
  • The Faerie Realms - British Goblins CT001
    May 10 2017

    British Goblins: Welsh Folk Lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions (1881)

    The Faerie Realms

    The Preface


    Wirt Sikes

    A comprehensive exposition of ghosts, fairies, dragons, superstitions and supernatural folklore drawn from the Welsh traditions, 'British Goblins' is packed with information on fairy mythology.

    The Old Woman of the Mountain


    Names Used in this Section



    Mr. Sikes doesn't really use any other strange names in this Preface, but he does quote from Chaucer - which may need noting here.

    He quotes from the Wife of Bath's Tale, and he says:

    In olde dayes of the Kyng Arthour, ...
    Al was this lond fulfilled of fayrie; ...


    British Goblins can be found on Sacred Texts.

    You can find out more about Wirt Sikes on Wikipedia.

    Try the Celtic Myth Podshow for the Tales and Stories of the Ancient Celts at http://celticmythpodshow.com or on Apple Podcasts.

    Our theme music is "Gander at the Pratie Hole" by Sláinte.  You can find their music on the Free Music Archive.





    Más Menos
    5 m
  • Fairy Tales and Ancient Mythology - British Goblins CT002
    May 24 2017

    Fairy Tales and Ancient Mythology

    British Goblins: Welsh Folk Lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions (1881)

    Book 1 Chapter 1


    Wirt Sikes

    A comprehensive exposition of ghosts, fairies, dragons, superstitions and supernatural folklore drawn from the Welsh traditions, 'British Goblins' is packed with information on fairy mythology. All proper names, and words in Welsh or other languages, will be found recorded in the show-notes below and we've done our best to get the pronounciations right for you.

    Running Order:

    • Book 1: The Realm of Faerie 0:46
    • Section 1 1:24
      • Fairy Tales and the Ancient Mythology 1:46
      • The Compensations of Science 3:00
    • Section 2 3:58
      • Existing Belief in Fairies in Wales 4:02
      • The Faith of Culture 5:33
      • The Credulity of Ignorance 7:13
    • Section 3 8:48
      • The Old Time Welsh Fairyland 8:52
    • Section 4 11:26
      • The Fairy King 11:30
      • The Legend of St. Collen and Gwyn ap Nudd 12:32
    • Section 5 15:32
      • The Green Meadows of the Sea 15:35
      • Fairies at Market 17:34
      • The Land of Mystery 18:30


    Fairies marketing at Laugharne

    Names Used in this Section

    Rev John Logan
    St. Collen
    Gwyn ap Nudd
    "foi scientifique"
    Archaeologia Cambrensis
    Mr. John Walter Lukis, President of the Cardiff Naturalists' Society
    Chaucer's Wyf of Bathes Tale:

            In olde dayes of the Kyng Arthour, ...
            Al was this lond fulfilled of fayrie; ...
            I speke of many hundrid yer ago;
            But now can no man see non elves mo.

    Gwerddonau Llion
    Dyfed (Demetia)
    Lady Charlotte Guest
    Vale of Neath
    Craig y Ddinas
    Mor Gwyn
    king of Annwn
    Avalon of the Arthurian legends
    Parry's 'Welsh Melodies'
    British king Gavran
    Three Losses by Disappearance
    Milford Haven
    Flemings in 1113


    British Goblins can be found on Sacred Texts.

    You can find out more about Wirt Sikes on Wikipedia.

    Try the Celtic Myth Podshow for the Tales and Stories of the Ancient Celts at http://celticmythpodshow.com or on Apple Podcasts.

    Our theme music is "Gander at the Pratie Hole" by Sláinte.  You can find their music on the Free Music Archive.







