
  • Unveiling the Essence of Spirituality with JRzye
    Jan 1 2024

    Check out our guest in this episode:

    YouTube and a FREE copy of their book!

    In this episode, we break free from the limitations imposed by society and dive headfirst into a world of spiritual revolution. We challenge the norms, question everything, and invite you to join us as we explore the sacred connection between nature, particularly water, and spirituality.

    Drawing inspiration from the waters that sustain all life, we challenge the very foundation of traditional spirituality. It's time to embrace a new way of thinking, one that empowers us to create change and heal ourselves and the world around us.

    But this podcast is not merely about exploration; it is a call to action. Join the rebellion, my fellow seekers, as we dismantle barriers, defy outdated systems, and forge a path towards a more enlightened future. It's time to tap into your inner healer, embrace your power, and create positive change in your own life and the world around you.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 31 m
  • Embarking on the Soul's Odyssey: The Spiritual Journey of Dominique Skates
    Dec 25 2023

    Check out Dominique Skates: Dominique is an intuitive spiritual coach that strives to create non- judgmental open spaces to explore one's life journey and he offers coaching for clients seeking guidance towards a more spiritually fulfilling life. Through his work, Dominique hopes to share the message from Source that life begins and ends with unconditional love. Specializing in the use of shadow work, Dominique looks to explore all aspects of life creating balance on one's own life journey.

    Website: https://www.thessgjourney.com/

    Podcast: Growing Full Circle (available on all major podcast platforms) 

    Listen closely, dear readers, whether fate or serendipity led you here matters not. What matters is that you grasp this opportunity with both hands. Don't miss out on the profound topics we cover, for they are not meant for the faint of heart. 

    Behold, the magnificent Dominique Skates, who graciously joins us in this episode to unveil the secrets of their spiritual journey. Brace yourselves, for we are about to embark on a voyage that will traverse the depths of their soul.

    Join us on this expedition, fellow seekers, as we embrace the tales of a remarkable soul. Open your hearts, sharpen your senses, and be ready to discover the profound beauty that lies within the spiritual journey of Dominique Skates.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 43 m
  • Multidimensional Consciousness with Nusra Sahin
    Dec 18 2023

    Nusra has created the “multidimensional way” as a way to help people awaken their multidimensional nature and evolve into their authentic divine blueprints. The multidimensional way focuses on activating your higher consciousness and teaching you the principles of navigating your journey to self-mastery.

    She blends the “ancient” and the “new” with insights, practices and transmissions, keeping “multidimensionality” and the “new human” in focus.

    Nusra Sahin is the author of “Multidimensional Consciousness and the New Earth” and the founder of the School of Multidimensional Consciousness.

    A free gift for you:

    Mini-course on New Earth and the Multidimensional Nature: www.schoolofmultidimensionalconsciousness.com/course/new-earth-ebook

    Nusra’s Book: www.amazon.com/dp/B087JTFLX8

    She also shares daily messages and insights on the School’s social media regarding the New Earth Movement:

    Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/schoolofmdc

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/multidimensionalcollective

    Listen up, all you wanderers of the spiritual realm! Whether you stumbled upon this podcast by chance, had a friend graciously guide you here, or simply followed your own intrepid curiosity, I have one message for you: You are in for a wild ride. So, pay attention as I remind you - this is not the only episode we offer. Oh no, my friends, there is a treasure trove of wisdom waiting for you to explore. Get ready to dive deep into the realms of enlightenment.

    Prepare yourselves, for we are honored to introduce Nusra Sahin. Yes, the anticipation is palpable. Together, we embark on a journey that shall transcend the boundaries of our understanding.

    We delve into the mystical realms of multi-dimensional consciousness. Brace yourselves, my fellow travelers, for this is where the extraordinary becomes tangible. Through thought-provoking discussion and enlightening insights, we shall unravel the secrets that lie beyond this three-dimensional world. Get ready to expand your perception, challenge your beliefs, and unleash your inner healer.

