
  • What is Chinese Medicine?
    Nov 22 2023

    In this episode, Dr. Kirren explores the basic paradigm of Chinese medicine. She explains the different perspectives on the human body, illness, and treatment between Western medicine and Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine encompasses various healing theories and practices, including acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, massage techniques, qigong, dietary therapy, and lifestyle advice. Dr. Kirren emphasizes the holistic approach of Chinese medicine, which considers the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and environment. She also highlights the importance of tailoring treatments to the individual and focusing on both addressing current concerns and preventing future ones. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of Chinese medicine and how it can empower your engagement with healthcare.


    • Chinese medicine is based on the concept of holism, viewing individuals as internally and externally connected, and aims to treat the root cause of concerns while also focusing on preventative care.

    • The yin-yang theory in Chinese medicine recognizes the constant state of flux and dynamic movement between opposing factors, such as day and night, and emphasizes the importance of balance.

    • The five element theory categorizes phenomena in Chinese medicine based on the qualities and interrelationships of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, including psychological states, internal organs, and tastes.

    • The channel system in Chinese medicine acts as a network connecting internal organs and the external environment, with Qi and blood circulating within it to sustain normal physiological functioning.

    • Chinese medical practitioners use the basic organizing principles of yin and yang and the five elements to identify imbalances in the channel system and apply specific methods, such as acupuncture or dietary therapy, to regulate and strengthen the body.

    "My aim is to leave you feeling empowered in your engagement with healthcare, to mitigate unnecessary experiences and aim for more positive outcomes."

    "Chinese medicine is based on the idea of holism. As individuals, we are both internally connected mentally, emotionally, and physically, as well as externally connected to our environment."

    "It's a different way of viewing the human body to Western medicine, so you really need to bear that in mind if you were to be in a consultation with a practitioner of Chinese medicine."

    "The whole human body is divided into stratums of yin and yang, such as interior and exterior, upper and lower, and front and back."

    "Through carrying out an in-depth case history, taking into consideration the patient's lifestyle, physical and emotional environment, and dietary habits, including a tongue and pulse diagnosis, the Chinese medical practitioner can use the basic organizing principles of yin and yang and the five elements to identify where the hold-up is."

    With a diverse background that encompasses rigorous training in both the UK and China for her integrative medical degree, two decades of clinical practice in private and public healthcare settings, and a role as an esteemed Acupuncture lecturer for both undergraduates and professionals, Dr. Kirren's knowledge is truly comprehensive. Her passion for ongoing research in medical education has shed light on critical issues in the field, including competent practice, educational standards, regulation, and public health literacy.

    Driven by a commitment to better healthcare outcomes, she has championed her clients' rights, successfully supporting one in identifying clinical negligence under another healthcare practitioner and securing the path to a healthier future, sparing her client from going blind and obtaining rightful compensation. With her exceptional insight and dedication to promoting medical excellence, Dr. Kirren offers invaluable perspectives on her podcast, empowering listeners to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing.

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Why Did I Do This?
    Nov 8 2023

    In this episode of Bridging Medical Paradigms, Dr. Kirren shares the story behind the creation of the podcast. Having completed a five-year medical program that integrated traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and conventional medicine, Dr. Kirren experienced firsthand the fascinating integration of both approaches to healthcare. From cancer patients receiving chemotherapy alongside acupuncture to patients receiving intravenous herbal drips and music therapy, the podcast explores the benefits and integration of TCM and conventional medicine in China's primary healthcare system. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the diverse and evolving landscape of medicine.


    • Public health literacy is crucial for individuals to make informed decisions about their own health and care.

    • Low health literacy is associated with increased hospitalization, death, and difficulty managing health problems.

    • Acupuncture training programs may have gaps in theoretical knowledge and clinical practice, highlighting the need for improved curriculum and regulation.

    • Bridging Medical Paradigms aims to empower individuals to navigate the complex landscape of medicine and make informed healthcare decisions.

    • The podcast seeks to help listeners mitigate unnecessary experiences, reduce the financial burden of illness, and spend more time enjoying life.

    "It was fascinating how integrated it was. For example, at the Xiyuan Hospital in China, cancer patients would be receiving chemotherapy in conjunction with acupuncture as a means to minimize the side effects of chemotherapy and boost the patient's immune system."

