
    Dec 29 2023

    Directions for Reflective Exploration Using Your Truth-Soul. This approach allows you to deeply engage with this guided meditation for you unique insights and revelations. Fostering a profound understanding of your Truth-Soul Purpose. Remember, the key is to allow your intuitive, inner wisdom to guide your reflections, rather than relying solely on your rational mind.

    1. Set Your Intention: Before beginning, set a clear intention to engage with your Truth-Soul. You can do this by stating aloud or internally: "I AM engaging with my Truth-Soul to explore my deeper truths and insights. I AM THAT I AM."

    2. Begin with Step 11: Verbally affirm your engagement with your Truth-Soul by stating out loud: "I AM now answering these questions with my Truth-Soul, adding and complementing my powerful, flexible mind. I AM THAT I AM."

    3. Engage in Truth-SoulInnerResonanceHumming: As you listen. This involves gently humming in a way that resonates with you, to tune your energy and focus towards your Truth-Soul.

    Más Menos
    1 h
  • Becoming the Incandescent Storyteller of Cosmic Wonder: Transformational Reading with Self-transformational Exercises. Read from STARFIRE WISDOM:The Admantine Tablets of Diamond Consciousness Teachings. 10 Lessons by you doing them.
    Jan 2 2024

    Transformational reading, cosmic wonder, storyteller, consciousness, vocal power, honor code, manifestation, soul development, archangelic realms, divine proportions, visualization, divine nature

    Read from STARFIRE WISDOM:The Admantine Tablets of Diamond Consciousness Teachings.

    Lesson 1: Soul Intention
    Title: Setting True Soul Intention
    Description: Setting the authentic purpose of the soul for transformation and growth in consciousness through intention and focus.

    Lesson 2: Cosmic Wonder
    Title: Becoming Storyteller of Cosmic Wonder
    Description: Embracing the divine nature of cosmic wonder and weaving tales that ignite joy and humor.

    Lesson 3: Visualization Practice
    Title: Harnessing Vocal Power
    Description: Utilizing the power of creation through vocal resonance and visualizing images to manifest desired experiences.

    Lesson 4: Honor in Manifestation
    Title: Vocalizing the Honor Code
    Description: Incorporating the honor vibration into manifestation practices to create satisfaction and harmonic resonance in life experiences.

    Lesson 5: Crystal Light Meditation
    Title: Crystal Light Meditation Practice
    Description: Using crystal light visualization and deep breathing to manifest fulfilling experiences and aid in consciousness development.

    Lesson 6: Soul Communication
    Title: Calling Upon Archangels
    Description: Seeking guidance and assistance from the archangelic realms to align with soul purpose and receive inspired imagery.

    Lesson 7: Solar Vibrations
    Title: Aligning with Solar Energy
    Description: Enhancing manifestation practices by harmonizing with solar vibrations during early morning and twilight hours.

    Lesson 8: Divine Devotion
    Title: Expressing Honor and Love
    Description: Cultivating a practice of honoring and loving self and others to attract divine proportions of manifestation and oneness.

    Lesson 9: Imaginative Muscles
    Title: Building Imagination Strength
    Description: Strengthening the ability to manifest larger dreams and visions by exercising the honor code through consistent practice.

    Lesson 10: Resolute Divine Faculties
    Title: Strengthening Resolve for Oneness
    Description: Encouraging the use of divine faculties to contribute to the creation and unity of oneness with love and respect.

    Subject: Unlock the Secrets of Cosmic Wonder in Our Latest Podcast Episode
    Dear Cosmic Explorers,
    Greetings from the I Am My Own Guru Podcasts team! We are thrilled to present our latest episode, "Becoming the Incandescent Storyteller of Cosmic Wonder," featuring Reverend Michael Zarchian.
    In this transformative episode, Reverend Michael Zarchian delves into the profound journey of becoming a storyteller of divine cosmic wonder. He takes us on a deep exploration of visualizing our systems in the highest light of goodwill, and how this practice can lead to a truly well-lived life. Through enchanting anecdotes and wisdom, we learn how to send our companions into reaping humor and joy, and become the incandescent trailblazers of our own existence.
    Join us as Reverend Michael Zarchian reveals the power and responsibility of creator heaven, and guides us towards harnessing the essence of creation and relinquishing inhibitions to unleash our vocal power. We'll discover how to consciously vibrate the vocal apparatus with the honor essence, unlocking the path to manifesting experiences that support the ultimate advancement of our soul's growth.
    In this episode, Reverend Michael Zarchian unveils an insightful exercise to attune to the highest image for manifestation, and shares the protocols to earnestly request the advice and guidance of the archangelic realms for assistance.
    So, are you ready to embark on the path of cosmic wonder and unlock the inner storyteller within? Tune in to our latest episode and embrace the journey of transformation.
    Keep shining like the glowing tail of a comet!
    With love and cosmic blessings,
    I Am My Own Guru Podcasts Team

