
  • Finding the Right Spiritual Fit - Part 3
    May 8 2024

    Are you on the right spiritual path for you? Everyone has a different path but finding it can be time consuming and difficult. In this episode, your host Carol DeChaine, gives you 8 questions to ask yourself so you can find the right fit. She will also ask you the all-important question, what do YOU need to feel spiritually fulfilled? Whether you feel like you’ve tried everything or are just starting out on your spiritual path, this episode on finding the right spiritual fit for you will give you tons of ideas on what you may be looking for and how to find it. Even those of us who have been seeking for a long time and think we’ve found “the way” will probably find that the way we’ve chosen needs to be updated as we grow and shift our vibration.

    In this episode we’ll look at:

    • What I mean by a "good fit" spiritually (1:35)
    • What the "wrong" fit spiritually might look like (2:55)
    • What do YOU need spiritually? (4:27)
    • 8 questions to ask yourself to find the right fit (5:52)
    • Finding the right religion for you (9:32)
    • Finding the right spiritual people (tribe) for you (11:37)
    • 10 general ways to find the right spirit fit (13:19)
    • Summary and Wrap Up (19:57)

    Host Carol DeChaine is an intuitive spiritual guide for practical matters; a certified spiritual, life and business coach,psychic and Marconic multidimensional energy lightworker.

    #marconics #ascension #ascensionenergy #empowerment #enlightenment #transformation #spiritualawakening #connect2joy #dechaine #imagination #manifest #lawofattraction #manifestation #transform #releasefear #gratitude #strategies #lifepurpose #transformmylife #spirituality #enjoymylife #findjoy #raisevibration #shiftreality #betterlife #joy #findingjoy #releasingfear #behappy #choices #spiritualpath #lifepath #lifepurpose #spirituallife

    YouTube - Listen & subscribe
    Instagram @connect2joy
    Music-Rainbow After Rain by Pavel Yudin
    Voiceover-Robert Rossmann http://www.robertrossmann.com/

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Finding the Right Fit in Your Job or Career - Part 2
    Mar 27 2024

    Are you happy in your job? Does the career you spent so much time working towards not measure up to what your hopes were? In either case, what makes your job or career a good fit? And what makes you look for a change? In this episode your host, Carol DeChaine investigates the difference between the two, and when it might be time to adjust, shift or totally change what you’re doing. She also gives you 5 steps to make the transition into a new career, and a 5-step plan to find a new job if need be. We spend hours and hours at our job, and probably even more in our career. Once you know the most important characteristics of what a good job or career fit is for you, you can move forward to make the decision to find what will make you happy. And aren’t you worth it?

    In this episode we’ll look at:

    • What do I mean by a "good fit" in a job or career (1:43)
    • The difference between a job and a career (2:44)
    • What the wrong fit in a career might look like (5:08)
    • How to make the decision to change your career (5:58)
    • 5 steps to make the leap and transition into a new career (9:07)
    • What the wrong fit in a job might look like (12:20)
    • Figuring out the right fit for you in a job (13:13)
    • 5 steps to take before changing jobs (17:21)
    • Summary and Wrap Up (20:11)

    Host Carol DeChaine is an intuitive spiritual guide for practical matters; a certified spiritual, life and business coach, and Marconic multidimensional energy lightworker. Email Carol directly at carol@connect2joy.com to schedule a free 30 minute get to know you session or to ask about life coaching, Marconic energy, energy space clearing or intuitive readings. She is also available for workshops and motivational speaking.

