
  • Pinch, there it is; googly eyes on the train, and yes, we are on our 37th career this year
    Jul 2 2024

    Dogs are Smarter Than People/Write Better Now

    Last week, we talked about pinch points both on the podcast and on the blog, and honestly? Nobody seemed super into it, but we’re finishing up this week. This post is going to be a bit more about the first part of act two of a three-act story, focusing on the time from the first pinch point to the midpoint.

    Pause for a plea: Look, I know plot structure isn’t sexy the way character development or drama and obstacles and conflict are, but it’s super important. It makes a difference in your book wooing readers and in it wooing agents.

    K.M. Weiland has a really lovely graphic that we’ve included in the podcast notes about where to put those pinch points.

    Weiland is a bit of a goddess about structure and what she says about this first pinch point is this:

    1. It comes about 37% of the way into the story.
    2. It tells us that the bad guy has some power.
    3. It can be a whole big scene or just the tiniest of moments
    4. It sets up “the next 1/8th of the story, in which the character will slowly begin to grow into a new awareness of his story’s many truths–and specifically the truth about the nature of the conflict in which he is engaged.”

    Right after this big and important pinch point, the hero of your story aka your protagonist moves into the section of the book that comes before the book’s halfway point or midpoint. Weiland calls this space from 37% to 50% a realization place and scenes for your character growth. The protagonist understand what’s going on a bit more. She starts to react with that knowledge informing her reactions and then her actions. Cool, right?

    She writes, “In itself, the First Pinch Point does not reveal the true nature of the conflict to the protagonist. Rather, it foreshadows it by providing a peek at facts the protagonist has barely grasped as yet.”

    She uses the movie ALIEN a lot to explain this. At the first pinch point, the crew realizes that the alien creature isn’t what they were thinking it was. Their choices start to be informed by that until the midpoint, which Weiland calls the MOMENT OF TRUTH.

    At the midpoint in ALIEN that alien smashes its way out of one of the crew’s chest.

    The truth of what they are dealing has exploded in the ship and on the screen (and on your novel’s page).

    “It’s instructive when watching movies to observe the protagonist’s facial expressions prior to the Moment of Truth and then afterward. Before the Midpoint, he’ll often look baffled as he struggles to keep up with the conflict. Then the light dawns in his eyes at the Midpoint, and from that moment on, there’s a look of knowing determination on his face,” she writes.

    Larry Brooks defines pinch points as “An example, or reminder, of the nature and implications of the antagonist force, that is not filtered by the hero’s experience.”


    Sometimes in life, your defining moments don’t come at the midpoint. - Mr. Murphy

    So, what he’s saying is don’t think that there are certain points and ages in your life where you have to get things done. Life is not a book and it doesn’t need to be a three-act structure.


    These are via Authors’ Publish.

    Bannister Press: Other – the 2024 fantasy short story anthology

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    20 m
  • Pinch Me, Baby, Talking Sexy to Writers
    Jun 26 2024

    There are some things in the writing world that don’t make a ton of sense in the world of regular humans.

    One of those things is pinch points.

    This podcast episode is going to be the start of a quick series of podcasts and regular posts about pinch points. The regular posts will be at our Substack LIVING HAPPY under the WRITE BETTER NOW publication.

    So, what are these little twerps called pinch points?

    They a way of thinking about novel or story structure that helps us keep the reader engaged.

    Pinch points are moments where the tension emerges again or is heightened. It’s a place where you seductively say to the reader, “Hey, baby. Let’s engage again.” Or maybe it’s that they are saying, “Dear Reader, let me remind you what exactly is at stake here for our poor, dear, pathetic hero.”

    The pinch points are where the protagonist or hero of your story gets a little bit of pain. Ouch. So mean, us writers are so very mean.

    As Writing Mastery describes, “They rekindle the tension that may have waned by reminding us of the primary conflict and what it means for the characters. Without stakes, readers will quickly lose interest—therefore, pinch points are events of the plot that, strategically placed, keep the narrative from losing steam.”

