
  • Episode 60: Is John McAfee A Martyr?
    Jul 10 2021
    Yes, John McAfee is a martyr. He fought against the mighty state and... won! Especially if we believe the official story from the Spanish prison in which he was held that the former computer programmer and founder ended his own life. Let us talk about human nature. If „you“, yes, „you“ know that all you needed to live for all eternity by killing yourself for massive attention, like Andreas Baader the German leftist terrorist, or Yukio Mishima the Japanese writer and dissident, You set into motion mass media, rumors and speculation for your legacy of martyrdom.
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  • Episode 59: Why America Should Uphold One-China Policy
    Jul 10 2021
    No, I believe that America should not agree on a „security pact“ with Taiwan against the Chinese.Simple. In the past, such „security pacts“ were actually war pacts in disguise. Think Germany and the Soviet Unions‘s Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.Basically, America wants to take apart, subvert and sabotage China. It needs the island of Chinese Taiwan for military, propaganda and covert activities. Instead, America should uphold the One China Police and insists, just like China, on certain levels o autonomy in Taiwan. Everybody wins. No war.
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  • Episode 58: C-Jabs For All Our Soldiers?
    Jul 10 2021
    Yes, soldiers will be forced to take the C-jab.By enlisting, the individual loses all their rights. They have no say, no freedom of speech. No human rights for them. Therefore, if the high command issues an order, all American soldiers have to vaccinate. That said, the 150.000 US soldiers abroad are currently not all vaccinated. Also, the US-NATO-Common Wealth forces participating in war games in Eastern Europe and the South China seas, are not yet vaccinated. They are awaiting orders.
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  • Episode 57: The Plague Of Plastic Surgeries
    Jul 10 2021
    Yes, plastic surgery is everywhwere!Turkey is the mecca for hair transplants.America does boob jobs wholesale.South Korea is half plastic. I am against all this, because it is cheating. In China, so many pretty girls had face surgery that you better have a look at their mothers first. That said, I capitulate. Looks are important in a society that is supremely superficial and vain.
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  • Episode 56: Bill Cosby's Release From Prison
    Jul 5 2021
    No, Bill Cosby released from prison that early is not fair, not just, and not legal. It seems to me like a perfect example of how our corrupt justice system has two tiers. One for the elites like Cosby, and one for the rest of us non-notables. The elites like Bill Cosby, despite being a sexual predator and rapist, will always find legal loopholes, cut corners, and bend the law. As if justice is a social credit system. The bigger the name, the more flexible the law.
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  • Episode 55: Should America Continue Mass Immigration?
    Jul 5 2021
    No, America should no accept more immigrants. When it comes to mass immigration, I am not worried about non-native newcomers. I worry about the natives! Look up on Google: Red squirrel, grey squirrel. I hope it is not censored already. Red squirrel Grey squirrel is coded language for displacement. It is the invasive, non-native grey squirrel that drives the native red squirrel into extinction.
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  • Episode 54: Do Words Speak Louder Than Actions?
    Jul 5 2021
    No, words cannot speak louder than actions. I think. That‘s why we tolerate free speech, but not free action which is dangerous. That said, we can use words to program an agent to act, for example to obey an order or to answer a call for help. So, to measure the impact of words at all, spoken loud or quietly, you probably would have to find a resulting action. Without a call for action, words are embarrassingly silent.
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  • Episode 53: Should Universities Be A Human Right?
    Jul 5 2021
    Yes, education should be a human right. I am probably too idealistic, but hear me out. I wanted to go to university when I was 16 years old, but couldn‘t. I was sent, at the age of ten, to a working-class school. They don‘t qualify for higher education. Later, I managed to safe money and still went to university. But not in my awful country, and I lost eight years of my life. So, for my kids, I demand the right to higher education regardless of their class and family background.
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