    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Classification of Welsh Fairies - British Goblins CT003
    Jun 7 2017
    Classification of Welsh Fairies British Goblins: Welsh Folk Lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions (1881) Book 1 Chapter 2 by Wirt Sikes Examining the different types of Welsh Fairies, from the Pwca (and Shakespeare's Puck) to the Ellylldan, Coblynau, Knockers and household fairies. Sikes also looks at Dwarfs, bogies and hobgoblins as well as telling us a humourous story of the Preacher and the Bwbach. Rowli Pugh and the Ellyl Running Order: Section 1 0:42 General Designation 1:53Habits of the Tylwyth Teg 3:43 Section 2 5:38 Ellyllon, or Elves 5:42Shakespeare's Use of Welsh Folk-Lore 7:41 Section 3 8:28 Rowli Pugh and the Ellyll 9:24Household Story Roots 12:22 Section 4 13:42 The Ellylldan 13:44 Section 5 17:19 The Pooka 17:20Puck Valley, Breconshire 18:11Where Shakespeare got his Puck 21:07 Section 6 21:43 Pwca'r Trwyn 21:44Usual Form of the Pooka Story 21:57 Section 7 22:44 Coblynau or Mine Fairies 22:46The Knockers 23:01 Section 8 24:14 Miner's Superstitions 24:18Basilisks and Fire Fiends 27:50 Section 9 28:54 A Fairy Coalmine 29:20The Dwarfs of Cae Caled 30:29 Section 10 32:18 Counterparts of the Coblynau 32:18 Section 11 34:36 The Bwbach, or Household Fairy 34:40Legend of the Bwbach and the Preacher 35:33 Section 12 37:20 Bogies and Hobgoblins 37:23Carrying Mortals through the Air 37:47Counterparts and Originals 38:04  Charcoal drawn figure of the Pwca   Names Used in this Section All proper names, and words in Welsh or other languages, are recorded here in the show-notes and we've done our best to get the pronounciations right for you. Keightley The Elves The Dwarfs or Trolls The Nisses The Necks, Mermen & Mermaids The Ellyllon (Elves) The Coblynau (Mine fairies) The Bwbachod (House fairies) The Gwragedd Annwn (Lake Fairies) The Gwyllion (Mountain Fairies) Y Tylwyth Teg (yn y Coed), Tylwth Teg y Mwn Bendith y Mamau Eumenides Sir Walter Scott Dayak Laplander Ammam El - 'spirit' Elf - 'element' Elihim (Hebrew) Davydd ab Gwilym Yr doedd ym mhob gobant Ellyllon mingeimion gant Ymenyn tylwyth teg bwyd ellyllon menyg ellyllon Gwyn ap Nudd Shakespeare Mercutio Mab Cymric mabgar mabgath mabiaith mabinogi Mabiogion Peterston-super-Ely Cardiff Glamorganshire Rowli Pugh Ellyll Catti Jones Bwbach Mr. Baring-Gould Grimm's Witchelma(umlaut)nner Hausma(um.)nner Milton's L'Allegro Ellylldan Will-o'-wisp Scandinavian Lyktgubhe Breton Sand Yan y Tad (Saint John the Father) Dan (fire) ignis fatuus Jack-muh-lantern Iolo the Bard Pwca, or Pooka, Puck   The Pwca Cambrian fairies Richard Price, son of Sir John Price Brecon Cym Pwca, Puck Valley Clydach in Breconshire Frere and Powell Trwyn Farm, near Abergwyddon (Abercarne) Pwca'r Trwyn Campbell Mrs. Fletcher Mrs. Siddons The Oswestry Advertiser Cefn Penrhyn Priestley Knockers Newport, Monmouthshire William Evans of Hafodafel Beacon Mountain Egbert Williams Denbighshire Cae Caled Parish of Bodfari Lanelwyd House Barbara Jones Wichtlein (little Wights) Haus-schmiedlein (little House-smiths) Heldenbuch Catskill Mountains Hendrik Hudson Cardiganshire Cwrw da Bogie Hobgoblin Gobelin 'Le gobelin vous mangera, le gobelin vous emportera.' hob, hopp, coblyn, goblin Slavonic 'bog' Baga of the Cuneiform Inscriptions Professor Fiske Aryan Bhaga, Sanskrit of the Vedas Phrygian Zeus "Bagaios" Xerxxes Southey Coblynau   British Goblins can be found on Sacred Texts. You can find out more about Wirt Sikes on Wikipedia. Try the Celtic Myth Podshow for the Tales and Stories of the Ancient Celts at http://celticmythpodshow.com or on Apple Podcasts. Our theme music is "Gander at the Pratie Hole" by Sláinte.  You can find their music on the Free Music Archive.   Save Save Save
