
  • Danielle Storm's Journey out of TFU( Part 2)
    Jul 21 2024

    Episode #23: Danielle Storm's Journey out of TFU( Part 2)

    In this powerful follow-up episode, Danielle Storm continues her story, revealing the harrowing consequences of her time with Twin Flames Universe (TFU). Influenced by TFU's teachings, Danielle engaged in stalking behavior and failed to respect boundaries, leading to her spending 20 days in jail. Remarkably, Danielle has only been out of the cult for three weeks.

    She candidly discusses how her jail time helped her detox from TFU's influence. Believing she had found her twin flame, Danielle was willing to go to any lengths, even to her own detriment. Her release from jail came with the condition from a family member that she must completely sever ties with TFU.

    Danielle has since been attending church and offers forgiveness to the person who was responsible for her incarceration. She is hopeful for leniency from the courts and is hoping that her public defense, will be able to explain her connection with TFU & shed light on her extreme and unusual behaviors that led to six restraining orders.

    She emphasizes that TFU is a religious-based cult, frequently referencing God but not using the Bible. Currently, Danielle is receiving therapy and support as she transitions out of TFU.

    Danielle's final message to anyone involved with TFU or similar groups is urgent: "GET OUT as soon as you can before it causes the kind of permanent damage that I am dealing with in my own life."

    Tune in to Cultimatum to hear the rest of Danielle’s compelling journey and gain deeper insights into the profound impacts cults can have on individuals.

    Danielle's TikTok Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@itsjustdanii003?lang=en

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

    Podcast Contact info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

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    Más Menos
    52 m
  • Danielle Storm, Former Member of Twin Flames Universe (Part 1)
    Jul 13 2024

    Episode #22: Danielle Storm, Former Member of Twin Flames Universe

    In this riveting episode, we sit down with Danielle Storm, a former member of Twin Flames Universe (TFU). Danielle's journey with the concept of a twin flame began in elementary school. However, it wasn't until later in life that she revisited this idea, eventually discovering TFU on YouTube around 2015. It wasn't until she became an adult in 2022 that she officially joined the group.

    Danielle delves into the techniques used by TFU, including MAP (Mind Alignment Process) and the mirror exercise. She shares how these methods began to severely impact her mental health, leading to self-harm. Danielle opens up about how her involvement with the group affected her relationships, family connections, and finances.

    At its peak, TFU had around 25,000 followers, but following the release of documentaries about the group, its popularity surged to approximately 50,000 members. Ironically, the documentaries intended to expose TFU ended up promoting it, drawing more people in.

    We conclude this episode with Danielle recounting how she ultimately ended up in jail due to TFU's teachings. To hear the rest of Danielle's story, stay tuned for part two of our interview.

    Tune in to Cultimatum for this compelling story and more insights into the world of cults and their impact on individuals.

    Danielle's TikTok Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@itsjustdanii003?lang=en

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

    Podcast Contact info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

    Cultimatum Facebook Group:


    Cultimatum Instagram page:


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    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Interview with Nick Johnson - Life Inside the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ
    Jul 7 2024

    Episode #21: Interview with Nick Johnson - Life Inside the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ

    In Episode #21, we delve into the compelling and complex story of Nick Johnson, a former member of the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ. Nick's journey into the cult began at the young age of 20, introduced by a neighbor. The group, which aligns with the beliefs of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, strategically targets young individuals to draw them into its fold.

    The leader during most of Nick's tenure was Jermaine Grant, who later faced charges for church-related financial schemes. Although Grant pleaded guilty, he passed away from COVID-19 before sentencing. Throughout his time in the church, Nick devoted countless hours to "volunteering" in various capacities, often at the expense of his family life. The rigorous demands left him with barely enough time to sleep, adhering to the leader’s directive that four hours of sleep per night was optimal.

    The Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ has numerous locations in major cities along the East Coast of the U.S.

    Nick provides a detailed account of the church's doctrines, the profound impact on his personal and family life, and the internal dynamics that shaped his experience.

    In this episode, Nick also shares his current beliefs and how he has rebuilt his life post-cult. His story is a powerful testament to his resilience.

    Tune in as Nick Johnson reveals the intricacies of life within the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ, offering a rare and enlightening perspective on the challenges faced by those entangled in and eventually breaking free from cultic control.