    "Through my clinical experience, as I was often having to go the extra mile for my patients to ensure that they had the best outcome, it was quickly becoming apparent that there were issues with public health literacy."

    "Confidence is based on certainty so again if you have the knowledge you're more likely to feel certain rather than unsure or wobbly."

    "Not to be grim, but no wonder. When combined with issues in the health system, it's been found that people with low health literacy, compared with the general population, are three times more likely to experience increased hospitalization or death, are more likely to have depression and struggle with managing their and their family's health problems and well-being."

    "In my pursuit to improve the overall situation that I was experiencing in my clinical practice, the public health literacy issue, and as a teacher, I thought furthering my understanding into pedagogy, so that's teaching and learning, policy and practice would be the best way to go."

    With a diverse background that encompasses rigorous training in both the UK and China for her integrative medical degree, two decades of clinical practice in private and public healthcare settings, and a role as an esteemed Acupuncture lecturer for both undergraduates and professionals, Dr. Kirren's knowledge is truly comprehensive. Her passion for ongoing research in medical education has shed light on critical issues in the field, including competent practice, educational standards, regulation, and public health literacy.

    Driven by a commitment to better healthcare outcomes, she has championed her clients' rights, successfully supporting one in identifying clinical negligence under another healthcare practitioner and securing the path to a healthier future, sparing her client from going blind and obtaining rightful compensation. With her exceptional insight and dedication to promoting medical excellence, Dr. Kirren offers invaluable perspectives on her podcast, empowering listeners to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing.

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Fascia and Movement
    Oct 24 2023

    In this episode of Bridging Medical Paradigms, Dr. Kirren explores the impact of movement habits on our fascia. She discusses how inactivity can lead to decreased facial gliding and densification of the fascia, ultimately limiting mobility. Dr. Kirren emphasizes the importance of movement in stimulating the production and turnover of hyaluronic acid, as well as promoting the exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products in our blood and fluids. She highlights the need to avoid prolonged inactivity to prevent chronic rigidity and the formation of adhesions. Overall, this episode provides insights on how our movement habits can affect the health and functionality of our fascia.


    • Inactivity can lead to sticky fascia, densification, and limited mobility, emphasizing the importance of staying active.

    • Age-related changes in the fascia can contribute to stiffness, pain, and reduced muscle force transmission, highlighting the need for early diagnosis and management.

    • Repetitive movements and overuse can negatively impact hyaluronic acid and result in fascial densification, stiffness, and pain.

    • Hormonal changes, such as a reduction in estrogen levels, can increase facial density and contribute to stiffness and pain.

    • Incorporating a consistent and varied exercise routine, including resistance training, aerobic exercise, and stretching, can help maintain sturdy and elastic fascia, improve flexibility, and mitigate stiffness and pain.

    "Inactivity breeds stiffness and pain. Stiffness and pain breeds inactivity. It's a vicious cycle."

    "Keeping active is the most effective way to keep your fascia sturdy and elastic."

    "A weak musculoskeletal system is not going to be great at keeping the facial layers mobile."

    "Remember, fascia is found all over our bodies. It's our spandex. We want to keep it all moving smoothly without adhesion."

    "Through activity and stretching, we can make a difference, and as a bonus, improve our flexibility and give us a spring in our step."

    With a diverse background that encompasses rigorous training in both the UK and China for her integrative medical degree, two decades of clinical practice in private and public healthcare settings, and a role as an esteemed Acupuncture lecturer for both undergraduates and professionals, Dr. Kirren's knowledge is truly comprehensive. Her passion for ongoing research in medical education has shed light on critical issues in the field, including competent practice, educational standards, regulation, and public health literacy.

    Driven by a commitment to better healthcare outcomes, she has championed her clients' rights, successfully supporting one in identifying clinical negligence under another healthcare practitioner and securing the path to a healthier future, sparing her client from going blind and obtaining rightful compensation. With her exceptional insight and dedication to promoting medical excellence, Dr. Kirren offers invaluable perspectives on her podcast, empowering listeners to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing.

