• 138 | What's Next for Heather and Roger: Our Story and "Why" We are Starting Our New Business Together
    Sep 6 2024

    In this special episode of the Called to Lead podcast, Heather shares an exciting new chapter in her business journey alongside her husband, Roger. Together, they discuss their personal and professional evolution over the past 20 years and announce the launch of a new business, Restore Collective. The episode also features a reflection on their marriage, visionary goals, and values rooted in their faith. Listeners are invited to join and follow their mission to simplify the lives of active families, elevate the direct sales industry, and support cancer thrivers and their caretakers. The episode concludes with a heartfelt prayer and an invitation for listeners to stay tuned for more updates in upcoming episodes.

    00:00 Welcome and Big Announcements
    02:12 Reflecting on Our Journey
    02:43 The Vision and New Business
    06:31 Our Entrepreneurial Backgrounds
    08:27 Aligning Dreams and Faith
    17:57 Introducing Restore Collective
    20:22 Our Mission: Simplifying Lives of Active Families
    21:57 The Importance of Family in Our Mission
    23:13 Our Vision: Building a Strong Foundation
    24:50 Empowering Servant-Hearted Leaders
    27:14 Innovations for Active Families
    28:08 Elevating the Direct Sales Industry
    31:07 Supporting Cancer Thrivers and Caretakers
    32:41 Core Values and Future Plans
    34:44 Join Us on This Journey
    38:04 Closing Thoughts and Prayer

    Episode Resources/References:

    ・Seint's Income Disclosure

    ・Texting with Project Broadcast

    ・Easily Edit Your Videos + Podcast

    ・Get 50% off Stunning Emails

    Connect with Heather:

    Called to Lead Telegram Community



    You can also text (912) 405-8912 any of these keywords to learn more:

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    COLORMATCH (to try Seint Beauty)

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • 137 | Ask the Expert: My Pastor Harrison Huxford on Seeking the Lord for His Vision and Calling on Your Life
    Aug 30 2024

    In this enriching episode of the Called to Lead podcast, Heather interviews Pastor Harrison Huxford from Compassion Christian Church. The discussion revolves around themes of vision and purpose in one's life. Harrison shares his personal journey, the wisdom he has gathered through his ministry, and how faith and vision intersect in one's calling. They delve into the significance of understanding one's purpose, the importance of a spiritual foundation, and how personal struggles and aspirations can align with divine plans. The episode also touches on topics like personal development and the role of faith in overcoming life’s challenges. The episode wraps up with Harrison leading a heartfelt prayer for the listeners.

    Episode Highlights:

    ・Welcome and Introduction
    ・Meet Pastor Harrison Huxford
    ・The Power of Vision
    ・Personal Stories and Spiritual Insights・
    ・The Parable of the Sower
    ・Finding Purpose Through Scripture・
    ・Balancing Personal Development and Faith・
    ・Understanding Vision and Calling
    ・The Importance of Community and Church

    Episode Resources/References:

    ・Seint's Income Disclosure

    ・Texting with Project Broadcast

    ・Easily Edit Your Videos + Podcast

    ・Get 50% off Stunning Emails

    ・Pastor Harrison's Sermon " First Comes Love"

    ・Pastor Harrison's Sermon "Influencers"

    ・Called to Lead Telegram Community



    You can also text (912) 405-8912 any of these keywords to learn more:

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    COLORMATCH (to try Seint Beauty)

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • 136 | Ready, Set, GO! What is the Lord Calling YOU to do next?
    Aug 23 2024

    In this episode of the Called to Lead podcast, we delve into understanding God's will for your business journey, whether it's staying put, trying something new, or waiting for a surprise blessing. Heather shares personal experiences, including a major career transition and lessons from the John Maxwell International Conference. We also discuss three key questions to determine if you're ready, set, and prepared to go for what God has next for you. Tune in for actionable steps to gain clarity in your business decisions.

    Episode Highlights:

    ・ Heather shares her personal journey with her business transition.
    ・ Heather shares her experience at the John Maxwell Conference and how the Lord didnt get her the green light to take his course even though it could have made sense to, it wasn't his timing!
    ・Heather gives insight into knowing whether you are in the Ready, Set, Or go phase of your next steps!
    ・There are 3 questions to determine your readiness.