    Nick's Instagram Link: https://www.instagram.com/nickbuckets19?igsh=OHNpZ2xyeml3OXN2

    Nick's Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/nicholas.johnson.311?mibextid=ZbWKwL

    Link to Nick's shirt line on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/cultsaintculture?igsh=NmkwYzVlMmczc3Fs

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

    Podcast Contact info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

    Cultimatum Facebook Group:


    Cultimatum Instagram page:


    Cultimatum TikTok account :


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    Más Menos
    54 m
  • Life After La Luz Del Mundo, With Judith Castillo
    Jun 29 2024

    Episode #20: Interview with Judith Castillo - Life After La Luz Del Mundo

    Judith, a former member of the controversial religious group La Luz Del Mundo. Despite her family's deep devotion and dedication, she faced many personal challenges within the organization, which has its headquarters in Guadalajara, Mexico, and branches worldwide, including many across the US.

    During her early teens, she encountered the grandson of the church's leader. A coercive indiscretion with him led to a forced marriage, accompanied by severe punishment from the church for their so-called sin.

    Her breaking point came when she discovered that her daughter had been a victim of abuse by another church member. This revelation drove Judith to leave the church and start speaking out against the abuses perpetuated by the organization. She began protesting in front of the church, demanding justice for herself, her daughter, and others who suffered similar fates.

    Join us as Judith Castillo shares her powerful story of endurance, courage, and advocacy. Her narrative not only exposes the dark underbelly of La Luz Del Mundo but also highlights the indomitable human spirit's capacity for healing and fighting for justice.

    Judith Castillo

    Judith's Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/judith.castillo

    Judith's Amazon Book Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D6WJ3H3P?ref=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_2F24C1R0FSAPFA4MXH4Z&ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_2F24C1R0FSAPFA4MXH4Z&social_share=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_2F24C1R0FSAPFA4MXH4Z&language=en-US

    Judith's TikTok Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@lachicanita29/video/7379983855660420394?_r=1&_t=8nKlXjjaETS

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

    Cultimatum Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1910498486077283

    Cultimatum Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/cultimatumpodcast?igsh=MXBnNXllYjBtc2hwcg==

    Cultimatum TikTok account : https://www.tiktok.com/@cultimatumpodcast?_t=8nLKfZ8ShnW&_r=1

    Cultimatum Pinterest account :https://pin.it/YdcAW0Oiq

    Cult Escape & Recovery Support Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/2575419069406501

    To contact the Anonymous Andrew Podcast Studios


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    Más Menos
    1 h y 7 m
  • Escaping the Shadows – An Interview with Lucia Muir, Former Jehovah's Witness
    Jun 23 2024

    Ep #19: Escaping the Shadows – An Interview with Lucia Muir, Former Jehovah's Witness

    In this riveting episode, we sit down with Lucia Muir, a former member of the Jehovah's Witnesses, who was born into the organization and endured a harrowing journey of abuse, trauma, and shunning. Lucia's story is one of repeated attempts to break free, only to be pulled back into the grips of the organization throughout her life.

    Lucia shares her painful experiences, including childhood abuse by a family member. Tragically, when she sought help, both her parents and the church sided with her abuser, branding her a liar. This led to tumultuous teenage years where she found herself isolated and unsupported.

    In an attempt to escape her dire situation, Lucia married at just 17, only to find herself in another controlling and abusive relationship. Throughout these struggles, Lucia also endured years of mistreatment by her mentally ill mother before finally leaving her oppressive environment.

    Join us as we explore Lucia's incredible story of resilience and recovery. This episode is not just a testament to her strength but also a beacon of hope for anyone struggling to find light after the darkness of cultic control.

    Lucia's website : https://luciamuirbooks.wordpress.com/counsellor/

    Lucia's Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093150242973

    Lucia's book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Let-Your-Light-Shine-Secrets/dp/B0C4ZXGP1Y/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1XFRAXRLFM5GP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ird-5HtsL_FffyNarkiHABRYlaNjKmWZvUUqa4LpVOg.VU4yn5uQsHVoWWfEy8osvKw5hAUQTW4bWqnDgca4F3c&dib_tag=se&keywords=let+your+light+shine+lucia+muir&qid=1717867829&sprefix=let+you+light+shine+lucia%2Caps%2C302&sr=8-1

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

    Cultimatum Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1910498486077283

    Cultimatum Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/cultimatumpodcast?igsh=MXBnNXllYjBtc2hwcg==

    Cultimatum TikTok account : https://www.tiktok.com/@cultimatumpodcast?_t=8nLKfZ8ShnW&_r=1

    Cultimatum Pinterest account :https://pin.it/YdcAW0Oiq

    Cult Escape & Recovery Support Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/2575419069406501

    To contact the Anonymous Andrew Podcast Studios


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    Más Menos
    1 h y 3 m
  • Interview With Ex-Cult Member Anonymous Franklin
    Jun 16 2024

    Cultimatum Ep#18 : Growing Up in Another Cult with Franklin

    Originally aired on the Anonymous Andrew podcast in February 2024.

