patients who do not have the minimum number of days according to The Formula: … Continue reading The Formula
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  • Increased CCM Payments
    Jun 25 2022
    Medicare raised CCM payments in 2022. Medicare now pays $58 – $83 monthly per completed CCM service (99490). Buy your CCM templates NOW! Medicare has posted a booklet with more details. Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
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  • Qardio Cellular
    Nov 24 2021
    Qardio has come back with a cellular blood pressure monitor option. This is worth look at for blood pressure Remote Patient Monitoring.
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  • Lower is Better
    Jul 1 2021
    Dr Tom Frieden, former director of CDC, referred to the Final Report of a Trial of Intensive versus Standard Blood-Pressure Control, published in May in the New England Journal of Medicine. Conclusions:”Among patients who were at increased cardiovascular risk, targeting a systolic blood pressure of less than 120 mm Hg resulted in lower rates of … Continue reading Lower is Better
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  • More Healthmote Experience
    Apr 14 2021
    Healthmote continues to lend itself to a growth of patients using RPM. It is easier to set up than Qardio, and we have found that easily more than twice the number of Medicare patients can use the simple one-button Healthmote device compared to Qardio. Send your CCM and RPM questions to mark(at)vaughanmd.com. Emails may not … Continue reading More Healthmote Experience
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  • Healthmote RPM
    Feb 17 2021
    I am excited to tell you about both of our new sponsors. You can learn more about their products by clicking on the Foracare and Healthmote links. Foracare is covered in an earlier dedicated episode. Most of this episode describes the benefits and features of the Healthmote Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) system. I also give … Continue reading Healthmote RPM
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  • Medicare 2021 RPM Update
    Dec 7 2020
    Link to Official CMS Policy There are a couple updates to RPM rules which provide significant clarification to time necessary for RPM monthly management and the nature of communication satisfying the “interactive communication” requirement.
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