
  • Community Conversations - What to Expect in CHBOLC
    Jun 4 2022
    CH (CPT) Caleb McCary and CH (MAJ) Delana Small host CH (MAJ) Chip Satterlee, the Chaplain Basic Officer Leader Course Manager. CH Satterlee provides a glimpse into what CHBOLC students can expect during the three month course and some helpful tips on how to succeed and grow as religious leaders while at the United States Army Institute for Religious Leadership. For more information on the Army Combat Fitness Test: https://www.army.mil/acft/ CH Satterlee's book recommendation: Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas
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  • Community Conversations-Coaching and Developing Moral Reasoning and Ethical Decision-Making
    May 20 2022
    CH (CPT) Caleb McCary and CH (MAJ) Jeremy Plevka (Ethics instructor for the U.S. Army Institute for Religious Leadership) host CPT Benjamin Ordiway to talk about an article he wrote for Special Warfare entitled "Developing SOF Moral Reasoning." We discuss the role of emotions in ethical models and the importance of developing a robust training plan for ethical decision-making and why this "left of bang" training is critical for organizations. CPT Ordiway is happy to correspond with anyone interested in his work and can provide further products and guidance upon request. His contact information is available on the Global Address List. His article can be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/benjaminordiway_developing-sof-moral-reasoning-activity-6928362790927679488-0QWj?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web
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  • Community Conversations - Chaplains and Moral Leadership Training
    Apr 14 2022
    CH (CPT) Caleb McCary and CH (MAJ) Delana Small host CH (LTC) Dan Kersey to talk about character development and moral leadership training. CH Kersey talks about the concept of "men without chests" from C.S. Lewis' The Abolition of Man and how virtue ethics can help guide Chaplains as they undertake moral leadership training. CH Kersey Book recommendations: 1. Nicomachean Ethics - Aristotle 2. The City of God - Saint Augustine 3. Summa Theologica - Thomas Aquinas 4. The Discarded Image and The Abolition of Man - C.S. Lewis 5. Deeper Heaven - Christiana Hale 6. After Virtue - Alasdair MacIntyre 7. Resurrection and Moral Order - Oliver O'Donovan 8. Philosophy for Understanding Theology - Diogenes Allen 9. The Rise and Triumph of The Modern Self - Carl Trueman 10. Valley of Vision
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  • Community Conversations - The Importance of Connection and Leading Through Uncertainty
    Mar 17 2022
    Chaplain (CPT) Caleb McCary and Chaplain (MAJ) Delana Small host Chaplain (MG) Thomas L. Solhjem, the Chief of Chaplains, to talk about his story, the importance of connection and community, and leading in times of uncertainty. Chaplain Solhjem talks about his formative years and the impact of key people on his life and how his faith and family have sustained him for over forty years of service in the Army.
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  • Community Conversations - Modernizing Personnel Management
    Mar 11 2022
    CH (CPT) Caleb McCary and CH (MAJ) Delana Small host CH (LTC) Jennifer Cooper on an ongoing special edition of Community Conversations focused on the contributions and achievements of women in the United States Army Chaplain Corps. CH Cooper has served over 35 months deployed in support of OIF and OEF. She has served in formative assignments like the 101st AA Div and as the Captain and Colonel Chaplain Personnel Manager. Today she serves as the Senior Account Manager in the Department of the Army-Chaplain Personnel Division, affectionately known as the DACH-PER.
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  • Community Conversations - Transformation and Healthy Community
    Feb 17 2022
    CH (CPT) Caleb McCary and CH (MAJ) Delana Small host CH (BG) William Green Jr., the Deputy Chief of Chaplains, to talk about the transformation of United States Army Chaplain Center and School into the United States Army Institute for Religious Leadership. We also ask CH Green about what goes into building healthy Army communities.
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