
  • Episode #16 - Andy Hopper
    Jun 17 2021

    The Texas State Guard (TSG) is a volunteer military force that serves the Texans in times of state emergencies. In May 2021, a training was administered to members of the TSG that most Texans would find shocking.

    The training focused on Critical Race Theory and moral relativism. Guardsmen were informed that those meeting certain criteria would be considered “extremists.” They were instructed to inform leadership if they knew anyone in the State Guard who held “extremist” views.

    The criteria for “extremism” included: a man who believes homosexuality is wrong, anyone who has a Texas secede bumper sticker, anyone who is a member of the National Rifle Association, and more.

    Andy Hopper, who serves in the TSG along with two of his sons, was there for the training. He was appalled at what he heard, so he stood up and said something. He’s been speaking ever since.

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  • Episode #15 - Chris Polone
    Jun 11 2021

    As the fear of COVID was sweeping the globe in 2020, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order stating that bars making 51% or more of their money from alcohol sales had to close.

    As the owner of the Rail Club Live in Fort Worth, Chris Polone at first complied. But as the pandemic wore on and the unlawful dictates were unequally enforced, Chris decided to stand his ground.

    On July 25, 2020 Chris reopened Rail Club Live. His team cleaned the facility above CDC recommendations, didn’t charge people to attend, didn’t sell alcohol, allowed only 40 people in a facility built for 800, and even socially distanced.

    The government still came to shut him down. Chris has been dealing with a fire storm ever since, including the government trying to permanently take away his liquor license. But he refuses to stop fighting.

    To support Chris, visit: https://www.gofundme.com/f/hhhrzj-chris-polone-fund

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  • Episode #14 - John Thomas
    Jun 4 2021

    As an immigrant from India John Thomas came to America as a 15-year-old who couldn’t speak English.

    Nine years later he found himself in surgical school on his way to becoming a doctor. Dr. Thomas’ story is a perfect example of what one can accomplish in America when they’re willing to work for it.

    When COVID hit Dr. Thomas bravely forged his own path to serve his patients. After looking at the research, he believed hydroxychloroquine was the best option. He opted to prescribe it despite the fear and negative blowback from the media, and his patients got better as a result.

    Check out Dr. Thomas’ amazing story and learn how he not only serves those in his local community, but also treats orphans and underserved individuals around the world through his non-profit, Operation Hope (https://www.operationhopeusa.org/)

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  • Episode #13 - Ron Hall
    May 28 2021

    Ron Hall was one of the world’s most successful art dealers. With his success came a growing amount of pride and disregard for his marriage.

    Ron cheated on his wife, Deborah. Her response? To forgive him and ask him to become the man he was created to be.

    One night, Deborah awoke and told Ron she’d had a dream from the Lord; that they were called to go into one of the poorest parts of Fort Worth, Texas to help. They did, and their lives changed forever.

    That decision led Ron to meet Denver Moore, who was homeless at the time, and started them on an incredible journey of helping others you won’t believe.

    To learn more about Ron and Denver’s work, visit: https://www.samekindofdifferentasme.com/

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  • Episode #12 - Gerald Kern
    May 21 2021

    Gerald Kern is in the business of feeding people. That might sound simple to some, but the massive scale at which the Community Food Bank of Fort Worth serves people is incredible.

    And while food is vital, Gerald understands that’s not the only need people have. Sometimes the gift of dignity is greater than the gift of food. That’s why their organization also gives those whom they serve the opportunity to serve others as well.

    Motivated by his faith to undertake such a huge endeavor Gerald explained, “God’s a business partner in this effort. He takes care of His side and we take care of ours.”

    For more information on Gerald and Community Food Bank of Fort Worth’s work, visit: https://www.food-bank.org/

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  • Episode #11 - Nick Adams
    May 14 2021

    This week Courage to Stand welcomes Nick Adams, the founder of the Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness (FLAG). FLAG is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating Americans about the values and principles that make our nation exceptional.

    A legal immigrant from Australia, Nick understands first-hand how special a place America is. As he says, “America isn’t just a country, it’s an idea.”

    For more information on FLAG, visit: https://www.flagusa.org/

    For more information on Nick Adam’s work, visit: https://www.nickadamsusa.com/

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  • Episode #10 - Jaco Booyens
    May 7 2021

    Jaco Booyens’ sister was only twelve years old when she was sexually exploited and trafficked. He knows the impact it’s had on her and his family, and he’s determined to eradicate this grotesque disease that’s permeated our society.

    Check out Jaco’s story; how he’s partnering with rescue organizations, developing curriculums for school, and working to impact local, state, and federal legislation.

    You won’t believe what Jaco reveals is happening in the sexual education programs in our schools; I’ll just say, it involves kindergarteners. Yes, kindergarteners…

    For more information on Jaco’s work combatting human trafficking, visit: https://sharetogethernow.org/

    For more information on Free Space, visit: https://www.freespacesocial.app/

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  • Episode #9 - Samuel Hall
    Apr 30 2021

    In this week’s episode of the Courage to Stand podcast we welcome Samuel Hall, President and Founder of Patriots for America.

    Samuel and PFA focus almost exclusively on investigating, reporting, and stopping child sex trafficking. The stories he shares are both appalling and inspiring. How are he and his team able to undertake such difficult work? To use Samuel’s own words, “God blesses a willing vessel.”

    For more information on Samuel’s work at Patriots for America visit: https://www.patriotsforamericamilitia.com/

    PFA partner organizations mentioned:

    Treasured Vessels: https://treasuredvesselsfoundation.org/

    Answer International: https://answerinternational.org/

    CLK Security Services: https://clksecurity.com/

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