
  • Casting the Net Wide In the Early Stages of Courtship
    Sep 7 2024

    In this podcast, Claudia and Jonathan cover how casting a larger net will vastly improve your dating journey to being claimed, including:

    1. How keeping a narrow net takes you out of your feminine essence and puts you into ‘hunting mode’

    2. How you may be blocking yourself from the man that God wants to send you

    3. And the cost of not getting any practice with real men so when your king comes around, you don’t know what to do and may lose him.

    If you are a single lady serious about finding your king/husband in the next 6-9 months, then we invite you to book a complimentary 30-min love diagnostic call with us at ecstaticallyeverafter (dot) com

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • 5 Ways to Start Aligning with Better Men Now
    Jul 26 2024

    In this podcast, Jonathan and Claudia address a primary faulty premise that women bring into their dating lives that causes them to align with the worst in men instead of the best. We will go over 5 ways to reverse that pattern immediately, including:

    * How to appreciate the men currently showing up in your life to magnetize more kings down the road.

    * How to give men opportunities to win with you so that you inspire his innate nobility, chivalry and hero instinct.

    * How to know what to look for in a truly marriage-minded man, so you can find the high-quality available suitors that may be outside your normal radar.

    * Setting the bar appropriately so you are not 'settling' being claimed

    * Respecting men by default for more allure, attraction, and romantic activation in your life.

    If you're a lady desiring her king within the next 3-6 months, we invite you to book a complimentary Love Diagnostic Call via Ecstatically Ever After (dot) com.

    You can also join our newsletter and the Feminine Renaissance monthly membership there.

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • When You Move Into Devotion Before Discernment
    Jul 2 2024

    In this podcast, Claudia and Jonathan explore what happens when women bypass the crucial step of discernment on the path of courtship. They discuss how this major misstep will alter the natural masculine-feminine dynamic, distort the timing of relationships, and create all kinds of issues for women who are desiring to meet their king/husband.

    #relationships #singles #lovecoaching

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Calling In Love As a Single Mama
    Apr 14 2024

    My Loves,

    I had the most delicious time interviewing my gorgeous friend and colleague, Clare Alohi, recently on the podcast.

    Clare brings a beautiful devotional feminine medicine, crystal clear wife codes, and the profound wisdom that came from turning her love life into a game and calling in her husband as a single mama.

    What we covered in this episode:

    * How Clare came back home to her feminine essence as a single mama of 17 years, came out of survival mode, and called in her husband

    * The global events that woke Clare up to the lack of healthy masculine men in this culture, and what she did to feel safe as a woman during the pandemic

    * Why surrender, or even giving up, can be the most powerful catalyst to calling in your husband

    * How this culture sets women up to fail in love, and to be stuck in perpetual single-hood, even if she does not want this

    * How single mothers can call in their husband, and why it’s not too late

    * What true union relationships look like in this day and age

    This podcast is full of gems for everyone, but especially the women who feel like it’s too late for love, or that their single mama identity is making it really hard for them to find their beloved

    Clare’s bio:

    I'm Clare Alohi, a 45-year old newlywed. I spent the majority of my adult life single in situationships, on a dating hamster wheel. I had never married but always longed to be. As a single mom to two boys, I learned how to be a provider and both a "father" and mother to my two sons, which caused me to constantly be operating from a stressed, masculine energy and unknowingly repel men. After many humiliations, heartbreaks, and finally just giving up on love altogether, I discovered the teachings of polarity. I learned all I could from many authors, teachers, Hermetics, spiritual texts, New Thought, philosophy, quantum physics, and channeling my own unique wisdom.

    Applying these principles helped me attract and marry the masculine man of my dreams. Not only that, but this has radically transformed my life in all areas. I feel safe with a strong, secure man who provides for and leads our family. This is allowing me to pursue my passions of teaching all about polarity, the game of life, and how women who were once like me, carrying a masculine shield and struggling to do it all, can find their perfect relationship and set down the burdens you were never meant to carry. You continue to get what you have always gotten, until you make changes within. That's where learning to play the Game of Dreams (playing GoD) comes in.

    You can grab a copy of Clare's book, Core Feminine Essence, here.

    All my love,

    Claudia Phillips

    P.S. If you are a woman in her 30s or 40s who is desiring to call in her King in the next 6 months, but keep getting stuck in past patterns, doubt, fear, or maybe, just maybe, you don't know what to do, let's talk.

    Book a 30-minute connection call with us here, where we will help you get clear on what hasn't been working in your love life, how to shift it, so you can start moving merrily down the path and into the arms of your beloved.

    P.P.S. If you are a woman who loves men and wants to be in relationship with them, but your communication keeps falling on deaf ears, then you need to download my free Feminine Communication ebook.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 10 m
  • The Mystery of Marriage with Sarah Rose
    Mar 12 2024

    My Loves,

    I recently had the pleasure of speaking with my gorgeous sister and colleague, Sarah Rose, about the mystery and sacrament of Marriage, and what God has been revealing to both of us about true Divine Union.

    In it, we dive into:

    • Why true Divine Union is rooted in our relationship with God as Father and Beloved, first
    • What it looks like to have a win-win marriage, versus a lose-win marriage (which is really a lose-lose)
    • The ancient / future marriage templates that are dropping on the planet right now
    • The difference between divine polarity and primal polarity or polarity in the natural
    • Quantum law and how it applies in sacred relationship
    • The original wound of separation between man and God, and man and woman, and how this has affected marital templates throughout the ages
    • Practical tools for an extraordinary marriage

    I absolutely love co-creating with Sarah, and she is one of the most pristine transmitters of cosmic Union I have ever had the privilege of encountering!