    Más Menos
    41 m
  • Lake Fairies - British Goblins CT004
    Jun 21 2017
    Lake Fairies British Goblins: Welsh Folk Lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions (1881) Book 1 Chapter 3 by Wirt Sikes All about Lake Fairies. the Gwragedd Annwn or Women of the lakes, a legend of Crumlyn Lake, the elfin cow of Llyn Barfog, the Legend of the Meddygon Myddfai and much more. 'British Goblins' is packed with information on fairy mythology. All proper names, and words in Welsh or other languages, will be found recorded in the show-notes below and we've done our best to get the pronounciations right for you. Running Order: Section 1 0:42 The Gwragedd Annwn, or Dames of Elfin Land 1:53 Section 2 5:38 St Patrick and the Welshmen; a Legend of Crumlyn Lake 7:41 Section 3 8:28 The Elfin Cow of Lyn Barfog 9:24Y Fuwch Laethwen Lefrith 12:22The Legend of the Meddygon Myddfai 12:22 Section 4 13:42 The Wife of Supernatural Race 13:33The Three Blows; a Carmathenshire Legend 13:44 Section 5 17:19 Cheese and the Didactic Purpose in Welsh Folk-Lore 17:20 Section 6 21:43 The Fairy Maiden's Papa 21:44 Section 7 22:44 The Enchanted Isle in the Mountain Lake 22:46 Section 8 24:14 Legend of the Men of Ardudwy 24:18 Section 9 28:54 Origin of the Water Fairies 29:20Their prevalence in many Lands 30:29     The Gwraig of the Golden Boat Names Used in this Section All proper names, and words in Welsh or other languages, are recorded here in the show-notes and we've done our best to get the pronounciations right for you. Gwragedd AnnwnLlyn BarfogY Fuwch Laethwen LefrithMeddygon MyddfaiArdudwyGwyn ap NuddPlant AnnwnArchaeologia CambrensisDrayton's account of the Battle of Agincourt'Cymru Fu'CardiganshireCrumlyn LakeBriton FerrySt. PatrickSt. David of Wales'Sut yr y'ch chwi?' (How d'ye do?)CambriaErinAberdoveyCarmarthenshireGwartheg y LlynDyssyrnantFuwch Gyfeiliorn Dere di felen Emion,Cyrn Cyfeiliorn-braith y Llyn,A'r foci Dodin,Codwch, dewch adre. Iolu MSSTaliesin WilliamsMerthyrLlandovery, published for the Welsh MSS. Society, 1848Vale of Towy Cras dy fara,Anhawdd ein dala; Dos, dos, dos!Gwraig annwnCwm MeddygonCadogan, Gruffydd and EmionRhiwallonRhys Gryg, Lord of DynevorGray's Inn LaneCambro BritondiawlMabinogionFalstaffDrws CoedTurf Lake (Llyn y Dywarchen)CymryUndine, Melusina, NausicaaVale of ClwydMaidens Lake, or Llyn y MorwynionCynwalDracaeNymph of the LurleyMorgan môrgân Faro IslandsIn China, the superstition appears in a Lew-chewan legend mentioned by Dr. Dennys   British Goblins can be found on Sacred Texts. You can find out more about Wirt Sikes on Wikipedia. Try the Celtic Myth Podshow for the Tales and Stories of the Ancient Celts at http://celticmythpodshow.com or on Apple Podcasts. Our theme music is "Gander at the Pratie Hole" by Sláinte.  You can find their music on the Free Music Archive. Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save
    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Mountain Fairies - British Goblins CT005
    Jun 28 2017

