
  • S3 Wrapup
    Sep 7 2020
    Host Courtney Brandt wraps up season three with producer Chirag Desai.
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    16 m
  • David Tusing
    Aug 31 2020
    _Our thoughts go out to the passengers and families of the repatriation flight IX1344 that crashed off the runway in Kerala, leaving 18 dead and several others injured._ On our season finale this week, we're speaking to David Tusing who started working with various underprevileged groups in the community to help them get on a flight back home to their families. David is the perfect example of the question we ask of ourselves and of you, our listeners: how can we use our platforms to help others?
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    19 m
  • Fathers and kids: Vahid Fotuhi
    Aug 24 2020
    This week, we're joined by Vahid Fotuhi, Chief Camper of Fathers and Kids Camping, which is celebrating their tenth year. They have designed and implemented events that involve camping weekends in various locations across the Arabian Gulf. Select members of the group have also traveled to other countries for service-oriented projects, like Mothers Without Borders, [featured in season 2](https://amaeya.media/csrofone/e/mothers-without-borders-with-dominica-drazal-37b4701a7dab94/). Tune in to learn more about the member-driven & non-profit initiative geared towards encouraging children to experience the outdoors, push their boundaries, build friendships, and cultivate a closer bond with their fathers.
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    23 m
  • Gift-a-Meal by Frying Pan Adventures: Farida Ahmed
    Aug 17 2020
    With many people affected by the lockdowns due to the worldwide pandemic, not knowing where the next meal will come is especially stressful. Enter Frying Pan Adventures, whose Stay-home Gift-a-Meal initiative has been getting wholesome meals from local community restaurants to neighbours who have lost their income during the COVID-19 crisis.
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    16 m
  • Peahead: Christine Wilson
    Aug 10 2020
    Meet Christine Wilson, a Dubai resident who has spent her self-isolation period building a business with the help of YouTube and a sewing machine to create unique limited edition & handmade accessories using recycled & sustainable materials. So, what exactly does she make? Well, if you’re a current or former UAE resident, you might instantly recognize her designs. Christine has managed to incorporate something that’s been a UAE staple since the 60s - she’s found a way to upcycle the humble Spinneys bag! Hear how the satisfaction of upcycling that which would otherwise go to waste has been immeasurable during this time of lockdown, and how you could help her out.
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    23 m
  • Safe Space: Dani Hakim
    Aug 3 2020
    The discussion around the support of mental health in the Middle East is an ongoing one, and one we feel deserves continued attention, much like our previous seasons. The key element of course in discussing mental health is having a secure environment where people are comfortable talking about it. Today’s guest, Dani Hakim, and her co-founders at Safe Space DXB were frustrated with the lack of free resources and support, and felt there was a need for change.
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    19 m
  • Picture Happiness Project: Zainab Al Sawalhi
    Jul 27 2020
    We sat down with Zainab Al Sawalhi to discuss an idea that made us think, ‘Now, why didn’t I start this?’ The [Picture Happiness Project](https://instagram.com/picturehappinessofficial) works to spread a message of compassion and inspire kindness. This Dubai-based movement is a simple, but generous way to anonymously make someone’s day by writing a note. **Credits** Hosted by Courtney Brandt. Produced by Chirag Desai, with support from Abhishek Venkat.
    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Stop & Help: Heather Harries
    Jul 20 2020
    The world has changed dramatically in the past few months, and its impacts are felt by everyone in all walks of life. Enter Heather Harries, her husband, and their three children. Together, they launched Stop and Help that has grown into a team of 50 volunteers, and had managed to match close to 3,000 families across the Emirates with people who can provide support.
    Más Menos
    17 m