
  • Reimagining the Revolution w/Paula Lehman-Ewing
    Jul 26 2024

    The only way to get ahead of a destructive evolution is to change the rules of the game.

    Sean’s Monologue: Slavery as the Root of Black Disparity

    Today we welcome award-winning journalist and social documentarian, Paula Lehman-Ewing. Amongst her many journalistic accomplishments, Paula earned a SPJ Silver Heart award for relaunching the defunct newspaper for All of Us or None, a nationwide grassroots organization vying for the restoration of human and civil rights for formerly and currently incarcerated individuals. Paula has come on our show to talk about the power of racial and social justice organizations and to share the launch of her debut book Reimagining the Revolution: Four Stories of Abolition, Autonomy, and Forging New Paths in the Modern Civil Rights Movement.

    Paula begins her interview by sharing the reasons why it was so important to publish a book that amplifies the voices of the actual individuals affected by inequality. She acknowledges the difficulty of her and Sean – two white people – having a conversation about racial disenfranchisement and she emphasizes our need as a society to really listen to those who are suffering the consequences of inequality.

    Paula tells stories of her activist friends living behind bars, and she explains how prison abuses are all part of a scheme to control certain groups and ideas. Listen to find out why Paula is not a fan of proposed “prison reforms” and why she considers herself to be an abolitionist – a term we only wish could remain archaic.

    Paula goes on to talk about restorative justice – what it is, the satisfaction levels it brings for both criminals and victims, how it promotes accountability, and how our society would benefit if we used restorative justice in place of prisons. When Sean mentions that “slavery never ended, it moved from the plantations to the prison yards”, he and Paula discuss the historical basis surrounding the concept of race and the “evolutions” that have brought about systemic inequality in America. They both agree that capitalism leads to exploitation, despite the views of other like-minded activists who look to capitalistic approaches as a pathway to change. They discuss Greenwood District and the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921.

    The conversation turns to politics and the idea that there really are no political solutions to societal problems. The members of both major parties are focused on individual rather than humanistic approaches to reform. Sean stresses the large role that the Democratic Party played in constructing the prison industrial complex, and they both talk about being momentarily swept away by optimism during the Bernie Sanders campaign, only to conclude that “the status quo will do anything it has to do to maintain itself.”

    Paula’s advice to those of us who sincerely care about changing society is to ignore the orchestrated performance that is politics and not get distracted by the current dramatic chaos that is really of very little consequence. She points out that a presidential administration has only a 4-to-8-year shelf-life before the whole structure changes again and policies are reversed and restructured. Salvation lies in activist movements that are long established and far-reaching. Paula and Sean conclude the episode by talking about effective ways to challenge the system and how to construct a social movement with long-lasting impact.

    To learn more about Paula Lehman-Ewing’s book and the organizations she supports, please visit: https://reimaginingtherevolution.com

    Más Menos
    1 h y 55 m
  • Warrior Mom: A Mother’s Journey In Healing Her Son with Autism w/Tracy Slepcevic
    Jun 21 2024

    Modern Americans are “swimming in a toxic pool.” Could this be an underlying cause of the rapidly increasing rates of autism in today’s kids?

    Sean’s Monologue: Navigating Autism in Our Workforce

    Join us as Sean St. Heart interviews Tracy Slepcevic, author of the bestselling book Warrior Mom: A Mother’s Journey In Healing Her Son with Autism. Tracy is a Certified Integrative Health Practitioner with years of experience in the field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine – just the expertise needed to shed light on the problem of environmental toxins and how they affect our physical and mental health.

    Tracy shares some of her background as she recalls the shock she felt when learning that her young son had autism. She tells us about her struggles getting help, information, and service within our broken healthcare and education systems, but she also gives ample hope to parents embarking on their own autism journey. Early intervention is key.

    Tracy explains the process of getting a child clinically evaluated for autism, discusses biomedical interventions, and talks about the resources – both good and bad – that exist for parents. And, of course, Sean and Tracy reveal misconceptions about people on the autism spectrum.

    Throughout the conversation, Tracy tells us about many lifestyle changes that are beneficial to humans with or without autism. We learn about the gut-brain connection and hear a few of the many ways we are all being poisoned. As an example of how these environmental and dietary conditions affect us all, the episode goes off-track for a bit to delve into producer Mckenzie’s Stage 4 cancer diagnosis.