    #marconics #ascension #ascensionenergy #empowerment #enlightenment #transformation #spiritualawakening #connect2joy #dechaine #imagination #manifest #lawofattraction #manifestation #transform #releasefear #gratitude #strategies #lifepurpose #transformmylife #spirituality #enjoymylife #findjoy #raisevibration #shiftreality #betterlife #joy #findingjoy #releasingfear #behappy #choices #rightjob #changingjobs #goodfit #changingcareers

    YouTube - Listen & subscribe
    Instagram @connect2joy
    Music-Rainbow After Rain by Pavel Yudin
    Voiceover-Robert Rossmann http://www.robertrossmann.com/

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Finding the Right Fit in a Relationship - Part 1
    Mar 13 2024

    We have relationships with everyone in our lives, but how do you know if a relationship is a good fit for you? Between love interests, children, parents, siblings, bosses, co-workers, neighbors, friends, etc., etc., we spend a lot of time with others. But do you find joy being around them? Is there a good reason or season that makes the fit work for you right now? In this episode your host, Carol DeChaine, takes you on a journey to figure out what works best for you and gives you 5 steps to help you decide if someone is a good fit for your life, or if it’s time to let them go. And even helps you figure out how to step away from those that aren’t. Life is too short to have people in our lives that don’t matter to us or who give us grief unless there is a reason for that. If you clean up your relationships from time to time like you clean out your closet, your life will be lighter and much more enjoyable.

    In this episode we’ll look at:

    • What is a "good fit"? (1:36)
    • Looking at who is around you (3:01)
    • How do they make you feel? (4:47)
    • Can difficult people be a good fit? (8:42)
    • 5 steps to help you decide what is a good fit (10:48)
    • How to step away when necessary (13:41)
    • Summary and Wrap Up (18:51)

    Host Carol DeChaine is an intuitive spiritual guide for practical matters; a certified spiritual, life and business coach, and Marconic multidimensional energy lightworker. Email Carol directly at carol@connect2joy.com to schedule a free 30 minute get to know you session or to ask about life coaching, Marconic energy, energy space clearing or intuitive readings. She is also available for workshops and motivational speaking.

    #marconics #ascension #ascensionenergy #empowerment #enlightenment #transformation #spiritualawakening #connect2joy #dechaine #imagination #manifest #lawofattraction #manifestation #transform #releasefear #gratitude #strategies #lifepurpose #transformmylife #spirituality #enjoymylife #findjoy #raisevibration #shiftreality #betterlife #joy #findingjoy #releasingfear #behappy #choices #goodrelationships #goodfit #relationships

    YouTube - Listen & subscribe
    Instagram @connect2joy
    Music-Rainbow After Rain by Pavel Yudin
    Voiceover-Robert Rossmann http://www.robertrossmann.com/

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • How Do You Know???
    Feb 28 2024

    If you need to make a decision or a choice – how do you decide? How do you know??? Do you side with your emotions, your logic, your intuition or your spiritual connection? Or maybe you talk to others to get their opinions? Most of us use a combination of these, but once you know exactly the way you get that knowingness, you have a choice to try other ways to see if you get clearer answers on your path, in your decisions and in your interactions with others. And what do blocks look like to your knowingness? Join your host, Carol DeChaine as she pulls apart what each type of process looks like so you can move forward in a more productive and delightful way.

    In this episode we’ll look at:

    • Using others as a sounding board (2:16)
    • Using your intellect to know (4:51)
    • Using emotion to know (6:30)
    • Using your intuition or your spiritual connection to know (8:05)
    • Removing any blocks to making those choices and decisions (13:27)
    • And knowingness (16:42)
    • Summary and Wrap Up (17:38)

    Host Carol DeChaine is an intuitive spiritual guide for practical matters; a certified spiritual, life and business coach, and Marconic multidimensional energy lightworker. Email Carol directly at carol@connect2joy.com to schedule a free 30 minute get to know you session or to ask about life coaching, Marconic energy, energy space clearing or intuitive readings. She is also available for workshops and motivational speaking.

