
  • 119 - So, what really happens if I fail my exams this year? (A pep talk for students and parents)
    May 29 2024

    In today's episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast, we approach a topic in direct response to the fears of some students this exam season... what happens if I fail?

    First of all - if you are listening to this in real time, I want to make the obvious point that there is still plenty of time to actively work towards your exam success:

    • Focus
    • Study (in a variety of ways)
    • Believe in yourself

    However, whether you are in the middle of exam season and panicking about failure; have completed exams and are worrying ahead of your results... or whether you are listening having received disappointing results - this will be a useful episode for you.

    What happens if you fail at this stage of your education?

    Your I/GCSEs, A-Levels, IB, SATs, university exams...

    What happens if you don't achieve the required or desired grades?

    Let's spend 25 minutes today and talk through:

    • The importance of not gaslighting you into thinking that your results don't matter because... well, they do. The mainstream education system means that the better grades you get, the more immediate next options you have so in an ideal world, achieving the desired grades would be optimal
    • The fact that if you don't succeed in this year's exam season, you will be okay - especially if you enlist guidance including that from a qualified career development professional (who can be found in some schools, university and independently)
    • Recognition that if you 'fail' this time - either your timeline or your vision may need to change - and that will be okay
    • Some stories of students in my world who embody the notion of timeline or vision changing
    • Further stories of those who had to pivot due to 'failing' and are so grateful for how things turned out

    If 'failing' is something you are fearful of right now - let's tackle it head on...

    ... and then get back to your studying. It's always best to do as well as you can. You've got this.

    Do stay tuned for a last thought for anyone who is having a hard time studying due to despair over local and world events right now.

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    • The Dive Into Your Career podcast page of the Your Career And Future website where you can also leave me a message suggesting a careers-related topic for a future episode
    • Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
    • Via "Gina Visram" on LinkedIn (where they may be a post with a link to this episode where you can contribute some wisdom / reflections)
    • Sign up for the mailing list (for students and graduates... a list for their supporters will follow)
    • E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any queries

    Also - are you a job seeker early in your career?

    You've got this!

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • 118 - Why the advice to "Follow your passion" can be unintentionally discouraging instead of encouraging
    May 15 2024

    "Follow your passion"

    Follow your passion

    You ever heard that advice?


    Did it help? Hinder?

    How do you feel about this idea?

    In this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast, we take a look at whether advice to "Follow your passions" is received in the positive way in which it is usually intended. This episode is inspired by a chat I recently had with a parent of a teen... a parent who said that as her child doesn't really have a sense of what they want to do in the future - the idea of following your passion feels more overwhelming than helpful.

    This got me thinking...

    I mean, I have had conversations about this topic in real life but it is the first time raising the topic on the Dive Into Your Career podcast.

    When I was a teen, that advice was helpful for me, partly because I had a good sense of what I liked and didn't... and felt capable of leaning into my direction of interest (Spoiler alert: That career I was determined to do then is not the career I have now).

    But what about the students who are good at everything academically?

    Or ones that aren't currently self-reflective and aware of their interests

    Or ones who don't know how interests can translate to jobs

    Whether the phrase "Follow your passions" has positive or negative connotations for you in terms of your career development, this will be a useful episode - as it gives more context and technique around that notion.

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    • The Dive Into Your Career podcast page of the Your Career And Future website where you can also leave me a message suggesting a careers-related topic for a future episode
    • Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
    • Via "Gina Visram" on LinkedIn (where they may be a post with a link to this episode where you can contribute some wisdom / reflections)
    • Sign up for the mailing list (for students and graduates... a list for their supporters will follow)
    • E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any queries

    Also - are you a job seeker early in your career?

    You've got this!

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • 117 - Careers curiosity is the key to career happiness
    May 6 2024

    Want to know the foundation for a happy career?

    You do?


    It's "careers curiosity".

    I promise this is no more complicated than it sounds... it is literally the process of being curious about careers. Jobs. Sectors. Companies. Entrepreneurship.

    Curiosity is the process of being eager to know or learn something... and can take many forms.

