
  • No Clarity, No Progress.
    Oct 22 2022

    In this episode, I share a couple of personal stories about learning to define what I want, and how taking aligned action allowed the Universe to support me step by step. 

    Más Menos
    55 m
  • Not Feeling My Dad's Love
    Oct 21 2022

    In this episode I share a raw part of my life that echoes my deepest struggles, and how I got through it. I explain how this trauma is the fundamental piece for my transformation, and how every single thing that happens in your life has a cost AND a benefit. I also share how I got it all wrong! I share how I wasn't receiving Dad's love, but he ALWAYS loved me... And the journey I went on to find that love that was always there.

    (N.B. This episode also comes with some tough love. If you are stuck in a cycle or struggling with anything in your life right now, this episode will help you understand why you are stuck and exactly what to do in order to move through it.)

    Adam x

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • A Channeled Message From The Divine
    Oct 19 2022

    In this episode:

    The internal war that I've been dealing with regarding this podcast.

    Some recent challenges I've faced (and how I dealt with them).

    Where the root of anxiety, panic attacks, depression exist.

    The rules of your game: what are they and how to find it.

    PLUS: Me being used by the divine as the conduit for a beautiful message for you.

    "Each day gets to be an opportunity for expansion, an evolution, not just a repeat of the same thing. The real question is, "Are you actually working on things that truly matter or are you just working on things because that's the thing you need to do in order to create the end result... You really do get to choose."

    "If you live in your head, if you live in distraction, if you live your life when you're always on the go and you don't slow down to listen to what your soul is trying to speak through you, then you just keep creating more of the same... in the hope that the end result will give you that happiness, that joy, that inner peace that you're looking for. But if the journey that you're taking, if the actions you're taking aren't in alignment or aren't fulfilling, then the end result is only going to be a temporary glimpse of joy or happiness or release, before you go out chasing more. What's more you are going to find ways to cope with the disharmonious relationship you create within yourself as you spend more time, more days, more weeks, more months, more years doing things you truly don't want to be doing."

    "Slow the fuck down. Take some time out for yourself, go and sit in nature, sit on a park bench, sit in your backyard, go and sit by the ocean... Do not take your phone... Just sit and be with whatever comes up. Your thoughts might go crazy initially, and in time they start to settle. You start to find presence with yourself and then you get access to the wisdom of your soul, the wisdom that is directly connected to the Universe. It can't happen if you're always in control, if you always have to know what's going on, if you're always giving direction. You have to let go a little bit so you can start to listen to the wisdom that is guiding you to your highest truth, because that noise in your mind is only going to continue until you stop and listen."

    You will continue to go through a cycle of challenges... because you are not choosing to move. So the Universe will continue to push you until you do. That's why problems happen in your life. It's your highest order, your soul's evolution to grow."

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • How to Get Unstuck and Move Forward
    Oct 18 2022

    In this episode:

    Learn why choice is your greatest weapon against the feeling of being stuck.

    A simple process that I use to make decisions (this is great if you experience overwhelm or tend to overthink things!)

    Finding alignment with what you truly want (and why this serves as the greatest antidote to being stuck).

    An exercise you can do to help you find alignment and make progress doing things you absolutely LOVE.

    Episode Highlights

    "If you spend your life living in what you need to do, more than what you want to do, you're going to get to 50 or 60 or 70 or 80 years of age, or perhaps even on your deathbed, and you're going to be living in a sense of regret because you did these things out of obligation rather than listening to what your soul is urging you to do."

    "You could be able to execute at such a high level, but let me remind you that there are so many people that can execute at a high level, and then they get to a point when they hit a mid life crisis because they've been executing on things that are not in alignment to their heart and their soul. They're just doing things because they have to... They spend too much time doing more for others than they do for themselves."

    "You don't need to have every single step figured out right now"

    "Each day you have a new opportunity, and you get to choose exactly how you live. You get to choose what you do. You have made a series of choices in your life that has resulted in the life you now live, and that reality is your reality and you also get to choose how you respond to that. You can do that with love and appreciation, or you can do that with regret and disgust. You can do that with condemnation, blame, despair, anxiety or anger. Or, you can process all of these emotions and come to a space of saying "Hey, you know what, I created all of this... My past is my past and I cannot change a single thing about it, but what I can do is choose that from this moment forward I declare that I will create a new pathway for myself. That pathway is taken step by step. It's forged through a series of actions, not one big one..."

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Get It Started
    Oct 5 2022
    Sitting on an idea whilst you work away on a job that you ‘love’, but in reality, you’d happily jump ship if you could be guaranteed the same kind of money or better? That idea is worth more than you know. Today’s episode is the kick up the ass that you didn’t know you needed (but your soul did)!
    Más Menos
    4 m
  • How To Build Self Esteem
    Oct 4 2022

    Would you like to know how to build your self-esteem?

    This episode gives you some of the foundation pieces to help you make this possible.

    In this episode:

    Why adopting a new perspective is your greatest asset.
    The BIG mistake you're making, that is damaging your self-esteem (and how to change that).
    Are you the victim or the victor?
    Why your thoughts gain momentum and how to deal with your thoughts when you find yourself in a spiral.
    The Death of Not Being Seen! aka What if it doesn't work out?! (This is perfect for you if you're scared of what other people think).
    The Ultimate Question: How's That Working Out For You?
    A simply practise that you can do each day that WILL help you build your self-esteem exponentially! (This one WORKS like a dream!)

    Enjoy, my friends.
    Adam x

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Self Belief
    Sep 13 2022
    In this episode, I share my own story about moving forward with this podcast without it all being perfect or ‘ready’; a client story (yep, he blocked me!) and what happened after that; the beauty of celebrating your wins and ways you can do that!
    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Just Start
    Sep 5 2022

    Have you ever sat on a dream or an idea? Have you ever convinced yourself that you're not ready yet?

    Courage Culture #1 is Adam's raw, unedited, unscripted truth about stepping into the fear, blasting through the thoughts of getting it right or making it perfect, and just getting it done.

    Más Menos
    51 m