    While responding to a heckler from YouTube, Tracy explains the difference between saying that vaccines cause autism and saying that a child has suffered a vaccine-injury. She stresses that vaccine controversy is not the focus of the show, and she urges people to read the book Turtles All the Way Down if want to learn more about the autism-vaccination connection. Tracy and Sean agree that it is counterproductive to attack doctors for exploring unconventional theories – given that exploration and experimentation is literally what science is all about.

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    1 h y 32 m
  • Defeating MAGA Extremism: A Deep Dive with Russell Jack
    May 23 2024

    Vote for a “liberal” or vote for a terrorist – what’s a staunch Republican to do?

    Sean’s Monologue: How Conservatism Shapes Policy

    This week on Coup Save America, Sean speaks with Russell Jack, a former U.S. Air Marshal and the author of Is MAGA a Terrorist Movement? With a combination of inside knowledge and meticulous research, Russell’s book presents a solid warning about a threat to our democracy as we know it.

    Russell begins by breaking down how the Make America Great Again movement meets the definition of a terrorist organization with its fascist desire to have one-party control with a powerful leader at the top. He explains how MAGA relies on the use of intimidation to achieve political goals, how their agenda clashes with the 12th amendment, and how their beliefs contradict a pro-American stance.

    Russell is careful to distinguish between ‘regular Republicans’ and those who actively support MAGA. He tells us that the Republican party is in a difficult position after being co-opted by MAGA.

    Is Russell catastrophizing a relatively benign situation? He explains his fear that infringement upon America’s freedoms could easily be escalated by the compliance of law enforcement agencies if a MAGA-led government enacts unconstitutional policies. Drawing from his inside experience, Russell tells us that while law enforcement has always been a conservative-leaning profession, he has seen far too many people in authority who seem too willing to fall in line with an extremist government. Enforcement will be the key to the erosion of our freedoms. Nobody wants to live in a fascist country, yet nobody recognizes it coming and stops it.

    Sean and Russell address many questions during their conversation…Can the MAGA movement still take hold without Trump as a figurehead? How can a person be charged in one state for something that is illegal in different state? Why is the electoral college so outdated? Why wasn’t Trump impeached for insurrection? How do the characteristics of MAGA align with other terrorist groups, such as Al-Qaeda? Why ISN’T the Black Lives Matter movement a terrorist operation? And does it even matter if Trump’s felony charges are politically motivated?

    Russell and Sean discuss how various things that were once automatic disqualifiers in our society have now become accepted, projection vs. deflection, and (as always) the unreliability of mainstream media. Finally, Russell offers us advice on what we can do to fight against the MAGA movement.

    To learn more & to purchase Russell Jack’s book, visit: https://www.magaterrorism.com

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    2 h
  • The Quality of Life Resistance Movement
    May 16 2024

    What happens when addiction becomes the rule rather than the exception for most Americans?

    Sean’s Monologue: Is a Utopian Society Possible?

    Today on Coup Save America we welcome guest Jeff Einstein, a digital media pioneer who has taken a critical stance on how the digital age has negatively impacted our quality of life.

    Jeff begins by explaining how a state-sponsored default addiction to digital media began to develop in the early 21st century. He professes that the rise of runaway digital scale has given all the institutions in our life more power with less accountability. We can’t walk away or opt out from this institutional tyranny, and the resulting addiction has led to a decline in our spiritual, social, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

    Jeff describes his theory of “Huxwell”, the current totalitarian dystopia that combines elements of Alex Huxley’s A Brave New World with George Orwell’s 1984. He tells us about the 3 mass formation psychosis that have gripped American society in the first two decades of the 21st century.

    Jeff goes on to confess his professional history, including his creation of many “firsts” in the field of digital media – contributions that he is no longer proud of and that he now feels he must distance himself from by blowing the whistle on the harm his former industry has caused to our country. Jeff is the founder of “The Quality of Life Resistance Movement”, which creates a road map for individuals and families to escape our state of default media addiction. He gives us his three primary calls to action for inserting “meaningful ritual” back into our lives, and he explains why he feels this is the only statistically viable way to fight addiction.

    Sean and Jeff spend the second hour of the interview chatting about various topics such as the history of the surveillance state, the democratization of media, Canadian philosopher Marshall McLuhan, “Trump derangement syndrome”, giving up our civil liberties out of fear, the industrialization of liberation movements, Palestine and cultures of victimhood, and, of course, the irony of promoting an anti-digital media campaign using digital media. It is an insightful conversation even if the two participants don’t always agree.