    #marconics #ascension #ascensionenergy #empowerment #enlightenment #transformation #spiritualawakening #connect2joy #dechaine #imagination #manifest #lawofattraction #manifestation #transform #releasefear #gratitude #strategies #lifepurpose #transformmylife #spirituality #enjoymylife #findjoy #raisevibration #shiftreality #betterlife #joy #findingjoy #releasingfear #behappy #knowingness #choices #makedecisions #decisionmaking

    YouTube - Listen & subscribe
    Instagram @connect2joy
    Music-Rainbow After Rain by Pavel Yudin
    Voiceover-Robert Rossmann http://www.robertrossmann.com/

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Don't Forget to Love Yourself!!
    Feb 14 2024

    On Valentine’s Day and every other day of the year we may reach out to others to show love, but how often do we show love to ourselves? How do you REALLY feel about who you are? We have all heard derogatory comments about ourselves; whether it’s from parents, teachers, siblings, the school bully or even our spouse; but how much of it have you absorbed and made part of your subconscious? Today your host, Carol DeChaine, speaks in depth about loving yourself and the hurdles and blocks that come up and where they may have come from. And then you get 25 ways to show more love to yourself. Want to feel special? You don’t have to wait for others to give you that feeling!!

    In this episode:

    • Why you should love yourself (1:40)
    • What makes us think we aren't lovable (2:03)
    • How to overcome any hurdles you face in loving yourself (3:14)
    • A quick guided visualization to remove some of those blocks (5:10)
    • 25 ways to show yourself love and to feel special (8:37)
    • Summary and Wrap Up (19:35)

    Host Carol DeChaine is an intuitive spiritual guide for practical matters; a certified spiritual, life and business coach, and Marconic multidimensional energy lightworker. Email Carol directly at carol@connect2joy.com to schedule a free 30 minute get to know you session or to ask about life coaching, Marconic energy, energy space clearing or intuitive readings. She is also available for workshops and motivational speaking.

    #marconics #ascension #ascensionenergy #empowerment #enlightenment #transformation #spiritualawakening #connect2joy #dechaine #imagination #manifest #lawofattraction #manifestation #transform #releasefear #gratitude #strategies #lifepurpose #transformmylife #spirituality #enjoymylife #findjoy #raisevibration #shiftreality #betterlife #joy #findingjoy #releasingfear #behappy #lovemyself #loveyourself #acceptance

    YouTube - Listen & subscribe
    Instagram @connect2joy
    Music-Rainbow After Rain by Pavel Yudin
    Voiceover-Robert Rossmann http://www.robertrossmann.com/

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Are You on the Right Path?
    Jan 31 2024

    Do you feel like you’re off your path? Maybe you’re depressed, bored, unhappy or just thinking…there has to be something better than this! Whether you’re looking for your life purpose or just want your life to go smoother, this podcast can help you not only know if you’re on your path, but what to do with the obstacles that show up. Both how to recognize what they truly mean and how to get around, over or to take a different path altogether. Whether it’s your love life, your work life or your home life, every part of your life has intersecting paths. Which part of your life do you find obstacles in and is it time to change that?

    In this episode:

    • What does the right path mean exactly? (1:29)
    • What does it feel like when you're off your path? (2:10)
    • What does it feel like when you're ON the path that's the most beneficial for you? (3:15)
    • How is it all wrapped up in your life purpose, or is it? (4:13)
    • Viewing obstacles that may come up along the way. (6:15)
    • A guided meditation to help you deal with, and release those obstacles. (9:37)
    • A quick trick to help you see if the path you're on is working for you. (14:26)
    • Summary and Wrap Up (16:15)

    Host Carol DeChaine is an intuitive spiritual guide for practical matters; a certified spiritual, life and business coach, and Marconic multidimensional energy lightworker. Email Carol directly at carol@connect2joy.com to schedule a free 30 minute get to know you session or to ask about life coaching, Marconic energy, energy space clearing or intuitive readings. She is also available for workshops and motivational speaking.

