
  • Watch Your Mouth | Walk the Talk Series - Part 5
    Mar 23 2024

    The episode focuses on the powerful influence of language, as Pastor Lee Jenkins delves into the biblical perspective on the nature of the tongue and its potential for both good and evil. Drawing from James Chapter 3 and other scriptures, he reveals the dichotomy of words and how they can build or destroy, embarking on a deeper exploration of the themes of gossip, slander, and the transformative nature of speech. Throughout the message, Jenkins intersperses personal anecdotes, underlining the significance of mindful communication in the life of a Christian.

    Proverbs 18:21, Ephesians 4:26–27, Ephesians 4:25, James 3:1–12

    Key Points/Topics Covered

    1. The Duality of the Tongue and Its Biblical Context

    2. The Impact of Words on Relationships and Spiritual Growth

    3. The Four Deadly Poisons of the Tongue: Gossip, Slander, Anger, and Lies

    4. Personal Stories Emphasizing the Power of Positive and Negative Words

    5. Practical Advice for Heartfelt Communication and Its Spiritual Implications

    Time Stamps

    - 00:00 - Introduction and Opening Prayer

    - 05:10 - The Duality of the Tongue and Its Biblical Context

    - 12:25 - The Impact of Words on Relationships and Spiritual Growth

    - 20:40 - The Four Deadly Poisons of the Tongue: Gossip, Slander, Anger, and Lies

    - 30:55 - Personal Stories Emphasizing the Power of Positive and Negative Words

    - 42:15 - Practical Advice for Heartfelt Communication and Its Spiritual Implications

    Main Takeaways

    1. "But no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison." - Taking from James 3, Pastor Jenkins describes the tongue's capacity to do harm, underlining the importance of self-awareness in speech.

    2. The tongue can be a "small spark" that sets a "great forest on fire," indicating the disproportionate impact that words can have in shaping one's life and affecting the lives of others.

    3. Through the use of phrases like "please," "thank you," "I'm sorry," "I love you," and "I'm praying for you," individuals can positively transform their communication and relationships.

    Call to Action

    Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their use of words and strive to implement the guidance provided in the sermon. For further spiritual guidance and community connection, reach out to Pastor Lee Jenkins and the Eagles Nest Church. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and share this powerful message about the impact of our words with friends and family.


    Visit Our Website: https://eaglesnestchurch.org

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    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Show Your Faith | Walk the Talk Series - Part 4
    Mar 23 2024

    The episode highlights the close relationship between faith and action. Host André L. Blythe discusses the necessity of manifesting one's beliefs through tangible actions, drawing from the book of James. Using personal testimony, André provides a practical application of faith, encouraging listeners to transition from merely talking about what they believe to living it out in their relationships, careers, and spiritual walk.

    James 2:14–26, Philippians 2:3–4, Hebrews 11:1, Hebrews 11:6

    Key Points/Topics Covered:

    • Overview of the "Walk the Talk" series
    • The biblical foundation of faith and actions from James 2:14 and 26
    • Personal testimony from André L. Blythe and the impact of faith on his career
    • Application of faith in everyday areas of life: relationships, health, career
    • Calling to live out faith in service, aligning with Abraham and Rahab's examples

    Time Stamps:

    00:32 - Introduction to the "Walk the Talk" series and Pastor Lee's vision

    04:48 - Reading and discussing James 2:14 and 26 on faith and actions

    12:16 - Personal testimony from André L. Blythe regarding career and faith

    19:55 - Practical advice on applying faith in daily life circumstances

    27:10 - Emphasizing the need for active service in line with one's faith

    Main Takeaways:

    1. "Faith is not just something you believe; it's something you act on." - Illustrating the pragmatic side of faith through personal actions.

    2. André L. Blythe's career story emphasizes the power of relinquishing control and trusting in God's timing and provision.

    3. "Your works are the proof of your faith" - This key message connects the dots between professing belief and living it out in everyday life.

    Call to Action:

    Listeners are encouraged to carry the message of this episode into their lives by actively demonstrating their faith through their deeds. Additionally, they can support and stay engaged with Eagles Nest Church by visiting the website, following their social media platforms, and attending service if they're in the Atlanta area.


    Visit Our Website: https://eaglesnestchurch.org

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    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Man In the Mirror | Walk the Talk Series - Part 3
    Mar 23 2024

    Pastor Lee Jenkins urges listeners to engage deeply with God's word, describing it as a mirror that not only reflects our internal state but also shapes our identity and self-worth. Through personal anecdotes and biblical wisdom from James, he encourages practical living that prioritizes being doers of the word over mere hearers. His message calls for sustained gazing upon, embracing humility towards, and obedient action in accordance with the word of God.

