
  • Animals for Healing Specific Conditions - Part I
    Jul 31 2024

    This episode is entitled “Animals for healing specific conditions part one” as the conclusion to our series on animals A through Z. These last few episodes are organized so that you can choose a particular condition, concern or quality. And then determine what animal or animals from a list of suggestions that you resonate with…for a guide to help you solve the condition, concern or quality. Then you can even return to the previous podcast episode for even more details about that particular animal. For your convenience, the following conditions are alphabetical as well. For bringing abundance into your life, call on the spirit of the buffalo cow, deer, bull, elk, frog, Jaguar, kangaroo, rat, seal, turkey, turtle, walrus, or even the whale. For learning to accept yourself and others better or even to create new ideas call on the duck, mole, monkey or Hawk. To help you step out of your comfort zone, take action and tackle something new, call on the antelope, badger, iguana or squirrel. To help you to become more flexible, and adapt. Call on the chimpanzee, duck, Fox, hummingbird, polar bear, Raccoon, Road Runner and seal. For any basic survival needs call on the antelope, crab, owl, llama, polar bear, rat or Turkey. When it comes to healing addictions of any kind, call on the bear, rattlesnake and tarantula.

    Listen again next week when we continue this discussion with encouragement, expression, physical exercise, faith and family suggestions. So call in healing! Call in healing with the animals. “Call IT in With Dar!”

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    Photo credit: Rebecca Lange Photography

    Music credit: Kevin MacLeod Incompetech.com (licensed under Creative Commons)

    Production credit: Erin Schenke @ Emerald Support Services LLC.

    Grab Dar's Flight Deck Oracle Card Deck

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Animal Guidance Series: Zebra Medicine
    Jul 24 2024

    Today's episode concludes the alphabet animal medicine series with the enchanting zebra. It doesn't however conclude the entire series because the next few episodes are going to be about spirit animal healing, where you can call in a specific animal for a special concern or disease. The Zebra is renowned for its distinctive black and white striped coat. Each Zebra has a unique striped pattern, which is thought to be advantageous for camouflage, temperature regulation, and possibly social recognition within the herd. They typically stand between four to five feet tall at the shoulder, and can weigh as much as 900 pounds. They're robust bodies are adapted for endurance running, and that is essential for escaping predators such as lions and hyenas. Beyond their striking appearance, Zebras hold rich symbolism across various cultures, symbolizing communication, socialization, balance, swiftness, individuality. adaptability, nurturing, mystical qualities, and cultural diversity. Zebras are extremely social animals that form herds, consisting of a dominant male, several females and their offspring. These herds provide protection against predators through collective vigilance, and coordinated defense strategies.

    So call in zebras, call in the zebra for balance, communication, socialization, individuality, adaptability, mystical qualities, nurturing or even cultural diversity! Call in this black and white enchantment creature! Call in the zebra spirit, “Call IT in With Dar!”

    Support the Show.

    Photo credit: Rebecca Lange Photography

    Music credit: Kevin MacLeod Incompetech.com (licensed under Creative Commons)

    Production credit: Erin Schenke @ Emerald Support Services LLC.

    Grab Dar's Flight Deck Oracle Card Deck

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Animal Guidance Series: Wombat Medicine
    Jul 17 2024

    As we approach the end of our A- Z animal medicine series… Today's episode is about a fascinating creature. The Wombat who is native to Australia. It is an animal that captivates both scientist and nature enthusiast attention due to its unique and interesting characteristics. From its distinctive physical attributes to its remarkable behaviors. The Wombat stands out as a ascinating example of evolution in adapting to its environment. Overall, the wombat symbolizes protection, wisdom, connection, resilience, survival and adaptability. One of the wombats most striking physical features is its very robust, yet compact body despite its relatively small size, compared to other Australian mammals like kangaroos and wallabies. wombats are solidly built with large heads and sturdy legs. They possess a thick fur coat, which varies in color from sandy brown to gray. It provides insulation and protection against the elements. Wombats are mostly known for their powerful claws, particularly their large strong fore legs that adapt well for digging. These claws enable them to excavate extensive burrows systems underground, where they spend much of their time resting and sheltering from predators and harsh weather conditions.

