• Ch08-1_The Trumpets That Announce the Seven Plagues (Revelation 8:1-13)
    Oct 28 2022

    Revelation 8 records the plagues that God will bring to this earth. One of the most critical questions here is whether or not the saints will be included among those who would suffer under these plagues. The Bible tells us that the saints, too, will go through the plagues of the seven trumpets. Of the seven plagues, they will go through all but the last plague. These plagues of the seven trumpets that appear in this chapter are the actual plagues that God will bring to this earth. God tells us that He will punish the world with the plagues that would begin with the angels’ sounding of the seven trumpets.


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    10 m
  • Ch08-2_Are the Plagues of the Seven Trumpets Literal?
    Oct 28 2022

    In Revelation 5 appears a scroll sealed with seven seals, which Jesus took. This meant that Jesus thus was entrusted with all authority and power of God, and that He would lead the world according to God’s plan from then on. Revelation 8 opens with the passage, “When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets.” Jesus thus opens the seventh seal of the scroll, and shows us things to come.
    Chapter 8 begins by telling us that the plagues of the seven trumpets will begin with the prayers of the saints. From verse 6 and on, the chapter then speaks of the plagues of the seven trumpets that will be brought to this world.


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    30 m
  • Ch09-1_The Plague from the Bottomless Pit (Revelation 9:1-21)
    Oct 28 2022

    Verse 1: Then the fifth angel sounded: And I saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth. To him was given the key to the bottomless pit.
    That God gave the angel the key to the bottomless pit means that He decided to bring a plague as terrible as hell on the mankind.
    The bottomless pit is also called as the abyss, meaning a place of endless depth. To bring suffering to the Antichrist living on the earth, his followers, and those who stand against the righteous, God will open the bottomless pit. The key to this bottomless pit was given to the fifth angel. This is a terrifying plague that is as horrendous as hell itself.


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    12 m
  • Ch09-2_Have Bold Faith in the End Times
    Oct 28 2022

    The first thing we need to find out is whether or not the saints will go through these plagues of the seven trumpets. This is the first thing that we must hear, know, and believe in.
    Will the saints find themselves in the middle of the plagues of the seven trumpets? The saints, too, will surely find themselves in the middle of these plagues. A third of the world’s forests will be burnt out, a third of the sea and the rivers will turn into blood, and the sun, the moon, and the stars will be struck and lose a third of their light. Although a third of the nature of the whole world will either turn into blood or lose light, this also means that the other two-thirds would still remain.


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    19 m
  • Ch10-1_Do You Know When the Time of Rapture Is? (Revelation 10:1-11)
    Oct 28 2022

    The highlight of this chapter is found in verse 7: “but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, the mystery of God would be finished, as He declared to His servants the prophets.” Rapture, in other words, will happen at this time.


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    13 m
  • Ch10-2_Do You Know When the Rapture of the Saints Will Occur?
    Oct 28 2022

    Let us now turn our attention to the issue of when the rapture will happen. There are many passages in the Bible that are talking about the rapture. The New Testament has many passages that discuss it, and so does the Old Testament, where we can find, for instance, Elijah who ascended to heaven in a chariot of fire, and Enoch who walked with God and was taken away by Him. As can be seen, the Bible speaks of the rapture in many places. Rapture means ‘to lift up.’ It refers to God’s lifting up His people to heaven by His power.
    However, what is the most puzzling of the Bible is also this question of rapture. When will God lift up His people? This question on the rapture’s time is one of the most frequently asked questions within Christianity.


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    27 m
  • Ch11-1_Who Are the Two Olive Trees and the Two Prophets? (Revelation 11:1-19)
    Oct 28 2022

    The Word of Revelation 11 is very important to us, as is all the Word of God. To destroy the world, there is a critical work that God needs to do beforehand. This is harvesting the people of Israel for the last time. God also has another work to do for both the Israelites and the Gentiles, and this is to make them participate in the first resurrection and the rapture by having them martyred.
    As the Bible provides an overall account on these issues, we need to find out how God’s salvation of the remission of sin is fulfilled in the New Testament. The Scripture speaks to us on these topics because if we do not examine them closely, we would get confused about the saints, the servants of God, and the people of Israel appearing in the Book of Revelation.


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    34 m
  • Ch11-2_The Salvation of the People of Israel
    Oct 28 2022

    Why would God send the two prophets to the people of Israel? God would do so to save the people of Israel in particular. The main passage tells us that God would make His two witnesses prophesy for 1,260 days. This is to save the Israelites for the last time. That God would thus save the people of Israel also means that the time for the end of the world would have come.
    Verse 2 says, “But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months.” This means that when the horrendous plagues come to the Gentiles, when the seven-year period of the Great Tribulation begins and gradually brings great confusion and plagues, when those among the Gentiles who have heard and believed in the gospel are martyred, God will raise the two prophets for the people of Israel, make them testify that Jesus is God and the Savior, and thus save the Israelites. It tells us that these are the works of God to come.


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    18 m