
  • Generation Z’s Grandchildren Will No Longer Drive (Much)
    Jun 20 2024

    As we look toward the future, one of the most profound changes on the horizon is the transformation of personal transportation. For Generation Z, born between the late 1990s and early 2010s, driving symbolizes independence and freedom. However, their grandchildren are poised to experience a very different reality. The rapid advancement and proliferation of autonomous vehicles, controlled by sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI), are set to revolutionize transportation, making driving an optional skill rather than a necessity. Discover why you should care!

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    19 m
  • Annual Performance Appraisals Are Deadly for Top Performers
    May 9 2024

    Let's face reality: yearly reviews should be extinct. Top performers hate them, and most managers are terrible at delivering them. In business management, annual performance appraisals are standard practice for evaluating employee performance, setting goals, and making decisions about promotions, pay raises, and terminations. However, beneath their seemingly systematic structure lies a cognitive bias that often skews the evaluation process: the Peak End rule. Listen now and learn what to do instead!

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    21 m
  • Discover Why Your Employees Are Wasting Too Much Time at Work
    Mar 20 2024

    Do you know why employees waste time at work? One concept called the learning curve profoundly influences how individuals distribute their work throughout the day, often leading to phenomena such as spreading work out to fill the day. As a leader, you can reduce wasted time by knowing the reasons you are paying for empty labor. Leadership plays a pivotal role in minimizing empty labor within an organization. Effective leadership is the cornerstone of minimizing empty labor and maximizing productivity in the modern workplace.

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    23 m
  • Improving Leadership With the Enneagram
    Mar 14 2024

    In the complex tapestry of today's multigenerational workplace, understanding leadership goes beyond conventional management principles. It requires a nuanced comprehension of individual differences, motivations, and behaviors. The Enneagram, an ancient personality typing system, offers a profound lens through which we can explore the diverse leadership styles that emerge in modern organizational settings.

    Comprising nine distinct personality types, the Enneagram provides a framework for understanding the core fears, desires, and motivations that drive individuals. Each type possesses unique strengths and potential pitfalls in leadership roles, making it a valuable personal and professional development tool. Let's delve into how each Enneagram type manifests as a leader in today's workforce:

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    21 m
  • Empowering Change: Transforming Your Team's Journey with Confidence and Connection
    Feb 19 2024

    In the swirling currents of today's business landscape, change isn't just a ripple; it's a tidal wave. From technological breakthroughs to market shifts, organizations constantly navigate uncharted waters to stay afloat. But amidst the turbulence of change, one thing remains constant: the human element.

    As leaders, we're not just captains of ships but navigators of human emotions and aspirations. And when it comes to steering our teams through choppy waters of change, understanding the heart of our crew is paramount. Learn more a www.johngrubbs.com

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    21 m
  • Is the Leader Too Smart for the Team's Good? Uncovering the Hidden Perils of Solo Brilliance
    Dec 29 2023

    Are you the most intelligent person on the team you lead? If so, the team may get held back by your knowledge. By not finding people with more intellectual horsepower, you may be the reason the team will not achieve anything more significant in 2024. When discussing the concept of a leader being the most intelligent person in the room, it's essential to consider both the potential advantages and the significant dangers and limitations that this situation can present. While intelligence is undoubtedly an asset in leadership, it can also lead to various issues affecting team dynamics, innovation, and decision-making processes. This episode an exploration of these dangers and limitations...Hang on and enjoy the ride!

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    21 m
  • Laziness and Busyness are Two Sides of the Same Coin
    Nov 28 2023

    At first glance, laziness and excessive busyness appear opposites. But upon closer examination, they often arise from the same root - a lack of discipline and intentionality. Neither busyness nor laziness inherently leads to productivity and meaning. It is the discipline that directs our energies with purpose and structure. Without it, laziness manifests as distraction and avoidance of effort.

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    22 m
  • A Little Known Psychological Hack Can Make You A Better Leader. What is it?
    Oct 23 2023

    If you feel stuck, overwhelmed or unprepared on your path to leadership, This episode will re-energize your personal and professional growth. Let’s climb to the peak of transformational leadership together!

    As leaders, we often feel pressure to appear competent, authoritative, and perfectly polished. But new research reveals the power of strategic self-disclosure of imperfections, mistakes, and quirks.

    John shares eye-opening psychological studies on the pratfall effect and actionable advice for harnessing it. You’ll walk away knowing when and how to reveal your wonderful imperfections in order to build rapid rapport and respect with your team. They’ll see you’re human, flaws and all, but still extremely capable as a leader.

    Get ready to liberate yourself and watch your authentic leadership soar!

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    23 m