
  • 1,030: Leveraging Global Expertise to Shape ADP’s Financial Future | Don McGuire, CFO, ADP
    Sep 4 2024

    In 2021, Don McGuire received an unexpected call from ADP's HR leader, offering him the

    In 2021, ADP’s HR leader reached out to Don McGuire, then the company’s globe-trotting EMEA

    In 2021, ADP’s HR leader reached out to Don McGuire, then the company’s globe-trotting EMEA president, to gauge his interest in stepping into the firm’s CFO role. McGuire was surprised, inasmuch as it had been nearly two decades since he had veered off the traditional finance career track. During this interim, McGuire had taken on various global leadership roles far removed from the typical CFO pathway.

    However, as the former CFO of ADP Canada, McGuire was by no means an unlikely candidate. Still, the leap from being CFO of a single geography to being CFO of an entire publicly traded corporation would be significant, and McGuire’s experiences along his unique previous journey served to make the unexpected offer to him only more intriguing.

    As it turns out, back in 2002, while serving as CFO of ADP Canada, McGuire had come to a similar crossroads. Although his career in finance had been progressing smoothly, his curiosity about the broader business landscape had led him to consider a different direction. Encouraged by his superior, ADP Canada’s president—who had noticed McGuire’s strong rapport with clients during joint meetings—McGuire took a leap of faith, stepping out of his finance role and into a client services leadership position. Taking on this mission—devoid of a “C” title—was a calculated risk, but McGuire believed that by immersing himself in the operational side of the business, he could gain valuable insights and broaden his leadership skills. Very consequentially, this move allowed him to engage directly with clients, manage teams, and drive business outcomes in ways that traditional finance roles seldom offer.

    This bold decision set McGuire on a unique career path, ultimately equipping him with the diverse experiences that would make him an ideal candidate for ADP’s CFO role nearly 20 years later.

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    58 m
  • Bonus Episode: Early Beginnings
    Sep 1 2024

    In this bonus episode of CFO Thought Leader, host Jack Sweeney shares insightful stories from three finance leaders, focusing on their early beginnings and how those experiences shaped their careers. Scott Healy reflects on the influence of his father, an Air Force colonel, and his deaf brother, both of whom instilled a strong work ethic and a spirit of perseverance. Tracy Curley discusses her non-traditional path, balancing business experience with academic pursuits while navigating the challenges of being a military spouse. Lastly, Svai Sanford recounts his journey from being a Laotian refugee with a third-grade education to becoming a CFO, thanks to the support of his foster family. Each story highlights the significance of resilience, family influence, and the transformative power of education and opportunity.

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    25 m
  • Strategic Relationship Building in FP&A- A Planning Aces Episode
    Aug 30 2024

    In this episode of Planning Aces, Jack Sweeney and Brett Knowles discuss the evolving role of FP&A professionals, emphasizing the importance of relationship-building and strategic collaboration within organizations. As summer ends and fall approaches, Brett predicts a surge in business activity, particularly as companies rush to meet year-end objectives. The conversation highlights the decline in travel post-COVID, with more business being conducted via web meetings, though these are often less effective than in-person interactions. Brett underscores the need for FP&A teams to prepare thoroughly for meetings and to foster diverse thinking to achieve better outcomes. The episode also explores the challenges of integrating acquisitions, the significance of continuous improvement, and the evolving responsibilities of FP&A leaders. Ultimately, the discussion centers on the importance of strategic relationships, effective communication, and adaptive leadership in navigating today’s complex business environment.

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    44 m
  • 1,029: A Unique Advantage: When CEO Experience Informs CFO Leadership | Matt Steinfort, CFO, DigitalOcean
    Aug 28 2024

    While most CFOs climb the ranks through finance-related roles, Steinfort’s path took a significant detour—one that saw him leading a company as CEO before unexpectedly stepping into the CFO role.

    Steinfort’s transition from CEO to CFO occurred when he was approached by Dan Caruso, a long-time mentor and successful entrepreneur. The two had a history of working together, starting at Level 3 Communications and continuing through various ventures. When Steinfort was leading Envision, a software company he co-founded, Caruso was simultaneously building Zayo Group. Although their roles were in separate companies, they shared an office space, fostering a close working relationship.

