
  • Round Two Done. L38/37 takes the deal.
    Jul 5 2024

    Deal struck. 3, 3.25, 3.25. Everything else was the same except for stronger language on the seasonal recall. Thanks to everyone that came out to vote.

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    2 m
  • Memorandum of Settlement - Three Year Deal sweetened with 0.5%.
    Jun 22 2024

    Information is working its way down the chain. What I can share is in the episode. This is a yes for me. I hope you can find it in your selves to vote yes as well. Compounded this deal is 9.8% over three years. I am told what was offered and accepted in principal is 3, 3.25, 3.25. Some language changes around seasonal recall but all the other negotiated items were included as well.

    Looking forward to signing this deal, and thanks to the Union officers who took a good offer, listened to the membership, went back and squeezed out a bit over 0.5% including the other monitary items.

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    2 m
  • No for the 3,3,3 deal. Now what? Strike Mandate
    May 29 2024

    Strike mandate on the horizon.

    My thoughts. Some may think we are in a zero sum game, or a win-win. At this stage we are hovering near a lose-lose. We are in a cooling off portion. Call the hall if you have questions.

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    36 m
  • L37 is moving forward. L38 is cooling off.
    May 5 2024

    L37 is being offered 3%x3 over 3 years.

    L38 is being offered 3%, 3%, 2%. They are asking for 4%, 3.5%, 3%.

    Compounded from both the difference is about 1.59%. They are dealing with other issues that L37 are not concerned with, but L37 have got in writing some things they have been looking for going back many contracts.

    My support for L38 and my desire to move forward with our proposed contract are important in my dedication. 1.59% may not be much but sometimes it is not entirely the monetary that keeps contracts from being signed.

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    8 m
  • Greenshield Customer Service On-Strike
    4 m
  • January 2024 Meeting - New Executive Restructure
    Jan 19 2024

    Waiting on the Bylaws but this is what I submitted to the Executive in March of 2023. Not sure if any of it was different.

    The Proposal

    Also if you haven't put in for the remaining of your Health and Spending Account. Do it before end of Feb.

    HSA H&DP 2021 12min

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    6 m
  • Health Spending Account 2023
    Jan 7 2024

    HSA 2021 Video

    Every year you have to claim it to get it or you lose it. Follow the information and get back the health spending account back from the last year. You have until Feb to do this. Must be able to sign into GSC and must have your last pay advice of the fiscal year.

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    7 m
  • NEB Expansion Solution… DVP+
    Dec 9 2023
    The only thing I would add is that The President, Treasurer, and Administrator are not from the same Province. Constitutional Resolution for the NEB and Committee/Working Groups. Be it resolved that CUPE National will be comprised of 28 National Executive Board Members. 3 of whom will handle the day-to-day workings of the labour organization, 13 Provincial/Terrtitory Orientated Regional Vice Presidents who will elect internally 6 General VP’s. These positions will be called the President, Secretary Treasurer, National Administrator, with 6 GVP’s and 7 RVP’s. The remaining 12 positions will be comprised of titled Diversity roles as devised by the National. These positions will be voted on by the entire delegation of CUPE members off the floor and will be selected to represent not only their Diversity counterparts. These Diversity VP’s will also be linked by election to a specific Province/Territory. At minimum two representatives from each Province will sit on the NEB. To qualify as a candidate these roles will require the backing of each caucus through article 11.2 of the Constitution. They do not require to have the specific Diversity role they represent but do need to have the full caucus support of their respective equity seeking committee. These candidates will also require the full support of their Provincial Division. They will be expected to sit on their Provincial Division in some capacity. They must qualify as a delegate. As per our commitment to the Canadian Labour Congress, Candidates cannot be over 65 years of age, and need to have a dues paying position waiting for them in their home local. In the case of the Territories, if no Provincial Division exists, their roles will be distributed to Provinces that have fewer representatives. The National Administrator as a new role will be given duties that assist in the day-to-day operations. Watching over the Trial Procedure, advising on bylaw compliance, new member recruitment, and advancing the National could be some of the duties for the position. Voting on these positions will be either a Ranked-choice vote or first past the post by every delegate who chooses to participate in the Convention. Each person who runs for these roles must primarily reside in the province for which they are representing. Diversity VP’s will be required to submit for approval if the equity seeking committee has been formed. If approval is granted, the caucus choice will be communicated at Convention. All NEB meetings except for up to four a year will be run online and through virtual methods. Committee meetings will also be limited to two in person meetings. Technology will be provided to the successful candidates elected to the positions. Technology will be returned at the end of their terms in office. Terms of Office will be no more than 5 terms of office, in any combination including previous terms off office on the National Executive Board. This means sitting on the NEB is at maximum a 10-year commitment. All referencing constitutional clauses referring to the previous makeup will be reworked to manage the structure proposed here through a committee that will report back by the next convention or by a special called convention. Including the Full-time Position, the changes and definitions will be identified and labeled. The NEB will be comprised of 28 members as elected as stated previously in this resolution. Because CUPE National is run by a very complex organization of representatives, and staff that are tasked with the betterment of CUPE members. It should never be a position where elected officers are comfortable in their roles representing the National membership. Returning to their past roles if they so choose. If an elected officer can reach 10 years in office, their contribution to CUPE should be able to be felt upon their return to their Local. The position should be able to pass their torch to the next candidate. For the Local should be in the mind of the NEB member, who is seconded to the National. Their contributions should push forward the movement in such a way as the responsibilities, and rewards provided by the position not being a given but a reward for the right to represent those who dues are to be respected. Because the NEB has pushed for an increased presence of Diversity roles but does not take into consideration the parliamentary structure it ascribes. In order to be more Diverse, the structure needs to be realigned. This structure is similar to the previous provincial model. The difference being their roles must be representative of Diversity positions as a primary and Provincial representation being secondary. The cycle of leadership will be forced to change because of the respective timelines. This increase in Diversity positions allow CUPE to lead by example while constraining what used to be Regional VP roles. Because CUPE allows their affiliated Locals to be autonomous if they follow the National Constitution. This should ...
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    45 m