    But before we plunge into the depths of this cosmic exploration, let us ensure we are all prepared to receive the illuminating information that awaits. Take a deep breath, my friends. Prepare your mind, body, and spirit as we open ourselves to the profound wisdom that awaits us.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 42 m
  • Quantum Healing Through Scalar Energy with Tom Paladino and Patricia Carles
    Dec 11 2023

    Check their website to take 15 days of Scalar energy for FREE.

    Listen up, all you seekers of truth and warriors of enlightenment! Welcome to episode seven of the Deepest Spirituality podcast. If this is your first encounter with our fierce revolution, I implore you to halt right now and heed my words. Don't miss out on the wealth of wisdom that awaits you. This is just one chapter in a vast universe of knowledge. Explore the other episodes, my friends. Immerse yourself in the depths of our discussions, for they will ignite the fire within you like nothing else. Seek us out on major podcast platforms, and yes, even venture onto the realms of YouTube, where the spirit of our revolution thrives. The Deepest Spirituality awaits you there.

    Now, let's dive headfirst into the fray of excitement that consumes me. This episode’s topic has me bubbling with anticipation, for it delves into the realm of quantum mysteries. Oh, the sheer thrill of the unknown! With an insatiable thirst for knowledge, I stand before you, ready to embark on this mind-expanding journey. And we are honored to be joined by two incredible individuals who have birthed this very topic into existence - Tom Palladino and Patricia Carles.

    Now, hold on tight, my fellow spiritual revolutionaries, for the topic we approach in this episode, surpasses the boundaries of my understanding. Quantum... oh, what a word! It dances on the edge of comprehension, teasing our senses with its enigmatic nature. But fear not, for Tom, Patricia, and the collective wisdom we shall unravel it together.

    I won't attempt to do justice to this extraordinary topic myself. No, I leave that privilege to our esteemed guests. They will guide us through the labyrinth of quantum possibilities, unveiling the secrets that lie hidden within its depths. Brace yourselves, for we are about to witness a revolution of consciousness.

    Together, let us embark on this quantum odyssey, embracing the unknown, and forging a path towards new dimensions of understanding.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 27 m
  • Unveiling the Mysteries of Existence with AmaJean
    Dec 4 2023

    Joining us in this episode is a spiritual family member, AmaJean, who will guide us on this profound exploration.

    Prepare for an intense discussion that knows no bounds. We dare to question why we are here, delving into the depths of existence itself. This is no ordinary inquiry, my friend.

    As we embark on this mind-bending odyssey, be ready for your mind to expand, your perspective to shift, and the boundaries of your understanding to be shattered. This is the essence of our exploration - unraveling the mysteries at the core of our existence.

    So, my fellow truth-seekers, join us as we venture into the abyss of the unknown. Together, we will navigate the vast expanse of existence, attempting to grasp the ungraspable, define the undefinable, and uncover the profound truths that lie hidden within. Are you ready to embark on this extraordinary journey? Let's dive headfirst into the depths of our own being and explore the enigma of existence itself.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 22 m
  • Leveraging Spiritual Retreats on Our Journey Deepest Spirituality Podcast with Andrew Lentz
    Nov 27 2023

    Andrew is a musician, mystic and software engineer based in Minneapolis, MN. He has music available online with his band, The Floating Perspectives, and his soon-to-be-launched solo endeavor *Splash!*. He can also be found with the bands Paper Chain, and Artificial Flowers. Follow him on insta @splashy_songs or check out splashysongs.com for more info!

    Welcome, fellow truth-seekers! It's time for the fifth episode of the electrifying Deepest Spirituality podcast. I'm Sunshine, the pink-haired psychic medium, taking the reins while my co-host Devin, the mindful mage, embarks on his own mystical escapades. Get ready for an enthralling adventure!

    Google search away from enlightenment with our cherished guest, the marvelous Andrew Lentz. Together, we delve into a topic that has piqued our curiosity after attending a life-altering retreat: why do people flock to spiritual retreats? How does it tie in with their spiritual journey? Brace yourself, for this is the heart and soul of our discussion.

