
  • Hugs & Sparks and Navigating the Energies
    Sep 11 2022

    In this episode, we catch each other up-to-speed on the $hit-storm of August, and how we are here to give each other support and encouragement (hugs), but also jolts of inspiration, and kick-a$$ messages of sometimes hard-to-hear wisdom (sparks) to move us forward to the more conscious, next higher-version of ourselves.  

    Also, we have officially launched our free Facebook group: Cosmic Souls Community! Come join in the conversation and drop us a line on who you are and what you want to talk to about to help move yourself and the collective forward.   We were never meant to do this whole consciousness-expansion-awakening thing on our own. In fact, we are never truly alone (there is a whole posse of extra-dimensional beings riding shotgun with you), but we get by in this 3D-4D realm with a little help from our friends.  

    Take us on the ride with you and share this podcast with someone who needs to know they are not alone, and they are not crazy… And, come join the conversation at CSC! We’ll be waiting with open, cosmic arms, with a few hugs and lots of sparks of extradimensional expansion.  

    XO,  Cara, Heather, Amy, and Kara  

    Cosmic Souls Community Facebook Group 

     Follow us on IG @cosmicsoulsconvos

    Más Menos
    55 m
  • Exploring the Dark
    Jul 12 2022

    The Cosmic Souls boldly go where no podcast with four hosts has gone before… into the dark world of negative entity attachments. In this powerful episode we discuss:

    ·  The importance of spiritual hygiene

    ·  Different levels / hierarchies of negative entities

    ·  How to determine if you have a negative entity attachment

    ·  Are negative entities a part of soul contracts?

    ·  Why exploring the dark is an important aspect of our awakening journey

    ·  Working with negative entities vs. detaching from them: The New Frontier

    We also touch upon the powerful astrology event of the conjunction of the North Node and Uranus, and our weekly meditation for the Cosmic Souls Community where we tap into our heart portal and direct Source light towards places of darkness, including the shadows that need healing in our own lives.

    Interested in joining our supportive, healing, and dynamic Cosmic Souls Community? Find out more HERE

    Follow us on IG @cosmicsoulsconvos

    E-mail us at cosmicsoulconvos@gmail.com with questions, comments, feedback or topic suggestions!  We love to hear from our audience!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 5 m
  • A Cosmic Solstice
    Jun 24 2022

    Happy Summer! We recorded this episode on the Summer Solstice, so it is packed with high-vibe, cosmic discussions about what we’ve been up to these last weeks, and why we are calling this the, “Summer of the Mother.” Also, be sure to check out our brand-new collaborative offering: The Cosmic Souls Community! Special membership pricing is available now through July.

    In this episode, our cosmic conversations had us speaking our truth about:

    • How our expectations can lower our frequency and how to change our vibration at the root
    • Unlocking the manifestation puzzle
    • The Alien/ET disclosure happening right now
    • Speaking our truths to help move energy
    • Time-traveling / We are inter-dimensional travelers damn it!
    • Building stronger, more authentic relationships by surrendering our EGO and validating another person’s perception and viewpoint
    • The challenges and joys of being an awakened parent
    • Why this is the Summer of the Mother and how we are processing mother wounds.
    • Creating community circles of lightworkers… in order to create more circles!

    Join in the conversation, and now, join in the circle! We have some amazing conversations happening in our Cosmic Souls Community space. For more information about the community, visit cosmicsouls.podia.com. And, be sure to follow us on Instagram @cosmicsoulsconvos.

    Is there a question or topic you would like for us to discuss? Message us, or email us at cosmicsoulconvos@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    58 m
  • The Sugar Matrix and New Earth
    May 11 2022

    Is our addiction to sugar another consciousness matrix to master? The Cosmic Souls dive into a discussion about the intense programming around what we eat, how it starts in our childhood (and in our ancestral DNA), and the prevalence of refined sugar and inflammatory oils in most of the food available to us on grocery store shelves. This contributes to low vibration energy patterns that many are trapped in. Also, how do we manifest a healthier, more aligned life, and what is the New Earth and are we already living in it? We explore manifestation and New Earth concepts and how every day seems to bring us opportunities to choose a higher frequency timeline that resonates with our soul mission of expansion and alignment. Perhaps every time we choose stay present in the moment—no matter what energy comes up for us—we are vibrating with the New Earth / 5D timeline and tapping into our creator-manifesting power. Thank you for choosing to hang out with us!

