
  • How to Turn a “No” into a “Yes” When People Don’t Buy the First Time with Chelsea Beauchamp
    Jun 27 2024

    Episode 63: It’s a well know statistic in the marketing world that only about 3% of your audience is ready to buy and join right now, which means that 97% of your audience is going to say NO the first time you present your offer to them.

    The problem is that most online business owners hear “no” and they think it means “no, not ever” and they give up and move on.

    Meanwhile, the most profitable and successful business owners realize that “no” often just means “no, not yet”, and they have systems in place to continue to work their prospects until they’re ready to say YES!

    In this episode, Chelsea Beauchamp (aka Chelsea B) tells us her “minimalist” philosophy for turning those “no’s” into “yes’s” and how you can create an automated backend system to do most of the heavy lifting for you.

    About Chelsea Beauchamp: Chelsea B., aka “The Minimalist Marketer”, helps high ticket coaches and subject matter experts leverage smart, simple, scalable email — to make a bigger difference, close more sales faster, AND avoid spontaneously combusting.

    Having supported trailblazers like NYT best-selling author Dr. Becky Kennedy and her Good Inside® parenting approach; International speaker and best-selling author of Energy Codes®, Dr. Sue Morter; and more; Chelsea B. is here to support YOU with email marketing that feels good in your bones… and in your bank account.

    Get Chelsea’s FREE “Cheatsheet”, “Brand Voice Matrix” (among other freebies): https://theminimalistmarketer.co/yes/

    Chelsea’s Website: https://theminimalistmarketer.co/

    Want to learn more about how to build a successful online business from the ground up? Grab your FREE copy of our online course, "Zero to $20k Blueprint" where you'll learn how to build a simple, scalable online marketing system that will quickly generate paying customers & clients for your online business.

    Get it NOW, by visiting our website at https://DigitalTrailblazer.com

    Connect With Us:
    Website - https://DigitalTrailblazer.com
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/digitaltrailblazer/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@digitaltrailblazer
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DgtlTrailblazer
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DigitalTrailblazer

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Keys to Profitability When You’re First Starting Out with Todd & Leah Getts
    Jun 25 2024

    Episode 62: There’s nothing worse than spending months, if not years, developing a well thought out, comprehensive online course or coaching program just to find out that nobody is really interested in buying it.

    …or, that there’s no way to be profitable with your offer because the cost of your advertising is too high due to the audience you’re targeting.

    …or that you’ve created a great program, targeting the right audience, but nobody is buying because you have no way of getting exposure or driving traffic to your offer.

    In this episode, Todd and Leah discuss the biggest, most common problems they see getting in the way of profitability for newer online business owners, and the adjustments you need to make in your offer and marketing in order to realistically be able to generate a 6 or 7 figure income in your first year selling your program.

    Want to learn more about how to build a successful online business from the ground up? Grab your FREE copy of our online course, "Zero to $20k Blueprint" where you'll learn how to build a simple, scalable online marketing system that will quickly generate paying customers & clients for your online business.

    Get it NOW, by visiting our website at https://DigitalTrailblazer.com

    Connect With Us:
    Website - https://DigitalTrailblazer.com
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/digitaltrailblazer/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@digitaltrailblazer
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DgtlTrailblazer
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DigitalTrailblazer

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • How to Get Paid to Speak on Stage and Sell to Other People’s Audiences with Corey Poirier
    Jun 20 2024

    Episode 61: There are a lot of different stages that you can speak on, and different stages will help you achieve different goals.

    Some people want to get paid to speak.

    Others are willing to speak for free as long as they can sell something from stage.

    And others are happy just to build brand recognition and gain authority from speaking on stage and generate some leads for their business.

    Whatever your goals are, there’s a stage for it, and you can get on those stages even if you’ve got no experience with public speaking.

    In this Episode, Corey Poirier takes us through his journey of how he went from barely graduating high school and having a fear of public speaking, to speaking on some of the most prestigious stages in the world, such as TedX, as well as events at Harvard, Stanford, and MIT.

    He reveals which stages to seek for your different goals, how to get on those stages even if you’ve never spoken publicly before, the best way to get started, what to talk about, how to structure your talk, and much more!

    About Corey Poirier: Corey is a 5 x TEDx Speaker, Wall Street Journal / USA Today Bestselling Author, a SUCCESS Magazine Emerging Entrepreneur, the founder of bLU Talks, and he has spoken at events at Harvard, Columbia, Cambridge, Oxford, Stanford, UCLA and MIT.

    Grab Corey’s Book “The Enlightened Passenger” here: www.thisisthebook.com

    Grab Corey’s FREE “Book of Why” Audio here: http://thebookofwhyaudio.com/

    Email Corey at Corey@BluTalks.com

    Connect with Corey:

    Want to learn more about how to build a successful online business from the ground up? Grab your FREE copy of our online course, "Zero to $20k Blueprint" where you'll learn how to build a simple, scalable online marketing system that will quickly generate paying customers & clients for your online business.