    Mountain Fairies

    British Goblins: Welsh Folk Lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions (1881)

    Book 1 Chapter 4


    Wirt Sikes

    Sikes brings us details of the Gwyllion, frightful female fairies, tells us the tale of John ap John meeting the Old Woman of the Mountain and explores the notion of Exorcism by Knife. He then talks about the magical properties of goats and tells us the fascinating story of Cadwaladr and his Fairy Goat!

    Running Order:

    • Section 1 0:50
      • The Gwyllion 1:11
      • The Old Woman of the Mountain 2:04
    • Section 2 5:29
      • The Black Mountain Gwyll 5:32
    • Section 3 7:13
      • Exorcism by Knife 7:18
    • Section 4 10:27
      • Occult Intellectual Powers of Welsh Goats 10:30
      • The Legend of Cadwaladr's Goat 11:00


    Names Used in this Section

    All proper names, and words in Welsh or other languages, are recorded here in the show-notes and we've done our best to get the pronounciations right for you.

    Prophet Jones
    Lanhyddel Mountain in Monmouthshire
    Juan White
    Lasgarn hill near Pontypool
    Robert Williams
    Langattock, Crickhowel (Llangatwg in Welsh)
    John ap John, of Cwm Celyn
    Caerleon Fair
    Milfre Mountain
    Bryn Mawr
    Bwlch y Llwyn
    Gilfach fields
    Evan Thomas
    Bedwellty Mountain
    Ebwy Fawr
    Tylwyth Teg
    Yn awr maiden




    British Goblins can be found on Sacred Texts.

    You can find out more about Wirt Sikes on Wikipedia.

    Try the Celtic Myth Podshow for the Tales and Stories of the Ancient Celts at http://celticmythpodshow.com or on Apple Podcasts.

    Our theme music is "Gander at the Pratie Hole" by Sláinte.  You can find their music on the Free Music Archive.