    When Zayo’s CFO decided to retire, Caruso saw an opportunity for Steinfort. Despite his lack of a traditional finance background, Steinfort had accumulated significant experience in corporate strategy during his years as a consultant for Bain & Company, and meanwhile his business-building tenure as a CEO made him more than a little familiar with the complexities of strategic budgeting and resource allocation. These experiences, combined with the trust and confidence he had built with Caruso and the board, positioned him as an unconventional yet highly capable candidate for the CFO role at Zayo.

    Steinfort’s move from CEO to CFO, while rare, highlights the importance of adaptability and leveraging one’s broad skill set. His success in the CFO role, first at Zayo and now at DigitalOcean, underscores the value of diverse experiences in shaping a holistic approach to financial leadership.

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    51 m
  • 1,028: Shaping Finance Operations to Support Global Growth | Clemente Cohen, CFO, PG Forsta
    Aug 25 2024

    Clemente Cohen’s finance career began in the early 1990s inside the Munich offices of Silicon Graphics, approximately 6,500 miles from the Silicon Valley company’s headquarters and 7,500 miles from his birthplace in Argentina. This transcontinental start marked the beginning of a career defined by global problem solving , adaptability and generous helpings of M&A experience.

    Cohen, who grew up in Germany after moving from Argentina, problem solving perspective to his role. Joining Silicon Graphics as an accountant, Cohen tells us he was able to quickly demonstrate to others a innate curiosity and willingness to go the extra mile. Frequently, his contributions went beyond traditional accounting, delving into financial analysis and supporting the company’s rapid growth. This foundational experience in a fast-paced, technology-driven environment would shape Cohen’s understanding of finance operations on a global scale.

    Over the next decade, Cohen’s career with Silicon Graphics expanded across continents. He held roles in Germany, the UK, and eventually became the International CFO, overseeing finance and business operations outside the United States. After a dozen years with Silicon Graphics, Cohen joined the London Office of CA Technologies , where Cohen tell us he was able to play a pivotal role in M&A activities and helped drive the company’s transition from hardware to software.

    After spending much of his career at large, global companies, Cohen made a deliberate decision to pursue CFO opportunities at smaller, private equity-backed firms. This shift allowed him to be more hands-on, driving business transformation and growth in a more direct way. The move was not without hesitation, as smaller companies often come with greater challenges and fewer resources. However, Cohen embraced the opportunity to apply his extensive experience in a more entrepreneurial setting.

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    58 m
  • 1,027: Strategic Finance in the Digital Asset Industry: Lessons from a Bitcoin Mining Leader | Salman Khan, CFO, Marathon Digital Holdings
    Aug 21 2024

    When Salman Khan arrived in Dubai from the U.S. in the early 2000s, he was a seasoned auditor with PricewaterhouseCoopers, ready to narrow his focus on the oil and gas industry. If someone had told him then that he would one day be the CFO of the world’s largest Bitcoin mining company, Khan would have undoubtedly replied, “What mining company?” At the time, digital assets were a distant concept, and his world revolved around the complexities of oil reserves, regulations, and international finance.

    In Dubai, Khan honed his skills by navigating the intricacies of the oil and gas sector, gaining a deep understanding of commodity risk, capital-intensive operations, and global markets. This experience laid a strong foundation for his future role at Marathon Digital Holdings. Just as oil extraction requires careful management of a finite resource, Bitcoin mining demands a strategic approach to harnessing the limited supply of digital currency.

    Returning to the U.S., Khan joined Occidental Petroleum, where he quickly climbed the ranks. At Occidental, he took on diverse roles, including leading the spin-off of California Resources Corporation, a transformative experience that further prepared him for Marathon. He managed large-scale M&A transactions, scaled a business unit from $5 million to $5 billion in revenues, and navigated complex operational challenges. This period was crucial in shaping Khan’s ability to manage high-stakes, resource-intensive environments.