    Original Description:

    Ep#39: Series #6 - Franklin's Story

    In Series #6 of the TFU Pod-series, Franklin (anonymous name) comes forward to share his experience growing up in a cult that his parents belonged to. This is not an ex-member of TFU but another cult. However, he was triggered by the publicity of TFU and wants to share how much it impacts him today, many years later. Franklin shares his experience growing up in a cult and his thoughts and opinions on TFU.

    This is one of the books Franklin referred to

    Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds: All Volumes - Complete and Unabridged

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

    Cultimatum Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1910498486077283

    Cultimatum Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/cultimatumpodcast?igsh=MXBnNXllYjBtc2hwcg==

    Cultimatum TikTok account : https://www.tiktok.com/@cultimatumpodcast?_t=8nLKfZ8ShnW&_r=1

    Cultimatum Pinterest account :https://pin.it/YdcAW0Oiq

    Cult Escape & Recovery Support Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/2575419069406501

    To contact the Anonymous Andrew Podcast Studios


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    Más Menos
    1 h y 8 m
  • Paulette Buchanan's Journey Against Cult Leaders
    Jun 15 2024

    Ep#17 Summary: Paulette's Journey Against Cult Leaders

    In this compelling episode, we delve into the extraordinary story of Paulette, a resilient individual who has faced significant challenges due to her brother's involvement in an online cult. Her brother, struggling with mental illness, became a cult leader, leading Paulette to endure years of harassment, threats, and frivolous lawsuits.

    Key Discussion Points:

    1. The Need for Licensing of Leaders:
      • Paulette advocates for the licensing of leaders in religious, self-help, and spiritual groups.
      • She discusses how cult leaders often misuse religion to evade accountability and taxes.
    2. Understanding Cults:
      • With a wealth of knowledge about cults and their leaders, Paulette provides insights into how these groups operate.
      • She emphasizes the importance of educating the public on the mechanisms of cults.
    3. Failures of Law Enforcement and Government Agencies:
      • Paulette critiques the inadequate response of law enforcement and government agencies in addressing the threats posed by cults.
      • She calls for increased responsibility and action from these institutions to protect society.
    4. Paulette's Resilience and Advocacy:
      • Despite her struggles, Paulette remains positive and continues her advocacy work.
      • She shares details about her book, offering a deeper look into her experiences and the strength she has found to keep moving forward.

    Join us in this episode as Paulette provides a profound and educational perspective on the dangers of cults.

    Paulette's Book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Fighting-Justice-Religious-Illness-Collapse-ebook/dp/B09MXSKD4N

    Paulette's Book Website: https://fightingforjusticebook.com/

    Paulette's Website against abusive lawsuits: https://stopabusivelawsuits.com/

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

    Cultimatum Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1910498486077283

    Cultimatum Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/cultimatumpodcast?igsh=MXBnNXllYjBtc2hwcg==

    Cultimatum TikTok account : https://www.tiktok.com/@cultimatumpodcast?_t=8nLKfZ8ShnW&_r=1

    Cultimatum Pinterest account :https://pin.it/YdcAW0Oiq

    Cult Escape & Recovery Support Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/2575419069406501

    To contact the Anonymous Andrew Podcast Studios


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    Más Menos
    1 h y 10 m
  • Exploring Twin Flames Universe and NXIVM with Ellen
    Jun 9 2024

    Cultimatum Ep#16 : Exploring Twin Flames Universe and Nexium

    Originally aired on the Anonymous Andrew podcast in February 2024.

    Original Description:

    Ep#41: Taking a Break and Exploring New Avenues

    I have released 6 episodes (This will be number 7) on the Twin Flames Universe Cult. I am going to take a break from that as I wait for more guests and information to come in. This was an impromptu endeavor. I have some people working on getting more guests and information. If all that pans out I will do a Part 2. On today's episode, I may look into other cults; this is a work in progress. I am still working on healing myself and learning how to go back out into the dating world. I have many episodes to bring you. Stay tuned! 2024 is just getting started!

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

    Cultimatum Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1910498486077283

    Cultimatum Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/cultimatumpodcast?igsh=MXBnNXllYjBtc2hwcg==

    Cultimatum TikTok account : https://www.tiktok.com/@cultimatumpodcast?_t=8nLKfZ8ShnW&_r=1

    Cultimatum Pinterest account :https://pin.it/YdcAW0Oiq

    Cult Escape & Recovery Support Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/2575419069406501

    To contact the Anonymous Andrew Podcast Studios


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    Más Menos
    48 m