    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Changelings - British Goblins CT006
    Jul 5 2017
    Changelings British Goblins: Welsh Folk Lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions (1881) Book 1 Chapter 5 by Wirt Sikes Changelings among Welsh fairies. Stories of the Plentyn-newid, or Changelings, among Welsh Fairies. Methods of exorcising the Changeling child, the Frugal Meal, the story of Dewi Dal and the Fairies, and how mothers can sometimes stop the Fairies kidnapping their child! Running Order: Section 1 0:49 The Plentyn-newid 1:22The Cruel Creed of Ignorance regarding Changelings 3:00Modes of Ridding the House of the Fairy Child 3:35 Section 2 5:04 The Legend of the Frugal Meal 5:06 Section 3 7:31 Legend of the Place of Strife 7:34 Section 4 11:02 Dewi Dal and the Fairies 11:04 Section 5 13:08 Prevention of Fairy Kidnapping 13:10Fairies caught in the Act by Mothers 13:15Piety as an Exorcism 14:00   Names Used in this Section All proper names, and words in Welsh or other languages, are recorded here in the show-notes and we've done our best to get the pronounciations right for you. Plentyn-newid Dewi Dal Tylwyth Teg Edmund John William Monmouthshire Carnarvonshire Martin Luther Colloquia Mensalia Prince of Anhalt homicidium River Moldaw M. Villemarqué Glamorganshire     Gwcljz vi ken guelet iar wenn,                         Gwcljz mez ken gwelet gwezen.     Gweljz mez ha gweliz gwial,     Gweliz derven e Koat Brezal,     Biskoaz na weliz kemend all.     Gweliz mez ken gwelet derven,     Gweliz vi ken gwelet iar wenn,     Erioez ne wiliz evelhenn     [Keightley, 'Fairy Mythology'] Radnorshire Montgomeryshire Trefeglwys Llanidloes Llyn Ebyr     Gwelais fesen cyn gweled derwen;     Gweiais wy cyn gweled iâr     Erioed ni welais ferwi bwyd i fedel     Mewn plisgyn wy iár! Taiar Cae Mawr Eurwallt Rev. T. R. Lloyd (Estyn), in 'The Principality' Dazzy Walter Abel Walter Ebwy Fawr Jennet Francis Friesland Thuringia Henderson, 'Notes on the Folk-Lore of the Northern Counties' Doolittle's 'Social Life of the Chinese'   Jennet Francis struggles with the fairies for her baby   A Shout of Thanks to Dom Duff We'd like to send out a huge shout of thanks to Dom Duff, the famous Breton Power-Folk musician for his help with the Breton Language (Breizh) pronunciation in this chapter. You can find out all about Dom and hear his super music on his website!   British Goblins can be found on Sacred Texts. You can find out more about Wirt Sikes on Wikipedia. Try the Celtic Myth Podshow for the Tales and Stories of the Ancient Celts at http://celticmythpodshow.com or on Apple Podcasts. Our theme music is "Gander at the Pratie Hole" by Sláinte.  You can find their music on the Free Music Archive. Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save
    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Living with the Tylwyth Teg - British Goblins CT007
    Jul 12 2017
    Living with the Tylwyth Teg British Goblins: Welsh Folk Lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions (1881) Book 1 Chapter 6 by Wirt Sikes All about the wondrous music and dancing of the Welsh fairies, and the dangers of joining in with their dance. Sikes tells us the legend of Rhys and Llewellyn, the Bush from Heaven and the story of Twm and Iago in the Forrest of the Magic Yew. Running Order: Section 1 00:50 The Tale of Elidurus 2:05 Section 2 5:32 Shui Rhys and the Fairies 5:42 Section 3 8:15 St. Dogmell's Parish, Pembrokeshire 8:20 Section 4 10:06 Dancing with the Ellyllon 10:10The Legend of Rhys and Llewellyn 10:50 Section 5 13:13 Death from joining in the Fairy Reel 13:18Legend of the Bush of Heaven 14:45 Section 6 16:07 The Forest of the Magic Yew 16:13The Tale of Twm and Iago 16:41 Section 7 19:12 Taffy ap Sion, a Legend of Pencader 19:16The Traditions of Pant Shon Shenkin 24:40 Section 8 25:38 Tudur of Llangollen; the Legend of Nant yr Ellyllon 25:41 Section 9 30:45 Polly Williams and the Trefethin Elves 30:50 Section 10 32:25 The Fairies of Frennifawr 32:31 Section 11 36:47 Curiousity Tales 37:14The Fiend Master 37:57 Section 12 41:35 Iago ap Dewi 41:40 Section 13 42:35 The Original of Rip van Winkle 42:46 Shui Rhys and the Tylwyth Teg   Names Used in this Section All proper names, and words in Welsh or other languages, are recorded here in the show-notes and we've done our best to get the pronounciations right for you. Elidurus Shui Rhys St. Dogmell's Parish, Pembrokeshire Ellyllon Rhys and llewellyn Twm and Iago Taffy ap Sion Pencader Pant Shon Shenkin Tudur of Llangollen Nant yr Ellyllon Polly Williams Trefethin Frennifawr Iago ap Dewi Rip van Winkle Giraldus Cambrensis Pembroke Castle Vale of Neath Udor udorum Halgein udorum Sir R. C. Hoare's Translation of Giraldus Cardiganshire Tylwyth Teg Cardigan Teir-nos Ysprydion fou Moelgrove Sir John Franklin Edmund William Rees, of Aberystruth Rhys and Llewellyn Carmarthenshire corelw Duw catto ni! Hai, holo! O dyn! Carnarvon Clynog Carnarvonshire Llwyn y Nef Cymru Fu Caio Craig-y-Ddinas Mathavarn Llanwrin Cantref of Cyfeillioc Ffridd yr Ywen Twm and lago gwr cyfarwydd - conjuror Duw! Duw! Pencader, Carmarthenshire Wbwb Plucked from the Fairy Circle Careg Hir Sion Evan y Crydd o Glanrhyd Catti Shon Pencader Sion Glanrhyd Evan Shenkin, Penferdir Dir anwyl fi! Pencarreg Dinas Bran Castle Nant yr Ellyllon Tudur ap Einion Gloff Nos da'ch' Ac i chwithau Fron Rev. T. R. Lloyd (Estyn), in 'The Principality.' Trefethin Ship Inn, at Pontypool, Monmouthshire ffollachau Pembrokeshire Frennifach tatws-a-llaeth Tipton W. Howells, Archdeacon Beynon Bluebeard, Psyche, Eros Taliesin, Gwion Bach Cerridwen Bunyan Llanllawddog, Carmarthenshire Llangwyly Grimm Catskills Hartz Mountains Washington Irving Joseph Jefferson Epimenides Dennys The Fatal Draught   British Goblins can be found on Sacred Texts. You can find out more about Wirt Sikes on Wikipedia. Try the Celtic Myth Podshow for the Tales and Stories of the Ancient Celts at http://celticmythpodshow.com or on Apple Podcasts. Our theme music is "Gander at the Pratie Hole" by Sláinte.  You can find their music on the Free Music Archive.   Save Save Save Save Save
    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Fairy Music - British Goblins CT008
    Jul 19 2017