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Building Healthy Habits for Overall Wellness
    Oct 17 2023

    In this episode of Bridging Medical Paradigms, Dr. Kirren explores the fascinating world of fascia - the connective tissue that holds our bodies together. She delves into the importance of fascia in supporting our muscles and stabilizing our joints, as well as its role in musculoskeletal mobility. Dr. Kirren discusses the complexities and challenges of researching fascia, from contradictory findings to the differences between animal and human studies.


    1. Fascia, the connective tissue in our bodies, can become stiff and lead to pain due to factors such as inactivity, age-related changes, poor diet and hydration, and overuse syndromes.

    2. Hyaluronic acid is a key ingredient affecting the structure of fascia, and its status can impact the distribution of forces and sliding between fascial layers.

    3. Densification of hyaluronic acid can be reversed through lifestyle changes, such as consuming a nutrient-dense diet and staying hydrated.

    4. Fibrosis, a difficult-to-reverse modification of tissue structure, can occur in instances of trauma, injury, surgery, aging, and certain health conditions, leading to sticky hyaluronic acid and further complications.

    5. Maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and practicing good posture can help support the health and function of fascia, leading to overall well-being.


    1. "Fascia is a burgeoning site of multidisciplinary research. The information coming out about it is complex and broad ranging."

    2. "The sticky hyaluronic acid situation leading to facial densification has the potential to be reversed because it's a mechanical alteration to the fascia rather than a change to its overall structure."

    3. "In knowing about the link with hyaluronic acid, we can now try to offset it as best we can, as one can perpetuate the other."

    4. "So be sure to include the rainbow in your diet, but of course in a balanced, healthy way."

    5. "It's important to stay interested and educated to learn about what's going on inside our bodies. We have these systems and it's overwhelming and cumbersome to think and understand everything all at once."


    With a diverse background that encompasses rigorous training in both the UK and China for her integrative medical degree, two decades of clinical practice in private and public healthcare settings, and a role as an esteemed Acupuncture lecturer for both undergraduates and professionals, Dr. Kirren's knowledge is truly comprehensive. Her passion for ongoing research in medical education has shed light on critical issues in the field, including competent practice, educational standards, regulation, and public health literacy.

    Driven by a commitment to better healthcare outcomes, she has championed her clients' rights, successfully supporting one in identifying clinical negligence under another healthcare practitioner and securing the path to a healthier future, sparing her client from going blind and obtaining rightful compensation. With her exceptional insight and dedication to promoting medical excellence, Dr. Kirren offers invaluable perspectives on her podcast, empowering listeners to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing.

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Fascia: An Important Aspect of Muscle Functionality
    Oct 11 2023

      Dr. Kirren explores the topic of fascia and its importance in muscle functionality. She delves into the history of fascia and shares a quote from Andrew Taylor Still, the founder of osteopathy, highlighting the vital role of fascia in our bodies. Tune in to learn more about this fascinating aspect of our anatomy.


      • Fascia is a connective tissue that spans and permeates our entire bodies, playing a crucial role in muscle functionality and joint stability.

      • Hyaluronic acid, found in fascia, is not only important for skin health but also for maintaining the structure and mobility of fascial layers.

      • Fascia is intimately connected to our nervous system, acting as our largest sensory organ and playing a role in proprioception and interoception.

      • Psychological stress can cause fascia to tighten, leading to pain and inflammation.

      • Research into fascia has the potential to provide new approaches for preventing and treating various health conditions, from everyday aches and pains to more complex issues.


      "By its actions we live, and by its failures we shrink, or swell and die." 

      "Fascia are layers of connective tissue that form interconnecting planes that span and permeate our entire bodies, from our skin to our muscles." 

      "The motion between your fascia layers is a significant component of musculoskeletal mobility. It's designed to stretch as you move." 

      "Through its connection to our nervous system, the fascia can tighten under psychological stress. There is also a biochemical reaction which produces inflammation. This in turn puts pressure on the nerves causing pain."

      "The burgeoning field of research into the fascia has the potential to produce even more differential approaches to not only preventing and treating our everyday aches and pains, but as a means to tackle our more complex conditions."

      HOST BIO

      With a diverse background that encompasses rigorous training in both the UK and China for her integrative medical degree, two decades of clinical practice in private and public healthcare settings, and a role as an esteemed Acupuncture lecturer for both undergraduates and professionals, Dr. Kirren's knowledge is truly comprehensive. Her passion for ongoing research in medical education has shed light on critical issues in the field, including competent practice, educational standards, regulation, and public health literacy.

