
  • 98: Worldlink and Evexipel - The Ethical Demise of Hormone Replacement
    Jul 25 2024

    In this episode, Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses the issue of hormone overdoses and the training providers receive in hormone therapy. He highlights a specific training program called World Link Medical and its medical director, Neil Rosier, who is known for teaching overdoses. Dr. Tassone emphasizes the importance of asking providers about their training and background in hormones. He also criticizes the use of hormone pellets and the unethical practices associated with them. He encourages patients to do their due diligence and be aware of the financial motivations behind certain treatments.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Why you should ask providers about their training and background in hormones before starting hormone therapy
    • How and why you should be cautious of providers who promote hormone overdoses and use hormone pellets
    • How to research the credibility and ethical practices of hormone therapy clinics and providers
    • Why it's important to be aware of the financial motivations behind certain treatments and consider alternative options

    Dr. Tassone's Practice | Tassone Advanced Gynecology
    Dr. Tassone's Book | The Hormone Balance Bible
    Hormone Archetype Quiz | Hormonal Mapping System

    Medical Disclaimer

    This podcast and website represent the opinions of Dr. Shawn Tassone and his guests. The content here should not be taken as medical advice and is for informational purposes only. Because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions.

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • 97: Functional Nutrition & Managing Metabolism with Betty Murray
    Jul 18 2024

    Today Dr. Tassone is joined by special guest, Dr. Betty Murray, a functional medicine practitioner, who discusses her approach to women's health and the challenges women face in the medical system. She shares her health journey and how it led her to focus on nutrition and functional medicine.

    Dr. Murray emphasizes the importance of addressing the underlying mechanisms of hormone imbalance and the need for personalized care. She criticizes the conventional medical system for its lack of understanding and treatment options for women's health issues. Dr. Murray also highlights the value of research and data collection in advancing women's health. Dr. Betty Murray discusses her Menopause Metabolism Mastery Program and the future of personalized medicine for women. She emphasizes the importance of addressing the underlying metabolic changes that occur during menopause and offers a comprehensive approach to diet, lifestyle, and supplementation.

    Dr. Murray also introduces her digital health intelligence platform, Minerva, which aims to provide personalized healthcare for women through data tracking, predictive recommendations, and telemedicine. She envisions a future where technology and AI play a significant role in optimizing women's health.

    Episode Highlights:

    • What is Functional medicine
    • How to takes a holistic approach to women's health, addressing the underlying mechanisms of hormone imbalance and focusing on personalized care.
    • Why the conventional medical system often fails to understand and provide adequate treatment options for women's health issues.
    • Why research and data collection are crucial in advancing women's health and improving treatment outcomes.
    • How women can take control of their healthcare and seek out practitioners who listen to their concerns and provide comprehensive care. Addressing the underlying metabolic changes during menopause is crucial for managing weight gain and maintaining overall health.
    • Dr. Murray's Menopause Metabolism Mastery Program
    • Minerva, Dr. Murray's digital health intelligence platform, providing personalized healthcare for women through data tracking, predictive recommendations, and telemedicine.
    • Why she believes the future of women's healthcare involves a focus on personalized medicine, utilizing technology, AI, and data analysis to optimize treatment and improve outcomes.

    Meet Betty Murray

    Betty Murray, MS, CN, IFMCP is a Certified Nutritionist and Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner (IFMCP). She possesses a Master of Science in Human Nutrition Science and Integrative & Functional Nutrition and is currently completing her Ph.D. dissertation at Saybrook University. As one of the first 300 certified functional medicine practitioners with the Institute for Functional Medicine (Ifm.org), Betty has been a thought leader and progressive force for the functional medicine movement since 2006.

    Dr. Tassone's Practice | Tassone Advanced Gynecology
    Dr. Tassone's Book | The Hormone Balance Bible
    Hormone Archetype Quiz | Hormonal Mapping System

    Medical Disclaimer

    This podcast and website represent the opinions of Dr. Shawn Tassone and his guests. The content here should not be taken as medical advice and is for informational purposes only. Because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions.

