
  • #81 | Would You Rather?, Holiday Gaming, Reading
    Jul 30 2024
    Welcome back to Constellation, Last Stand Media's conversational podcast. Today, I (Colin) man the host's chair, and welcome LSM coordinator Micah Moriarty and Virtual Legality's Rick Hoeg to the show for a trifecta of fun inquiries. Micah kicks things off with some "would you rather?" premises that she lifted from a magazine. Don't worry: Nothing perverted! Instead, would we rather see 10 minutes ahead of 150 years ahead? Would we rather be dipped in maple syrup or nutella? That sort of thing. Next, Hoeg hits us with a shorter topic hinging upon gaming, watching films and TV, and so on at certain times of year, during specific holidays, days, months, and so on. Are we calendrical? Finally, I wrap things up by talking about reading books. It's summertime, which means I'm floating around the pool almost every day reading a book for an hour or two. But once the pool is closed, I probably won't read a book until it's open again. Where does reading fit into our lives? And what are some books we've recently read that we'd recommend to the audience? Go to https://www.hellofresh.com/conapps for free appetizers for life Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Más Menos
    2 h y 47 m
  • #80 | Becoming a Dad, Flying, Appreciating Our Parents, Hypochondria
    Jul 23 2024
    Welcome back to another Constellation conversation! Dagan finally returns to the fold to host the latest exciting discussion with a cast of some of your LSM favorites. First, Dustin wonders about becoming a dad. As he and his wife Holly prepare for the imminent birth of their first child, the soon to be father asks for the crew's thoughts and advice on parenting. Next up, Ben wants to pick our brains about flying. What do we think about air travel, and what were some of our best and worst experiences in planes and airports? Once the gang lands safely back on the ground, Cog inspires us to appreciate our parents. As they get older, how have our relationships developed with the people that brought us into this world? Closing out this week's conversation, Dagan reflects on his intermittent hypochondria and inquires about his cohost's experience with this specific flavor of anxiety. Do we know people who tend to worry about their health to an unhealthy degree? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Más Menos
    4 h y 12 m
  • #79 | Micah's Mini D&D Campaign, LEGO, Assassin's Creed's Future, Schadenfreude
    Jul 16 2024
    It's time for more Constellation, Last Stand Media's conversational podcast. This week, I (Colin) am joined by my lovely wife and Last Stand's coordinator Micah Moriarty, Summon Sign's Brad Ellis, and Lockmort's Edit's Lockmort. And boy, do we have a nerdy assortment of topics for you. Micah kicks things off with a short D&D-like campaign she wrote for us to participate in, complete with branching paths and dice rolls. Will we survive? Brad follows-up with a chat about LEGO sets, their quality, their licenses, and their great expense. Are we fans? From there, I (Colin) take over by talking about schadenfreude, the German word that means reveling in the misfortune of others. Let's be honest: None of us is above it... right? Finally, Lock wraps things up with a peek into the what-ifs of Assassin's Creed's future. If it was up to us, where in history would we set a new AC title? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Más Menos
    2 h y 49 m
  • #78 | The Biden vs. Trump 2024 Presidential Debate: Reflections and More
    Jul 9 2024
    Welcome to a special, one-topic-driven episode of Constellation, Last Stand Media's conversational podcast. This week, I (Colin) am joined by Punching Up co-host Gene Park, Sacred Symbols co-host Chris Ray Gun, and storied game designer David Jaffe, and we gather for a some-four-hour chat all about the first of two scheduled presidential debates for the 2024 election cycle between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. This is obviously an exclusively, deeply political conversation, so be warned before you hit play. We touch on just about everything imaginable: The debate itself, the fallout thereafter, who we think will ultimately win, if we believe that Biden specifically will even ultimately be one of the nominees, and -- of course -- we get deep into the weeds on all of the important issues they spoke about during the debate, and more. Again, be warned: If you don't like or care about politics, or if you get upset when you hear serious, adult opinions you don't agree with, don't listen or watch. For those with open minds and a curiosity for a wide variety of opinions, however, please enjoy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Más Menos
    4 h y 13 m
  • #77 | Indie Games, Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse, Downloadable Content, Gardening
    Jul 2 2024