    In this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast, we take a quick dive into discussing the importance of careers curiosity in your early career - and also talk about they key steps alongside that curiosity... action and exploration.

    There's also a tip for a careers curiosity technique when you feel a bit stuck when it comes to looking forward in your career.

    If you take action on this, this can be an absolute game-changer for you!

    You'll be able to take away actionable tips from this episode though if you would like my support in implementing some of this - in the form of my upcoming SORT OUT YOUR SUMMER workshop - do sign up via the link. It would be my pleasure to help you make the upcoming one a great one for your early career development.

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    • The Dive Into Your Career podcast page of the Your Career And Future website where you can also leave me a message suggesting a careers-related topic for a future episode
    • Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
    • Via "Gina Visram" on LinkedIn (where they may be a post with a link to this episode where you can contribute some wisdom / reflections)
    • Sign up for the mailing list (for students and graduates... a list for their supporters will follow)
    • E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any queries

    Also - are you a job seeker early in your career?

    You've got this!

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • 116 - Navigating overwhelm in the busy summer term (Tips for secondary and university students)
    Apr 15 2024

    The word "Overwhelm" is used in many contexts and in this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast - we are taking about it's definition as having too much to deal with.

    (Ha - a little but like how I felt when my computer didn't want to save this edited episode due to the disk being too full - Aaaaargh - but I digress!)

    The timing and topic is inspired by a LinkedIn post from fellow Registered Career Development Professional Elizabeth Lloyd - and of course, here in the world of Your Career And Future and Dive Into Your Career - we are always taking about facilitating the journey from education to employment being in a spirit of joy and optimism, not fear and overwhelm.

    (You can click here for the LinkedIn post mentioned - which includes some useful tips)

    Listen in to get 6 top tips to support your overwhelm...

    ... and a good range of context before the tips - to set the scene and get you thinking of your own circumstance/s (as well as excuses and priorities)

    Also - why don't you come along to a 90-minute "Sort out your summer" workshop if this is one of the priorities for you right now. For a teeny financial investment in yourself, I am happy to help you efficiently and enjoyably take some brilliant steps towards carving out a balanced summer including some game-changing career development opportunities.

    Click here to buy a place on the workshop.

    Listen in.

    You won't want to miss this one.

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    • The Dive Into Your Career podcast page of the Your Career And Future website where you can also leave me a message suggesting a careers-related topic for a future episode
    • Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
    • Via "Gina Visram" on LinkedIn (where they may be a post with a link to this episode where you can contribute some wisdom / reflections)
    • Sign up for the mailing list (for students and graduates... a list for their supporters will follow)
    • E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any queries

    Also - are you a job seeker early in your career?

    You've got this!

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • 115 - Career development in the school and university holidays
    Apr 10 2024

    As a school or university student, the term time / holiday cycles mean you have multiple opportunities a year to have greater control of your time.

    Whether it's the Easter holidays, summer holidays or any others - these moments provide great opportunities to build your employability skills - skills which ultimately result in you being an increasingly appealing candidate to future employers.

    In this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast, career coach and consultant Gina Visram encourages you to:

    • Recognise the importance of rest (let's start there!)
    • AUDIT / self-reflect on where you are on your career development journey
    • Make progress through (often free) ONLINE COURSES which could benefit your next steps (arguably - all online courses could but if you know you are interested in supporting a career in healthcare for example, you can do a healthcare-related short course)
    • Sign up for and progress through ONLINE WORK EXPERIENCE TASTERS (through platforms such as Springpod, The Forage, Bright Network etc.)
    • Update your CV
    • Audit and progress your LinkedIn
    • Have curious conversations

    Do understand more about this and to hear some real-life examples which can inspire your action... check out this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast.

    More information to follow on the "Sort out your summer" workshop and more.

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    • The Dive Into Your Career podcast page of the Your Career And Future website where you can also leave me a message suggesting a careers-related topic for a future episode
    • Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
    • Via "Gina Visram" on LinkedIn (where they may be a post with a link to this episode where you can contribute some wisdom / reflections)
    • Sign up for the mailing list (for students and graduates... a list for their supporters will follow)
    • E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any queries

    Also - are you a job seeker early in your career?