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • 96: LIBIDO - You Don't Want None and You Ain't Getting None
    Jul 11 2024

    In this episode, Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses the topic of decreased libido in women. He explores the different factors that can contribute to low sex drive, including hormone imbalances, stress, and relationship dynamics. Dr. Tassone also addresses the controversial pink pill, Addyi, which is marketed as a solution for low libido in women. He shares his thoughts on the effectiveness and potential side effects of the medication. Overall, he emphasizes the importance of addressing the underlying causes of decreased libido and suggests hormone testing as a starting point.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Decreased libido can be caused by various factors, including hormone imbalances, stress, and relationship dynamics.
    • Addressing the underlying causes of low sex drive is crucial for finding effective solutions.
    • The pink pill, Addyi, is marketed as a solution for low libido in women, but its effectiveness and potential side effects are still debated.
    • Hormone testing can be a helpful starting point for understanding and addressing decreased libido in women.

    Dr. Tassone's Practice | Tassone Advanced Gynecology
    Dr. Tassone's Book | The Hormone Balance Bible
    Hormone Archetype Quiz | Hormonal Mapping System

    Medical Disclaimer

    This podcast and website represent the opinions of Dr. Shawn Tassone and his guests. The content here should not be taken as medical advice and is for informational purposes only. Because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • 95: Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) - What When Why How
    Jul 5 2024

    In this episode, Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses the use of low dose naltrexone (LDN) as a treatment for various conditions, particularly autoimmune diseases. LDN has been shown to reduce symptom severity in conditions like fibromyalgia, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, and chronic pain syndrome. It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and has neuroprotective effects. Dr. Tassone explains how LDN works, the dosing, and the potential side effects. He also mentions the LDN Research Trust as a resource for more information. LDN is being used in various medical fields, including women's health, and can be prescribed by doctors with a functional or integrated medicine background.

    Episode Highlights

    • Low dose naltrexone (LDN) has been shown to reduce symptom severity in various conditions, particularly autoimmune diseases.
    • LDN acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and has neuroprotective effects.
    • The dosing of LDN is much lower than the typical opioid dosage and can vary based on the patient's sensitivity.
    • LDN is well-tolerated and has minimal side effects, with the most common being stimulation and vivid dreams.
    • LDN is being used in various medical fields, including women's health, and can be prescribed by doctors with a functional or integrated medicine background.

    Dr. Tassone's Practice | Tassone Advanced Gynecology
    Dr. Tassone's Book | The Hormone Balance Bible
    Hormone Archetype Quiz | Hormonal Mapping System

    Medical Disclaimer

    This podcast and website represent the opinions of Dr. Shawn Tassone and his guests. The content here should not be taken as medical advice and is for informational purposes only. Because each person is so unique, please consult your health care professional for any medical questions.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • 94: THE NUN: Low Testosterone - What When Why
    Jun 20 2024

    Today’s episode focuses on the topic of testosterone deficiency in women, which is the number one hormone imbalance across all age groups. Dr. Tassone discusses the impact of birth control pills on testosterone levels and explains the difference between total testosterone and free testosterone. He also discusses commonly overlooked symptoms of low testosterone including fatigue, lack of motivation, and decreased libido.

    Dr. Tassone emphasizes the importance of checking free testosterone levels and discusses various treatment options, including creams and sublingual tablets. He also mentions his SHINES protocol and recommends lifestyle changes and supplements to help increase testosterone levels. The conversation concludes with the challenges of accessing testosterone replacement therapy for women and what women can do to get the care they need.

    Episode Highlights

    • What is testosterone deficiency
    • How testosterone deficiency affects women vs men
    • The impact the Birth control pills can have on free testosterone
    • Symptoms of low testosterone in women
    • How to accurately assess testosterone levels
    • Treatment options for low testosterone
    • Lifestyle changes that can help improve testosterone levels
    • Supplements that may benefit testosterone levels
    • FDA-approved options for accessing testosterone replacement therapy for women

    Dr. Tassone's Practice | Tassone Advanced Gynecology
    Dr. Tassone's Book | The Hormone Balance Bible
    Hormone Archetype Quiz | Hormonal Mapping System

    Medical Disclaimer

    This podcast and website represent the opinions of Dr. Shawn Tassone and his guests. The content here should not be taken as medical advice and is for informational purposes only. Because each person is so unique, please consult your health care professional for any medical questions.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • 93: Perimenopause – The Power and The Peril
    Jun 13 2024

    In this episode, Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses perimenopause and the symptoms associated with it. He highlights the issue of marketing and selling products related to perimenopause by celebrities and predatory companies. Dr. Tassone explains that perimenopause is not a disease but a time period around menopause, and it is characterized by a range of symptoms. He discusses the importance of addressing symptoms like insomnia, weight gain, fatigue, decreased libido, hot flashes, and hair loss. Dr. Tassone also emphasizes the need for proper hormone testing and finding a healthcare provider who understands and can provide appropriate treatment.