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • The Inspired Mind: Transformational Reading with Self-transformational Exercises. Read from STARFIRE WISDOM:The Adamantine Tablets of Diamond Consciousness Teachings. 10 Lessons and 1 EXERCISE.
    Jan 4 2024
    Welcome to the "I Am My Own Guru" podcast, where we explore the power of the inspired mind. In this episode, Reverend Michael Zarchian delves into the transformative potential of cultivating inspiration from within. He emphasizes the impact of erasing negative belief patterns and reclaiming sovereignty over our intentions. From the importance of mental acuity to the enduring impact of inspired art and science, Reverend Zarchian offers insightful perspectives on finding purpose and inspiration in moments of disappointment and boredom. Join us as we uncover the wisdom and transformative potential of the inspired mind. 00:00 Achieve greatness through an inspired, enthusiastic mind. 04:26 Focus on promoting peace, joy, and well-being. 06:53 Staying alive is the driving force. 11:28 Inner child tantrums hinder success, choose focus. 17:12 Realign with purpose, focus on highest good. 19:52 Notice, muse, explore, question, accept, conscious, engage 25:17 Maintain balance, avoid compulsive behaviors, find peace. 28:41 Reprogramming trauma, achieving soulful inspiration, creating genius. 33:07 Innate principles of truth, beauty, love celebrated. Primary Topic: Cultivating an Enlivening Attitude - Erasing negative belief patterns - Feeling light, hopeful, and effervescent - Creating grander horizons and vistas Primary Topic: Cultivating Inspiration from Within - Making choices aligned with kindness, generosity, and harmony - Guarding thoughts to promote peace, joy, and well-being - Sowing seeds for the greatest return Primary Topic: Reclaiming the Power of Attention and Curiosity - Reclaiming sovereignty over intentions - Cultivating a strong and pure mental arena - Demanding curiosity as a wonderful attribute Primary Topic: Overcoming Distractibility and Boredom Through Inspiration - Finding purpose and inspiration in moments of disappointment and boredom - Focusing on appreciating others' passion - Being conscious of accepting invitations Primary Topic: Promoting Mental Acuity and Inspired Thinking - Warning against unconsciousness and addiction to stimulation - Encouraging discerning between inspired and addictive thinking - Promoting cleanliness of thoughts and hypervigilance Primary Topic: Understanding the Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Behavior - Connecting hypervigilance to childhood trauma - Behavioral and habit impact in adulthood Primary Topic: The Enduring Impact of Inspired Art and Science - Achieving fulfillment through inspirational thinking - Producing great works of genius in art and science - The enduring impact of inspired art and science on people throughout history Primary Topic: Teaser for Future Perspectives and Wisdom - Promising more perspectives and wisdom to come 1. Enlivening Attitude: Embrace positivity for grander horizons. 2. Erasing Negative Beliefs: Remove barriers to light, hope, and enthusiasm. 3. Cultivating Inspiration: Align with kindness, generosity, and harmony. 4. Guarding Thoughts: Promote peace, joy, and well-being. 5. Reclaiming Power of Attention: Resist distractions and demand curiosity. 6. Sovereignty Over Intentions: Make conscious choices for fulfillment. 7. Cultivating Mental Arena: Develop recognition and intelligence for divine expression. 8. Coping with Distractibility: Find purpose and inspiration in difficult moments. 9. Conscious Acceptance: Appreciate passion and explore interests mindfully. 10. Inspired Thinking: Foster mental acuity and creativity for genius in art and science. 🌟 Reclaim Your Inspiration and Cultivate an Enlivening Attitude 🌟 Dear I AM MY OWN GURU PODCASTS Community, Welcome to another enlightening episode of "The Inspired Mind 2" with Reverend Michael Zarchian! In this episode, Reverend Zarchian delves into the power of an enlivening attitude to accomplish great things and create an enthusiastic life. He emphasizes the importance of erasing negative belief patterns to feel light, hopeful, and effervescent, leading to grander horizons and vistas. Cultivating inspiration from within, making choices aligned with kindness, generosity, and harmony is a key aspect of the discussion. Reverend Zarchian also urges us to guard our thoughts to promote peace, joy, and well-being, and to sow seeds for the greatest return. On a deeper level, he delves into reclaiming sovereignty over our intentions and demanding curiosity as a wonderful attribute that only individuals should engage in per their choices. The cultivation of a strong and pure mental arena and mechanism of recognition and intelligence is encouraged to become a replica of the glory of the divine. Reverend Michael Zarchian also addresses the impact of distractibility and the desire to feel good, especially in challenging or boring circumstances, encouraging us to find purpose and inspiration in moments of disappointment and boredom. Furthermore, he advises on focusing on appreciating others' passion, exploring interests, and being conscious of accepting invitations. Amidst all ...