    It's time for more Constellation, Last Stand Media's conversational podcast. This week, I (Colin) am joined by Defining Duke's Lord Cognito, Summon Sign's Brad Ellis, and Lockmort's Edit's... Lockmort. We have a very nerdy episode in store for you. I start things off by talking about my love of plants, flowers, and gardening. My hobby has blossomed (pardon the pun) into a larger part of my life recently. Is anyone else nurturing a green thumb? Cog wants to dive into the realm of indie games, a widely-evolved subsection of the console and PC space that has grown far beyond its traditional definition. Do we partake in the scene? And just what is an indie game, anyway? Lockmort's intrigued by a hypothetical zombie apocalypse, in which we'd all be tasked to survive on our own. What would be our first moves following the outbreak? Would we rely on our humanity to stay alive, or potentially lose it along the way? Finally, we come to Brad, who waxes about downloadable content, or DLC. What was our first-ever encounter with digital add-ons? Do we purchase much DLC in our day-to-day gaming lives? What's the best expansion ever? All of that -- and more! -- on the other side of the play button. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Más Menos
    2 h y 53 m
  • #76 | Lore, Idioms, Retro Gaming's Appeal, Fashion
    Jun 25 2024
    Welcome back, one-and-all, to another episode of Constellation, Last Stand Media's conversational podcast. It's me, Colin. This week, I'm joined by LSM's associate producer Ben Smith, Sacred Symbols' Chris Ray Gun, and Summon Sign's Brad Ellis. Our meandering chat begins with Brad, who wants to know what we think about fashion. Do we care about clothes? Are we into certain brands? Do we have what we'd consider an individual style? From there, we move onto Ben, who gets into idioms, the nomenclature that we use constantly, but that has a meaning beyond the literal. Which ones do we enjoy employing? From here, we move onto Chris, who inquires about the lore of our favorite pieces of fiction. Do we like getting into the nitty-gritty beyond what's right in front of us? Do we delve into in-game documents, novelizations, and iceberg videos? Finally, I round things out by laying out my love for retro gaming, while wondering if I'm enamored with old and old-style games because they're what I grew up with, or if they really are, in fact, the cream-of-the-crop. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Más Menos
    2 h y 51 m
  • #75 | Biggest Disappointments, Canon in Fiction, Entertaining Guests, Cold Cuts
    Jun 18 2024
    It's me, Colin, and I come bearing bad news: Dagan is going to be gone for a few weeks. His work demands his presence over the next several Fridays, and thus I've slid (!) back into the host's chair. Joining me this week are LSM executive producer Dustin Furman, coordinator Micah Moriarty, and special guest Rick Hoeg of Hoeg Law. As always, topics vary wildly. Micah begins by talking about throwing parties and entertaining people at our home. Do we enjoy the process, or is it stressful? I go next with a deep cut (literally): Cold cuts, the glorious sliced meat that make the finest sandwiches imaginable. What are our go-tos? From there, we welcome Dustin's topic, all about our respective lives' biggest disappointments, from games, film, and TV, to work, love, and life in general. Finally, Hoeg brings up the rear with what ended up being our most-explored inquiry of the week: How we deal with fictional canon when we don't like all of it. Are we able to divorce ourselves from some of it and embrace the rest? Is "The Death of the Author" the true law of the land, or is authorial intent everything? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Más Menos
    3 h y 11 m
  • #74 | Online Algorithms, Trump's Guilty Verdict, Rose-Tinted Nostalgia, Greatest Compliments
    Jun 11 2024
    Welcome back to another episode of Constellation! This week, Lockmort gets things rolling with a discussion about Online Algorithms. What are the pros and cons to the patterns we create while shopping, searching and watching content on our computers and phones? Next, Gene wants to talk about Donald Trump's guilty verdict. Now that the polarizing presidential candidate has been found guilty on all counts in his hush money case, what do we think this could mean for the United States and the world ahead of the 2024 election? Next up, David Jaffe returns to steer the conversation away from current affairs and straight towards nostalgia. Specifically, are we too quick to remember the past with rose-tinted glasses? Were the periods of time that we reflect on so fondly really that wonderful, or was it just our specific perspectives and circumstances during those years that encourage us to reminisce? And for this week's final topic, Dagan asks his cronies to remember the greatest compliments that they ever received. What are some of the nicest things that people have said to us, and which words of praise do we remember most? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Más Menos
    4 h y 14 m