    Episode Resources/References:

    ・Seint's Income Disclosure

    ・Texting with Project Broadcast

    ・Easily Edit Your Videos + Podcast

    ・Get 50% off Stunning Emails

    Connect with Heather:

    Called to Lead Telegram Community



    You can also text (912) 405-8912 any of these keywords to learn more:

    CONNECT (to stay in touch on all the things)

    PODCAST (to get a direct link to the Called to Lead Community)

    COLORMATCH (to try Seint Beauty)

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • 135 | 3 Ingredients to Stay in Alignment with the Lord's Path for Your Business
    Aug 16 2024

    In this episode of the Called to Lead podcast, we continue our series on staying aligned with the Lord's path for your business and being obedient to His will. Discover three essential ingredients for walking in alignment with God's plans, whether you're making transitions in your business or feeling settled. Heather shares her insights on starting the day with the Bible, making church a priority, and curating a community of like-minded believers. Dive into practical tips rooted in scripture and learn how to approach your business with faith at the forefront.

    Episode Highlights:

    ・ Ingredient 1: Spending Time in the Word
    ・ Heather shares how at one point she isnt even sure she believed that the bible was true but now she KNOWS that it is and she is hungry for the word everyday!
    ・ Ingredient 2: Making Church a Priority
    ・Heather talks about how important it is to meet together weekly with a body of believers. The people are not perfect but they encourage you in your walk with Christ.
    ・Ingredient 3: Building a Community of Believers
    ・Heather shares how she started a small group/bible study at one point that didn't quite work out but because of trying out it, she met one of her very best friends who has changed her life.

    Episode Resources/References:

    ・Seint's Income Disclosure

    ・Texting with Project Broadcast

    ・Easily Edit Your Videos + Podcast

    ・Get 50% off Stunning Emails

    ・Bible Recap Reading Plan

    ・Bible App

    ・My Favorite Bible

    ・Grandmother Nell's Podcast Episode Part 1

    ・Grandmother Nell's Podcast Episode Part 2

    Connect with Heather:

    Called to Lead Telegram Community



    You can also text (912) 405-8912 any of these keywords to learn more:

    CONNECT (to stay in touch on all the things)

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    COLORMATCH (to try Seint Beauty)

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • 134 | Lessons from a Top Leader: Steps to finding Peace in the Pivot with Whitney Ray
    Aug 9 2024

    In this episode of the Called to Lead podcast, Heather is chatting with Whitney Ray about having 'Peace in the Pivot.' Over the past decade, Whitney has made significant strides in network marketing, recently facing a major pivot when her company restructured. Whitney shares her deeply personal story, navigating sudden business shifts while relying on faith.

    Episode Highlights:

    ・Whitney shares her background with Noonday and Beauty Counter
    ・Whitney shares the challenges and emotions within a sudden business change
    ・We find out how God showed her the next steps to take even though they didn't quite make sense to her.
    ・We get to hear how Whitney evaluates whether a company has a good foundation.
    ・Whitney shares her new venture and the clarity around her next steps.

    Episode Resources/References:

    ・Seint's Income Disclosure

    ・Texting with Project Broadcast

    ・Easily Edit Your Videos + Podcast

    ・Get 50% off Stunning Emails

    Connect with Heather:

    Called to Lead Telegram Community



    You can also text (912) 405-8912 any of these keywords to learn more:

    CONNECT (to stay in touch on all the things)

    PODCAST (to get a direct link to the Called to Lead Community)

    COLORMATCH (to try Seint Beauty)

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • 133 | The Key to Success in Any Endeavor: Obedience
    Aug 2 2024

    In this episode of the Called to Lead podcast, Heather discusses the concept of obedience from a faith-based perspective, the impact of reading the Bible on her life, and how she has been navigating the challenges in her network marketing business by adhering to spiritual guidance. She shares personal experiences, scriptures, and advice on remaining focused on one's God directed path amidst life's transitions and adversities.