    So call in wombat medicine for protection, wisdom, resilience, adaptability and contact and connection to the land. Call in the wombat! “Call IT in With Dar!”

    Support the Show.

    Photo credit: Rebecca Lange Photography

    Music credit: Kevin MacLeod Incompetech.com (licensed under Creative Commons)

    Production credit: Erin Schenke @ Emerald Support Services LLC.

    Grab Dar's Flight Deck Oracle Card Deck

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Animal Guidance Series: Wolf Medicine
    Jul 10 2024

    Today's animal in our A - Z animal spirit series has captivated human imagination for centuries. It is the wolf who embodies a complex array of symbolic meanings across many cultures. The wolf is found in Europe, Asia and North America. These majestic creatures have played significant roles in mythology, folklore, and spiritual beliefs. Overall wolf symbolizes power, wisdom, loyalty, adaptability, courage, socialization, communication, and our key to preventing overgrazing by other animals for the spirit of nature. Wolves are well adapted predators with several physical characteristics that contribute to their hunting prowess. Their bodies are streamlined and muscular, designed for endurance running, and for swift movements. The Wolf has large paws with well-developed claws that aid in gripping prey, and in navigating various terrains. They are found in snow covered landscapes, and dense forests. All of their senses are finely tuned for hunting. Wolves have keen eyesight, which allows them to detect movement over very long distances, even in low light conditions. Their sense of smell is acute and perhaps their most powerful tool. It helps them to track prey, identify pack members, and communicate through their scent marking in their territory.

    So call in the wolf spirit for courage, wisdom, loyalty, adaptability. Call in the wolf! “Call IT in With Dar!”

    Support the Show.

    Photo credit: Rebecca Lange Photography

    Music credit: Kevin MacLeod Incompetech.com (licensed under Creative Commons)

    Production credit: Erin Schenke @ Emerald Support Services LLC.

    Grab Dar's Flight Deck Oracle Card Deck

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Animal Guidance Series: Whale Medicine
    Jul 3 2024

    In our animal series A through Z. Today's animal is the largest aquatic mammal on Earth, the whale. The blue whale is the largest of the species weighing around 220 tons. These large whales have no natural predators, and are distributed throughout all of the oceans of the world. As previously mentioned, the whale is a mammal. So they breathe air, are warm blooded, give live birth and feed milk to their young and have hair… mainly whiskers in this case. Whales symbolize many things including intelligence, compassion, solitude, creativity, freedom, and mystery. Because we rarely see them in real life, they're of majestic size and beautiful grace and the water can take our breath away. Whales are all inspiring, not just because of their size, and grace, but also because of their intellect, intelligence, and movement. I saw this firsthand in a SeaWorld demonstration that I'll never forget. In general whales are compassionate beings. They often protect their sea companions from predators. There are examples of them protecting humans as well from danger. Whales have large brains with huge heads, making up 40% of their body. They are known to communicate with each other, using echolocation and music to attract their mates. The echolocation is a technique that travels great lengths underwater, and reflects the sound of objects. Whales are extremely alert animals and always aware of their surroundings.

    Call in the whale to help you navigate life with wisdom and intelligence. Call on whale spirit. “Call IT in With Dar!”

    Support the Show.

    Photo credit: Rebecca Lange Photography

    Music credit: Kevin MacLeod Incompetech.com (licensed under Creative Commons)

    Production credit: Erin Schenke @ Emerald Support Services LLC.

