
  • Chinese Podcast EP117: Ben is making a big change in life ! Ben叔的人生抉择!
    Oct 3 2024

    In this episode, the three uncles—Uncle Richard, Uncle Ben, and Uncle Can—reunite after a long time apart to catch up on our recent lives. We talk about changes in our personal lives, family health, and share some personal reflections. There are so many life change moments, right now Ben is making a big change in life! Is Ben giving up his 14 years Chinese teaching journey?! 在这一期的播客里,我们三位大叔——查叔、Ben叔和璨叔——久别重逢,聊了聊最近发生的事情。我们讨论了各自的生活变化、家庭健康状况以及一些个人感悟。人生充满变数,总是要面对重大的人生抉择,Ben叔刚刚决定做出一场人生改变,Ben叔真要放弃他14年的中文教师生涯吗? If you're learning Chinese or looking for a fun way to boost your Chinese skills through podcasts, Dashu Mandarin Podcast is a great option. Each episode covers a different topic, helping you improve your Chinese listening and speaking abilities in real-life contexts. Want to learn Chinese with the Uncles? Visit Dashu Mandarin Store: https://dashumandarin.com/ and Dashu Patreon Shop: https://www.patreon.com/dashumandarin/shop Explore our range of products: Chinese Learning Video Course, Chinese audiobooks, mugs, and other selected items. Whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your Chinese, you'll find the right resources to support your journey.

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    48 m
  • Chinese Podcast EP116: Are Chinese Children Really not Happy? 中国孩子过得真的不开心吗?
    Sep 25 2024

    在这一期的播客中,大叔们继续从盲盒中抽取问题展开讨论。从打游戏、玩游戏的话题开始,我们深入探讨了中国孩子所面临的压力,并且涉及到一些深层次的心理问题。但是,中国的孩子真的不开心吗?同时,我们互相提问:如果你能改变自己身上的某一个外表或性格,你会选择改变什么? In this episode of the podcast, the uncles continue drawing blind box questions for discussion. Starting with topics like gaming, we explore the pressures faced by Chinese children and delve into deeper psychological issues. But are Chinese children really unhappy? We also ask each other: if you could change one aspect of your appearance or personality, what would it be? If you're learning Chinese or looking for a fun way to boost your Chinese skills through podcasts, Dashu Mandarin Podcast is a great option. Each episode covers a different topic, helping you improve your Chinese listening and speaking abilities in real-life contexts. Want to learn Chinese with the Uncles? Visit Dashu Mandarin Store: https://dashumandarin.com/ and Dashu Patreon Shop: https://www.patreon.com/dashumandarin/shop Explore our range of products: Chinese Learning Video Course, Chinese audiobooks, mugs, and other selected items. Whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your Chinese, you'll find the right resources to support your journey. Join us now and start your Chinese learning journey!

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    50 m
  • Chinese Podcast EP115: What do You Consider Cheating? 什么才算是出轨?
    Sep 19 2024

    In this episode of our Chinese podcast, we dive into two intriguing topics: What counts as cheating in a relationship? What would you tell your younger self if you had the chance? And finally, we continue with our blind box theme, where each Uncle brings up a surprise question for the others to answer. Tune in for thought-provoking discussions, and take this opportunity to improve your Chinese listening skills and boost your language level! Perfect for intermediate Chinese learners. 在本期中文播客中,三个大叔聊了两个引人深思的话题:在一段关系中,什么才算是出轨?如果你有机会对小时候的自己说点什么,你会说什么?此外,我们还延续了盲盒主题,每位大叔都准备了一个问题,其他两位大叔来回答。快来收听这充满思考与惊喜的内容,同时通过这个节目提高你的中文听力和语言水平!非常适合中级中文学习者。 If you're learning Chinese or looking for a fun way to boost your Chinese skills through podcasts, Dashu Mandarin Podcast is a great option. Each episode covers a different topic, helping you improve your Chinese listening and speaking abilities in real-life contexts. Want to learn Chinese with the Uncles? Visit Dashu Mandarin Store: https://dashumandarin.com/ Explore our range of products: Chinese learning books, audiobooks, mugs,and other selected items. Whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your Chinese, you'll find the right resources to support your journey. Join us now and start your Chinese learning journey!