    Get it NOW, by visiting our website at https://DigitalTrailblazer.com

    Connect With Us:
    Website - https://DigitalTrailblazer.com
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/digitaltrailblazer/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@digitaltrailblazer
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DgtlTrailblazer
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DigitalTrailblazer

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • How the 7 Figure “Celebrity Speaker” Funnel Rakes in $1.2 Million in 1 Hour with Kim Walsh Phillips and Justin Guarini
    Jun 18 2024

    Episode 60: Two things that need to happen before you can make a sale are generating the lead, and building trust and rapport (i.e. nurturing your audience).

    Those are also two of the most difficult hurdles online business owners have to overcome when starting their businesses.

    But what if you could be dropped into a situation where the leads had already been generated and they instantly recognized you as a leading authority in your niche.

    Sales would probably come a lot easier, right?

    In this episode, Kim Walsh Phillips and Justin Guarini (yes, the guy from American Idol) explain their unique “Celebrity Speaker” funnel that gives you celebrity status with qualified leads so you can charge premium prices and convert millions in sales without ever needing to hustle DMs or run paid ads.

    About Kim and Justin: Kim Walsh Phillips is the founder and CEO of Powerful Professionals, a business coaching and education company. She went from 32 clients to over 11,000 in less than a year, making this one of the fastest growing companies in America and was recently named #475 in the Inc 5000.

    Justin Guarini is best known for captivating 30 million viewers each week on the groundbreaking first season of American Idol along with Kelly Clarkson. He’s also starred in seven Broadway productions and made several appearances in other TV and movie productions.

    Beyond his on-stage and on-screen success, Justin is a sought-after mentor and coach, dedicated to helping performers, entertainers, and entrepreneurs achieve their dreams through the Elite Speakers Network program in partnership with Kim Walsh Phillips.

    The Elite Speakers Network focuses on growing the authority and celebrity of their clients and get them on other people’s stages.

    Grab Kim & Justin’s “100 Places to Speak” PDF Guide: https://www.100placestospeak.com/

    Want to learn more about how to build a successful online business from the ground up? Grab your FREE copy of our online course, "Zero to $20k Blueprint" where you'll learn how to build a simple, scalable online marketing system that will quickly generate paying customers & clients for your online business.

    Get it NOW, by visiting our website at https://DigitalTrailblazer.com

    Connect With Us:
    Website - https://DigitalTrailblazer.com
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/digitaltrailblazer/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@digitaltrailblazer
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DgtlTrailblazer
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DigitalTrailblazer

    Más Menos
    58 m
  • Low vs Mid vs High Ticket – How to Price Your Offers and Why with Stephen Somers
    Jun 13 2024

    Episode 59: One of the biggest questions people have when creating their first digital product is ‘how much should I charge?’, and there are a lot of different opinions about the best place to start.

    Some people will tell you that you should start with a high ticket offer because you can make more money with fewer sales. Then, you can work your way backwards and build out some lower ticket front end offers later.

    However, others will say that it’s best to start with a low ticket offer for your first product because it’s easier to sell something at $50 or $100 than it is to sell something for $5,000 or $10,000. Once you get that selling, you can build upon it to create higher ticket offers.

    Both arguments have their merits, but when you look at the raw numbers and the real-life evidence, the answer becomes clearer as to what the better option is for different situations.

    In this episode, Stephen Somers explains the pros and cons of each method, the best ways to sell low and mid ticket versus high ticket, and what’s the best way to get started for different situations.

    Connect with Stephen:

    Want to learn more about how to build a successful online business from the ground up? Grab your FREE copy of our online course, "Zero to $20k Blueprint" where you'll learn how to build a simple, scalable online marketing system that will quickly generate paying customers & clients for your online business.

    Get it NOW, by visiting our website at https://DigitalTrailblazer.com

    Connect With Us:
    Website - https://DigitalTrailblazer.com
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/digitaltrailblazer/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@digitaltrailblazer
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DgtlTrailblazer
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DigitalTrailblazer

    Más Menos
    53 m
  • $100k Launch with NEW Way to Run Facebook Challenges with Mandy Nicholson
    Jun 11 2024

    Episode 58: Challenges are becoming an increasingly popular way to sell digital products and coaching programs. The problem with that is that audiences are becoming more and more “immune” to Challenges as a sales tactic.

    It’s becoming more difficult to get people to register, more difficult to get people to show up every day, and more difficult to convert participants into customers and clients at the end of the Challenge.

    It’s not that “Challenges are dead”, it’s just that we need to adjust how they’re done in order to adapt to changing customer behaviors.

    In this episode, Mandy Nicholson tells us about her years of experience with Challenges, crunching the numbers, testing new things, and finding what is working right now to get the highest conversion rates possible with Challenges.

    She discusses everything from promoting the challenge, how to recoup the cost of ads before the Challenge starts, what to do during each day of the Challenge, how and when to introduce your offer, what specials and promotions you can offer to increase sales, and how to follow-up and close out the Challenge after everything is done.

