
  • A Prayer for Purpose
    Jun 12 2023

    Thank you for joining us! On this episode we are praying for Purpose. Purpose is ultimately found in the Presence of God. Pray this prayer when you need to ignite an understanding of who you are to be. Follow along with this prayer below!

    Jesus, I thank you that our life, that my life now has meaning because of what you did on the cross and how you resurrected from the grave. I thank you that the meaning that everyone is looking for can only be found through the cross. And so I thank you, Father. I thank you, Jesus, that you've been the bridge, to relationship with the Father and to us finding identity and purpose and meaning.

    And so I declare, and I decree right now that every mind or every heart that feels meaningless, is awakening right now to the truth that your meaning is found in Jesus, and Jesus alone. That every answer that you're looking for, that, the purpose that you desire to have and the impact that you desire to have on this earth can only be entered into through the cross.

    And, the acknowledgement that Jesus died on the cross and rose again so that you could have a life, an everlasting life, but also purpose and meaning. I thank you that that hearts are acknowledging that right now in this moment, and I thank you, father that souls are being saved and minds and hearts are being set free.

    I thank you right now that you're whispering words of purpose that you're giving meaning to life where there was none. And I thank you, father, that every agreement that was made with, meaninglessness or purposelessness is being broken right now at the acknowledgement that Jesus, your son, whom you loved, you, gave to the world so that he could die on the cross for our sins and rise again so that we could have eternal life.

    I praise you and I magnify you that that is the truth that we are founded on, and I thank you that we have been found in you because of it. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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  • A Prayer for Fruitfulness
    Apr 26 2023

    Thank you for joining us! On this episode we are acknowledging our need for Jesus to produce. This prayer is prophetic in nature as it places a demand on our current season to produce the fruit as commanded by God. Pray this prayer along with us as we beckon in the season of harvest God has been speaking of. Follow along with this prayer below!


    I thank you Lord that when we find ourselves surrounded by you, and hidden in you we are protected against promiscuity. I thank you Father that we are guarded against being undecided or not having a standard. I thank you that when we're covered and surrounded by you, you raise up a standard. And I thank you that in this season sons and daughters are saying yes to the standard that you've written for fruitfulness in our life Father.  And I thank you that as we take that as the governing law in our lives and as the thing that regulates our thoughts. And our actions and our emotions that we will see multiplication around us.  I thank you that we will see multiplication in fruitful relationships in our families. I thank you that we will see fruitfulness inside of us. I thank you that we'll begin to produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit and I thank you that will be very much a part of our lives as we enter into this season of multiplication.

    I thank you that what's flowing out of our intimacy with you is fruitfulness. We will give an enthusiastic yes, to whatever it is that you've called us to. Whatever it is that you've said determines our success in your eyes and I thank you and I praise you. No word you speak in this season will return to you without fruit, or will return to you void, but it will accomplish everything that you've sent it to do. In Jesus name, I declare and I decree that this will be a season where we see what's been in the works in the spirit realm will manifest physically. And I thank you and I praise you Father that not only will we see that, but we will have the wisdom

    the insight and the understanding, to know what to do with the fruit that is produced. 

    In Jesus Name 



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  • A Prayer of Surrender to the Kingship of Jesus
    Apr 19 2023

    Thank you for joining us! On this episode we are surrendering to the Lordship of Jesus. Pray this prayer to renew your vow of surrender to Jesus. This is a prayer of deep hunger and intimacy with God! Follow along with this prayer below!


    God you are our King. You are my King. And I thank you that in this season, you are preparing my heart, and you are preparing our hearts, to receive you as such. I thank you that in this season your kingship will be revered by all of us. I thank you that our acknowledgement of your kingship in our lives will be the lamp unto our feet, and the light into our path. I thank you that as we enter into this season, where the fear of the Lord will be at the forefront, and it will be our compass. I thank you that we will see the majesty of who you are. I thank you God, I thank you for searching our hearts and giving us the capacity to understand your Kingship to understand you as ruler over our hearts. 

    I thank you that you will give us a wisdom and an understanding to know what it means for you to take back territory, namely the territories of our hearts. And I thank you Father. I thank you that as you pursue the hearts of Your People and you regain territory, and you become King again, we will surrender everything that we've been holding on to. I thank you that there will be a sea of purity that breaks forth that will be actually us individually waving a white flag in surrender to you. And it will be like a sea of white when looked at from 1000 or 10,000 feet. We’ll look like a sea of white, or the sea foam being washed upon the shores but on ground is us individually waving our flag and saying I surrender. 

    I surrender my emotions to you. I surrender my finances to you. I surrender my capacity to you. I surrender my strength to you because you are the King. And as long as I entrust all that I am, and everything that I have to you, I know that I'll be fine. I know that I'll have peace and joy for righteousness.  Peace and joy in the Holy Spirit is your kingdom and I thank you God. I thank you that we get to acknowledge you as King, and we get to live in the reality of what your kingdom is like. Not just in heaven but here on earth. 

    In Jesus Name 



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  • A Prayer for Life Abundantly
    Apr 7 2023

    Thank you for joining us! On this episode we are thanking God for all that it cost Him to give us Life Abundantly. Pray this prayer when you need a reminder of all it required for Jesus to give you a life worth living. This is a prayer of thanksgiving and joy! Follow along with this prayer below!

    King of kings, Lord of Lords. God who sits high, but also comes and dwells with those who are humble. I thank you and I acknowledge that we are here. We live move, and have our being because of Jesus's sacrifice on the cross, but also because of his resurrection.

    I thank you that we have eternal life because Jesus defeated death hell and the grave, and rose on the 3rd day. 

    I thank you Father that we get to enter into life abundantly because Jesus’ sacrifice didn't end at death on the cross. It didn't end with just the remission of sin but then he rose up from the grave and he said live.

    And so I thank you that we get to enter into this agreement with life, with life abundantly. 

    Where we glorify you and everything that we do where everything our hand touches multiplies. 

    Because Jesus rose from the grave I thank you Father that your great love was not just about making something right, but your love was about allowing us to live in prosperity.

    Was allowing us to live in the joy and the fruit of life. And that is why Jesus rose from the grave, and I just thank you Father, I thank you that your Son: Jesus whom you loved; you sent for the world to die and to rise again. 

    And I thank you that it is through Jesus's sacrifice on the cross and  being raised up again that we are alive. That we get to walk in freedom, that we have joy, That we have peace. That we get to live in heaven on earth. 

    We thank you that it's because of what Jesus did that heaven gets to be brought to earth and I thank you Father, I thank you that it is through what Jesus did we've received the gift of the Holy Spirit to whom you say is just a deposit on what is to come. And so Father I just thank you that if the Holy Spirit who is given to us through what Jesus did on the cross, and through his resurrection is just a deposit, then we are looking forward to what is in store for us. 

    I'm so thankful Father, I’m so thankful, we’re so grateful, We love You!

    In Jesus Name


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