
  • #10753 Open Forum - Tim Staples
    Aug 9 2022
    Questions Covered: 04:14 – Since God isn’t limited to time and space can he see all the paths that we could have taken in life?  15:30 – Could you explain the Vatican’s Council for Inclusive Capitalism?  22:10 – What should we expect if Jesus comes back tomorrow?  29:45 – I’m not Catholic but I am so close. Can you give me advice on making the leap even though Pope Francis scandalizes me?  37:50 – Is it ok to marry with the intention to adopt and not procreate?  42:37 – Can demons materialize in human form?  48:39 – How does Jer. 31:29-30 relate to original sin?  …
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  • #10737 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin
    Jul 28 2022
    Questions Covered: 03:02 – Does God’s omniscience make an infinite past impossible? 07:28 – Were there early church fathers that bought into Calvinism? 12:20 – Is there a distinction between fallen angels and demons? 16:29 – Why did they change the name from RCIA to OCIA? 20:31 – What are the requirements for becoming a deacon or apologist/religious leader? 29:29 – In Romans 2:25-26, what does Paul mean here? Doesn’t God stay faithful to His covenants with His people no matter what? 35:27 – How are our internal organs affected by the resurrected body? 40:50 – Considering the verse that calls Christ the cornerstone, could you explain the stability of the Catholic church? 46:38 – Were the places that the Israelites attacked in the book of Joshua military bases or civilian towns? 49:53 – What’s the difference between praying, desiring, and wishing? …
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  • #10733 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin
    Jul 26 2022
    Questions Covered: 04:11 – Regarding the Vatican 2 document on Ecumenism on point 7 of chapter 2: Why are they asking for forgiveness in the Church haven’t done anything wrong?  08:45 – Is taking symbolic communion better than taking no communion at all?  14:00 – The bible says you must believe in Jesus to have salvation. What exactly does “believe” mean? How do we get saved?  21:38 When was the post-exilic period? What’s the Catholic perspective on this time in history?  29:00 – What is the best way to start a conversation about faith with an agnostic?  32:56 – What is the significance of Jesus handing Peter the keys? Is there a lineage?  36:33 – Can you help clarify what happens in mass when the priest places his hands over the bread and wine? Also, why does he lean forward during the consecration almost speaking into the host/chalice?  43:20 – Is it possible to have perfect contrition and imperfect contrition at the same time?  45:05 – What are your thoughts on the idea that not all of us are children of God? That only those baptized are his children. I know This might go against V2.  50:05 – I’m about to start RCIA and wanted to know your thoughts on the NAB bible translation?  …
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  • #10732 Which Catholic Doctrine Troubles You? - Karlo Broussard
    Jul 26 2022
    Questions Covered: 05:56 – Why would the Holy Spirit not know when the second coming will happen according to Mt. 24:36. 15:33- Do you have assurance that people with mental disabilities have salvation? 31:40 – How do you balance reading “plucking out your eye” and “cutting off your hand” as metaphorically” and readings on hell as literally? 41:21 – I’m struggling, why do the popes, bishops and priests adorn themselves so much and treat themselves with a lot of luxuries if Jesus never walked that way? …
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  • #10730 Open Forum - Joe Heschmeyer
    Jul 23 2022
    Questions Covered: 07:00 – I have a friend who is hesitant to convert to Catholicism because the idea of confessing her sins to a man seems shameful. 16:38 – How do I respond to the “forced birth” argument? 21:09 – I teach a catechism class at a local public school (Australia). I was inviting them to our parish confirmation program even though most never go to church. One question I couldn’t answer: How did Peter know what Jesus meant by “Church” in Matt 16? Was the term used before then? 24:46 – What is the best way to open conversation with family who are practically atheist? 36:46 – Is it wrong to gamble during a financial struggle? 42:22 – What, in your opinion, was Christ’s strangest teaching? 47:05 – What is the difference between Protestant and Catholic salvation? 50:25 – Why would Mary Magdalene go to the tomb if it was sealed and guarded? …
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  • #10713 Open Forum - Tim Staples
    Jul 12 2022
    Questions Covered: 04:46 – Can you explain the Eucharist specifically in terms of a sacrifice? 18:20 – In the Old Testament did the Levitical priest have the power to forgive sins or did they merely pronounce God’s Forgiveness? 31:15 – Regarding Judah’s death is Acts 1:18 or Mt 27:5 true? 35:38 – Is the blood of Christ on the cross the same substance as the blood in the Eucharist? 44:54 – Is speaking in tongues the babbling of the Holy Spirit? 51:16 – Does needing to go to confession after baptism lessen the efficaciousness of baptism itself? …
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  • #10710 Ask a Priest - Fr. Paul Check
    Jul 9 2022
    Questions Covered: 02:15 – I’m protestant, I grew up thinking Catholic symbolism was idol worship. Where did we go wrong in that thinking? 10:10 – Is God both merciful and just? How does this manifest itself on the cross? 17:00 – Is the idea that Anglicanism is not valid an indefinite teaching in the Catholic Church? 22:06 – Both cremation and communion in the hand became permissible in the 1960’s. A. What’s the most proper way of disposing of a body? B. When and why did communion in the hand become universal? 30:01 – Why isn’t the Church using extraordinary ministers of holy communion or deacons to go give communion at hospitals? 32:09 – If Jesus is all merciful and we should be like him, should we be imprisoning murderers and thieves? 37:52 – What is the Church’s stance on the Old Catholic Church? 44:15 – What is the significance of doing a pilgrimage? What is the best way to prepare for one? 47:56 – Is it ok for Catholics to cross-dress in situations like theater or cosplay? What’s the best way to respond to the pro-abortion reply that Catholics are pro-life because it was started in a time of misogyny? 52:43 – Jesus said, “Let the dead bury the dead.” Did he mean physically or spiritually? …
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  • #10706 Why Aren’t You Catholic - Joe Heschmeyer
    Jul 7 2022
    Questions Covered: 01:12 – I’m not Catholic because of a long series of Socratic conversations with Catholics who don’t have a complete understanding. I don’t think they are intellectually honest.  15:53 – I’m contemplating leaving Catholicism. I have a problem with the idea that missing Sunday mass is a mortal sin.  28:30 – I’m not Catholic because of the Council of Nicaea and how they changed the Sabbath to Sunday.  44:20 – I’m not Catholic because of Daniel 7:25.  50:53 – I just converted to Catholicism because the Episcopal church changed when it came to sexual ethics.  …
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