    We conclude the episode by watching a promo video for Jeff’s documentary film-in-progress – The Rise of Huxwell. Learn about and donate to the movie at: https://riseofhuxwell.com

    Discover The Quality of Life Resistance Movement, the antidote to Huxwell at:


    Más Menos
    1 h y 59 m
  • Exploring Shadow Banning with Robert Hawkins
    Apr 23 2024

    How can someone being banned from marching in a parade lead to everyone being legally censored online?

    Sean’s Monologue: Censorship Industrial Complex

    Our guest today is here to tell us about a secret form of online censorship that is happening every day to people like you and me – and we don’t even know it. Robert Hawkins is a social entrepreneur and founder of Reveddit, a website that shows people where they have been censored on Reddit’s media platform. Robert became passionate about restoring free-speech values online after discovering his own comments from past years had been secretly removed, and he’s here now to blow the whistle on a practice called “shadow banning."

    Robert explains how shadowing banning is a person-to-person form of censorship, not a silencing imposed by a company or a government, then he walks us step-by-step through what a person sees – or rather, DOESN’T see – when their comment has been shadow-banned. Sean and Robert talk about what Reddit promotes itself to be vs. what Reddit actually is.

    They go on to discuss the intent behind shadow banning, who does it, and why. Are there good uses for shadow banning? What type of content is most frequently shadow banned? Robert tells us the justifications used to perpetuate this practice that Sean describes as “counterintuitive to democracy.” Are these justifications valid? Robert argues that they are not and tells us why.

    Robert describes how bots are created, how they operate, and how they are (in some ways) smarter than humans. He tells us that he does support “transparent content moderation”, and he explains the difference between shadow banning and censorship practices that actually help users learn the rules of the platform where they are posting.

    What happens when a user discovers they are being shadow banned? This practice has gone largely unchallenged, so is there any recourse to fight against it? Robert explains why there is a lack of awareness surrounding shadow banning. He tells us about his experiences at LibertyCon, and his attempts to bring shadow banning into the light. What about enacting laws against online censorship? Is it a good idea to involve our government? Robert talks about legislation that is currently in the works … in places like Texas and Florida.

    Robert shares practical tips for what everyday people can do to save America from the complexities of censorship. Should people who don’t even use social media be concerned? Robert feels that even those who understand the scale of online censorship don’t acknowledge the harm it can do. He tells a story of a hidden government practice was eventually revealed to the world, and he hopes the same will be true of shadow banning.

    Sean and Robert conclude the episode chatting about why political figures are unlikely to have censored comments on Reddit, which social media platforms don’t permit shadow bans, and wondering if decentralization is a potential solution. Will Robert expand his Reddit tool to encompass other social media platforms? And what was it like living in Taiwan for the past ten years? Listen to find out!

    Check your Reddit account for shadow banned content at: https://www.reveddit.com/

    Check out Robert’s newsletter at: https://RemovedNews.com

    Watch more about shadow banning videos at: https://www.youtube.com/@robert.hawkins

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    1 h y 44 m
  • Unveiling the Playbook: The Threat of Religious Fundamentalism
    Apr 9 2024

    When a fundamentalist Christian is preaching against abortion, don’t point out how many babies God killed in the Bible!

    Sean’s Monologue: Book Banning in America

    Our guest today is Mark Alsip, a computer scientist, freelance science writer, and the founder of Bad Science Debunked, a skeptical science blog. Mark is here with us today to talk about a personal history that is quite unexpected for a man of his profession - being raised in and indoctrinated into a fundamentalist Young Earth Creationist sect. He went through decades of trauma due to the conflicts between pseudo-scientific church teachings and the world of reality that was revealed to him through his love of science. After Mark left religion completely, he thought he’d be able to leave his past behind him and move on, but then fundamentalists insisted on forcing religious dogma into our government, our laws, our schools, and other secular places. Mark felt it was his duty to fight back, so he wrote the book Journey to Reason: Walking Away From Young Earth Creationism and Religious Fundamentalism.

    In this episode, Mark and Sean discuss critical thinking vs. religious thinking as they swap amusing stories about growing up under the tutelage of Bible-thumping adults. They talk about how prayer is like “flipping a coin and calling it after it lands” and how religions quell logical questioning when they label disagreement with doctrine as a “sin.” Mark explains the beliefs of his childhood religion and how it sucked him in with scare tactics, such as a propaganda movie that made a whole audience of little kids cry.

    Sean and Mark agree that religion is not abusive in general, and that there are many wonderful and compassionate believers in the world. They share Mark’s assertion that religion is fine, but “we just don’t need it” and people should not push it on one another. They talk about how the religious and non-religious could live together in peace and harmony if the fundamentalists weren’t such a fundamental threat to our democracy.