    #marconics #ascension #ascensionenergy #empowerment #enlightenment #transformation #spiritualawakening #connect2joy #dechaine #imagination #manifest #lawofattraction #manifestation #transform #releasefear #gratitude #strategies #lifepurpose #transformmylife #spirituality #enjoymylife #findjoy #raisevibration #shiftreality #betterlife #joy #findingjoy #releasingfear #behappy #lifepath #rightpath #offmypath

    YouTube - Listen & subscribe
    Instagram @connect2joy
    Music-Rainbow After Rain by Pavel Yudin
    Voiceover-Robert Rossmann http://www.robertrossmann.com/

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Reconnecting to Your Joy
    Jan 17 2024

    Do you get so busy you forget or have never even known what joy feels like? How much it can lift you up from your day-to-day life and make you feel more connected, more loved, and well, just … more? In this episode your host Carol DeChaine not only goes into the different types of joy you can feel, but 10 ways you can practice to draw more joy into your life. She even gives you homework to help you do that very thing. Need to lessen your stress, have a calmer mind, feel more peace, or contribute to the world in a positive way? Bringing more joy into your being can do all those things!

    In this episode:

    • What JOY feels like (1:46)
    • 10 ways you can reconnect to joy (4:12)
    • Why being in that joyful state is so important (13:01)
    • Homework! To reconnect to your joy (14:02)
    • Summary and Wrap Up (16:22)

    Host Carol DeChaine is an intuitive spiritual guide for practical matters; a certified spiritual, life and business coach, and Marconic multidimensional energy lightworker. Email Carol directly at carol@connect2joy.com to schedule a free 30 minute get to know you session or to ask about life coaching, Marconic energy, energy space clearing or intuitive readings. She is also available for workshops and motivational speaking.

    #marconics #ascension #ascensionenergy #empowerment #enlightenment #transformation #spiritualawakening #connect2joy #dechaine #imagination #manifest #lawofattraction #manifestation #transform #releasefear #gratitude #strategies #lifepurpose #transformmylife #spirituality #enjoymylife #findjoy #raisevibration #shiftreality #betterlife #joy #findingjoy #releasingfear #behappy

    YouTube - Listen & subscribe
    Instagram @connect2joy
    Music-Rainbow After Rain by Pavel Yudin
    Voiceover-Robert Rossmann http://www.robertrossmann.com/

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Taking Responsibility for Your Life (Releasing That Which Does Not Serve)
    Dec 27 2023

    So many times, we let life lead us blindly along and we take no responsibility for it. What do you want and need? Do you make choices that help you get there, or do you blame others and circumstances, and maybe even God when things don’t go your way. When you don’t take responsibility, you give away your choices and your power to others. If it’s time to take that responsibility and empower yourself, join your host, Carol DeChaine, as she walks you through 12 techniques and strategies you can use to stay the course, and guides you through one of her signature visualizations to release any blame or hard feelings and increase your connection and power. It is always your choice and your life. What can you do to make it all you desire it to be?

    In this episode:

    • What makes us happy - what we need (2:44)
    • How we shift blame and avoid responsibility (4:38)
    • The pluses and minuses of giving away our responsibility (5:22)
    • 3 ways to catch yourself when you start shifting the responsibility (7:47)
    • 12 techniques and strategies you can use to stay in your power (9:06)
    • A guided meditation to draw in your power and lift your vibration (18:37)
    • Summary and Wrap Up (24:04)

    Host Carol DeChaine is an intuitive spiritual guide for practical matters; a certified spiritual, life and business coach, and Marconic multidimensional energy lightworker. Email Carol directly at carol@connect2joy.com to schedule a free 30 minute get to know you session or to ask about life coaching, Marconic energy, energy space clearing or intuitive readings. She is also available for workshops and motivational speaking.

    #marconics #ascension #ascensionenergy #empowerment #enlightenment #transformation #spiritualawakening #connect2joy #dechaine #imagination #manifest #lawofattraction #manifestation #transform #releasefear #gratitude #strategies #lifepurpose #transformmylife #spirituality #enjoymylife #findjoy #raisevibration #shiftreality #betterlife #affirmations #responsibility #blame #shift blame #release blame #meditation #visualization

    YouTube - Listen & subscribe
    Instagram @connect2joy
    Music-Rainbow After Rain by Pavel Yudin
    Voiceover-Robert Rossmann http://www.robertrossmann.com/

    Más Menos
    27 m