
  • 7 Mistakes We All Make as Dads – Ep 287
    Feb 15 2021
    Part of being an experienced dad is that you have messed up and made some mistakes and hopefully you learned from them.  But sometimes we are making mistakes without even knowing it.  In this episode of the Dad University Podcast, Jason and Allen discuss seven of the most common mistakes men make as fathers. Learn strategies to avoid making these simple mistakes and improve your parenting skillset.  If you want to learn more parenting tips for dads, you’ll want to checkout out Dad University Program. This program will help you gain more confidence in your parenting, reduce stress, improve your mindset and provides you a proven fatherhood formula.​ For more information on the Dad University Program, click here: https://www.daduniversity.com/program…​ ​
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    22 m
  • Does Becoming a Dad Change Your Life? – Ep 286
    Feb 8 2021
    The unknown can cause anxiety and stress.  For most men, fatherhood is a big unknown. In this episode of the Dad University Podcast, Jason and Alan discuss the impact of becoming a new father. They discuss tips and strategies for both new dads and soon-to-be fathers to handle the stress and anxiety of transitioning to the role of fatherhood. If you want to learn more parenting tips for dads, you’ll want to checkout out Dad University Program. This program will help you gain more confidence in your parenting, reduce stress, improve your mindset and provides you a proven fatherhood formula.​ For more information on the Dad University Program, click here: https://www.daduniversity.com/program…​ ​
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    24 m
  • How Using Natural Consequences Can Help You Parent- Ep 285
    Feb 1 2021
    The definition of natural consequence is the logical outcome of a decision that is made.  It’s the result of behavior that isn’t planned or controlled  Utilize natural consequences can effectively help you parent.  If you want your child to learn, sometimes the best thing you can do is allow them to make mistakes. Natural consequences are a great way to allow your child to safely make mistakes. Your child is resourceful. They will learn from their own mistakes. In this episode of the Dad University Podcast, Jason and Allen discuss strategies to utilize natural consequences when parenting. If you want to learn more parenting tips for dads, you’ll want to checkout out Dad University Program. This program will help you gain more confidence in your parenting, reduce stress, improve your mindset and provides you a proven fatherhood formula.​ For more information on the Dad University Program, click here: https://www.daduniversity.com/program…​ ​
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    26 m
  • Toddler Discipline Strategies To Keep You From Going Crazy – Ep 284
    Nov 3 2020
    Both the toddler and the parent are learning how to deal with each other during this time. Most people associate discipline with punishment.  The reality is that punishment doesn't teach the child anything.  It's the discussion and explanation of how the situation can be corrected. In this episode we go over some strategies you can use as you approach dealing with your toddler and how you can keep yourself from going crazy.
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    23 m
  • Take Charge of Your Life with The Power of Choice – Ep 283
    Oct 20 2020
    Sometimes the most powerful concepts in the world, the things that can literally change the way we think, change the way we live....sometimes these concepts are really simple to understand.  So why don’t we implement these things into our life?   Most of the time it’s because we THINK they are difficult to do.    If you are not familiar with the concept of the Power of Choice, I feel lucky and privileged to be able to introduce it to you.  If you are familiar with it, then you know that it can improve the quality of your life, your relationships, your career, or anything else that is important to you.   If you are familiar with Tony Robbins, he talks a lot about the Power of Choice.  In this podcast episode, we discuss 3 areas of our lives in which you have the power of choice yet so many of us don’t use that power.