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    46 m
  • Chinese Podcast EP114: What Scares You the Most? 你最害怕什么?
    Sep 12 2024

    In this episode of our Chinese podcast, we continue with our blind box theme, where each Uncle prepares three questions, and the other two answer them. The theme of this episode is "What scares you the most?" We also discuss, "If you could have an expert give you guidance 24/7, what kind of expert would you choose?" and "Would you want to get a tattoo?" This episode is packed with thought-provoking discussions and fun surprises, making it a great opportunity to practice your Chinese listening skills and improve your Chinese language level. 在本期中文播客中,我们继续盲盒主题,每位大叔准备了三个问题,另外两位大叔回答。这期的主题是“你最害怕什么?”此外,我们还探讨了“如果有一个专家可以全天候指导你,你希望是什么专家?”以及“你会想要纹身吗?”本期内容充满了引人深思的讨论和有趣的惊喜,是练习中文听力和提高中文水平的好机会。 If you're learning Chinese or looking for a fun way to boost your Chinese skills through podcasts, Dashu Mandarin Podcast is a great option. Each episode covers a different topic, helping you improve your Chinese listening and speaking abilities in real-life contexts. Want to learn Chinese with the Uncles? Visit Dashu Mandarin Store: https://dashumandarin.com/ Explore our range of products: Chinese learning books, audiobooks, mugs, and other selected items. Whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your Chinese, you'll find the right resources to support your journey. Join us now and start your Chinese learning journey!

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    44 m
  • Chinese Podcast EP113: From Zero to Intermediate Chine Only with Dashu Mandarin?! 只听大叔中文中文从零到中级!
    Sep 5 2024

    In this video, we share how a student used Dashu Mandarin podcast to advance from a complete beginner to an intermediate level in Chinese. We’ll also discuss another student’s story that made the Uncles feel sad and reveal the snacks the Uncles love. As a blind box question podcast, the three of us randomly ask each other questions, providing an engaging and authentic discussion experience. 在本期视频中,我们讲述一位使用大叔中文(Dashu Mandarin)播客的学生如何从零基础快速提升到中级中文水平。同时,我们还会分享另一个让大叔们感到遗憾的学生的故事,以及介绍大叔们钟爱的零食。作为一档盲盒问题播客,我们三位主持人会随机提问彼此,带来有趣且真实的对话体验。 Want to learn Chinese with the Uncles? Visit Dashu Mandarin Store: https://dashumandarin.com/ to explore our range of products: books, audiobooks, mugs, and other selected items. Join us now and start your Chinese learning journey!

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    41 m
  • Chinese Podcast EP112: The Chinese Story That Changed Your Life 改变你人生的中文故事
    Aug 28 2024

    In this episode of Dashu Mandarin, we explore "The Chinese Story That Changed Your Life" and discuss the profound impact of certain stories on our lives. We also introduce our specially written Chinese storybook (Chinese Stories for Intermediate Learners: The Talking Cat: Dashu Mandarin Chinese Reader Volume I ) designed for learners. Join us as we reflect on our childhood experiences, the concept of retaining childlike wonder, and how these early years shape who we become. Whether you're learning Chinese or interested in personal growth, this episode blends storytelling with deep, nostalgic insights. 在本期大叔中文播客中,我们探讨了“改变你人生的中文故事”,讨论了这些故事如何深刻影响我们的生活。同时,我们也介绍了为中文学习者精心制作的中文故事书。加入我们,反思童年经历、保持童心的概念,以及这些早期经历如何塑造我们成为现在的自己。无论你是在学习中文,还是对个人成长感兴趣,这一期都将通过讲故事和深刻的怀旧见解为你带来启发。 Dashu Mandarin Chinese Stories for Intermediate Learners (PDF+Free Audiobook): https://dashumandarin.com/products/dashu-mandarin-chinese-reader-i-chinese-stories-%E4%BC%9A%E8%AF%B4%E8%AF%9D%E7%9A%84%E7%8C%AB Dashu Mandarin Chinese Stories for Intermediate Learners (Paperback+Free Audiobook): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DDY97RPJ

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    44 m
  • Chinese Podcast EP111: Chinese Uncles Turn into Chinese Aunties 大叔们变成大妈会怎样?
    Aug 21 2024

    Welcome to dashu mandarin store: dashumandarin.com

    Today, we’re letting our imaginations run wild! The three uncle-hosts asked a hilariously intriguing question: What if Chinese Uncles Turned into Chinese Aunties? In this episode, they dive into a fun and creative discussion, imagining how their lives would change if they suddenly became Chinese Aunties. Curious about their answers? Tune in for some laughs and entertaining insights! 今天我们脑洞大开,三位大叔主持人提出了一个非常有趣的问题:如果大叔们突然变成了大妈,会是什么样的情景?在这一期的播客中,他们尽情发挥想象力,讨论大叔变大妈后的生活会有哪些搞笑的变化和有趣的故事。想知道他们的答案吗?快来一起听听吧,保准让你忍俊不禁!

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    47 m
  • Chinese Podcast EP110: Do you have middle age crisis?丨中国人的中年危机
    Aug 14 2024

    Have you ever experienced a midlife crisis? How do you deal with it when life hits a turning point? In this episode of our Chinese podcast, the three uncle-hosts openly share their stories and reflections on facing a midlife crisis. Learn fluent Chinese with Dashu Mandarin Chinese podcast! 你有没有经历过中年危机?面对人生的转折点,你是如何应对的?在这一期的中文播客中,三位大叔主持人坦诚分享了他们关于中年危机的故事与感悟。

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    50 m