    Khan’s time at Occidental taught him to think strategically, manage risks effectively, and lead large-scale initiatives—skills directly transferable to the fast-paced world of Bitcoin mining. Today, as CFO of Marathon Digital Holdings, Khan’s journey from auditing oil fields to managing Bitcoin miners reflects a seamless transition of expertise, making him uniquely qualified to lead Marathon through its rapid expansion and ongoing success.

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    49 m
  • 1,026: Partnering for Growth in the Age of AI | Kabir Ahmed Shakir, CFO, Tata Communications
    Aug 18 2024

    According to CFO Kabir Shakir, when AI giant Nvidia sought to expand its alliances in India, it knew exactly with whom to partner: “They did their homework, and they tapped on Tata’s door.”

    This partnership, Shakir tells us, has proven to be but one of a number of alliances in Tata’s journey toward becoming “the national AI champion for all of India.” Along the way, Tata Communications received its first order of Nvidia’s technology, whose integration has since been fast-tracked into Tata’s production processes. With Tata’s dominance in the Indian market, Shakir continues to relate, the company is now determined to capitalize on its Nvidia partnership in order to drive growth through AI innovations across its offerings.

    Of course, as it turns out, few finance executives may have been better prepared than Shakir to serve as an ambassador from India’s burgeoning AI appetite to U.S. technology companies. Before being named CFO of Tata Communications in 2020, Shakir—as CFO of Microsoft India—oversaw the software developer’s finance function for all of the country, gaining deep insights into the dynamics of tech-driven growth in one of the world’s most complex markets. His role at Microsoft involved managing a fast-evolving financial landscape, making him well versed in navigating the intersections of technology, finance, and global business. Not insignificantly, prior to his tenure at Microsoft, Shakir had spent 23 years at Unilever, where he advanced through various finance roles that ultimately led to major financial initiatives across multiple geographies.

    Beyond its Nvidia alliance, Tata Communications has formed strategic partnerships with other tech giants such as Microsoft, Google, Cisco, and AWS, positioning itself as a key player in the global digital ecosystem. Each of these collaborations continues to strengthen Tata’s ability to deliver cutting-edge solutions, particularly as the world increasingly embraces AI-driven technologies.

    Tata’s long-standing relationship with Formula 1 racing has further showcased its expertise in high-performance data transmission. The firm handles the live feed of Formula 1 events globally, ensuring seamless visual delivery of intricate performance data to millions of viewers. This partnership exemplifies Tata’s ability to manage complex, large-scale operations while maintaining the highest standards of quality and reliability.

    These forward-leaning collaborations—such as with AI innovators like Nvidia or through sports broadcasting and Formula 1—are central to Tata’s growth strategy, driving both innovation and market leadership in our increasingly digital world.

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    55 m
  • 1,025: Cost Management to Strategic Investment | Chikako Tyler, CFO, California Bank & Trust
    Aug 14 2024

    In her role as CFO of California Bank & Trust, Chikako Tyler faced the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank—the second financial crisis of her career. Unlike the first crisis, the Great Recession, which forced her to leave a rewarding career in commercial real estate, this time, Tyler was prepared to take charge.

    In 2009, as the economic downturn decimated the real estate market, Tyler recognized the need for a change. She pivoted to banking, taking on a temporary role at California Bank & Trust, where she quickly discovered her passion for the intricacies of finance. Her journey through various roles in the bank—ranging from specialized asset analysis to risk management—shaped her understanding of the business and led her to the CFO office.

    By the time Silicon Valley Bank collapsed in 2023, Tyler had nearly five years of experience as CFO under her belt. Drawing on the lessons from her diverse career, she confidently navigated the crisis. Unlike the uncertainty she faced during the Great Recession, Tyler leaned into her role, guiding her team through the tumultuous period. She championed her bankers to manage their customers proactively, quelling any possibility of panic.

    Tyler’s journey from real estate to banking, and from crisis to confident leadership, underscores her adaptability and strategic mindset. Her ability to transform challenges into opportunities has not only defined her career but also strengthened California Bank & Trust’s resilience in uncertain times.

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    37 m