    James 1:22–25

    Key Points/Topics Covered

    1. The importance of deeply engaging with God's word as a reflection of the self

    2. The practical wisdom offered by the book of James for believers

    3. The necessity of being doers of the word, not just hearers

    4. Personal anecdotes underscoring the difference between worldly attention and spiritual dedication

    5. The steps for making meaningful changes based on the teachings of the Bible

    Time Stamps

    - 00:00 - Introduction to the topic of gazing vs. glancing at God's word

    - 02:35 - Discussion of personal experiences with attention and celebrity

    - 05:15 - Exposition of the book of James and its relevance to practical Christian living

    - 07:40 - Analysis of men's and women's behaviors with mirrors as an analogy for engaging with scripture

    - 09:55 - Invitation and prayer for those seeking to make a change in their lives

    Main Takeaways

    1. "A mirror reveals what you look like on the outside, but God's word reveals what you are on the inside." This insight emphasizes the transformative power of the word of God in shaping personal identity.

    2. Pastor Jenkins' analogy of men forgetting their appearance quickly, in contrast to women who prepare carefully, serves as a poignant reminder to diligently attend to the word of God rather than forget its teachings.

    3. The call to make changes not just in one's spiritual life, but also in practical aspects such as diet, exercise, and relationships, highlights the holistic nature of faith-based transformation.

    Call to Action

    If Pastor Lee Jenkins' message resonates with you, connect with him and the Eagles Nest Church. Share this episode with others to inspire them to gaze into God's word for strength and healing, and to become doers of the teaching they receive.


    Visit Our Website: https://eaglesnestchurch.org

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    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Fatal Attraction | Walk the Talk Series - Part 2
    Mar 23 2024

    The episode elaborates on the destructive cycle of desire leading to deception, especially within the context of temptation and sin. Pastor Lee Jenkins unpacks the narrative of Adam and Eve's blame game and how it exemplifies the human tendency to shirk responsibility. By distinguishing between tests from God and temptations from Satan, he guides listeners through understanding and overcoming fatal attractions and the spiritual dangers they pose.

    1 Corinthians 10:13, James 1:13–16, Genesis 3:12–13, Matthew

    Key Points/Topics Covered:

    1. Responsibility and Excuses in the Face of Temptation

    2. Understanding the Process of Fatal Attraction and Its Biblical Context

    3. The Nuances of Being Tested by God Versus Being Tempted by Satan

    4. Consequences of Succumbing to Temptation and Ways to Resist

    5. Seeking Divine Assistance to Overcome the Challenges of Temptation

    6. Insights from the Book of James on Living Out Faith

    Time Stamps:

    - 00:00 - Introduction to the theme of fatal attraction in the context of Adam and Eve

    - 07:20 - Exploring the blame game and responsibility avoidance in sin

    - 14:50 - Process of fatal attraction: Desire leading to deception and rationalization

    - 22:10 - Differences between divine testing and satanic temptation

    - 29:35 - Examples and consequences of yielding to temptation

    - 34:50 - Discussing the practical teachings from the book of James

    Main Takeaways:

    1. "Temptation is universal, inevitable, and personal; it's important to expect it and not be deceived by it."

    2. "While temptation in itself is not sin, failing to handle it appropriately can lead to actions that separate us from God."

    3. "God provides us a way out of temptation; we must seek the escape He offers and depend on the strength of the Holy Spirit."

    Call to Action:

    Reflect on the insights provided in this episode and diligently apply them to your personal battles with temptation. Feel free to subscribe to the Eagles Nest Church podcast for more empowering sermons, and share this message with someone who may be struggling with their own fatal attractions. Let's support one another in growth and faithfulness.


    Visit Our Website: https://eaglesnestchurch.org

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    Salvation: https://eaglesnestchurch.org/salvation/

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    Más Menos
    49 m
  • This is a Test - This is Only a Test | Walk the Talk Series - Part 1
    Mar 23 2024

    Pastor Lee Jenkins embarks on a profound exploration of trials and testing of faith from a Christian perspective, drawing upon the New Testament's book of James. He explains that tests are not only inevitable in various aspects of life but are also opportunities for growth, drawing analogies from school quizzes and weightlifting. By sharing personal experiences and biblical teachings, Pastor Jenkins equips believers with insights on navigating life's challenges while deepening their faith and reliance on God.

    James 1:2–5, James 1:12

    Key Points/Topics Covered

    1. The nature and inevitability of encountering trials in the life of a believer.

    2. The role of trials in testing and building faith, as compared to quizzes and sports training.

    3. The launch of the new series "Walk the Talk" and its emphasis on living out faith practically, as taught in the book of James.