    You've got this!

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • 114 - 5 things holding you back in your career development (and what to do about them)
    Mar 25 2024

    Ready for some tough love?

    Well good... that's what you've got today with this episode which focuses on 5 things holding you back in your career development (and what to do about them).

    You my lovely... you are sometimes your own worst enemy when it comes to how you positively move your career forward.

    How can that be?

    Well... it's because there are certain things you do or attitudes you have which are not conducive to you moving forward positively on your career journey. There are a number of these... and the 5 I mention in this episode are:

    1. Perfectionism
    2. Lack of clarity (and indeed what you interpret lack of clarity means)
    3. Lack of engagement
    4. Attitude
    5. Lack of support and accountability

    But don't fear - for each of these areas I go into some amount of detail about what you can do to improve the situation. I wouldn't leave you hanging like that!

    Also - in reference to number 5 - remember, one of your solutions to this can be the Work Experience Wins offers I am developing. Join the waiting list for Work Experience Wins here

    Which of these points most resonate with you? Do share...

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    • The Dive Into Your Career podcast page of the Your Career And Future website where you can also leave me a message suggesting a careers-related topic for a future episode
    • Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
    • Via "Gina Visram" on LinkedIn (where they may be a post with a link to this episode where you can contribute some wisdom / reflections)
    • Sign up for the mailing list (for students and graduates... a list for their supporters will follow)
    • E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any queries

    Also - are you a job seeker early in your career?

    You've got this!

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • 113 - What's happening in National Careers Week 2024?
    Mar 4 2024

    What's happening this National Careers Week?

    National Careers Week (NCW) is a one-week celebration of careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK. The aim of the week is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people develop awareness and excitement about their future pathways.

    NCW is a dedicated week every year allowing schools, colleges, universities, alternative provision settings and organisations to work towards. It’s backed-up with free high-quality printable, downloadable, digital and video resources for educators to support planning and delivery.

    In this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast - I take a look at some of the NCW opportunities which are nationally accessible online - however this episode is all about reminding you what week it is and encouraging you to explore what's available in your school / university.

    Enjoy NCW2024... and take advantage of the opportunity to joyfully immerse yourself in all things careers.

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    • The Dive Into Your Career podcast page of the Your Career And Future website where you can also leave me a message suggesting a careers-related topic for a future episode
    • Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
    • Via "Gina Visram" on LinkedIn (where they may be a post with a link to this episode where you can contribute some wisdom / reflections)
    • Sign up for the mailing list (for students and graduates... a list for their supporters will follow)
    • E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any queries

    Also - are you a job seeker early in your career?

    You've got this!

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • 112 - Overcoming fears and doubts on your early career journey
    Feb 26 2024

    Did you know that sometimes the highest achieving students are the most fearful when it comes to their career journey?

    Sometimes this can manifest as disinterest or not wanting to make decisions.

    In this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast, the topic of fear and uncertainty takes centre stage.

    How are you feeling about your early career journey?

    If you have any worries or fears, what are they? Take the time to name them. It may include fear of:

    • The unknown
    • Rejection
    • Speaking to people
    • Making a decision
    • Making the wrong decision
    • Wasting time
    • Wasting money
    • Coming across as pushy

    ... what is it for you.

    By recognising and owning it you can overcome and / or live alongside it... resulting in a more joy-filled, less stressful early career journey. Sound good? Good.

    If this episode has been useful to you, please share it with at least one friend. Let's support the mental health and progress of those at this stage in their journey.

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    • The Dive Into Your Career podcast page of the Your Career And Future website where you can also leave me a message suggesting a careers-related topic for a future episode
    • Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
    • Via "Gina Visram" on LinkedIn (where they may be a post with a link to this episode where you can contribute some wisdom / reflections)
    • Sign up for the mailing list (for students and graduates... a list for their supporters will follow)
    • E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any queries

    Also - are you a job seeker early in your career?

    You've got this!

    Más Menos
    25 m