    “In the traditional Three-Act Structure, the first act introduces the characters, setting, and conflict, while the third act culminates in the resolution. The second act, which constitutes the middle portion of the story, is often the longest and contains the rising action. Pinch points punctuate this act to create a sense of urgency and drive the story forward.”

    Pinch Points Are Not Plot Points

    So, here’s the super important thing. Pinch points are not plot points. Yes, there is a lot of P-words in there, but to pinch is not to plot, though a dastardly villain might plot how to pinch.

    Plot points

    • move the story forward
    • are events
    • connect the events of your story so it’s not episodic.

    Pinch points

    • Raise stakes or increase the conflict.
    • Obstruct the hero from getting her goal, so often focus on the bad guy of the story or the antagonist and this is a big part of it, this is what makes it not a turning point
    • Make the reader curious about what might happen, make them worried about what might happen, so keeps them reading
    • Show us what our heroes are made of because of the extra pressure that these challenges create.

    As Writers Helping Writers writes, “New writers often concentrate on the Hook, Midpoint, and the big twist at the end. But without well-placed Pinch Points, the story will lose its sense of rising action,

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    15 m
  • Just an Hour a Day Makes You More Bad Ass
    Jun 18 2024

    There are a lot of people who advocate spending just an hour a day doing something to become awesome. That hour a day is often learning. You study up about what you want to do, you self learn, you teach yourself to be better by learning all about the thing you're into.

    So, if you're into writing, you read books about writing and actual books. You study the craft.

    So, if you're into knitting, you study knitting. Entrepeneurship? Same thing, but first you probably have to learn how to spell it. My bad there.

    There's a cool graph here that talks about how if you read a certain number of books, how you compare to other American adults. It's also a bit depressing because it basically says most Americans read two books a year.

    Hallel K has a post on Medium about how you can use the 1-hour rule to catapult yourself into the 1% and I think that's a great post, but it's a little hyperbolizing. We like hyperbole though, right? It makes things easy.

    Hallel uses a quote by Earl Nightingale.

    “One hour per day of study in your chosen field is all it takes. One hour per day of study will put you at the top of your field within three years. Within five years you’ll be a national authority. In seven years, you can be one of the best people in the world at what you do — Earl Nightingale”

    This might make you think, "Yes! Right. So true. Epiphany moment."

    Or it might make you think, "Who the hell is Earl Nightingale?"

    Well, he has a Wikipedia page? But basically he was a motivational speaker and a radio show host that died in 1989. He wrote Strangest Secret. And to him it's all about risk taking and he also said that the problem with people's lives and lack of success isn't cowardice, but conformity.

    According to his definition, a success is when you go after a goal and achieve it. Deliberately. And only 1 out of 20 do that, he said.

    The key, he said, is creating, not conforming, deliberate creation. Goals, he said, bring you places. A ship, he says, that has a crew and captain has a destination and it gets out of the harbor and ends up to its destination. But a ship without a destination? Without a captain and crew? If you just turn on the boat's engines, it might not even make it out of the harbor.

    Deliberate learning. Goals. Focus. That's what matters, he says. Reading, learning? Those are important aspects. Maybe you won't get in the top 1% of whatever you're going toward, but you will get smarter, closer, and have deliberate action.


    Pogie claims to be in the top 1% of Begging. She's an International subject expert in Food begging. Study in the morning and at night. This, however, is a photo of her apprentice, Mr. Murphy.


    This is from MasterClass and it's all about goals.

    "Create Realistic Goals

    "If your goals are unrealistic, they’ll be unachievable and overwhelming. Don’t let your passion for finishing your novel cause you to push yourself too hard and set goals that simply aren’t possible. For example, it might not be reasonable to set a goal that you will write your novel in one month. Neither should you set a word-count goal to write 10,000 words a day—especially if you also have a full-time job. Setting reasonable goals in the first place will make it much easier for you down the road.

