
  • Human Scum
    Oct 27 2019

    Donald Trump called all Never Trump Republicans "human scum" this week, and Jim and Eliza note how all the people who affiliate with Trump end up getting closer to that description themselves. From Rudy Giuliani to congressional Republicans, anyone who gets close to this president is sullied by the experience. Eliza and Jim discuss how far party loyalty ought to go, and why a post-Trump GOP should be listening more to Pierre Delecto than Donald Trump.

    Plus: Bill Gates's worm toilets!

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    36 m
  • Advice for Republicans
    Oct 19 2019

    Mick Mulvaney, Donald Trump's Chief of Staff, admits to a quid pro quo! Donald Trump doubles down on impeachable offenses by violating the emoluments clause and holding the G-7 at his own hotel! More and more Republicans, including Gov. John Kasich and Rep. Francis Rooney of Florida, are saying impeachment should move forward, and a growing majority of Americans agree. 

    What's a Republican to do? Jim and Eliza give the Republican Party their best advice and debate whether Mitch McConnell or Nancy Pelosi is the smartest politician in Washington. Also, are politicians generally good or bad people? 

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    34 m
  • Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
    Oct 12 2019

    Dinner Table Politics returns! Impeachment takes center stage as Jim and Eliza discuss President Trump's fate, which Jim points out has a greater-than-zero percent chance of resulting in removal from office. Will Mitt Romney save the nation and unwittingly fulfill a dubious prophecy? Are there really 35 Republicans who, behind closed doors, want Trump removed? Should the House of Representatives arrest Rudy Giuliani? And does anyone listening want to buy Eliza a Tesla? 

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  • Generation Z
    Jul 14 2019

    Sam Bennett, age 18, joins Dinner Table Politics for the first time, despite the fact that he hates politics. (His friend Chandler Glauser whispers the right answers in his ear.) Where does Sam stand on issues like gender equality, international relations, and whether America is the greatest country in the world? We go through the Pew Research on Gen Z politics and discover where the generations differ. Also, does Sam know who the Vice President of the United States is? (Spoiler alert: he does now.) Also, why does Sam have Joe Biden's personal phone number? 

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    35 m
  • Patriotism
    Jul 5 2019

    President Trump's 4th of July speech talking about the liberation of 18th Century airports serves as the catalyst for Abby and Jim's discussion about patriotism. The rising generation is less interested in visiting old patriotic landmarks like Colonial Williamsburg and the National Air and Space Museum than were generations past. Is this a good or a bad thing? How much does patriotism and national identity matter? And could it be possible that we are moving toward a post nation-state world? All this, plus Abby tells you more about het Webkins collection than you ever wanted to know. 

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  • Concentration Camps, Godwin's Law, and Winning Debates
    Jun 28 2019

    Abby and Jim begin by discussing the horrific treatment of children detained on the Southern border, which both agree will be a defining moment in American history for generations to come, and not in a good way. Jim then introduces Abby to the concept of Godwin's Law, the Internet standard for Hitler analogies, and how Godwin himself has stepped into the discussion. They then discuss the recent presidential debates, and Jim reveals the secrets to winning a debate. (You're welcome to try this at home.) 

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  • Wag the Dog
    Jun 21 2019

    Are we heading to war with Iran? As the Trump administration tries to figure out a commensurate response to the downing of an American spy drone, Abby and Jim review the possibility of what a war would look like, and why it would likely be more disastrous than the invasion of Iraq. Jim introduces Abby to "Wag the Dog," the movie that chronicles a fictional president mounting a war to secure his reelection chances. Could that be what's happening here? And what are Trump's reelection chances, anyway? Joe Biden is stumbling; Elizabeth Warren is on the rise. Is wagging the dog Trump's best hope for 2020?

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  • Debt!
    Jun 13 2019

    Debt! Everyone's favorite thing. How much is too much - for a future medical student like Abby or for the country at large? As the Trump administration continues to run up the red ink and the deficit looks to approach the $1 trillion mark for the first time since the 2008 financial meltdown, Jim and Abby look for the answers that will bring the budget into balance. The focus is on mandatory spending - Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Possible solutions include higher taxes, lower spending, or, according to Abby, cloning. Also, Abby explains why Stevie Wonder is blind. 

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    35 m