    Grab Dar's Flight Deck Oracle Card Deck

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Animal Guidance Series: Walrus Medicine
    Jun 26 2024

    In this A through Z animal podcast series, we begin the w's…with the amazing walrus found primarily in icy Arctic waters, they can withstand freezing temperatures as low as 95 degrees below zero. Wow. There are two main subspecies who live to be around 40 years old, and a male walrus can actually weigh more than a ton. Overall, walruses symbolize many things, including ancient knowledge, seeing the bigger picture, nourishing others strength and positive motherhood. Shamans believe that the walrus spirit is the keeper of ancient knowledge and wisdom. Both male and female walruses grow long tusks which helped them adapt better to their Arctic life. They often use them like ski poles to dig into sand, snow and ice to help them haul their enormous bodies out of the freezing ocean waters. Their Tusks are also used during swimming to cut holes in the ice so that they can come up for a breath. These massive animals need thick layers of blubber to stay insulated. All that fat protects them from the cold. A baby walrus can weigh as much as an average size human. Those chunky little critters are called calves and they stay with their mother, a cow, until they are about two years old. Walruses eat shellfish like clams that they grabbed from the ocean floor, along with mussels, sea cucumbers and some fish. They have very sensitive whiskers that help them detect food. Once they've spotted their prey, they're surprisingly speedy swimmers.

    So called in the spirit of the walrus. Call it in for life well lived! “Call IT in With Dar!”

    Support the Show.

    Photo credit: Rebecca Lange Photography

    Music credit: Kevin MacLeod Incompetech.com (licensed under Creative Commons)

    Production credit: Erin Schenke @ Emerald Support Services LLC.

    Grab Dar's Flight Deck Oracle Card Deck

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Animal Guidance Series: Turtle Medicine
    Jun 19 2024

    As many of you know, I have spent this past year engrossed in the study of animal symbolism. As one can see by this animal A through Z podcast series. Today's episode is about one of my favorites, the turtle. This morning, I was watching several painted turtles sunning themselves on a log in my pond. And then I began thinking about how interesting they are. There are about 300 different turtle species in the world, and most are aquatic. They can be categorized into three broad types: freshwater turtles, sea turtles, and land tortoises. Yes, scientifically speaking, tortoises are turtles too. Turtles have many symbolic meanings throughout the world, especially in Asia and North America. Often, they are associated with creation myths, and are said to have a map of the earth and a calendar of the moon in their shell design. Overall turtles represent longevity, protection, adaptability, stability, healing, wisdom, fertility, good luck, steadfastness, and tranquility.

    So call in turtle medicine, Call the power of the turtle in your life. Join up with the turtle spirit! “Call IT in With Dar!”

    Support the Show.

    Photo credit: Rebecca Lange Photography

    Music credit: Kevin MacLeod Incompetech.com (licensed under Creative Commons)

    Production credit: Erin Schenke @ Emerald Support Services LLC.

    Grab Dar's Flight Deck Oracle Card Deck

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Animal Guidance Series: Turkey Medicine
    Jun 12 2024

    Welcome back to our spiritual animal series A through Z, where we are exploring the symbolism, characteristics and folklore of various animals. Today's episode is about the turkey, who in the 1500s was brought back from the Americas to Europe, Mexico and Asia. So it is native to North America. Native Americans domesticated the turkey as early as 2000 years ago. Overall, the turkey symbolizes vitality, fertility, protection, strain, bounty, community, generosity, resourcefulness and pride. To the Native American culture, turkeys are seen of great value and significance, symbolizing life, Earth riches, ample crops, and big families. The turkey feather is still used in ceremonies today. For protection, and to guard against evil. Turkeys were often given as gifts from one tribe to another. Today in America, the turkey is still a sign of abundance and Thanksgiving, as many share a traditional holiday feast of Turkey. In Mexico, the turkey is often portrayed in their artwork as a symbol of growth and lifeforce energy. Black and white feathers, interestingly enough, symbolizes clouds and rain to nourish the crops.

    So call this interesting bird into your life. Call in Turkey medicine for our community protection or bring curiosity in your life.” Call IT in With Dar!”

    Support the Show.

    Photo credit: Rebecca Lange Photography

    Music credit: Kevin MacLeod Incompetech.com (licensed under Creative Commons)

    Production credit: Erin Schenke @ Emerald Support Services LLC.

    Grab Dar's Flight Deck Oracle Card Deck

    Más Menos
    7 m