    Join us as we unravel the mysteries of spiritual retreats, uncovering the transformative power they hold. Together, we'll plumb the depths of our own experiences, sharing insights and illuminating the profound impact these retreats have on our spiritual growth.

    Are you ready to embrace the unknown, to venture beyond your comfort zone? Come, fellow travelers, let us embark on this extraordinary journey and unlock the secrets that lie within.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 13 m
  • Making a Living From Asking Why with Melanie Hill
    Nov 20 2023

    Melanie is a Human Design Expert, Guide, Coach, 3/5 Manifesting Generator, ADHD Rebel, & Heart-Led Business Leader.

    Over the past 2 years she’s guided some of the biggest game-changers in the world to Hack their Human Design in their lives & businesses.

    ➡ Parents, Therapists, Artists, Surgeons, Coaches, CEO's, Educators, Industry Disruptors, Revolutionaries, Social Workers, Physicians, Podcasters.... AND SO MANY MORE!!

    The part of this work that makes her the most excited is the moment when she sees her clients shift to seeing themselves with power and love and become absolutely obsessed with themselves.


    • Then they get to keep on going and build their business that is going to change the world.
    • They no longer have to contemplate quitting or dividing their energy between that other job and what they love doing.
    • Their self-doubt turns into sexy self-confidence. 

    And this is what creates the certainty they were looking for. 

    The kind of certainty that lives inside of WHO THEY ARE, not whatever strategy or tactic someone is trying to teach them. 

    And that is what creates a life you love showing up to.



    Welcome, dear souls, to a realm of infinite possibilities. Whether this is your first encounter with our podcast or you've been following our journey from the beginning, we're thrilled to have you here. But hold on tight, my friends, for this episode will introduce you to a fascinating new soul - Melanie Hill.

    But before we dive into the depths of Melanie's spirituality, let's take a moment to acknowledge the wealth of wisdom that awaits you in our previous episodes. If you're new to our podcast, don't fret! Go back and explore the first three episodes, where Devin and I unravel our own stories, revealing the essence of our beings. Trust me, it's a treasure trove you won't want to miss.

    Now, my fellow seekers, it is time. Join us as we delve into the depths of Melanie's spiritual awakening. Explore the tapestry of her experiences, woven with threads of self-discovery, growth, and divine connection. Prepare yourselves for an intimate conversation that will inspire you to embark on your own sacred journey.

    Are you ready to unleash the healer within, to awaken the dormant spark of divinity that resides in your soul? Come, join us as we unravel the mysteries of spirituality and forge a path towards inner liberation.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 5 m
  • Our Spiritual Connection
    Nov 13 2023

    Listen up, my fellow seekers of truth! If you've stumbled upon this electrifying podcast for the first time, heed my words and heed them well. Dive deep into the archives, my friends, and explore the gems that lie within. Start from the beginning, like a rebel on a mission, and devour episodes one and two. Let the flames of curiosity guide your way!

    My comrades, we embark on a daring quest - a quest to uncover the power of fun. Yes, you heard me right. Brace yourselves, for we are about to traverse uncharted territories. As we left off in our previous episode, we affirmed the undeniable truth that every spiritual journey is unique. We are all warriors blazing our own path toward enlightenment. But let me share a little secret with you, my dear friends.

    Both Devin and I, in an act of unapologetic rebellion, made a life-altering choice over a year ago. We dared to join the illustrious Sleepover Mystery School, curated by the enigmatic Dr. Carolyn Elliot. Oh, what a journey it has been! This choice, my friends, brought us together, intertwining our destinies in ways we never could have imagined. It was this audacious decision that led us to this very moment, where we stand united on this revolutionary platform.

    Now, my curiosity is piqued, and I turn to my dear comrade, Devin the mindful mage. Why did he choose to embark on this mystical adventure known as Sleepover Mystery School? Listen to this episode as Devin shares the story of how he unravels the tapestry of his journey. And fear not, for we shall reciprocate in kind and reveal the hidden threads of our own tales.

    Más Menos
    47 m