    About Mandy Nicholson: Mandy is known as the Creative Genius Consultant, and is an Artist, Author, and Creative Retreat owner in Scotland. Mandy specializes in helping creative women to launch, grow and scale their businesses and make more money.

    With her unique approach to marketing, Mandy stomps all over the myth of the starving artist by helping the creatives of the world find a business model that truly works for them, because it’s a fact that the creative brain is different, and unless you work with it, there is resistance - and Mandy definitely knows how to work with it!

    Join Mandy’s “Planning & Goal Setting” Workshop: https://mandynicholson.co.uk/planning-goal-setting-workshop/

    Check Out Mandy’s Retreats for Creatives: www.theartbankdalbeattie.com

    Connect with Mandy:

    Want to learn more about how to build a successful online business from the ground up? Grab your FREE copy of our online course, "Zero to $20k Blueprint" where you'll learn how to build a simple, scalable online marketing system that will quickly generate paying customers & clients for your online business.

    Get it NOW, by visiting our website at https://DigitalTrailblazer.com

    Connect With Us:
    Website - https://DigitalTrailblazer.com
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/digitaltrailblazer/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@digitaltrailblazer
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DgtlTrailblazer
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DigitalTrailblazer

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • New Algorithm Hacks for Viral Organic Growth on TikTok with Mike Gostola
    Jun 6 2024

    Episode 57: Most people who are teaching TikTok marketing strategies are just taking strategies learned from other platforms, like Instagram and YouTube, and teach you to use those same strategies on TikTok.

    And what people are finding is that you can make some good progress with those strategies, but you eventually plateau at a certain point and your account stops growing despite pumping out new content every day.

    In this episode, Mike Gostola explains why that happens, and the unique algorithm mechanics that make the difference between a few hundred views vs hundreds of thousands of views. And then, learn how he leverages his viral reach on TikTok to drive hundreds of sales every month without ever needing to spend a single penny on paid ads.

    About Mike Gostola: Mike Gostola & Carla Shaw are entrepreneurs and online marketing strategists who recently hit the top 1% of their network marketing company. They have trained thousands on how to leverage the power of TikTok for automatic leads and sales with their industry-leading course RockTheTok Academy.

    Check out Mike & Carla’s Rock to Tok Academy: https://rockthetok.com/5x5method-2566-7188?am_id=leahgetts9462

    Grab Mike’s free PDF Guide for automated sales on TikTok: https://go.rockthetok.ca/pdf

    Connect with Mike:

    Want to learn more about how to build a successful online business from the ground up? Grab your FREE copy of our online course, "Zero to $20k Blueprint" where you'll learn how to build a simple, scalable online marketing system that will quickly generate paying customers & clients for your online business.

    Get it NOW, by visiting our website at https://DigitalTrailblazer.com

    Connect With Us:
    Website - https://DigitalTrailblazer.com
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/digitaltrailblazer/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@digitaltrailblazer
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DgtlTrailblazer
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DigitalTrailblazer

    Más Menos
    56 m
  • Strategies That Stopped Working in 2024 and How to Adapt to New Buyer Behaviors with Mary Henderson
    Jun 4 2024

    Episode 56: Strategies that people were using in 2020 are no longer working in 2024. Conversion rates are down, fewer people seem to be buying, and it seems like your audience has become immune to marketing strategies that used to work really well just a few short years ago.

    That being said, there are still online businesses out there that are doing really well.

    So, what’s the secret?

    In this episode, Mary Henderson explains what has changed and how. What strategies you should stop doing, and how you need to adapt in order to reach the buyers in your audience and keep conversion rates high.

    About Mary Henderson: Mary is a Transformational Leader and an internationally recognized Personal Branding and Online Business Specialist who helps established Industry Experts productize, digitalize and commercialize their knowledge, wisdom and skills into a scalable and profitable online business and brand so they become though leaders in their industry.

    With over 23 years of experience building 7 and 8 figure businesses and high-performance sales teams, Mary has been featured in many publications and is regarded as a thought leader in the Digital sector.

    She is a heart-centered, compassionate, tenacious entrepreneur who thrives on human transformation and witnessing people fulfil their dreams.

    Join Mary’s Newsletter: https://www.maryhendersoncoaching.com/micro-influencer-exclusive/

    Connect with Mary:
    Website: https://www.maryhendersoncoaching.com/
    LinkedIn: @maryhendersoncoaching
    Facebook: @maryhendersoncoaching
    Instagram: @maryhendersoncoaching

    Want to learn more about how to build a successful online business from the ground up? Grab your FREE copy of our online course, "Zero to $20k Blueprint" where you'll learn how to build a simple, scalable online marketing system that will quickly generate paying customers & clients for your online business.

    Get it NOW, by visiting our website at https://DigitalTrailblazer.com

    Connect With Us:
    Website - https://DigitalTrailblazer.com
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/digitaltrailblazer/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@digitaltrailblazer
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DgtlTrailblazer
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DigitalTrailblazer

    Más Menos
    47 m