    Episode Highlights:

    ・Reading through the Bible in the year has solidified Heather's love for the Word of God
    ・We can't judge other's obedience or the path they are being called to
    ・Hebrews 12:1-2
    ・We can be easily tempted by our own desires
    ・When it says the Lord will give you the desires of your heart, it doesn't mean that he's going to give you every desire that's in your heart or that you can manifest the things that you want
    ・It means He will give you His Godly desires on your heart
    ・Obedience is walking that path
    ・Sometimes God redirects us from something that is good, to something better
    ・None of us on this path can see what's ahead of us, except the first few steps
    ・Is fear the thing that's holding you back?
    ・The word no can be a really powerful way to cast off everything that hinders
    ・Romans 12:2
    ・His plans and His timing are far better than anything you can imagine

    102 | Feeling Burned Out or Overwhelmed? The Importance of Intentional Rest in Your Business

    Hebrews 12:1-2: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

    Romans 12:2: Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

    Episode Resources/References:

    ・Seint's Income Disclosure

    ・Texting with Project Broadcast

    ・Easily Edit Your Videos + Podcast

    ・Get 50% off Stunning Emails

    Connect with Heather:

    Called to Lead Telegram Community



    You can also text (912) 405-8912 any of these keywords to learn more:

    CONNECT (to stay in touch on all the things)

    PODCAST (to get a direct link to the Called to Lead Community)

    COLORMATCH (to try Seint Beauty)

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    Más Menos
    27 m
  • 132 | Ask the Expert: Kristen Boss on the Transformational Power of a Faith Filled Business and Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs
    Jul 26 2024

    In this episode, Heather interviews Kristen Boss, a top coach in the network marketing and social selling industry. Kristen shares her journey from being a celebrity hairstylist to becoming a successful business coach. She discusses the challenges within the network marketing industry, her transition from direct sales, and her motivational approach to empowering others. Hear her heart on navigating business transitions through faith, overcoming burnout, the impact of money and wealth in business, and the importance of providing grace and compassion during times of change. She also touches on the potential revival in the marketplace and how to find deeper fulfillment beyond mere financial success.

    Episode Highlights:

    ・There are seasons and reasons to join this business model
    ・Your opinion and view of money have the power to shape your financial outcomes
    ・In your healing you could be someone else's hope
    ・Do not make your decisions based on a spirit of fear
    ・Know that wherever you go, it will be hard and there's going to be a struggle
    ・"You are one platform away from having to reinvent your business"
    ・Simplification and duplication, if you can nail those two things, you can be successful in network marketing business
    ・Your business is probably God's biggest refinement tool for you outside of your marriage and parenting
    ・There is no hurry in this business
    ・Money will disappoint unless you put your hope in God, it will fall short

    Learn More About Kristen Here

    Episode Resources/References:

    ・Seint's Income Disclosure

    ・Texting with Project Broadcast

    ・Easily Edit Your Videos + Podcast

    ・Get 50% off Stunning Emails

    Connect with Heather:

    Called to Lead Telegram Community



    You can also text (912) 405-8912 any of these keywords to learn more:

    CONNECT (to stay in touch on all the things)

    PODCAST (to get a direct link to the Called to Lead Community)

    COLORMATCH (to try Seint Beauty)

    SUMMIT (to join the virtual summit waitlist)

    Más Menos
    54 m
  • 131 | Renewal Recap Wrapup - Sharing My Heart and New Business Decisions
    Jul 19 2024

    In this week's episode, Heather wraps up her renewal recap series by sharing her real business numbers from June that are worth celebrating. Tune in to hear Heather share her wins, opportunities for growth, recognition, and key performance indicators as well as her heart moving forward with Seint.

    Episode Highlights:

    ・Clarity and peace will come in His time if you're looking to Him for wisdom and guidance
    ・Eliminate a sense of scarcity and a fixed timeline
    ・Heather shares that June was one of the top ten months of her entire Seint career
    ・As followers of Christ we can leverage the beautiful aspects of network marketing, one of which is that anybody can do this
    ・We can align together to raise this entire industry by focusing on doing this business the right way
    ・Network marketing is a business model that is built on helping build other people up, creating a community of people centered around an amazing product and helping them find systems and ways to share it that serves the customers of that product
    ・Different people will choose different paths and we have got to give grace to those who make their own decisions in this business

    Marenda Benson's Podcast Interview

    Episode Resources/References:

    ・Seint's Income Disclosure

    ・Texting with Project Broadcast

    ・Easily Edit Your Videos + Podcast

    ・Get 50% off Stunning Emails

    Connect with Heather:

    Called to Lead Telegram Community



    You can also text (912) 405-8912 any of these keywords to learn more:

    CONNECT (to stay in touch on all the things)

    PODCAST (to get a direct link to the Called to Lead Community)

    COLORMATCH (to try Seint Beauty)

    SUMMIT (to join the virtual summit waitlist)

    Más Menos
    35 m