    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Transformational Reading: Bonds of Slavery. 10 Lessons, 2 Exercises to practice daily to relieve emotional sufferings, and stop you worrying about what others think of you.
    Jan 5 2024
    Bonds of Slavery. 10 Lessons, 2 Exercises to practice daily to relieve emotional sufferings, and stop you worrying about what others think of you. Welcome to "I Am My Own Guru" Podcast. In this episode, Reverend Michael Zarchian delves deep into the concept of "Bonds of Slavery" and provides 10 powerful lessons along with 2 daily exercises aimed at relieving emotional suffering and eliminating the worry of others' opinions. Throughout the episode, Reverend Michael Zarchian guides listeners through the importance of embracing one's spiritual nature, the journey of awakening, and the cultivation of a well-lived life. As he shares insights on self-realization, divine justice, and the evolution of consciousness, listeners are challenged to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and transformation. Join us as we explore the keys to unlocking the adamantine diamond consciousness and the profound wisdom contained in these teachings. Tune in to discover how to alleviate emotional suffering and embody the true nature of your soul. Exercise 1: Daily Practice of Energetic Pattern Clearing - Perform physical magnetic inversion to disperse stagnant energies and alleviate emotional sufferings daily, ideally in the morning and at night. Exercise 2: Singing of "AH LA ATMA" and "OMNI OMNI" for Higher Heart Vibrations - Sing "AH LA ATMA" to elevate heart vibrations and Sing "OMNI OMNI" to protect oneself from worrying about what others think. This can be done once a day at any available time. Lesson 1: Sovereign Power Description: Recognizing and embracing your inner power source, embodying confidence in the spiritual nature of life and divine justice. Lesson 2: Cultural Influences Description: Denouncing cultural norms and choosing a path that benefits all, setting in motion the wheel of fortune. Lesson 3: Embarking on the Journey Description: Choosing the journey of awakening, discovery, and mystical ascent requires humility and an ally for guidance and support. Lesson 4: Uniting with Adepts Description: Seeking and receiving guidance from adept mentors with various talents and keys to unlock miraculous assistance. Lesson 5: Self-Realization Commitment Description: Committing to the true nature of your soul, investing in mindfulness, and unlocking the keys of diamond consciousness. Lesson 6: Reflection and Introspection Description: Reflecting on the purpose of life, hearkening to the cry within the heart, and opening to seeing beyond societal norms. Lesson 7: Divine Connection Description: Accessing your divine connection, cultivating spiritual assets, and adhering to the rules and laws of spiritual integrity. Lesson 8: Attainment of Knowledge Description: Attaining the vibrational frequency of I am realization, surrendering grievances, and accessing wisdom through repeated character development. Lesson 9: Galactic Federation Initiation Description: Passing tests of trustworthiness, emotional maturity, and generosity to become a member of the galactic federation. Lesson 10: Water as a Living Element Description: Understanding the significance of caring for the spirit element of water to maintain status as a living form. 00:00 Living a purposeful life brings spiritual evolution. 07:43 Introspection leads to purpose and inner transformation. 12:19 Access to knowledge requires attunement and discipline. 15:33 Creator bestows free will, urges responsibility. 21:09 Water is a vital element for life. Primary Topic: Understanding the Bonds of Slavery - Perceived bonds as vestiges created to serve another's will - Lack of confidence in the spiritual nature of life - Denial of sovereign power and responsibility - Spiritual confidence and inner power source - Denouncing cultural norms for the benefit of all - Conscious choice and spiritual journey Primary Topic: Living a Well-Lived Life - Shedding light in a world of forgetfulness - Cultivating generosity and loving kindness - Embracing the mystical journey of awakening - Asking with mindfulness and seeking help - Importance of companionship and guidance Primary Topic: Keys to Unlocking Consciousness - Gift of power and utilizing keys for self-realization - Commitment to the true nature of the soul - Understanding and application of mindfulness - Self-reflection and introspection - Receiving miraculous assistance and guidance Primary Topic: Attainment of Diamond Consciousness - Building inner readiness and willingness - Practicing keys of adamantine diamond consciousness - Self introspection and reflection - Accessing divine connection and spiritual allies - Path of enlightenment and ascension Primary Topic: Collective Evolution and Free Will - Gift of free will and its utilization for the highest good - Accessing knowledge and wisdom through vibrational alignment - Free will and responsibility for soul advancement - Ritualistic tests of initiation for galactic federation membership - Evolution into true embodied nature Primary Topic: Environmental Stewardship - ...
    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Truth-Soul Lovingkindess Mindfulness Meditation:EXPANDING Your Heart Center: Mindful Activation of your Truth Upper Thymus Secondary Heart.
    Jan 12 2024