    4. The personal and church-related trials that Pastor Lee Jenkins has faced and overcome, showcasing the strength and endurance given by faith.

    5. The call to seek wisdom, adopt a positive mindset during trials, and invite divine grace to act as a support system through challenges.

    Time Stamps

    - 00:00 - Discussion on encountering versus causing trials

    - 05:15 - Explanation of trials as a method of testing faith

    - 10:40 - Introduction to the "Walk the Talk" series based on the book of James

    - 15:25 - Personal stories of Pastor Jenkins facing trials

    - 20:30 - The attitude believers should have in trials and the importance of seeking wisdom

    - 25:50 - Invitation for prayer and support for those facing trials

    - 30:10 - Conclusion and announcement on how to connect with the church

    Main Takeaways

    1. "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." – James 1:2-4; teaching that trials, though challenging, are occasions for joy as they develop perseverance.

    2. Just like an emergency broadcast system test is an inconvenience but essential, life's trials are interruptions that serve a greater purpose for personal and spiritual growth.

    3. The likening of God's grace to a spotter in weightlifting emphasizes the need for a form of resistance in life – in the form of trials – to grow stronger in faith, with God's grace always ready to support.

    Call to Action

    Upon reflecting on the insights shared in the episode, listeners are invited to reach out and connect with Pastor Lee Jenkins and Eagles Nest Church to find support in their own trials. To continue nurturing their faith and understanding, they are also encouraged to join in the upcoming services and engage with the "Walk the Talk" series. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and share this message with others who may benefit from learning how to embrace and grow from life's tests.


    Visit Our Website: https://eaglesnestchurch.org

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    Prayer Requests: https://eaglesnestchurch.org/prayer/

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    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Greatest Hits of The Holy Spirit - Sermon 5 - The Help Series
    Feb 18 2024

    The episode discusses the Holy Spirit's continuous influence from the time of creation to the empowerment of believers during Pentecost, underlining its role in guiding, teaching, and revitalizing life. Pastor Lee Jenkins clarifies misconceptions about speaking in tongues, highlights the need for a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, and extends an invitation to those ready to embrace the Holy Spirit's power.

    Genesis 1:26, 2 Timothy 3:16–17, Luke 1:31–35, Matthew 3:16, Romans 8:11

    Key Points/Topics Covered:

    1. The Role of the Holy Spirit Throughout Biblical History

    2. Misconceptions About Speaking in Tongues and Salvation

    3. The Impact of the Holy Spirit in the Lives of Believers

    4. Drawing Strength and Order from the Holy Spirit Today

    5. The Bible as the Inspired Word of God Guided by the Holy Spirit

    Time Stamps:

    1. "The Role of the Holy Spirit Throughout Biblical History" - [00:00:00]

    2. "Misconceptions About Speaking in Tongues and Salvation" - [00:15:30]

    3. "The Impact of the Holy Spirit in the Lives of Believers" - [00:30:45]

    4. "Drawing Strength and Order from the Holy Spirit Today" - [00:45:15]

    5. "The Bible as the Inspired Word of God Guided by the Holy Spirit" - [01:00:00]

    Main Takeaways:

    1. "The Holy Spirit possesses the power to bring order to chaos and breathe life into dead situations in our lives today."

    2. "The same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead lives within believers, offering empowerment for service and ministry."

    3. "Allow the word to speak to us through the Holy Spirit, for it contains correction, teaching, and guidance personalized for each individual."

    Call to Action:

    Listeners are encouraged to deepen their understanding of the Holy Spirit's work by participating in the series, sharing this message with friends and family, and following up the discussion online through submitting their commitment to following Jesus 100% or visiting Eagles Nest Church's website and social media platforms.


    Visit Our Website: https://eaglesnestchurch.org

    First Time Guests: https://eaglesnestchurch.org/first-time-guests/

    Prayer Requests: https://eaglesnestchurch.org/prayer/

    Giving: https://eaglesnestchurch.org/give

    Join Our Church: https://eaglesnestchurch.org/new-member-form/

    Salvation: https://eaglesnestchurch.org/salvation/

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    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Can You Hear Me Now? - Sermon 4 - The Help Series
    Feb 18 2024

    Pastor Lee Jenkins discusses the crucial role of the Holy Spirit in guiding decisions and shaping lives. Drawing from biblical examples like Joseph, personal experiences, and the concept of sanctified common sense, Pastor Lee outlines how to discern God's voice amidst life's noise. Emphasizing the need for humility and openness to counsel, he aims to equip listeners with the wisdom to recognize and follow the Holy Spirit's direction.

    Proverbs 12:15, Proverbs 3:13–14, Romans 8:14, Psalm 119:105

    Key Points/Topics Covered

    - Importance of seeking counsel and wisdom in decision-making.