    "Consider setting writing goals that you can accomplish step-by-step, one day at a time. The best thing you can do is create daily habits that will help you reach your goals—rather than burn yourself out early wi

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    17 m
  • Fighting, Commerce, and Ten-Cent Beer: Welcome to America and How to Frame Stories
    Jun 6 2024

    On last week’s podcast and the one a few before that, and in a post, Shaun and I talked a bit about plot structures and narrative structures and how here in the U.S. we think of these usually (not always!) as pretty linear, and pretty much in a three-act framework (think beginning, middle, end) with rising stakes and drama as you go along.

    This is not the only way to write.

    I am very much a product of the U.S. culture. And I’m going to talk a tiny bit in the next couple weeks about different forms/shapes of storytelling, but again . . . I am a student of this culture’s structures. I am not an expert at other structures. I adore them though. I’m going to be providing links.

    And hopefully by quickly talking about some of them, you might go off and explore and adore, too. Maybe even get an epiphany for your own story?

    So, another kind of storytelling is Middle Eastern and it's Frame Story in our language.

    And it's so cool. Basically, as the Novelsmithy explains "many types of stories, characters, and symbols are woven together into a larger tale.

    "One Thousand And One Nights is the most famous example of this. In this story, Shahrazad tells story after story to the Sultan in order to keep him from killing her. Her stories include a variety of complex narratives, different characters, conflicts, genres, and morals. There are even frame stories within the larger frame story!

    "Characteristics of Middle Eastern Storytelling:

    • Outer 'frame story' tying multiple stories together
    • Multiple characters and narratives
    • Variety of genres, fantasy, and high action."

    It's very influenced by The Qur’an.

    Gulf News writes,

    "One of the most revered traditions of oral storytelling is the hakawati. As intricate and complex as a weaving pattern, this motif-rich narrative style darts in and out of stories, offering unending drama where the storyteller begins one tale, deftly leaves it mid-way to pick up another and then has a third story emerging from a subplot of the first and so on. All this is done using the tools of allegory, folklore, satire, music and a visual spectacle of grand sweeping gestures and facial expressions to finally create an enthralling experience for his listeners."

    There's a great piece about frame stories here.


    Pogie's like "hey dude, I live my style and life in the frame story style of way. It always comes back to me. I'll always be doing something. I'll see a cat and I'll change my storyline." And that keeps happening. It's all about multiple stories in a brain.


    Do the Forrest Gump. Find a setting like a park bench and tell the stories that make a life. OR at least outline it.


    Voyage simply aims to publish good work and provide a space for new and established voices. To get an idea of what we publish, please read our archives. General submissions are open year-round with no fee to submit.

    We only accept submissions via our online submission managing system, Sub

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    20 m
  • Pot Plants Invade Wisconsin and Alternate That Plot Structure
    May 30 2024

    Last week, maybe a week ago, maybe 82 years ago, who knows, we talked about alternative plot structures.

    Much of American film and novels is built on what's considered to be the classic three-act structure, which basically goes beginning-middle-end, and there's this rising line of the plot.

    It ends up looking like a bit of a triangle.

    As readers, we can sort of anticipate and feel that structure happening. In a rom-com, we almost always know how far into the book or movie it will be when the couple breaks up and then someone has to chase down a car or airplane or something so they can get back together. There's a lovely familiarity in that, but us writers don't always want a lovely familiarity with beats in all the prescribed places and a structure that looks like a triangle.

    In an earlier podcast, Shaun, was asking me about the different structures and plots. And this is a pretty big question that people write entire books about, but I'm going to start here.

    First, a structure is sort of the diagram of rising and falling and action that links all of the plot points together

    The plot is something that connects the moments of the novel in a way that gives a novel its meaning. .

    Janet Burroway defines plot as a “series of events deliberately arranged so as to reveal their dramatic, thematic, and emotional significance …. Plot’s concern is ‘what, how, and why,’ with scenes ordered to highlight cause-and-effect.”