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    24 m
  • New Dad Tips When Bringing The Baby Home From The Hospital – Ep 282
    Oct 6 2020
    New Dad Tips When Bringing the Baby Home From the Hospital Is it your first time bringing your baby home? If your answer is yes, then welcome to the club! Being a father for the first time is one of the most rewarding and memorable experiences anyone can have. You will be hard-pressed to find anyone who would say otherwise. Setting your newborn on his or her crib as a new father is a moment worthy of some Kodak film or a Hallmark card. Everybody, from your partner to your in-laws, is abuzz with excitement, and so are you. You may have done your homework about what to do from this point onward. However, the truth is that no amount of research and planning can make you 100% ready for your first daddy shifts. We are here to show you the ropes. Read our top new dad tips on what to do after you take your newborn home! Tip #1: Take Time Off From Everything After bringing your baby home, the last thing you want is a to-do list — one that includes all your responsibilities from before you became a father. This can include work, side projects, or even school if you are pursuing a degree. Whatever you had on your plate before, now is not the time to attend to them. You may be familiar with the cliché that being a dad is a full-time job. Well, no other period shows this to you than the first few weeks your newborn is at home. The first few weeks will be filled with diaper changing, feeding, tending to your partner’s needs, and self-care (yes, this is still important). Hence, you will surely not have time for other things like work or other commitments. Taking time off from your job will be helpful to your partner, your new child, and to yourself as well. Tip #2: Get Rid of the Idea of Baby Schedules Health care professionals like nurses and midwives may disagree with this tip. However, there is nothing more disconnected than a written schedule of how your baby might behave and reality. Remember: babies are babies. They have no regard for how you want them to act and when. With this in mind, you will have to get comfortable with the idea of being prepared for everything your baby might throw at you — whenever and wherever this occurs. For babies, there are no such things as set meal times, diaper changes, and nap times. Wait a few more years before introducing structure into their days and habits. Tip #3: Babies Need Sleep, and You Do Too! Every father will attest to late-night cries and odd-hour diaper changes. Attending to your baby’s needs throughout the day can make being a father seem no different from being a firefighter. Taking care of your baby can heavily disrupt your sleeping pattern, however well-established it may be. You need to sleep to prevent parent burnout. Since unbroken eight-hour sleep can be a rarity at this point, we have this one recommendation: Sleep when you can, as often as you can, as long as you can! Tip #4: Approach the First Few Weeks of Fatherhood With a Calm Mentality As rewarding and memorable as it can be, fatherhood can be a nerve-wracking time for many new dads. It’s hard to shake off thoughts of what might be, what can go wrong, and whether we are doing things right. If you are experiencing these thoughts, know that they are normal. You can even view them in a positive light as they prove how much you care for your baby. However, for your sake, try not to dwell on them. Worrying too much can add to the mental fatigue you may already be experiencing. So long as your baby sleeps, feeds, cries, breathes, and moves, he or she is doing well — and, of course, so are you, so kudos to you! Tip #5: Only Spend on the Essentials We understand that you want only the best for your newborn. So, do not let us stop you from buying a crib, a set of pillows, some clothes, and even a few mobiles for sensory stimulation. These are essentials that you would be wise to buy. Essentials can also be anything that helps your partner rest and stay comfortable. After all,
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    21 m
  • Pregnancy Tips for Dads – Advice for Expecting Fathers | Dad University Podcast Ep. 280
    Sep 8 2020
    Pregnancy is a unique experience.  Unless you have gone through it, it is sort of difficult to understand all of the different things going on.  You have your own emotional roller coaster and stress, you have a partner with all of the things she is going through....and life as you know it, is going to change soon. I know when we were going through pregnancy, I felt a little lost. Sure friends and family members offered some advice.  It was such a strange experience and I had never been around kids very much, let alone understand what I was about to go through.    In this podcast, we are going over some pregnancy tips for dads.   It’s my advice for you expecting fathers.  I do hope they are valuable.  Be sure to leave some feedback in the comments section below. 
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    20 m
  • The Truth About Being a New Dad That Nobody Talks About | Dad University Podcast Ep. 279
    Sep 1 2020
    Being a new dad is like nothing else.  It's unique.  It brings out emotions and shows sides of you that you didn’t even know you had.  There are new dad books and even other new dad videos that provide great advice and tips.  We have a lot of episodes on this podcast that are hopefully helpful.
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    24 m