      Driven by a commitment to better healthcare outcomes, she has championed her clients' rights, successfully supporting one in identifying clinical negligence under another healthcare practitioner and securing the path to a healthier future, sparing her client from going blind and obtaining rightful compensation. With her exceptional insight and dedication to promoting medical excellence, Dr. Kirren offers invaluable perspectives on her podcast, empowering listeners to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing.

      Más Menos
      14 m
    1. Who's Actually Following The Physical Activity Guidelines ?
      Sep 20 2023

      Dr Kirren deep dives into the global significance of physical activity guidelines. These guidelines are presented as a valuable point of reference for individuals of all ages and varying levels of physical ability. Dr. Kirren underscores the importance of incorporating a diverse range of exercises, including aerobic, strength, balance, and flexibility activities, into one's daily routine. Questioning whether the current focus on exercise and health is the whole picture and presents statistics to further the discussion. 


      1. Physical inactivity is a significant issue globally, with implications for physical and mental health, social well-being, and healthcare systems.
      2. Many individuals are not aware of or do not fully understand the recommended guidelines for physical activity, particularly in terms of incorporating strength training.
      3. Barriers to strength training participation include lack of exercise knowledge, motivation, access to equipment, and negative perceptions of traditional gym environments.
      4. Social support and accountability play a crucial role in adherence to strength training, especially among older adults.
      5. Efforts are needed to address health inequalities, promote physical activity in underserved communities, and disseminate knowledge about the benefits of exercise to the general public.

      "My aim is to leave you feeling empowered in your engagement with healthcare, to mitigate unnecessary experiences and aim for more positive outcomes."
      "Physical inactivity is associated with 1 in 6 deaths in the UK, and is estimated to cost the UK £7.4 billion annually, including £0.9 billion to the NHS alone."
      "Strength training adherence has been shown to nearly double when it's performed in a group, compared to an individual setting."
      "It's evident that people are still missing out. Policymakers, health and medical practitioners, and those who work in the fitness industry, educational systems and workplaces really need to find ways to have clarity on how to engage the general public."
      "We have this knowledge, so need to dissipate it in a meaningful way to others. Otherwise, what's the point in having it?"

      HOST BIO
      With a diverse background that encompasses rigorous training in both the UK and China for her integrative medical degree, two decades of clinical practice in private and public healthcare settings, and a role as an esteemed Acupuncture lecturer for both undergraduates and professionals, Dr. Kirren's knowledge is truly comprehensive. Her passion for ongoing research in medical education has shed light on critical issues in the field, including competent practice, educational standards, regulation, and public health literacy.
      Driven by a commitment to better healthcare outcomes, she has championed her clients' rights, successfully supporting one in identifying clinical negligence under another healthcare practitioner and securing the path to a healthier future, sparing her client from going blind and obtaining rightful compensation. With her exceptional insight and dedication to promoting medical excellence, Dr. Kirren offers invaluable perspectives on her podcast, empowering listeners to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing.

      Más Menos
      14 m
    2. The Power of Intentional Movement: Walking Meditation and Beyond
      Sep 12 2023

      Join us in this enlightening episode of Bridging Medical Paradigms as Dr. Kirren delves into the fascinating world of intentional movement and its profound impact on our physical health. Through a captivating exploration of the walking meditation technique taught by Chulan Sampathge, she underscores the significance of self-awareness and correct form while walking. Drawing from her own childhood memories of programming a robotic turtle, Dr. Kirren beautifully connects the dots between intentional movement in our bodies and the mindful precision she experienced in her early days.


      1. Intentional movement, such as practicing walking meditation, can improve body awareness and help prevent injuries and issues resulting from poor posture and alignment.

      2. Mindfulness is self-awareness and paying attention to the present moment.

      3. The walking meditation technique aims to train the mind and body to work in synchrony by focusing on each step and foot movement.

      4. Regular practice of walking meditation can help cultivate calmness and self-awareness.

      5. The principles of intentional movement learned from walking meditation can be applied to other activities and movements in daily life for better alignment and engagement.


      1. "The practice of the walking meditation is a way to deepen our connection with our body and the mind."