    Plot, according to Ingrid Sundberg, is about patterns, rhythm, and energy. It’s about the movement and feeling your particular arrangement creates. The triangle (often called the Aristotelian story shape) is a visual metaphor for the escalating energy that is meant to come as a result of a classic design arrangement.”

    This podcast, we're talking about all the different types of plots. Next time? We'll go all structure on you.

    Here’s a list of different possibilities when it comes to plot:

    • Mini-plot

    • Daisy chain plot,

    • Cautionary tale plot

    • Ensemble plot

    • Along for the ride plot

    • Symbolic juxtaposition plot

    • Repeated event plot

    • Repeated action plot

    Explanations of the Possibilities

    Mini Plot – This is the emotional plot. It’s minimalistic. It might even seem like it does not have a plot, but it does. It’s just that the cause-and-effect is about emotional evolution and growth.

    Example: Tender Mercies

    Daisy Chain Plot - We have no main protagonist, so we have no main goal. A bunch of characters and situations are here and they are linked via cause-and-effect like a physical object.

    Examples: Thirteen Reasons Why (has a protagonist, but it kind of works). Lethal Passage.

    Cautionary Tale Plot - Hero? There is no hero! Comfort? There is no comfort! Our main character sucks. And instead the reader is the protagonist.

    Examples: Jumped by Rita Williams-Garcia. Inexcusable by Chris Lynch.

    Ensemble Plot - According to Berg, this happens when you have protagonists grouped in the same place and it is “characterized by the interaction of several voices, consciousnesses, or world views, none of which unifies or is superior to the others.”

    Example: Give a Boy a Gun.

    Along For The Ride Plot - Ah. Where is our protagonist doing proactive things? Not here. Here we have the secondary character pushing the action and the protagonist is there, zooming along with them. The prot

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    25 m
  • No cow cuddles, no brain worms: Do you want to be happy?
    May 16 2024

    Do you want to be happy?

    It’s a question philosopher Sebastian Purcell asks his students every year.

    Do you want to be happy?

    For Purcell being happy has a lot in common with living a good life,

    “The Stoic answer to this question, that the good life consists in flourishing (eudaimonia), has seen a resurgent interest that is indicative of a cultural shift. Interestingly, it looks to be taking the place left open by the retreat of religious belief,” he writes.

    And stoicism? It’s a way to look at life and how the world connects, how they work. It’s physical, Purcell says, and metaphysical.

    Most people think of me as a pretty happy person, and I possibly am. To be fair, before I started to feel a bit overwhelmed by my life, I’d always thought positively about things, expected good outcomes.

    When I lived in another town and would drive from place to place for my job as a reporter or to pick up my daughter, Em, from school, I’d hear from people later.

    “You just drive around smiling. What are you even thinking about?”

    I couldn’t ever tell them. They’d scoff. I’d laugh. I’m pretty sure one city councilor called me a weirdo about it. I know a baseball coach did. It didn’t matter. I was who I was.

    When Em was little, she and I would talk about her worries, I’d run through logically how outcomes were probably not what she’d expect. I do that with Xane, our other kiddo, too.

    “If you fail a test, will you end up in jail? Will anyone die?” I’d ask.

    Em would roll her eyes at me and say things like, “You’re being ridiculous, Mommy.”

    I’d bounce back with and say brilliantly, “You don’t have to expect the worst case scenarios all the time because a bad grade is not a worst case scenario.”

    “I’m just being realistic,” she’d say.

    “No. You’re being pessimistic,” I’d tell her, “because you aren’t going to fail anyway.”

    The truth is that though I’ve told both of them these things and even though I motor through my day staying pretty chill and positive, often I would flop in bed at night and stare at the darkness for an hour, a weird shiver of anxiety creeping through me—anxiety stemming from things that I couldn’t quite place.

    That doesn’t sound all that happy to me, but the truth was that even as I smiled in my car all by myself, even as I sold positive outcomes to my kids, I didn’t know how to even define happiness. I don’t think I’d ever really tried.