    E-mail us your comments, questions and topic suggestions at cosmicsoulconvos@gmail.com

    Connect with us on Instagram! @cosmicsoulsconvos

    Connect with Cara @caralena_movement

    Connect with Heather @fullcircleawakening

    Connect with Kara @transform.w.kara

    Connect with Amy @nutritional_sage

    And, check out our YouTube channel at Conversations with Cosmic Souls

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Total Eclipse of the Soul
    Apr 29 2022

    Join us as we discuss the powerful New Moon, Solar Eclipse energies taking place on April 30th in Taurus and what kinds of shifts these energies may be bringing in for us all.  We continue the conversation to talk about relationship dynamics, manipulating energy as well as redefining the systems and paradigms that teach us to seek external validation outside of ourselves as a way to distract us from our own internal Truth and Knowledge that we came here to share. This is a time of “remembering” who it is we came here to be and stepping into a more confident version of who we've always been...this eclipse will be activating these deeper truths and setting us on a forward momentum, clearing our path and leading us back home to our Divine Self.

    We also have Amy's free meditation that helps you connect with your body and energy field to share with you all!  Click HERE to check it out!

    E-mail us your comments, questions and topic suggestions at cosmicsoulconvos@gmail.com 

    Connect with us on Instagram! @cosmicsoulsconvos 

    Connect with Cara @caralena_movement 

    Connect with Heather @fullcircleawakening 

    Connect with Kara @transform.w.kara 

    Connect with Amy @nutritional_sage 

    And, check out our YouTube channel at Conversations with Cosmic Souls

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Staying Conscious in the $hit Storms of Life
    Apr 20 2022

    In this full moon in Libra episode, we discuss the major timeline shifts happening that are being guided by our heart portal. We are learning where and how we are leaking out energy and how to return that energy to ourselves to access 5D frequencies. We talk astrology, full moons, and menstrual cycles (sorry not sorry guys)… and we talk $hit. Both figuratively (how to stay conscious in the $hit Storms) and literally as we talk about poop, and the body story it tells as Amy introduces us to her nutritional RESTART program that begins on April 21st. Details are below! Click HERE to check out Amy's 5 week RESTART program!


     E-mail us your comments, questions and topic suggestions at cosmicsoulconvos@gmail.com Connect with us on Instagram! @cosmicsoulsconvos Connect with Cara @caralena_movement Connect with Heather @fullcircleawakening Connect with Kara @transform.w.kara Connect with Amy @nutritional_sage And, check out our YouTube channel at Conversations with Cosmic Souls

    Más Menos
    1 h y 3 m
  • Aligning with the Truth of Our Soul
    Apr 4 2022

    In episode three, the Cosmic Souls unpacked the theme of self-worth, and how pivotal it is when it comes to accessing our power, manifestation energy, and aligning with our soul truth and mission. We also hear the story of Hammy the Hamster and how his humorous breaking-out-of-the-cage and trap saga reveals our own power of breaking out of the 3D matrix, and the reincarnation ‘hamster’ wheel we have all been participating in. We discuss the expansion aspect of accessing more of the 5D frequency when we heal past-life and current wounded layers of our ego, body, and soul in order to help us shed density, thereby giving us more access to the light within. And, of course we talk about the April 1, Aries New Moon energy, and the start of a new astrological year, and what it holds for all of us. Lastly, Heather shares the launch of her F*IT Threshold six-week awakening program that will begin on Saturday, April 16. A link to her program is in the show notes.

    Click HERE to check out Heather's 6 week F*IT Threshold awakening program!

    E-mail us your comments, questions and topic suggestions at cosmicsoulconvos@gmail.com  

    Connect with us on Instagram! @cosmicsoulsconvos  

    Connect with Cara @caralena_movement  

    Connect with Heather @fullcircleawakening  

    Connect with Kara @transform.w.kara  

    Connect with Amy @nutritional_sage  

    And, check out our YouTube channel at Conversations with Cosmic Souls

    Más Menos
    1 h y 12 m
  • Piscean222: Awake Within the Dream
    Mar 16 2022
    Episode 2 has us going on a voyage of the dreamscape and discussing the hidden messages and meaning of dreams and how they are preparing us to step into and hold the 5D frequency. We also dive into reincarnation and past lives, astral and time travel, dejavu, and the Soul lessons to be found in every moment and relationship. It's a big oneness frequency hug from us to you! E-mail us your comments, questions and topic suggestions at cosmicsoulconvos@gmail.com  Connect with us on Instagram! @cosmicsoulsconvos  Connect with Cara @caralena_movement  Connect with Heather @fullcircleawakening  Connect with Kara @transform.w.kara  Connect with Amy @nutritional_sage  And, check out our YouTube channel at Conversations with Cosmic Souls
    Más Menos
    58 m