      2. "Intention means committing to a course of action to achieve a goal or an aim. In this case, it's walking with self-awareness."

      3. "Mindfulness brightens our life. We don't rush. With each breath, we may take just one step to be grounded in the earth."

      4. "Practice of this technique regularly can help you feel calm through self-awareness."

      5. "It's not about being so engrossed in your movement that you're switching off from the outside world. It's a balancing act of focus and practice."

      HOST BIO

      With a diverse background that encompasses rigorous training in both the UK and China for her integrative medical degree, two decades of clinical practice in private and public healthcare settings, and a role as an esteemed Acupuncture lecturer for both undergraduates and professionals, Dr. Kirren's knowledge is truly comprehensive. Her passion for ongoing research in medical education has shed light on critical issues in the field, including competent practice, educational standards, regulation, and public health literacy.

      Driven by a commitment to better healthcare outcomes, she has championed her clients' rights, successfully supporting one in identifying clinical negligence under another healthcare practitioner and securing the path to a healthier future, sparing her client from going blind and obtaining rightful compensation. With her exceptional insight and dedication to promoting medical excellence, Dr. Kirren offers invaluable perspectives on her podcast, empowering listeners to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing.

      Más Menos
      21 m
    3. Engaging Our Core: Understanding The Importance and Benefits - Part 2
      Sep 5 2023

      In this episode Dr. Kirren explores the importance of engaging our core and brings in guest Kerry D'arcy-Howard an experienced Pilates teacher, to offer her unique take on the subject. Kerry was a former events and marketing professional turned Pilates teacher. Kerry's own experience with severe lower back pain led her to discover the transformative power of Pilates. After practicing for years, she decided to become a Pilates instructor and started Happy Body Pilates. Tune in to learn this unique but simple and accessible way to engage your core. You can access Kerry's Pilates classes online and in person at www.happybodypilates.co.uk.


      1. Engaging the "powerhouse" or core involves activating multiple muscles, including the abdominals, pelvic floor, back muscles, diaphragm, glutes, and inner thighs.
      2. Rather than consciously engaging the core or powerhouse, it is more effective to focus on proper body alignment and form during movements.
      3. Practicing body awareness and allowing the nervous system to learn and adapt to movements is key to engaging the powerhouse effectively.
      4. Engaging the powerhouse can be applied to daily activities such as sitting at a desk or lifting heavy objects, promoting better posture and reducing the risk of injury.
      5. Proper form and alignment, along with engaging the powerhouse, can have a positive impact on individuals with motor impairments, such as those with cerebral palsy, as well as improving self-esteem and mood in healthy individuals.

      "I often hear people say I need to strengthen my core and what they're generally saying is that they need to strengthen their abdominals, but you can't actually strengthen your abdominals or any muscle for that matter in isolation."
      "So in Pilates we refer to the powerhouse and that encompasses four layers of abdominal muscles, the pelvic floor, back muscles, the diaphragm, glutes, and inner thighs."
      "You're basically overriding the nervous system's job by [engaging the core] and never giving your body a chance to learn, potentially creating even deeper issues."
      "So my nervous system, my clever nervous system, is going to kick in and send all the right connections through my body on a subconscious, spontaneous, and sub-threshold level to ensure that when I do bend my knees to pick her up, it happens naturally and somewhat easily."
      "It's not about being in a state of constant muscle strain. We can see how interrelated it is. It's no wonder that not implementing this into our bodies and minds can lead to the problems we spoke about in episode 10." 

      HOST BIO
      With a diverse background that encompasses rigorous training in both the UK and China for her integrative medical degree, two decades of clinical practice in private and public healthcare settings, and a role as an esteemed Acupuncture lecturer for both undergraduates and professionals, Dr. Kirren's knowledge is truly comprehensive. Her passion for ongoing research in medical education has shed light on critical issues in the field, including competent practice, educational standards, regulation, and public health literacy.
      Driven by a commitment to better healthcare outcomes, she has championed her clients' rights, successfully supporting one in identifying clinical negligence under another healthcare practitioner and securing the path to a healthier future, sparing her client from going blind and obtaining rightful compensation. With her exceptional insight and dedication to promoting medical excellence, Dr. Kirren offers invaluable perspectives on her podcast, empowering listeners to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing.

      Más Menos
      20 m