    Find out more about her work here: https://quantumpsyche.as.me/schedule/16b9ee32

    All my love,


    Más Menos
    1 h y 27 m
  • 5 Surprising Green Flags to Look For in the Men You Meet
    Mar 8 2024

    My Loves,

    In this episode of the Ecstatically Ever After podcast, my husband Jonathan and I jam on 5 surprising green flags to look for in the men you meet.

    Why are they surprising, you might ask?

    Because so often, what we interpret as red flags are actually green flags, aka healthy signs that we should move forward with a man.

    We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did!

    All our love,

    Claudia and Jonathan.

    P.S. Are you a woman in her 30s or 40s who is deeply desiring a passionate, polarized Union with your masculine counterpart (that lasts a lifetime)?

    Book a 30-minute zero pressure connection call with our team to explore whether if this is the right fit for you right now: https://calendly.com/claudiaandjonathan/30-minute-meeting

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Femininity as Medicine for Your Marriage with Johanna Mäkilä-Manninen
    Mar 4 2024

    My loves,

    I recently had the pleasure of speaking with the lovely Johanna from the Vibrant Flow podcast, on all things femininity and marriage.

    I wanted to have Johanna on the podcast, because she has such a compelling story of awakening to her true nature as a feminine woman, and how this journey has not only restored her relationship with herself, but also her marriage to her husband.

    I know her story will resonate with so many women who are on a similar path of feminine restoration and healing their relationship with the Masculine!

    In this episode, Johanna and I dive into:

    • Johanna’s story of running on a hyper-masculine operating system, hitting extreme burnout, and ultimately discovering the power of feminine energy to help her heal and find her truest, deepest self

    • Why feminine energy and feminine embodiment are a “solve” to so many of the problems that modern women face, and why the Feminine is multidimensional medicine for women who are suffering from a myriad of problems

    • Personal development through a feminine versus masculine lens

    • How Johanna’s femininity journey has helped her heal her relationship with both herself and her husband

    • Her “reckoning” moment of realizing that the was she had been showing up in her marriage was hurting the person she loved the most, and what she decided to do instead

    • How wives hold tremendous power of influence with their husbands to make or break their marriages

    • The pitfalls that wives fall into that keep them from thriving in their marriages

    • The difference between the Mother and the Muse archetype in relationship with the Masculine, and how to catch ourselves and move out of Mother and back into Muse, as quickly as possible

    I know you will enjoy this conversation!

    Johanna Mäkilä-Manninen, M.A., is a women's coach, singer-songwriter, academic, cherished wife, mom-to-be, and the host of the Vibrant Flow Podcast. Having reconnected with her femininity and healed from burnout, chronic pain, depression, panic attacks, dissatisfaction and other issues in marriage, etc., Johanna is now on a mission to help women rediscover their feminine essence so they can experience the bliss of being a woman!
    With a huge heart for women of faith who struggle with rigidity, perfectionism, people-pleasing, and feeling "stuck", Johanna helps single, dating, and married women to tap into softness, radiance, peace, and being pursued with the 7 Pillars of Vibrancy framework in her Vibrant Woman Coaching container.

    Be sure to listen to Claudia's interview on The Vibrant Flow Podcast here:

    You can connect with Johanna here.

    Download her free audio activations and The Perfume of My Life workbook here.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 30 m
  • Homemaking as a Sacred Feminine Art with Sara Whipp
    Feb 28 2024

    My Loves,

    I recent had the pleasure of interviewing one of my absolute favorite colleagues and teachers of the Feminine, the beautiful Sara Whipp.

    Sara brings such a rich and potent medicine around reclaiming the intrinsic value of the Feminine in our relationships, in our business, in our homes, and in our lives.

    In this episode, we jam on:

    • Demystifying the Feminine and bringing polarized relationships into the realm of the practical

    • Why traditionalism is the new counterculture

    • The value of traditional feminine roles of wife and mother, and reclaiming the sacred, lost art of homemaking

    • How feminism has devalued the Feminine and brought about the chronic masculinization of women

    • Why healthy masculine - feminine relationships are necessary for healthy families, healthy homes, and a healthy society

    • Why the taking care of the hearth and homemaking are essential to both the physical and spiritual health of a society

    • What it looks like to embody our Feminine in all areas of our lives, including our work

    • Why women are the relational geniuses and why a woman has extraordinary power of influence in her relationship with the Masculine

    • How to shift from seeing housework as drudgery to a beautiful act of feminine devotion of infusing our homes with beauty and love

    • What it looks like to create a business from our feminine flow state in a way that nurtures us instead of depleting us

    • Why there is so much hope around relationships and creating union between men and women at this time

    I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed interviewing Sara!

    To discover more about Sara and her work, follow her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/sara.whipp.1.

    All my love,


    To download our complimentary Feminine Communication ebook for Women Who Love Men But Are Baffled By Them, click here.

    To chat with us about how we can support you in calling in a passionate, polarized union that lasts a lifetime, book a 30-minute connection call with us here: https://calendly.com/claudiaandjonathan/30-minute-meeting

    Más Menos
    59 m