    - Recognizing God's orchestration in life through various signs and wonders.

    - Criteria for determining major life decisions with the Holy Spirit's guidance.

    - The role of the Holy Spirit in life's various aspects, including the importance of scriptural alignment.

    - How to accept Jesus into your heart and the role of Eagles Nest Church in nurturing faith.

    Time Stamps

    - Seeking counsel and wisdom in decision-making: 00:02:35

    - God's orchestration in life through signs: 00:08:50

    - Criteria for decision-making with the Holy Spirit: 00:14:20

    - Role of the Holy Spirit in various life aspects: 00:20:45

    - Accepting Jesus and the role of Eagles Nest Church: 00:32:10

    Main Takeaways

    - "Relying on sanctified common sense and divine counsel can lead to fruitful decisions, like the strategic property purchase guided by Dr. Evans."

    - "Signs and circumstances, such as how Pastor Lee met his wife Martika, are God's way of showing us His divine plan, illustrating that God can work through even the most negative situations for our good."

    - "God speaks to us through the people around us, and the Holy Spirit will guide us within the parameters of the Bible, as emphasized in Psalm 119:105."

    Call to Action

    Listeners are encouraged to subscribe to the podcast, visit the Eagles Nest Church website for more information, and share the episode with friends and family who could benefit from learning more about hearing and following the Holy Spirit's guidance in their lives. Join Eagles Nest Church in person for worship on Sundays if you're in the Roswell, Georgia area, and stay connected through social media.


    Visit Our Website: https://eaglesnestchurch.org

    First Time Guests: https://eaglesnestchurch.org/first-time-guests/

    Prayer Requests: https://eaglesnestchurch.org/prayer/

    Giving: https://eaglesnestchurch.org/give

    Join Our Church: https://eaglesnestchurch.org/new-member-form/

    Salvation: https://eaglesnestchurch.org/salvation/

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    Más Menos
    55 m
  • Winning the Battle Within - Sermon 3 - The Help Series
    Feb 18 2024

    Pastor Lee Jenkins digs into the introspective battle every Christian faces between the sinful nature and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Stressing the importance of recognizing and engaging in this constant spiritual struggle, he offers practical advice on how to maintain reliance on the Holy Spirit's power to overcome these challenges. Leveraging personal anecdotes and scriptural references, Jenkins elaborates on ways to foster a stronger relationship with Christ to achieve victory in this internal conflict.

    Romans 8:1–2, Galatians 5:6–17, Philippians 3:3–4, Romans 7:18–20

    Key Points/Topics Covered
    1. The Continuous Battle between the Holy Spirit and the Flesh

    2. Practical Ways to Walk by the Spirit and Overcome Sinful Desires

    3. Investing in Eternal Values over Temporal Pleasures

    4. The Importance of Not Placing Confidence in the Flesh

    5. The Role of the Holy Spirit in Guiding Daily Decisions

    Time Stamps
    06:41 In Christianity, fighting spiritual battles is crucial for victory against the devil.

    09:54 Walk with the Holy Spirit to overcome fleshly desires and please God.

    15:26 Christians' battle with flesh versus the Holy Spirit explained through Galatians 5:19-21.

    22:25 Walking by the spirit resists carrying out desires.

    23:39 Sinful desires persist despite closeness to Christ. Old habits resurface unexpectedly.

    37:19 Struggle to do good despite inner hindrance.

    42:22 Prioritize time with loved ones over material possessions. Galatians 6:7 mentioned.

    Main Takeaways:

    1. "The real challenge for believers is not to condemn themselves for their sinful desires but to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to resist acting upon them."

    2. "Pastor Jenkins emphasizes that while sin is a reality, it's the active engagement with the Holy Spirit that empowers us to rise above our fallen nature."

    3. "Being vigilant about the spiritual battle within is not only about resisting temptation but also about sowing into what holds eternal value, shaping our actions to align with our faith."

    Call to Action:

    Listeners are encouraged to seek a deeper connection with the Holy Spirit and reflect on their own spiritual battles. Engage with the content by sharing the episode with friends and family who might benefit from its message, and consider visiting the Eagles Nest Church website or participating in worship services to further explore and nurture your faith journey.


    Visit Our Website: https://eaglesnestchurch.org

    First Time Guests: https://eaglesnestchurch.org/first-time-guests/

    Prayer Requests: https://eaglesnestchurch.org/prayer/

    Giving: https://eaglesnestchurch.org/give

    Join Our Church: https://eaglesnestchurch.org/new-member-form/

    Salvation: https://eaglesnestchurch.org/salvation/

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    Más Menos
    48 m