    Episode Highlights

    • What is Perimenopause
    • Insight on the discussion labeling perimenopause a disease
    • Symptoms of perimenopause including insomnia, weight gain, fatigue, decreased libido, hot flashes, and hair loss.
    • Why proper hormone testing is important
    • How to manage a hormonal imbalance
    • Why finding a healthcare provider who understands perimenopause and can provide appropriate treatment is crucial
    • Why women should be cautious of marketing and false claims made by celebrities and predatory companies.


    Dr. Tassone's Practice | Tassone Advanced Gynecology

    Dr. Tassone's Book | The Hormone Balance Bible

    Hormone Archetype Quiz | Hormonal Mapping System

    Medical Disclaimer
    This podcast and website represent the opinions of Dr. Shawn Tassone and his guests. The content here should not be taken as medical advice and is for informational purposes only. Because each person is so unique, please consult your health care professional for any medical questions.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • 92: The Hormone Bill of Rights
    Jun 6 2024

    Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses the patient's bill of rights and what patients should expect from their healthcare providers. He covers topics such as confidentiality, informed consent, access to medical records, pain treatment, and the right to refuse medical treatments. Dr. Tassone emphasizes the importance of patient advocacy and empowerment in healthcare decisions.

    Episode Highlights

    • Why patients have the right to expect safe, considerate, and respectful care that aligns with their beliefs
    • Why confidentiality of medical records and communication is a patient's right
    • Reasons patients should be informed about their diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.
    • Why patients have the right to refuse medical treatments, participate in research, and designate additional physicians to receive medical updates
    • How advocacy and empowerment are essential for patients to ensure fair and appropriate treatment in healthcare settings.


    Dr. Tassone's Practice | Tassone Advanced Gynecology

    Dr. Tassone's Book | The Hormone Balance Bible

    Hormone Archetype Quiz | Hormonal Mapping System

    Medical Disclaimer
    This podcast and website represent the opinions of Dr. Shawn Tassone and his guests. The content here should not be taken as medical advice and is for informational purposes only. Because each person is so unique, please consult your health care professional for any medical questions.

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • 91: Does Estrogen Cause Breast Cancer?
    May 23 2024

    How are we at a point where women are terrified of a hormone they've had in their bodies most of their lives?

    Many of us have heard horrible things about estrogen and its connection to breast cancer. A lot of this public aversion stems from a study that came out in the early 2000s called the Women's Health Initiative (WHI).

    The WHI was a landmark study designed to define the risks and benefits of interventions, notably hormonal therapy. Unfortunately, when journals and the media reported on the findings, they didn’t put them into the appropriate clinical context and did not mention the study’s limitations. Ultimately, this led to women ditching their hormones en masse, suffering in silence without an alternative.

    Today I’m sharing what you need to know about the WHI, what the data shows about the connection between hormone therapy and the risk of disease, why we need to shift our perspective on hormone therapy, and alternatives for women who can’t benefit from estrogen therapy.

    Let’s try not to be afraid of estrogen - it’s not a bad thing.

    Episode Highlights

    • Telling women across the board not to go on hormones is a misogynistic statement
    • What you need to know about the Women’s Health Initiative study
    • The problem with how the media reported the results of the WHI study
    • Positive outcomes of hormone therapy identified in the study
    • Limitations of the WHI
    • Considerations for women with a history of breast cancer
    • What the studies showed about the benefits for osteoporosis prevention
    • The relationship between estrogen therapy and increased risk of dementia and stroke
    • Detoxifying estrogen in your body
    • My confession for estrogen replacement
    • Alternatives to estradiol for menopause symptoms


    Dr. Tassone's Practice | Tassone Advanced Gynecology

    Dr. Tassone's Book | The Hormone Balance Bible

    Hormone Archetype Quiz | Hormonal Mapping System

    Medical Disclaimer
    This podcast and website represent the opinions of Dr. Shawn Tassone and his guests. The content here should not be taken as medical advice and is for informational purposes only. Because each person is so unique, please consult your health care professional for any medical questions.

    Más Menos
    43 m