    Truth-Soul Lovingkindess Minfulness Meditation: THY_Truth-Soul Lovingkindness Activating the UpperThymusScdaryHeart-1 S1 Long 60Min Guided MinSounds_Music_Crickets_Water_Chimes IAMOG

    EXPANDING Your Heart Center: Mindful Activation of your Truth Upper Thymus Secondary Heart.

    Perform this transformative , "My Heart Expansion," where you'll embark on a meditation to activate and access your multidimensional heart for lifelong enrichment. This unique session introduces participants to their Truth-Soul, utilizing it to activate the Truth-Upper Thymus Secondary Heart.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Learn to Activate Your Truth-Upper Thymus Secondary Heart: Experience a special Truth-Soul Lovingkindness Mindfulness Meditation designed for enjoyable and easy activation of your secondary heart center.
    2. Understand the Enhanced Benefits: Discover the important differences between traditional Lovingkindness Mindfulness Meditation and the augmented advantages of Truth-Soul Lovingkindness Mindfulness Meditation.

    Here's a table comparing the benefits of traditional Lovingkindness meditation with the added benefits of Truth-Soul Lovingkindness: While traditional Lovingkindness offers a wide array of mental, emotional, and physical health benefits, Truth-Soul Lovingkindness adds dimensions of spiritual and holistic growth, integrating advanced spiritual concepts and focusing on multidimensional healing and personal transformation.


    Traditional Lovingkindness

    Added Truth-Soul Lovingkindness Benefits

    Addresses healing on multiple levels (physical, emotional, spiritual)

    Aims for holistic transformation and spiritual alignment

    Enhances self-awareness and personal empowerment

    Increases positive emotions

    Decreases negative emotions

    Improves vagal tone

    Reduces migraines

    Decreases chronic pain

    Alleviates PTSD symptoms

    Decreases symptoms in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders

    Enhances emotional intelligence

    Increases gray matter volume in the brain

    Decreases respiratory sinus arrhythmia

    Slows biological aging

    Enhances pro-social behavior

    Increases compassion

    Increases empathy

    Reduces bias towards others

    Increases feelings of social connection

    Reduces self-criticism

    Effective in small doses and long-term

    Integrates higher consciousness and personal intentions

    Employs advanced spiritual concepts (Adamantine Particles, Akashic Harvesting)

    Focuses on multidimensional healing and personal growth

    Más Menos
    1 h
  • Audio: For Focus Concentration-1 S1 Long 60Min AmbientMusic_Heartbeat_Chimes IAMOG
    Jan 16 2024

    This audio, titled "For Focus Concentration-1 S1 Long 60Min AmbientMusic_Heartbeat_Chimes IAMOG," is designed to aid concentration.

    • It incorporates specific frequencies that enhance focus, manifesting as subtle humming and gentle pops in the background.
    • The composition is long, extending for 60 minutes, and features soothing music that is calming and conducive to concentration.
    • Integral to the audio are the sounds of a steady heartbeat, providing a rhythmic base.
    • Additionally, chimes are strategically placed at intervals of 4, 10, 20, 30, 45, and 60 minutes, marking the passage of time and punctuating the ambient soundscape.
    • The overall effect is a harmonious blend of elements that promotes focused attention and mental clarity.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • Audio: Gratitude-1 S1 Long 60Min MedSounds InspiringAmbientMusic_Heartbeat_Ocean_Chimes IAMOG
    Jan 18 2024

    The Audio titled "Gratitude-1 S1 Long 60Min MedSounds InspiringAmbientMusic_Heartbeat_Ocean_Chimes IAMOG" is specifically crafted to evoke and enhance feelings of gratitude.