    Fairy Music

    British Goblins: Welsh Folk Lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions (1881)

    Book 1 Chapter 7 by Wirt Sikes

    Sikes talks about the magical Birds of Rhiannon, tells us the legend of Shon ap Shenkin, the story of the Magic Harp, all about Welsh fairies and harps and the story of Iolo ap Hugh.

    Running Order:

    • Section 1 1:20
      • Birds of Enchantments 1:40
      • The Legend of Shon ap Shenkin 3:22
    • Section 2 5:55
      • Harp Music in Welsh Fairy Tales 5:59
      • Legend of the Magic Harp 7:37
    • Section 3 12:58
      • Songs and Tunes of the Tylwyth Teg 12:54
    • Section 4 15:20
      • The Legend of Iola ap Hugh 15:26
      • Mystic origin of an old Welsh Air 20:48


    Names Used in this Section

    All proper names, and words in Welsh or other languages, are recorded here in the show-notes and we've done our best to get the pronounciations right for you.

    Shon ap Shenkin returns home

    • Tylwyth Teg
    • Iola ap Hugh
    • Rhiannon
    • Lady Charlotte Guest's 'Mabinogion,'
    • Pant Shon Shenkin
    • Carmarthenshire
    • Taffy ap Sion
    • Catti Maddock of Brechfa
    • cymmoedd
    • Craig-y-Ddinas
    • Cwm Pergwm
    • Vale of Neath
    • Cader Idris
    • Morgan ap Rhys
    • cwnv da
    • haw - Donkey
    • Gwaed dyn a'i gilydd!
    • Caliban

    • Morgan Gwilym
    • Cylepsta Waterfall
    • Edmund Daniel
    • Arail
    • Cefn Bach
    • Hafodafel
    • Cân y Tylwyth Teg'
      • Dowch, dowch, gyfeillon mân,
      • O blith marwolion byd,
      • Dowch, dowch, a dowch yn Iân.
      • Partowch partowch eich pibau cân,
      • Gan ddawnsio dowch i gyd,
      • Mae yn hyfryd heno i hwn.
    • Ffarwel Ned Pugh
    • Morda
    • Ceiriog
    • Sycharth, the fortress of Glyndwrdwy
    • Chirk Castle
    • Elias ap Evan
    • Ogof
    • Land-Maelstrom of Diaboly

    Ffarwel Ned Pugh


    British Goblins can be found on Sacred Texts.

    You can find out more about Wirt Sikes on Wikipedia.

    Try the Celtic Myth Podshow for the Tales and Stories of the Ancient Celts at http://celticmythpodshow.com or on Apple Podcasts.

    Our theme music is "Gander at the Pratie Hole" by Sláinte.  You can find their music on the Free Music Archive.



    Más Menos
    23 m