
  • EP61: A look at your financial future today: An interview with Davinia Tomlinson of Rainchq
    Apr 15 2020

    If you listen to just one thing today... make it this. No, seriously... even your favourite Netflix show can wait. On today's episode of the Creative Career Solutions for Parents podcast, I am speaking to Davinia Tomlinson, CEO & Founder of Rainchq, a service which helps women to take control of their financial futures. 

    Recorded in April 2020, in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, Davinia Tomlinson, a marketing and business development expert with 15 years experience within the investment management and professional services industries - talks to us about the importance of money mastery for women. Her mission is to empower women to achieve their financial goals and prepare for that rainy day. 

    It's fair to say that we're certainly in "rainy day" territory at the moment  - and hearing this information now is interesting. Acting on it now, however will be beneficial.. potentially even life changing. This episode is packed full of useful, actionable tips to help you take positive financial steps, regardless of what your situation is right now. 

    Davinia talks about why it is especially important that women pay attention to their finances and invest, 3 top financial tips which are relevant during a pandemic and beyond, what she is worrying about and what she is celebrating and together... Davinia and Gina share some personal stories of (financial) influences in their lives... past and present. 

    As a career coach and consultant, Gina is acutely aware that financial awareness and action can be intrinsically linked with how we imagine and execute our career development plans... so if you are thinking about finding a new job, keeping a current job and anything to do with what comes next - the informative and fun conversation here may be just what you need right now. 

    To keep in touch with Davinia Tomlinson's work - you can connect with her via LinkedIn and / or via Rainchq on Instagram or the website. 

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    1 h y 20 m
  • EP60: Navigating our (temporary) new normal
    Apr 3 2020

    Over the course of just a few weeks, our lives have changed in the most profound ways due to COVID-19.  Freedom of movement which we generally take for granted is minimised and working from home is no longer something working parents are fighting for... it is something that is temporarily expected of all of us who can and are not key workers; albeit working with our children underfoot as schools are now closed. 

    In this episode Gina Visram shares 5+ key insights into how we can navigate our temporary new morning with some positivity... even when it feels like we're in the middle of a bad summer blockbuster movie.

    Please note, Gina is not a healthcare professional and advice and ideas shared are targeted at those who have the mental bandwith to be able to take some purposeful, powerful steps. Naturally, that may currently exclude anyone in a particularly vulnerable state health wise, economically or otherwise - and if that applies to you, please seek the appropriate, qualified support that you need, in your locality. 

    Beyond that, this episode is designed to make you nod with resonance, laugh in solidarity and help you exhale, with the assurance that you have some more tools to deal with the current challenges. 

    Don't forget to comment via Limitless Coaching on Facebook (you may inspire a further episode), subscribe and leave a review on iTunes. 

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • EP59: What's next for this podcast?
    Feb 28 2020

    After an unintentional hiatus from the Creative Career Solutions for Parents podcast, Gina returns with an episode talking about what's next for the podcast AND shares a nugget of wisdom which has the potential to remove any blocks you have in relation to getting on with your next exciting venture / goal. 

    Remember, if you like what you hear, do subscribe... there's lots more to come. 

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • EP58: Dealing with the pressure and expectation of the new year
    Jan 3 2020

    The New Year often feels pressured. Y'know... "New Year New You" and all that jazz. If you're someone who sets goals and makes resolutions and actually, especially if you are NOT... you may notice that with the dawn of a whole new decade in addition to it being a new year, there is an extra layer of expectation and pressure. In this episode, through reflection on this notion - I share 3 tips to deal with the pressure and expectation of the new year. Spoiler: A bonus suggestion is that you ride the wave of positive energy and good intentions instead of hiding from it. Listen now for more...

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • EP57: Enough with the excuses, what can you do differently?
    Oct 15 2019

    I'm back... and calling myself out for making excuses on a few important fronts, in the past couple of months. This episode includes a bit of a reintroduction about what the Creative Career Solutions for Parents podcast is all about (amid my rant!) and I am transparent about some of the excuses I have been making to myself in my own life. Excuses which need to stop! 

    This episode is a bit of a cathartic rant and I hope it will give you some space to acknowledge where you are not playing full out but believe you should be as you are doing yourself a disservice if you don't. 

    I also share one of the best pieces of advice I have ever heard for content creators and creatives - advice from the awesome Denise Duffield-Thomas - so listen out for that and let me know if it rocks your world the way it continues to rock mine whenever I think about it.

    I got so carried away in this from the heart, no notes chat that I didn't get onto much of the "what you can do differently" aspect so that may follow in a part two... let's see.

    You see... practicing what I preach... I could have waited to re-record the whole thing but that would have been unnecessary stalling when you can get some of the goodies now and more in a future episode... coming very soon! 

    Stay tuned, subscribe, share and let's connect again soon.

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    13 m
  • EP56: OMG - Where is the year going?
    Jun 30 2019

    It's happened again. No sooner were we in awe that it's January... it's now already the second half of the year. What madness is this? Because half time is traditionally a great time to take stock of what's been going on and to recalibrate - this episode of the Creative Career Solutions for Parents podcast provides a step by step... question by question way to establish what has been working and what hasn't been in this year so far.

    Grab a piece of paper / notebook and a pen (you can use notes on your phone if needed but there is a greater power in the pen for an exercise like this) and give yourself 20 minutes... just 20 minutes for yourself to review the year so far. In this time you will celebrate... re-strategise and generally acknowledge where you are and where you want to be. Importantly, you will also consider what changes need to be made and what support system needs to be in place for you to truly make it happen.

    Kindness not judgement is the order of the day and I hope this is a really useful exercise for you. Do let me know how you get on (via email or the Limitless Coaching Facebook page etc).

    If you like what you here please do subscribe to and review the podcast and I look forward to connecting with you again soon. 

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    21 m
  • EP55: #IAmBecoming - Nuggets of wisdom from Michelle Obama's book tour
    May 16 2019

    This episode is a must listen for everyone: I was honoured to hear Michelle Obama speak live in London as part of her European book tour and I found her so relatable as a citizen wanting to make her community better, as a leader wanting to impact her country and the world and in other important roles as a mother, a wife, a daughter, a professional in her industry - in ever which way really.

    Gratitude and motivation both prevail in listening to what she shared so get stuck in, listen and enjoy... and remember, if yu like what you hear do please leave a review on iTunes.

    (PS - I believe I said Idaho instead of Iowa in relation to one of the stories she shared. Please excuse that error!) 

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • EP54: Making the most of (long) weekends
    Apr 21 2019

    Before you get yourself in that cycle of "where did all the time go" that we all recognise (you've been there right... haven't we all?!) - listen to this podcast about making the most of long weekends. (If listening in real time), we are at the time of year where there are a series of longer weekends... and there are a few simple actions you can take to ensure you and your family make the most of it... with everyone on the other side feeling satisfied by the weekend (as opposed to baffled by what happened to it!). 

    Being really purposeful is the key here but that doesn't mean intense or stale. Listening to this podcast takes 10 minutes and reminds you of a simple, easy to implement way to enjoy some awesome (long) weekends ahead. 

    **... and please remember to subscribe, share and review if you like what you hear**

    Más Menos
    10 m