
  • Ranked Choice Voting (RCV)
    Jul 1 2024

    Suzette and Mark talk about the unconstitutional RCV movement that is going on at the local, state, and national levels. Learn how this Marxist, globalist movement is abridging your Constitutional rights in terms of limiting or eliminating your voice at the voting booth.

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Steve Zipperman – Constitutionalist Candidate for AZ Senate
    Jun 15 2024

    Suzette and Mark think it is rare when we meet a politician or candidate for office who truly understands the US Constitution. When Mark ran for US Congress in 2022, he met Steve Zipperman on the campaign trail and was impressed with his knowledge of the Constitution as well as the pressing issues facing Arizona. Additionally, Steve has a unique ability to formulate policy that will restore our rights as envisioned by the Founding Fathers. Listen to Steve, running for Arizona State Senate, and compare what he says with your own local, state, and federal representatives. Do they pass the Zimmerman standard?

    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m
  • The Welfare State
    Jun 1 2024

    Learn how our country has deviated from the original intent of the General Welfare Clause, and the impact this has had on our economy and society. In particular, Mark and Suzette discuss the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the impact the welfare program has had on our nation.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 5 m
  • Sheriff Joe Arpaio - America's Toughest Sheriff
    May 15 2024

    Listen to Sheriff Joe talk about his career, Obama's fake birth certificate, illegal immigration, and the failure of Arizona's Sheriffs to enforce our immigration laws. Sheriff Joe also talks about his love for his only hero, President Trump, who issued his first pardon of Sheriff Joe's bogus misdemeanor charge issued by an Obama judge appointee.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 15 m
  • Ted Nugent
    May 1 2024

    In this episode, Ted Nugent, the iconic rock musician and outspoken conservative, discusses his views on a variety of topics, including his career, the current political climate, law enforcement, and the importance of the Constitution. Nugent, known for his high-energy performances and sales of over 40 million albums, shares stories from his extensive career in music and activism. He touches on his connection with law enforcement, distinguishing between respectful officers and those he disapproves of. Nugent also voices strong opinions on immigration laws, crime, and what he perceives as the negative impact of leftist politics on the United States. Furthermore, Nugent discusses his stance on hunting and conservation, portraying them as essential to environmentalism and personal responsibility. Throughout the conversation, he criticizes the current administration, advocating for Donald Trump's re-election, and illustrates his deep-seated beliefs with personal anecdotes and controversial viewpoints.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 3 m
  • Woodrow Wilson II
    Apr 15 2024

    Listen to how Woodrow Wilson set the tables for the tyranny that exists today in our federal government. Wilson is the Father of the Progressive Movement and had such a disdain for our US Constitution, claiming that the three branches of government was a “theory.” Learn how Wilson secretly governed from his sick bed, without the country aware of his being incapacitated.

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • We're at War
    Apr 1 2024

    Our country is at war in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and, yes, Ukraine. Learn how President Biden is violating the Article I, Section Eight of the US Constitution and where Congress is the only body to declare war. Mark talks about the definition of war per Webster’s 1828 Dictionary and his frustration with Congressmen who are silently standing by, letting this President take our men and women into unconstitutional wars.

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Woodrow Wilson - I
    Mar 15 2024

    In this multi-part series, Suzette talks about the early life of Woodrow Wilson and the role his upbringing played in forming his disdain for the Constitution. Known as the Father of the Progressive Movement, learn how Wilson set the stage for other progressives that would follow.

    Más Menos
    55 m