    The conversation turns to impending legislation that supports narrow Christian viewpoints, and how such influence has come about. Mark and Sean wonder where religion is headed in America and speculate on what our future will look like if Trump wins the presidency.

    Mark talks about his professional history and how it taught him critical thinking skills, he explains the relationship between capitalism and religion, and bemoans the hypocrisy of Christians who claim to believe in love for mankind while exhibiting little actual compassion for their fellow human beings. His conclusion is that we should focus on the good parts of religious teachings and reject the parts that hurt and condemn others.

    You can find Mark Alsip’s book Journey to Reason: Walking Away From Young Earth Creationism and Religious Fundamentalism on Amazon, and follow him on social media:



    Más Menos
    2 h y 1 m
  • The Phenomenon of QAnon w/Mike Trigg
    Apr 2 2024

    Is economic disenfranchisement the main force fueling toxic Internet subcultures and online movements?

    Sean’s Monologue: The Phenomenon of QAnon

    We are joined today by Mike Trigg, a former Silicon Valley start-up guru now turned accomplished writer. Mike’s first corporate thriller Bit Flip was lauded with 5-star reviews, and now he’s on our show to talk about his newest novel, Burner, available on April 16th, 2024. Billed as a "fascinating thriller in which an online movement swallows up the person who started it" by Foreword Clarion Reviews, the novel dives headfirst into political disinformation, toxic internet subcultures, and our need for belonging and purpose in an age of distorted online personas.

    Sean and Mike discuss the creation of Burner, and how it is written from a centrist point of view (even though the author is left-leaning). The stock manipulation and kidnapping elements of the book were inspired by news headlines like GameStop and January 6th. Sean praises the likability of the lead character, Shane, who Mike has dubbed “the Forest Gump of the Internet generation.”

    The rest of the conversation centers around how online movements take flight – the use of Internet algorithms to normalize beliefs, the self-reinforcement, and actions driven by the underlying idea of “I am a victim, now who do I blame?” Mike and Sean talk about their election concerns and how to deprogram someone once they have been sucked into a toxic movement. The end conclusion is that – both on the Internet and in politics – people behave much better when others know who they and there is some level of accountability.

    Other topics include: Mike’s time on Capitol Hill, elected officials as Internet trolls, how the Democratic Party disenfranchised blue collar America, ID verifications online, the impossibility of the TV show The Last of Us, the looming threat of AI, and the fun of recording audio books.

    Find Mike on his website and all social media platforms:





    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVvHXnTHvExzKghoWXejT9w https://twitter.com/mike_trigg


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    1 h y 40 m
  • Unraveling the Secrets of Dreams with Benjamin "The Dream Wizard" Davidson
    Mar 27 2024

    Did the act of dreaming bring about religion?

    Sean’s Monologue – “The Poor People’s Campaign”

    Tune in today to learn that everything you’ve heard about dreaming is true…sort of. Benjamin Davidson – The Dream Wizard – joins us to unravel the mystery of dreams and other human “thought experiences.” With two decades of work in the mental health field behind him, Benjamin has turned his attention to everything dreaming – from acting as a curator, collector, and publisher of historical dream research to recording his podcast of dream analysis – Dreamscapes.

    Benjamin talks about what got him interested in dreams, why we dream, strangers in dreams, and what is the definition of a “dream.” He tells us about different states of consciousness, why he doesn’t believe in dream dictionaries, and why some people – like The Dream Wizard himself – seldom remember their own dreams.

    Sean and Benjamin discuss how a person can stop reoccurring nightmares, and they look back on Benjamin’s career as a mental health professional in the emotionally challenging field of emergency room intake. Then the two discuss the future of brain science, bringing up both exciting and dangerous ideas about how humans might one day be able to change their own brains. Benjamin talks about the proven scientific way of looking at dreams vs. what he affectionately calls the “Spooky-woo side”, ultimately defining himself as a “credulous skeptic” when it comes to prophetic dreams and other unknowns. Sean brings up the question of whether a person’s dreams can diagnose a physical or mental disorder.

    Finally, Coup Save America producer, Mckenzie, joins the conversation as Benjamin helps her analyze a dream about reptiles and a serial killer.

    Visit www.BenjaminTheDreamWizard.com for episodes of the Dreamscapes Podcast and to explore the many book titles Benjamin has published on Amazon.

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    2 h y 5 m