
  • Byam Darkecha - Bitachon #1 It's all hashem, there's nothing else, period!
    21 m
  • Dorach Kochav #7 Life's messages
    17 m
  • DK #6 Hashem is your shadow
    19 m
  • DK #5 Ve'afilu B'Hastura- finding God in everything
    24 m
  • LM#4 Believing that there's God in everything
    23 m
  • LM #3 Consistency, love, two forms of Yetzer Horah
    24 m
  • DK #2 Genuine learning of Torah
    Aug 14 2020
    Consistency in practice is key. One can't live life simply from inspiration
    Más Menos
    25 m
  • DK #1 Introduction to the Sefer, unsophisticated way of serving hashem
    Aug 7 2020
    The first part of shiur 1 from Rav Yaakov Meir Shechter Shlita on the Sefer Likkutei Maharan from rav Nachman m'Breslov
    Más Menos
    24 m