    And I’m trying now.

    Harvard professor, Arthur Brooks, says that “happiness equals enjoyment plus satisfaction plus meaning.”

    Brooks tells his students to think of happiness as “a portfolio with four big categories of investments.”

    He says, “We need all of them so our happiness can grow in a balanced way. The first investment is faith or life philosophy, it's how you make sense of the world.”

    Family and relationships that will most likely stay with you throughout your life though you don’t choose them is the second category.

    The third is the relationships we choose. What he calls our “most intimate relationships.”

    “The fourth is meaningful work,” he says. "That doesn't mean work that pays a fortune or features a fancy title. Rather, it's work that allows you to earn your success and serve others.”


    Those four categories aren’t solo acts. They work together and they all have to be there, he believes and that means? Well, it means that we don’t get to be in charge of our happiness all the time. Sometimes horrible things happen. Circumstances exist. And heredity is a factor, too.

    I think I’m pretty lucky because despite all the choices she made and things she went through, my mom was a pretty happy human. And my biological father was always happy too. That account

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    24 m
  • Celestial Bodies, Sexy Knees and Story Structure via Robert McKee
    May 8 2024

    You can learn a lot about culture by how it looks at what makes a good story and a good story structure.

    In Western culture right now, we tend to think of stories as three acts (a beginning, middle, and end with the bulk being in the middle), and with a protagonist or hero or main character (whatever you want to call it) who drives the story forward.

    So, it's sometimes good to remember that there are other ways of making story and other cultures where the bulk might not be in the middle or the main character might not be so proactive. Story reflects who we are as a people.

    Nobody keys into this as much as Robert McKee, who is quite the guru of screenwriting and story.

    There are three of his maxims, explained by No Film School that really show that.

    Those are:

    "Your protagonist needs to be the one who makes the decision that brings about the climactic action.

    "Is your protagonist driving the story forward? Are their actions and choices putting the story into focus and kicking it into gear? Make sure they are active, and not just along for the ride. Give them something to do.

    "Desire in your character is key.

    "What does your character want? We talk about goals on here a lot. They need to have a goal, but also the reasoning behind it. That's where desires come in. I want to solve the case to make the city safer. I want to bring all my friends back from Thanos' snap. Give them something tangible and obvious.

    "Character payoffs should always be emotional unless you have a special reason.

    "Think about not only what happens inside your story but how these moments affect people internally. Does someone let a character down, or crush their heart with a rejection? Is there a way to hook that into the goal and show how things evolve within them? What do these emotional hurdles do to them or cause them to do? Let emotion guide the way."

    For literature in our time, right now, and our culture, those are three big keys to making stories that will be purchased and will resonate with readers.

    How does that reflect with our life though, right?


    You've got to make things happen. Be the hero of your own story and make your people have emotional rewards when they give you what you want.


    This is from Robert McKee and his book, Story:

    "Lean back and ask, 'What would it be like to live my character’s life hour by hour, day by day?' In vivid detail sketch how your characters shop, make love, pray — scenes that may or may not find their way into your story, but draw you into your imagined world until it feels like déjà vu.

    "While memory gives us whole chunks of life, imagination takes fragments, slivers of dream, and chips of experience that seem unrelated, then seeks their hidden connections and merges them into a whole. Having found these links and envisioned the scenes, write them down. A working imagination is research."


    The Bath Novel Award 2024 £5,000 international writing prize


    The music we’ve clipped and shortened in this podcast is awesome and is made available throu

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    23 m
  • Strangeness Free-for-all
    May 4 2024

    It ended up being a bit of a free-for-all as we talked about the strange things people do sometimes.


    The snippet of our intro and outro music is only a snippet of this guy’s awesome talent. Many thanks to Kaustubh Pandav. You can check out a bit of his work at the links below.

    www.luckyboysconfusion.Net or www.Facebook.com/mrmsandtheinfusions

    Thanks for hanging out with us! And remember, don’t be afraid to let your strange out.

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    56 m