    • This 60-minute long track features a unique blend of sounds and frequencies that are tailored to resonate with the emotion of gratitude. Within this audio, listeners can expect to hear specific gratitude frequencies, which manifest as gentle humming and subtle pops in the background, creating a calming and contemplative soundscape.
    • The composition is designed to be long and immersive, providing a sustained environment for reflection and appreciation.
    • It includes soothing ambient music that complements the overall theme of gratitude.
    • A rhythmic heartbeat sound is integrated into the audio, adding a grounding and comforting element to the experience.
    • Additionally, the audio is punctuated with chimes at specific intervals—4, 10, 20, 30, 45, and 60 minutes—marking the passage of time and providing a gentle reminder to refocus on feelings of gratitude. These chimes serve as a cue for the listener to pause, reflect, and immerse themselves more deeply in the emotion.
    • Overall, this audio is a harmonious blend of sounds and frequencies designed to foster a sense of gratitude, making it ideal for meditation, relaxation, or as a background ambiance for moments of introspection and appreciation.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • Embracing Disruption: The Reverse Saint Francis Prayer and Channeling Compassion
    Jan 22 2024

    In this episode of "I Am My Own Guru Podcasts," Reverend Michael Zarchian presents a powerful reversal of the traditional Saint Francis prayer. He explores the idea of being a channel of disturbance, challenging listeners to act with heart and soul in the face of intellect, apathy, and compliance. He calls for disruption in the face of comfort and closed doors, urging for justice to be sought and enacted. This thought-provoking message encourages listeners to embrace disturbance as a force for positive change. Join us as we delve into this profound reflection and remember to hug yourself today. For more uplifting content, visit www.immyownguru.org.

    Exercise: Reverse Saint Francis Prayer
    Description: The Reverse Saint Francis Prayer is a call to be a channel of disturbance in a world where soulless intellect prevails. It calls for action with heart and soul in the face of apathy, provocation in the presence of helplessness, and compassion where there is indifference. It challenges blind obedience, silence, and too much comfort, urging disruption, questioning, and the willingness to listen. This exercise prompts a commitment to seeking justice and action rather than mere discussion.
    Join us for more thought-provoking content at Iammyownguru.org.

    Primary Topic: The Reverse Saint Francis Prayer
    - Explanation of the reverse Saint Francis prayer
    - Call to be a channel of disturbance and disruption
    - Emphasizing the importance of acting with heart and soul
    - Provoking apathy and bringing hope to helplessness
    - Bringing compassion in the face of indifference
    Primary Topic: Channeling Disturbance
    - Challenging compliance and blind obedience
    - Encouraging questioning and thought in the face of blind obedience
    - Being a voice in the face of silence
    - Granting disruption in the face of too much comfort and too little action
    Primary Topic: Granting Willingness and Seeking Justice
    - Encouraging openness and willingness to listen
    - Challenging laws and traditions that do not serve justice
    - Emphasizing the importance of seeking to do justice rather than just talking about it
    Primary Topic: Disturbance as a Catalyst for Love and Compassion
    - Encouraging love for the alienated and unlovable
    - Recognizing the need to disturb the status quo to show love and compassion
    - Reaffirming the desire to be a channel of disturbance
    Primary Topic: Conclusion and Call to Action
    - Reiteration of the call to be a channel of disturbance
    - Thanking the audience
    - Encouragement to hug oneself
    - Promotion of free weekly audios on Iammyownguru.org and a website visit reminder

    1. "Channeling Disturbance: Provoking Compassion" - Embracing disruption to inspire compassion and empathy in a soulless world, fostering positive change.
    2. "Questioning Compliance: Challenging Blind Obedience" - Encouraging critical thinking and challenging unquestioning obedience to authority for personal growth and progress.
    3. "Becoming a Voice: Breaking Silence" - Empowering individuals to speak out and advocate for those who are unheard and marginalized.
    4. "Seeking Justice: Overcoming Tradition" - Prioritizing the pursuit of justice over conforming to outdated traditions for a more equitable society.
    5. "Loving the Unlovable: Embracing All" - Cultivating love and compassion for those who are often overlooked or deemed unlovable in society.
    6. "Granting Disruption: Demanding Action" - Urging for meaningful disruption in comfortable spaces to drive change and encourage proactive engagement.
    7. "Listening Willingly: Breaking Closed Doors" - Promoting open-mindedness and sincere listening in the face of reluctance and closed-mindedness for inclusivity.
    8. "Acting with Heart: Overcoming Apathy" - Encouraging heartfelt actions and empathy in situations where apathy prevails, fostering genuine connection and understanding.
    9. "Bringing Hope: Combatting Helplessness" - Inspiring hope and empowerment in circumstances where helplessness is prevalent, promoting resilience and determination.
    10. "Hugging Yourself: Embracing Self-Love" - Encouraging self-care and self-love through the simple act of embracing oneself, promoting mental and emotional well-being.

    Más Menos
    3 m